Tang Yu thought about it, Ian's mother, what kind of method should have been figured out, for Ian's mother, Tang Yu felt that Ian's mother was a gentle, virtuous, thoughtful and thoughtful woman, and those ordinary women in their Ian village were different.

Tang Yu listened to some of Ian's descriptions, and Tang Yu felt that Ian's mother, when she tore up Ian's book of remembering and cultivating things, might have already thought about what to do in the future, as a mother, Ian's mother knew.

At that time, Ian was still so young, so he couldn't keep panicking, and he had to think of a way, so Ian's mother must have known what to do in the future at that time, and for the sake of her children, she must have thought about how to go in the future.

Ian's mother has always been a very thoughtful person, so Ian is also like his mother, many times, thinking about things, thinking about problems, thinking a lot, very good at doing things, Ian can go so far, from that closed village, to the present, also has a lot of credit to Ian's mother.

Ian's mother taught Ian a lot of good qualities, and now it seems that Ian's mother must have given Ian a lot of support to make Ian get to where he is now.

Tang Yu looked at Ian in front of him, Ian also misses his mother very much, Ian's mother must be very good to Ian, so Ian will always miss his mother, especially miss his mother, and his mother will be good to him, however, Ian can't always be like this, looking at Ian, his current expression is very much missing his mother, and then Tang Yu said to Ian in front of him.

"Ian, I don't know, what things your mother decided after that, but your mother must not want you, live to the point where you are now, grow up to become, a particularly self-enclosed person, grow into a person who doesn't like to communicate with others, and will only give yourself pain every day, think about it, if your mother is still here, will it let you live like this, will your mother like it, will she like you like this."

Tang Yu wanted Ian to think about what kind of person his mother would make him become if he was still there, Tang Yu thought that it would not be the previous Ian anyway, the kind of person who immersed himself in his own world every day, was very lonely every day, didn't care about anything, and ignored nothing.

Ian's mother must not be, in order to let Ian live such a life, will Ian continue to cultivate, will make some, very bad decisions, Tang Yu can feel that Ian's mother is no longer alive, and it must be for Ian's sake that he will give up his life.

Mother's love is great, Ian's mother, and do something for Ian, Ian's mother, to Tang Yu, the feeling is that she is very great, very thoughtful, and then a lot, it must not have to live in that environment.

Tang Yu believes that if Ian's mother lived in that kind of environment, not in that kind of village, Ian's mother, Ian's mother would definitely become a legend, because Ian's mother is very capable and good at teaching people, and a thin shoulder can support a lot of burdens.

And Tang Yu also thinks that Ian's mother can teach Ian to be what he is now, and she is also very capable, after all, in that environment, a village, so resist cultivation, Ian's mother can also make Ian become the current Ian.

Tang Yu felt that Ian's mother must have made a lot of sacrifices to protect Ian as he is now, but it was also because of such a closed village that Ian would change a lot later, and his psychology was not very good, so for Ian, Ian's mother has also done a lot and is a very good mother.

Ian heard Tang Yu's words, Ian knew that his mother had made a lot of sacrifices, and in the past, in order to escape those things, he hid and was unwilling to bear those things, and he didn't garden, thinking about those things that made him sad and painful, although he didn't know, many times, how to do it.

But now Ian, I know, I used to be, that kind of escape is not the right way, Ian knows, my own escape is a manifestation of cowardice, there is no sense of responsibility at all, Ian can't go on like that, mother educates herself, the most important thing is that you must take your responsibilities well, you can't have no sense of responsibility.

Mother educates herself that the sense of responsibility is the most important thing, and you must bear what you do, and it is useless to escape, and her mother emphasized to herself many times, but later, because of fear, because of her own evasion, she forgot it all, and she didn't listen to her mother at all.

Ian felt that God was really sorry, mother, many times, he didn't listen to his mother, 1 Many things about his mother's education, Ian forgot about it, Ian regretted it, but in this world, where is there any regret medicine, can his mother come back, his mother can't come back.

Ian immediately wanted to cry, Ian missed his mother so much, his mother, said to himself softly, educating himself, a boy, the most important thing is to have a sense of responsibility and be responsible for what he does, but the mother at that time, such a gentle mother, can only remain in the memory.

Ian knows very well that his mother is really and can't come back, but because Ian knows and knows very well that his mother can't come back, so Ian is so heartbroken, and he clearly knows that his mother can't come back, he will never see him again, and he will never meet that kind of mother again.

Ian knows that he can't help it anymore, and he feels that his mother's arms can't meet something he doesn't understand, and he asks his mother to help him answer it, in his impression, his mother has always been gentle and jade, and has always been particularly knowledgeable, and his mother seems to know everything.

But in this village, there are few women who can understand so much, and they don't know, because of the aesthetics of their mother, so charming, so they can know so much, and they can know so much, Ian is very glad that he can have such a mother, it is his luck. _

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