Tang Yu knows that Ian's mother must also hope that Ian will not always worry about those things in the past, Ian's mother, who made some sacrifices, also wants to let Ian live a good life, and in Ian's future life, even if he does not have himself, he will live happily.

Ian has been immersed in his own sad world for so many years, and it is not easy, always putting some pressure on himself, such days are not easy at all, Tang Yu also knows that the things that Ian has experienced are indeed not easy, after all, he is a mother who has treated him so well since he was a child.

His mother, because of herself, made some sacrifices, which really hit Ian when he was a child, so Ian will always be immersed in his own world, planning to close himself, not to remind himself of those things in the past, and not to let himself live a happy life.

Tang Yu knew that Ian must not want to let himself live a happy life, after all, Ian felt that he was unworthy, not worthy of being so happy, but Tang Yu had to let Ian know that Ian couldn't continue like this, and this kind of life was not something they could live like this.

Tang Yu looked at Ian opposite, Tang Yu knew that Ian missed his mother very much, but he had been immersed in grief, it was really not good, there was no need, so Tang Yu said to Ian opposite.

"Ian, you don't want to go on like this, your mother, you don't want to, you will continue to grieve like this, is it possible, your mother wants to see you unhappy, your mother, didn't before, especially like to see you happy, or rather, will make you happy every day."

Ian heard Tang Yu's words and fell into deep thought, Ian thought that his former mother was happy every day, although Ian always felt that his mother should not live such a life, his mother, from the inside out, exuded a very noble temperament, and his mother was very knowledgeable.

Mother knows a lot, mother is also very smart, and the people here, are different, mother in her own eyes, is the purest, the most beautiful, the kindest, mother should not live here, but mother is here, life is very happy, mother has been, did not let herself see, mother sad look.

Mother has always worked very hard and lived, Ian knows that even if there is something unhappy, his mother will not tell himself, his mother will not let him know how difficult life is, his mother has always known that he must give himself the best environment and the happiest life, but now Ian just wants his mother to be by his side all the time.

Ian thought about Tang Yu's words, his mother, when he was sometimes unhappy, always made herself very happy, and always teased herself occasionally. As Tang Yu said, for Ian, his mother is the direction light of his life.

Tang Yu saw Ian's expression flicker, and then looked at Yi opposite.

"Ian, I know, your mother must have taught you a lot of things, and then for you, without your mother, it may be difficult for you, get used to life without your mother, and you don't know how to take your own path in the future, so you are confused, you know, to live, you can't live anymore."

Tang Yu knew that for so long, he had lived since he was a child, and he was his mother, taking him step by step, telling himself what he should do, and suddenly, without his mother by his side, he didn't know how he was going to live, and he didn't know when he could get rid of the previous thing.

Ian has always missed his mother, Ian wants his mother, like before, to be very good to himself, with himself, walking below, walking the road ahead, not knowing the road in the future, how to go, so Ian has always been very confused, is very helpless.

But Tang Yu knows that no matter what, the road in the future is not to always rely on his mother, or rely on the people around him, he still has to rely on himself, after all, in the future, his own way still has to go by himself, even if Ian's mother did not leave Ian when Ian was a child.

Ian's mother will grow old sooner or later, birth, old age, sickness and death, this is a very common thing, so, Ian's mother will not always be by Ian's side, I hope Ian can understand and think clearly, no one can always be by his side, after all, such a life is difficult to achieve.

Everyone wants to live with the people they like, their relatives, all the time, but the common sense of the world is not like this, life can't be like this, Ian is just too young at the time, and he hasn't understood some truths, and he always feels that his future path should be his mother to take him.

Ian has always believed that his mother should accompany him and accompany him until he is old, many times, this is not the case, hopefully, Ian can now know that his mother, even if she is still there, cannot always be with her, so Ian can't think about it for so long.

"Ian, think about it, if your mother is still there, first, I don't want you to be immersed in sadness all the time, I miss your mother, yes, it's understandable, you did the right thing, you are very filial, but your mother knows that you miss him, and he must be very happy, but if you are unhappy all the time, this is not what your mother wants."

Missing one's relatives, and it is a deceased relative, this is human nature, Tang Yu knows that this kind of affirmation is no problem, but he has been immersed in grief, immersed in the grief of the deceased, but his own life, this is not the life that his deceased relatives want.

Tang Yu doesn't want Ian to be immersed in his previous life, that's not necessary, for anyone, the people who have passed away have already passed away, they have come to a place where there is no pain, then we are still in the world, we should live a good life, our own life, let alone what to prepare, have been grieving.

Even if we don't have our own mother, we can still live, our mother brought us into this world and taught us a lot, many times, not to make us dependent, but to make us independent. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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