Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 266 Akihara Kagura has always been Akatsuki's spy in Konoha!

Outside Konoha Village.

A dozen Konoha ninjas wearing capes gathered here.

The little guys in the third, seventh, eighth, and tenth classes have already grown up, and they are about to leave Konoha to search for the whereabouts of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito.

Because Yuhihong, the captain of the eighth class's ninja, is pregnant, Tsunade dispatched an Anbe named Tenzo from Anbu, and temporarily acted as the eighth class's captain of the ninja.

"Is it just us?"

The ninja leader of the tenth class, Sarutobi Asuma, still has lingering fears about Akatsuki's combat power, with a cigarette in his mouth: "This time we may have to go through a tough battle..."

"Don't worry."

Kakashi Hatake, the Jonin captain of the seventh class, looked in the direction of the village, beckoned and said, "We mainly act together with other people..."


Asma Sarutobi turned around.

A group of root ninjas wearing elite combat uniforms and animal masks came out of Konoha Village, led by Xianglin and a black-haired young man wearing a mask.

"A person from the roots?"

The Jonin captain of the third class, Maitekai, came over in surprise.

"Is this a group attack by the roots?"

Asma Sarutobi looked at the group of root ninjas who came out, and felt that something was wrong with a glance: "There are at least twenty classes? Are they about the same number as Anbu?"

"Shouldn't it be long ago?"

Nara Shikamaru couldn't help but glanced at his teacher, feeling that the teacher hadn't figured out the situation after what happened last time, it's not normal for him to have four reincarnated Hokages in the root, and have subordinates who are almost the same as Anbe what?


Uzumaki Naruto recognized Uchiha Sasuke inside at a glance, and raised his hand to say hello, but stopped on his own, because the identity of the root ninja is kept secret.

"Just follow us."

Uchiha Sasuke wore a cat face mask, looked at Hatake Kakashi and said: "The root has some information about the Akatsuki organization, once I find out about the whereabouts of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito, I will send someone to inform you... "


Hatake Kakashi didn't refute either.

These four squads and Genbu ninja alone have hundreds of people in total. They quickly left Konoha Village, and through the occasional communication between Xianglin and Baijue Awei, they fanned towards a Uchiha clan left outside. Run to the stronghold!

According to the decision after discussion between Uchiha Sasuke and the surviving clansmen, Uchiha Sasuke plans to launch a battle of revenge against Uchiha Itachi in the place where the family used to be, so that Uchiha Itachi can understand how much he did wrong!

"The root will spread your news in the ninja world."

Xianglin pushed his glasses and agreed to Uchiha Sasuke's request: "If there is no accident, Uchiha Itachi should go to the appointment, and Uchiha Obito should also appear..."

With such a large-scale operation, coupled with the information delivered by Bai Zee and Awei, it is naturally impossible to deceive Uchiha Obito and Zee, and they also immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Sasuke Uchiha is from Akihara Kagura."

The Baijue body said the news it got from Awei: "Uchiha Sasuke has always wanted to kill Uchiha Itachi, and it just so happens that the five Hokages of Konoha want to take this opportunity to find out the information of the Akatsuki organization, so there will be This large-scale operation…”

"The duel between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke is also in our interest."

Heijue's hoarse voice said gloomyly: "No matter who is the final victor between the two brothers, we can all get a pair of eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

"But there are too many people."

Uchiha Obito felt a little uneasy in his heart, feeling that if he forcibly blocked it, he might encounter some trouble: "Hundreds of Konoha ninjas dispatched collectively, Uchiha Itachi will definitely lose, although that guy may never have thought of winning..."

"That's all right."

Bai Jue shook his head on his own, and mentioned another message from Bai Jue's Awei: "Akihara Kagura told us that the people at the root will completely obey his orders, and all you need to do is pass the order to Xiang through Awei. Phosphorus is enough, the information that Xianglin sent us is that Uchiha Sasuke wants to make an agreement with Uchiha Itachi in a warehouse where the Uchiha clan used to be stronghold..."

"That's it..."

Uchiha Obito also remembered that place, nodded and said: "That place is quite suitable for us to hide and observe..."

"By the way, where is that kid Akihara Kagura?"

Uchiha Obito asked about the whereabouts of Akihara Kagura.

