Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 267 Teacher Ziraiya, how do you resist the Sage of the Six Paths?

Xiao organization base.

A frog hiding in a corner shivered.

Because Jiraiya's body was constantly shaking while hiding in the frog's stomach using the toad's concealment technique, the tall man felt like he was struck by lightning.

My disciple Akihara Kagura...

He has been in collusion with the Akatsuki organization!

Jilai also remembered the time when he brought Akihara Kagura to meet Nagato and Konan. At that time, Akihara Kagura proposed to join the Akatsuki organization...

I thought…

That was a joke.

The joke turned out to be true.

Knowing that Akihara Kagura has an extreme personality, it seems that it is not surprising that he colluded with the Akatsuki organization? Nagato, Konan, and Akihara Kagura, three troublesome disciples, colluded together.

Thinking about it myself, I feel a little lucky again.

Fortunately, I came to the base of the Akatsuki organization. It has never been exposed that Akihara Kagura is a spy of the Akatsuki organization, not even the members of the Akatsuki organization.

If the news hadn't spread, when the Akatsuki organization captured Kyuubi, with the secret help of Akihara Kagura, I don't know how much trouble Konoha would suffer...

Compared with Zilai...

Some people in the Akatsuki organization couldn't stand it even more.

Didara covered his head with one arm, and shook his head desperately, unable to accept that Akihara Kagura, whom he had always hated, was actually a member of the same organization!

"Ah, ah, how can that bastard be a member of the Akatsuki organization!"

Didara yelled with displeasure on his face. The victim hated Akihara Kagura's assailant extremely: "I joined Akatsuki just to kill that guy!"


The Red Sand Scorpion cast a sympathetic look at Didara.

If Didala knew that his companion who was with him day and night was Akihara Kagura's puppet, even Akihara Kagura could always know Didara's words and deeds through himself...

Deidara this guy...

You won't be so angry that you blew yourself up on the spot, right?

"Calm down, Deidara."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion sighed, and comforted his fragile teammate: "The truth is, everyone doesn't want to, at least if Akihara Kagura is his own, now you can challenge him at any time..."

"Now I'm no match for him."

Didara's head drooped directly.


A group of people from the Xiao organization had black lines all over their heads.

Even Jiraiya and Orochimaru who were hiding in the corner felt a little suffocated.

Deidara is an idiot, right?

Since you are not the opponent of Akihara Kagura, why are you still making comments here?

Would the Akatsuki organization kick Akihara Kagura out just because of your objection? Who in the entire ninja world would be willing to give up Akihara Kagura?

Even Zilai knew that Akihara Kagura had joined the Akatsuki organization. This man's first thought was not how to kill his disciple, but to find a way to change the disciple's mind...


Xiaonan stood up and said in a deep voice, "Didara, Scorpion, Hidan, Kakuzu, the question about Akihara Kagura, we will answer this matter in the future..."

"I heard that Konoha sent people to search for information about Itachi Uchiha. In order to avoid Konoha ninja's secret raid, you first go to the border of the country of rain and the country of fire to monitor whether there are enemies. I have a relationship with Payne. Important matters to discuss..."

"Are you worried that Konoha will send someone to hunt us down?"

Payne frowned, feeling that this possibility was not impossible.

After all, the Akatsuki organization has caused such a big storm in the ninja world. It is said that the four Hokages who were reincarnated and resurrected by Konoha have lost control long ago, and maybe they will really come to chase them down.

"Then let's go."

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion took the lead in turning around and leaving the Xiao organization's base.

"Xie Danna, wait for me!"

Didara quickly followed.


Kakudo and Fei Duan looked at each other, then turned and left immediately.


Payne glanced at Xiao Nan with some surprise, he probably understood Xiao Nan's meaning: "Why did you send them away? Is there something wrong?"

"Someone has infiltrated the base."

Xiaonan raised her finger, and her brows landed on the place where the frog was hiding. The walls of the Xiao organization base slowly cracked, and traces of origami appeared one by one.

This is the paper art of God.

Compared with the past, Xiaonan's ability is more refined.

The base of the Akatsuki organization is still filled with Konan's origami. When Jiraiya used the toad's concealment technique to sneak in, he still didn't notice the frog he was hiding on a piece of origami.

"Teacher Ziraiya."

Payne's eyes fell on the frog, and the expression on his face became a bit ugly: "You still haven't learned the lesson from ten years ago..."


