Ian stood aside, looked at his mother who was crying in a low voice, and then was stunned, after a while, Ian slowly walked forward and walked next to his mother, Ian didn't want to see his mother sad, didn't his mother like to look at these things, he could not look at it first, but he didn't want his mother to cry anymore.

Tang Yu heard that Ian was the first to be discovered by his mother, looking at those things related to cultivation, Tang Yu heard Ian say that Ian's mother did not beat Ian, but cried silently in a low voice, Tang Yu knew that in Ian's village, if they secretly cultivated, what kind of consequences would it be, anyway, it would not be particularly light, anyway, it must be, it was quite serious, otherwise Ian's mother would not be so flustered.

Ian's mother, too, will not cry directly, if there is nothing particularly serious, Ian's mother, can directly, educate Ian, and then tell Ian that it is not possible to continue in the future, but Ian's mother did not do this, but she was crying herself, so now Tang Yu guessed that in Ian's village.

In Ian's village, they must be him, especially disapprove, especially dislike, and, listening to Ian, it has been inherited for a long time, so it must be even more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Ian can choose to cultivate when no one around him has done this, and he can continue to do it.

Ian must be a malleable talent, Tang Yu knows in his heart that this is the case, there are some people who always have to go through some hardships before they can become a very strong person, who suffers hardships in order to become a master, Tang Yu believes that Ian belongs to that kind of person who has suffered a lot and is very talented, for Ian.

Tang Yu felt that as long as Ian worked hard, as long as Ian changed, he would definitely be able to become a very good person, so Tang Yu had been waiting, waiting for Ian to change, waiting for Ian to know what he really wanted, waiting for Ian to become that very good person.

Tang Yu looked at Ian in front of him, then listened to Ian and told the story.

"I walked to my mother's side, and then touched my mother with my hand, I didn't dare to speak, I didn't know, what I could say, I felt like I was wrong, or say a word, I'm sorry, it's all very pale and weak, so, I don't know, what can I do, I can only stand next to my mother, touch it weakly with my hand, and my mother who is still crying."

At that time, Ian really didn't know what was wrong, but Ian could feel that his mother was very sad and painful, and he could also feel it, because of himself, because he chose to cultivate, because of his sneaky cultivation, although Ian didn't know if he was really right to do this, whether it was true or not, and the wrong was so outrageous, it could make his mother afraid and worried like this.

I don't know what's wrong, I was still like that at the time, and I was suddenly very scared, how did my mother cry like this, why did my mother do this, what did I do, I could save it, but no, what should I do now.

"The mother next to me, felt that I was close, and then looked up, and the tearful woman looked at me, I don't know, why did my mother keep crying, but mother, when she saw me, shrank aside, and then hugged me, hugged me in my mother's arms, and then continued to cry, my mother's tears, wet my clothes, my body froze, I was stunned there, for the first time, I saw my mother crying into tears."

Ian grew up so big, he never saw his mother crying, his mother in his impression has always been very strong, he never admits defeat because of something, he cries, his mother is very capable, his own family, and it can be regarded as a relatively good family in the village.

Ian saw his mother for the first time, and he didn't know if he cried like this, whether his mother really thought he had done something wrong, Ian felt that his clothes were wet with tears, but Ian didn't know what he should do, and he didn't know what Ian should say now.

Tang Yu knew that this mother must be very strong, but after encountering such a thing, she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know how to deal with it, she panicked for a while, Tang Yu also understood this mother very well, her own biological child, she couldn't fight, she was reluctant, and she didn't know what to do.

Tang Yu looked in front of him, his eyes showed a little sadness, but it was not the pain before, it should be, he missed his mother, after all, many years have passed, Ian's mother must be a, a great mother, that's why Ian, the Education Department is like this, Ian is a good child.

Although Ian doesn't like to communicate with people or others a lot of times, Ian is very caring and has a very good quality in all aspects, and Ian and their village have always been not allowed to cultivate this matter, but now it seems that Ian is still cultivating well, so Ian's mother must be a mother who understands righteousness very well, and she is also a mother who is selfless and respectful of her children, so she will cultivate a child like Ian.

Tang Yu still wants to meet Ian's mother now, and wants to see this great mother, but he just doesn't know if Ian's mother is still alive, because Tang Yu feels that Ian's sadness is a special sadness, not just a simple thought, it should be, Ian's mother has passed away.

So Tang Yu felt that Ian's sadness was the feeling of missing his mother, but never seeing his mother again, which was very sad.

"My mother kept hugging me and crying, and then a long time passed, and I didn't know what happened to my mother, and then I, I don't know, my mother suddenly let go of me, and then looked at my mother in her hand, I remembered the book of cultivation things, and then kept staring, I didn't know what my mother was going to do, I also looked at the mother in front of me."

Ian looked at it at the time, and his mother, who was still crying, suddenly stopped, let go of himself, and then lowered his head and kept staring, the one in his hand, the book that Ian remembered about the cultivation things, and he didn't know what was wrong, and then Ian kept looking at his mother.

Ian thought that his mother should not be sad, and she should not be as sad as before, at least she could say a few words to herself, so that her mother would not be unhappy. _

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