"Still in Konoha..."

Bai Jue shook his head again, and continued: "For Kagura, this is just an experiment. He wants to see how much power the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan can unleash if the winner of the duel between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke... "

"Hmph, let's arrange the duel between Itachi and Sasuke first!"

Uchiha Obito sneered, and continued: "If Uchiha Sasuke can open the kaleidoscope Sharingan in this battle, I will tell Uchiha Sasuke the truth about the night of the genocide, and lure him to be our one to catch the tailed beast." helper…"

"after all…"

"Yunyin Village is powerful, and it is not easy to capture Eight-tailed."

When Uchiha Obito thought of this, he felt a little regretful: "In order to finally capture Kyuubi's plan, we can't let that guy Akihara Kagura reveal his identity and send out to help..."

"Let Uchiha Itachi go to the appointment!"

Obito Uchiha clenched his fists, and said in a deep voice, "After this duel, we will take the victor to capture Eight-Tao!"

The country of rain.

Akatsuki's base.

A group of Akatsuki members are still waiting for the order to capture Yao, because this time it is likely to be their collective action, but they did not wait for the order to capture Yao, but instead waited for Uchiha Sasuke and Konoha Ninja to search for Uchi The news that Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke invited Uchiha Itachi to fight.

"it's time."

Uchiha Itachi has no intention of rebelling against his destiny.

Since that night on the night of the genocide, he has been thinking about when he will die and how he should die at the hands of his younger brother.


Sasuke is strong enough.

Even if Uchiha Itachi uses all his strength, he may not be able to defeat Uchiha Sasuke, and the probability of failure is even higher.

that brother...

The only thing missing is a pair of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the most secret part of the Uchiha clan, how to get the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan that will not be blind.

"Mr. Itachi."

Kisame grinned, and said with a light smile, "I heard that Uchiha Sasuke brought a lot of people with him..."


Itachi Uchiha nodded slowly, not caring about it.

If he wanted, he could also use his kaleidoscope writing sharing eye pupil technique Amaterasu to deliberately open up an area for fighting alone.

"I'm going to an appointment."

Itachi Uchiha tidied up his auspicious cloud black robe.

The location chosen by Uchiha Sasuke's younger brother is quite suitable. For Uchiha Itachi, it is also a good place to be buried.

Kisame Uchiha followed behind Itachi Uchiha, and he didn't seem to mention what he wanted to do. Maybe he was still monitoring Itachi Uchiha under the order of Obito Uchiha.

In the huge base of the Akatsuki organization, there are only four members of the Akatsuki organization, Red Sand Scorpion, Didala, Payne, and Xiaonan. It is a bit troublesome for this lineup to attack Yunyin Village.

They can't seem to do anything.

The only thing to do is to wait quietly for news.

The only thing to do is to wait quietly for news.

"The plan is finally coming to an end..."

Payne looked at the heretic golem behind him, seven of his eyes had been opened, and Nagato, his body, was able to easily use the power of the heretic golem.


Xiaonan was still worried about Nagato's body, and nodded worriedly: "I hope everything will go well...but your body..."

"It doesn't matter."

Payne shook his head, only their plan in mind: "As long as we fulfill Yahiko's last wish, we will change the entire ninja world..."

Payne understood Xiao Nan's meaning, and mentioned the enemies they reconciled in the past: "Do you remember what Sanjiao Hanzo mentioned? Death will not be the end of life for me..."


Xiaonan frowned, and persuaded with the words of Sanshoyu Hanzo: "I am still expecting you to inherit Yuyin Village."


Payne remembered his promise to Sansho Hanzo, and suddenly fell silent. He thought about his own physical condition and the plan he was executing, and continued on his own: "If the ninja world completely enters peace from now on, no matter who You can inherit Yuyin Village..."


Xiao Nan's expression darkened slightly.

Outside the Xiao organization base.

The Red Sand Scorpion and Didara sat outside watching the rain.

Only the two of them are the ordinary members of the entire Akatsuki organization base.

Didara looked up at the rain in the sky, muttering and complaining: "When will I attack Yunyin Village, I have deliberately stored a lot of art!"

"Go back and rest."

The sound of the red sand scorpion urn is about to control Fei Liuhu to go back.