Jiraiya was still hiding in the frog's belly, and the frog even jumped a few times, it didn't seem like it was manipulated by humans at all.


Everything the frog did after it sneaked in fell into Xiao Nan's eyes. In any case, this frog couldn't be an ordinary small animal.

Even an ordinary frog…

It has already eavesdropped on too many secrets, and it has to get rid of him for safety!

Sheets of origami paper gathered into a paper spear in Xiaonan's palm, she raised her hand and threw the paper spear in her hand directly at the frog!


The frog opened its mouth in fright!

A wide palm stretched out directly from the frog's mouth, and it grabbed the paper spear thrown by Xiao Nan, and a sigh appeared in this base: "Xiao Nan, you used to be the most caring person. Thinking of becoming so ruthless now..."

While talking, Jiraiya's figure slowly emerged from the frog, his eyes fixed on Payne and Xiao Nan, and he planned to have a good chat with these two disciples, because of the meeting ten years ago, Jiraiya Already knew that Nagato was behind Payne.

"That Kagura guy..."

Jiraiya frowned, remembering the encounter ten years ago.

At that time, I saw two disciples, and I planned to have a good chat with the two disciples about them, and find out the purpose of them and the Xiao organization...


It seems that something went wrong at that time.

At that time, Jiraiya didn't know what the purpose of the Akatsuki organization was, but he knew that his disciple Akihara Kagura was more extreme than the Akatsuki organization. Coupled with the news that Orochimaru had defected from the Akatsuki organization, Jiraiya was not in the mood anymore. Continue to explore the truth about Akatsuki...

after all…

No matter how extreme the purpose of the Akatsuki organization is...

Can it be more extreme than what Akihara Kagura wants to do?

For so many years, Akihara Kagura has been corrected, or he thought that Akihara Kagura had been corrected, but he actually secretly colluded with the Akatsuki organization...

Can it be more extreme than what Akihara Kagura wants to do?

For so many years, Akihara Kagura has been corrected, or he thought that Akihara Kagura had been corrected, but he actually secretly colluded with the Akatsuki organization...

"It seems that I can't let Zilai go today, and the teacher has left."

Payne stared at Jiraiya with his samsara eyes, and said calmly: "In order to prevent the secrets of members of the Kagura Akatsuki organization from being leaked, we have to keep the teacher here..."

"when did it happen?"

I also want to be a sensible person.

Akihara Kagura has an important position in Konoha and is extremely powerful. He also holds many of Konoha's secrets in his hands, and even competes with the Fifth Hokage Tsunade.

The first Hokage assistant Shimura Danzo who defected back then betrayed Konoha, which was far less dangerous than the second Hokage assistant Akihara Kagura who betrayed Konoha!


Is there a problem with the position of the root leader?

The first root leader colluded with Orochimaru, and the second root leader colluded with the Akatsuki organization?

"Ten years ago...maybe earlier..."

Payne simply stopped hiding his teacher. He has never been a good liar: "Obito Uchiha recommended him to join the Akatsuki organization. When we met in front of Yahiko's grave ten years ago, Kagura had already joined Akatsuki organization..."

"Even when we had conflicts before, Kagura deliberately let us go, and all of this was done under Jiraiya-sensei's eyes..."

"Earlier than that..."

Jiraiya's face became even uglier.

If it was ten years ago, Jiraiya still had some expectations in his heart; but if it was earlier, and even colluded with Uchiha Obito, this matter has completely escaped Jiraiya's control!

no wonder...

No wonder Hokage's pursuit of Uchiha Obito always failed!

According to the information provided by Tsunade, when the previous Hokages went to hunt down Obito Uchiha and track down the Akatsuki organization, they never made any progress. Occasionally, there would be something in the village that the five Hokages had to deal with together. It was impossible for them to just Do things like chasing and killing traitors...

"Ten years ago, we made a promise together."

Payne looked at Jiraiya, and continued softly: "The Akatsuki organization supported Akihara Kagura to become Hokage, and Akihara Kagura supported the Akatsuki organization to capture the tail beast in the ninja world..."


Zilai also quickly stopped Payne, and frowned in surprise: "This kind of thing feels familiar..."


Payne and Xiao Nan hesitated, as if they felt a little familiar.


Why is this a bit like a replica of Shimura Danzo and Sansho Hanzo?

The Land of Rain doesn't have many sunny days a year, so there's nothing new about it!

