Ian has been his own mother since he was a child, and he has personally educated himself, many times, he has not been in contact, some villages, teaching teachers, his mother said, his mother knows a lot, don't waste money, go to those places to waste money.

Later, my father found that he was learning about the same as some people who were studying in the school, or even slightly better than them, and his father didn't care, after all, in this matter, my father himself knew that his mother knew more.

But Ian never asked his mother why the women in the village didn't know so much, but his mother knew, after all, the girls here didn't learn too much about this thing, they all learned how to take care of the children and how to cook.

And to learn, how to sew clothes, and so on, to learn Chinese characters, or to learn some other things, that is mostly for boys to learn, Ian has never asked his mother, and his own father is not that kind of person who is particularly knowledgeable.

Ian's father even has some disabilities and inflexible legs, and sometimes Ian is particularly puzzled, how can his mother be so beautiful, so unlearned, and so gentle, how can he fall in love with his father, but Ian knows that his father is also the best for his mother.

My father, sometimes, is reluctant to do too much heavy work for my mother, but many times, my mother is very capable and will always help my father solve a lot of problems, so my family life is also very good

, the family is happy, the father is very good to the mother, there are no quarrels.

Ian didn't have much stability so much, this kind of life is so good, Ian didn't think about it, to explore too much, so he continued to live like this, only occasionally thinking about it, his mother, wouldn't be, not from this village, but after Wagyu, I forgot about it again, after all, many times, this question, there is no need to ask, just have a good time.

Ian doesn't know how his father caught up with his mother, but they are a family of three and have a very happy life, which is enough, although his father is not worthy of his mother in many ways, but his father is very good to his mother, this point, Ian is very happy, Ian feels that his mother is worthy, and others are good to his mother.

The image of the mother in her heart, that is very good, no one is allowed to say bad things, and no one is allowed to be disrespectful to your mother, love your own heart, your mother, very gentle, very kind, very knowledgeable, pledge someone to say bad things about your mother, that is not good.

The master's mother, the later mother, just opened, Ian knew that the mother would never come back, and there would never be a way to hug herself, no more, and she whispered to herself, son, it's time for you to learn, what are we going to learn today, the scene of the mother laughing and laughing with herself, it seems to be right in front of you, it seems to be. It's as if the mother never left herself.

Ian is really, reluctant to mother, dear, Ian thought, mother is on the other side, must live happier than now, it is he who made his mother suffer, it is he who dragged his mother, so Ian later will not be able to bear the blow, and finally choose to close himself, not to let himself remember, those things in the past, I don't want to make myself happy, and I don't like the happiness I lived, Ian feels that he is not worthy.

Ian heard what Senior Tang Yu said to himself, if his mother was still there, and then Ian spoke, a bit like talking to himself.

"If my mother is still here, I really want to hug her and tell her if I can't leave, and Ian will definitely be obedient in the future."

Tang Yu heard it, Ian whispered, Tang Yu knew that Ian was particularly filial, Ian wanted his mother to be by his side all the time, Ian wanted to be filial to his mother, but there was no such opportunity, so Tang Yu said to Ian.

"I know, you miss your mother very much, so, think about it, if your mother is still there, your mother will hope, what kind of person are you, close yourself off, don't let yourself be happy every day, you must be so sad every day, do you think, if your mother is still there, your mother will let you live like this."

Tang Yu opened his mouth and said to Ian, Tang Yu hopes that Ian, think about it, his mother, Ian's mother, what has he given up to let Ian come to this point, parents will definitely protect their children, they protect their children, they want them to live a healthy and happy life, if your own children are so unhappy, they will not be happy.

Their purpose is to let their children live happily, happily, happily, and peacefully, but if Ian continues to do that, close the attack, continue to do that and not let himself live happily, then, the sacrifice of his parents will really be in vain, it will really be meaningless, and they will not be happy.

Tang Yu then said to Ian on the other side.

"Ian, think about it, the people who have paid a lot for you, those are the people who love you, why do they pay for you, they want you to continue, live happily, be happy, and live safely and healthily, if you have been living like before, do you think that their selfless efforts will be meaningful."

Tang Yu felt that those efforts were meaningless, you continued to live for them, in this world, but you were not happy, not very happy, so why did you live up to their contributions, if you unload your life, 1 might as well let them live by themselves.

If they come to live by themselves, they must cherish it, every minute and every second in this world, they will definitely live happily, so, Tang Yu hopes that Ian will stop being obsessed, and don't always feel that he is sorry for them and that he should not live happily.

Tang Yu felt that such an idea could not be wanted at all, such an idea was seriously wrong, they gave up a lot of things and let them continue to live, so they could let them down, amplify these sad emotions, and then let these sad emotions always envelop themselves and run through their lives, giving you a lot of pressure on yourself. _

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