Didala stopped the Red Sand Scorpion suddenly, and said loudly: "Xie Danna, someone is back, hurry up and see if someone is back!"


The Red Sand Scorpion glanced in the direction Didara pointed.

In the rain.

The figures of Kakuzu and Hidan came into view.

The two members who were captured by Konoha came back at this time.

The red sand scorpion's eyes patrolled Jiaodu and Feiduan's body back and forth, and his eyes fell on Feiduan's body. The six puppets had their communication methods with each other.

"That rascal…"

Fei Duan also noticed the gaze of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, and he muttered to himself. Obviously, Fei Duan had never thought that there were people of his own kind in Akatsuki's organization.


This person seems to be an old member of the Akatsuki organization, the red sand scorpion who is most trusted by Payne, and he is also a puppet of Akihara Kagura just like himself.

"Hey, Kakuzu, Hidan..."

Didara never concealed his curiosity, and never cared about the dignity of others: "I heard that you were arrested by Konoha's people. It's really embarrassing to the Akatsuki organization, but how did you escape?"

"You bastard!"

Fei Duan immediately showed a vicious look, stretched out his hand and pulled the sickle on his back, and was about to fight Didara!


Jiao Du stopped Fei Duan with one word, and said coldly, "Fei Duan, we have more important matters to ask Xiao Nan..."

It's not what the two of them do.

This was given to them by Akihara Kagura who made them return to the Akatsuki organization.

Although Kakudo didn't know why Akihara Kagura asked them to question Xiaonan and Payne about an important matter, Akihara Kagura was hiding not far from the Akatsuki organization base, and would rush to the Akatsuki organization base soon.

Just as Kakuzu, Hidan, Didala, and the Red Sand Scorpion were clamoring to enter, a frog bounced behind them and entered the Akatsuki organization base...

In the belly of the frog.

Jiraiya stroked his chin, and frowned tightly: "Why did Kakuzu and Hiduan return to the Akatsuki organization? Aren't they imprisoned in the root?"

Although Jilai was also very curious about this question, fortunately, Kakuzu and Hidan led the way, and Jiraiya was able to find the base of the Akatsuki organization.

never mind.

Return to Konoha to ask this question.

The most important thing now is to sneak into Akatsuki's base, find Konan and Nagato, and stop them from continuing Akatsuki's plan to collect tailed beasts.

When the frog jumped into the base of the Xiao organization, a little white snake followed the frog and slowly crawled into the base of the Xiao organization.

When the little white snake crawled into the base of the Akatsuki organization, the figure of Akihara Kagura emerged from the shadows, then slowly sank into the shadows, and quietly sneaked into the base of the Akatsuki organization.

Inside the Akatsuki organization base.

Xiao Nan is not surprised to learn that Jiaodu and Fei Duan are back.

Because Akihara Kagura is their spy, they will definitely send back the people from the Akatsuki organization, Kadotsu and Hidan.


Kakuto suddenly asked Xiaonan and Payne a question: "That guy named Akihara Kagura also claims to be a member of the Akatsuki organization, is that true?"


Before the leader of the Akatsuki organization spoke, Didara couldn't stand it immediately: "Are you kidding, how could that guy be a member of the Akatsuki organization!"


In the belly of the frog.

Ji Lai, who overheard the news, was also shocked.

Inside the body of the little white snake.

Orochimaru, who overheard the news, sneered.

All the people present looked at Xiaonan and Payne, wanting to know the answer from them, especially Didara was very angry with his mouth puffed out!


Payne heard that Kakuta mentioned that Akihara Kagura had admitted his identity, and he simply admitted it directly, regardless of how much trouble the news would cause: "About ten years ago, Akihara Kagura joined the Akatsuki organization. , became the spy that the Akatsuki organization has been planting in Konoha..."


Everyone present felt a little tingly.

A spy from the Akatsuki organization?

Is Akihara Kagura a spy planted in Konoha by Akatsuki?

that kind of person...

How could it be possible to be a spy?

"Akihara Kagura has been secretly passing on important information to us."

Payne looked at the members of the Akatsuki organization present, and explained seriously: "In order to capture the most dangerous Kyuubi, we have never revealed the identity of Akihara Kagura..."

The second update!

Everyone go to bed early!

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