Shimura Danzo colluded with Sanshoyu Hanzo to subvert the Akatsuki organization in order to seize the position of Hokage; Akihara Kagura colluded with the Akatsuki organization to subvert the ninja world for the position of Hokage?

The root leader is really outrageous from generation to generation...

Is one generation stronger than the last?


"Mr. Jiraiya back then should thank Kagura."

Payne looked at Jiraiya and shook his head, and said softly: "We originally wanted to kill you, but Kagura stopped us because he needs the support of Jiraiya-sensei to become Hokage..."

"Ha, do you still want to thank him?"

Jilai also patted himself on the head. He didn't think it was a piece of luck. Instead, he was a little thankful for the arrangements made by the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi before he died. He sighed and said, "The old man didn't let him become Hokage. What a smart move..."


Fortunately, I chose Tsunade.

Otherwise, I really don't know what will happen!

"Forget it, let's not talk about him first."

Jiraiya also interrupted the topic of Akihara Kagura on his own, and planned to return to Konoha to discuss Akihara Kagura with Tsunade: "Let's talk about the Akatsuki organization first, the Akatsuki organization has been enduring The world keeps collecting tailed beasts, what is the purpose?"

"A dreadful weapon of war."

Payne did not deny his plan, and took the initiative to say: "As long as you collect all the tailed beasts in the ninja world, you can create a war weapon that can deter the ninja world. This weapon is enough to kill everyone in a city. , easily destroy a big country..."

"At that time, peace will come."

"Anyone who wants to start a war will feel the pain caused by the war. Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people will be killed. Human beings will understand the horror of war and fear the cruelty brought by war. There will be peace deterrence in the world, and people will not dare to go to war because of the deterrence of war weapons."

"This idea is too extreme..."

Jilai also frowned and wanted to veto this disciple's bizarre idea: "In order to avoid the pain of the war, we will kill hundreds of millions of people first to threaten not to start the war..."

"Our plans are already modest."

Payne shook his head, and directly gave a realistic example: "In comparison, Kagura once proposed that killing everyone in the ninja world and cleaning up the population of the ninja world on a regular basis will make it easier for the ninja world to be shrouded in despair. Bar?"


There was no way to refute it.

Compared with the plans proposed by Akihara Kagura, Akatsuki's plan is not too gentle, it is a little more humane than Akihara Kagura's plan.


Jiraiya immediately kicked this idea out of his brain, and said quickly: "No matter whether your plan hurts the ninja world at a level of one hundred or fifty, it will be a huge harm to the ninja world. The so-called plans are not advisable..."

"This is not real peace."

Jilai also looked at Payne, and continued in a deep voice: "Nagato, this is just a compromise based on deterrence, but a false peace based on the rule of power..."

"Human beings are weak and ignorant."

Payne shook his head again, as if he didn't have any hope of correcting Jiraiya's thinking: "God uses scars and pain to make them grow and think. The so-called falsehood and compromise ultimately come from God. guide…"

"Teacher Ziraiya."

"After all, you are just a weak mortal who cannot understand the thinking of God. Only a powerful existence like Kagura and I will know that this matter is correct."

"The weak are thinking our plan is too horrible."

Payne looked at Jiraiya who was full of anger, and continued to use the example of Akihara Kagura joining the Akatsuki organization: "On the contrary, he is a real strong man, but he will choose to agree to join..."


Zilai also felt that he had no way to refute.

The tall white-haired man sighed, feeling a little sad in his heart: "I really don't know what my disciples are doing behind my teacher's back, but there is no doubt that You must have all gone down the wrong path..."

Jilai also looked at Payne, and continued to persuade seriously: "You and Akihara Kagura are all in favor of doing the same thing, but it doesn't mean it's right..."

"Then, Master Jiraiya..."

Payne looked at Jiraiya, and his expression gradually became cold: "How do you think you are right, and how can you stop us? Whether it is for me or for Kagura, the world's All are weak..."

"Have you forgotten?"

"Teacher Jiraiya..."

"My body inherits the immortal eyes from the heavens, and Kagura possesses the unique immortal body in this world..."

"The body of the sage and the eyes of the sage symbolize the sage of the Six Paths who founded Ninja sect in ancient times and brought peace to the ninja world. When the eyes of the sage and the body of the sage are united..."

Payne looked at Jiraiya, as if looking at a weak ant: "Mr. Jiraiya, how can you resist the Sage of the Six Paths?"

This is a supplement to yesterday's update!

I fell asleep last night!

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