In that environment at that time, Ian couldn't do anything at all, as before, he had some vigilance, and the people around him didn't care much about what he did, so Ian wasn't so vigilant, and the people around him were not so vigilant.

Ian slowly, let down his guard, he has been immersed in these things of his cultivation, there is nothing, too much attention, the people around him, and the surrounding environment, Ian has always thought that no one will pay attention to himself recently, not even his family, and they will not pay attention to what they are doing.

But that day, his mother suddenly came to his side, and Ian didn't notice it, and then his mother snatched the cultivation book in his hand. Ian suddenly felt a shock in his heart, stunned, and the whole person was stunned, after all, at this time, Ian really didn't know what he should do.

"At that time, I didn't think about the people around me for a long time, whether they would pay attention to what I was doing now, and I hadn't raised my vigilance for a long time, so I relaxed about the people around me, and I didn't think about what would happen to me, or what kind of things I would encounter."

Ian thinks about it now, he really didn't think about it so much at that time, he was completely immersed in how to go about it, delved into those things, and he didn't think about it so much, so when he was caught by his mother, when Ian was snatched away by his mother, his mind was blank.

Tang Yu could imagine and guess that someone must have discovered Ian, and when Ian, without the slightest defense, when Ian's whole body and mind were very relaxed, and when Ian was particularly immersed in what he was doing, that person found Ian in the corner, holding a notebook.

Tang Yu knew that if ordinary people found out, they would be curious if they found Ian squatting in the corner, holding the notebook, what was in the notebook, why it could only be opened in this kind of hidden place all the time, and it had to be sneaky, people were curious, so many times, when they saw such a thing, they would not care, how about this person.

Tang Yu felt that they wouldn't care, what happened to you, why did you come here, why did you sneak around, you must be very curious, what Ian is holding in his hand, after all, curiosity, but it is quite scary, so if Ian is discovered, then that book will also be discovered.

Of course, Tang Yu was also curious about what the next story would be and what would happen, so Tang Yu continued to listen, and Ian explained it.

Ian took a deep breath, he was found at that time, that feeling, his mind was blank, his heart was beating faster, that feeling of being afraid and flustered, Ian can still feel it, so for Ian, he is still a little nervous, so Tang Yu said to Ian in front of him.

"Ian don't be nervous, it's all something that was discovered before, no one will disturb your cultivation, on the contrary, if you cultivate diligently, someone will praise you, so you don't have to be afraid, the previous thing, the previous one."

Tang Yu knew that this Ian must be nervous, and remembered the scene back then, so sometimes, the feeling back then must have been, and Ian thought about it, and then Ian was a little nervous now, and he didn't want to do anything, or something like that.

Tang Yu wanted to tell Ian that it was quite normal to have that feeling, after all, what Ian experienced must be quite profound, so Ian wanted to forget, it was very difficult, but it could be faced, it could be changed, and there was no need to think about it so much, after all, in the current environment, there seemed to be no one who was not allowed to cultivate.

In the current environment, no one will stop you from cultivating, but the environment here is to encourage you to cultivate well, so in this environment, I still hope that Ian can slowly forget all the things he experienced before, and in the current environment, he will definitely be able to change his previous mentality.

Tang Yu knew that Ian had the kind of environment before, and there was no one to teach Ian, so Ian would become that kind of person in the future, Tang Yu felt that a talent could not be buried, so Tang Yu was like this, and he especially wanted to help Ian, so it was not easy for Ian to come to this point, and Tang Yu didn't want Ian to give up halfway.

Ian heard it, Senior Tang Yu comforted and persuaded him, Ian nodded, Ian was not afraid, nor did he flinch, but for a while, he remembered the feeling back then, and there were a lot of things that he missed back then.

Ian was stunned for a while, many things can only be in memories, many people, can only be in memories, remembering the previous things, the previous people, the previous feeling, Ian looked at Senior Tang Yu in front of him, and then continued to say to Senior Tang Yu.

"At that time, my mother was standing in front of me like that, holding the book that was snatched from my hand, and then the expression on her face became more and more solemn, more and more angry, and then she directly threw the book in her hand at me, I closed my eyes."

Speaking of this, Ian closed his eyes, trying to relive the scene back then, that feeling back then, that mother was next to him, it was the feeling that he was about to be beaten, the feeling that his mother was always by his side, and then Ian, opened his eyes, and continued.

"I waited for a long time, I don't know, why, I waited for a long time and the pain didn't come, and then I just opened my eyes slowly, and then I found that my mother, holding my notebook in her hand, and then squatting aside, crying in a low voice, I didn't know what was going on, and I was stunned."

Ian didn't know what happened to his mother at that time, after all, he was very young at that time, and he didn't understand a lot of things at all, so the little boy Ian saw that his mother didn't beat him, but squatted on the side, crying in a low voice, Ian couldn't understand it, and didn't know what happened to his mother.

Xiao Na and Ian, I don't know, what I want to do, what I can do, I was stunned at first, I was stunned, I was stunned at the time, Ian, who was still young, didn't know what the consequences of what he did, and he didn't know what kind of harm he could bring.

But Ian, the little boy at the time, at least already knew that this matter should not be known to anyone, and no one should be told about it. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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