Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 343 The horror that makes people unable to look directly, Akihara Kagura!

Everyone present was at a loss.

Because after Kaguya Otsutsuki, the terrifying Uno goddess, was resurrected, all the ninjas present were intimidated by her aura. Why didn't Akihara Kagura react at all?

This guy…

Why are you still eating fruit there?

"That is…"

"Chakra fruit..."

Otsutsuki Kaguya whispered the name of the blood-red fruit.

The eyes of the resurrected goddess Mao suddenly became a little cold, and a haze appeared on Gujing Mubo's face for an instant!

She is the only one in the ninja world who has seen chakra fruit!

For thousands of years, there has been only one chakra fruit in the ninja world, and that fruit has already been swallowed by her, making her the ancestor of chakra in the ninja world!

In a thousand years, the only sacred tree that can produce chakra fruits has already dispersed into nine tailed beasts and heretic demons. How can there be a chance to give birth to new chakra fruits!

"Is that a chakra fruit?"

Black Zetsu stayed in Kaguya Otsutsuki's sleeves and looked at Akihara Kagura in astonishment. His brain seemed to go blank: "Wait... How could there be a chakra fruit in the ninja world? Even the sacred tree has It has already turned into a heretic demon!"

"What is Chakra Fruit?"

Haruno Sakura subconsciously asked a question.

"Chakra fruit..."

Hei Jue's voice was sinister and hoarse, even a little heavy: "It is the fruit produced by the sacred tree absorbing the energy of this world, and it is also the source of chakra in this world!"

"Thousands of years ago, my mother ate the chakra fruit produced by the sacred tree, which made chakra appear in this ninja world. From then on, there is chakra that you can use!"

"Chakra fruit..."

"It is also the beginning of this world..."

"Akihara Kagura..."

Black Zetsu felt that his mind had already figured out what was going on. He only knew that he was going to be tricked by Akihara Kagura, so he asked a question gloomily!

"You guy..."

"Who the hell is this?"

Compared to Black Zetsu's questioning, Otsutsuki Kaguya's performance was more straightforward. Her body instantly entered a fighting state, and she even planned to leave here at any time!

Even though Otsutsuki Kaguya didn't know enough about the world, she realized that her resurrection might be a conspiracy when she saw the chakra fruit!

This is…

Did someone from outside the world come to attack her?

"Don't worry..."

"It's a long story..."

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and an invisible barrier flew out from his body, instantly forming a closed space in this area!

Akihara Kagura opened her mouth and continued to bite the chakra fruit at hand, muttering slowly: "I'm a little thirsty, can you wait until I finish eating?"


The ninjas present had some black lines on their foreheads.

Is this really the time to eat fruit?


Otsutsuki Kaguya's figure stopped in place, and there was a trace of worry in her eyes, because she was trying to activate her unique blood inheritance net Luo Tian no Gochu...

Once she activates the Heavenly Control, she can instantly move herself and anyone else into her own space. She is an absolute god in that space!


The activation of this bloody snare failed.

This means that Akihara Kagura's chakra and jutsu are more powerful than hers, making her Ame no Gochu immediately ineffective at this moment!

Akihara Kagura eats very crisply.

This fruit is the product of the resurrection of the ten-tailed body in the body.

The chakra in Hatake Kakashi's body had been absorbed completely, and he fell weakly on the sea. However, no one paid attention to him at this time.

Akihara Kagura also didn't expect that after the Ten-Tails body in the body absorbed a little bit of Hatake Kakashi's chakra, its recovery progress finally came to an end, and it was completely resurrected at this moment, and could even provide him with a A chakra fruit.

There's nothing we can do about it...

Because after the ten tails in the body mature, there is no way to hide this fruit in the body, so it is better to eat it at this time.

Other than that…

Other forces are also coming in.

A series of system prompts seemed a bit noisy.

[System prompt]: [You have a new superior (Kaguya Otsutsuki), and you will be rewarded with the new characteristic Chakra Ancestor! 】

[Ancestor of Chakra (This is the source of Chakra. The chakra in the body is almost endless. The body of life is completely immortal and controls the power like a god!

The ancestor of chakra can transform chakra into any attribute at will, and can cast spells instantly without forming seals. He can awaken the blood successor limits of the ninja world in his body at will. All blood successor limits are strengthened, like the supreme blood successor snare, possessing chakra. Those who are the ancestors of Cara will be able to activate the ancestor mode!

Any technique will be easily mastered by the ancestor of Chakra. The power of any technique will be greatly enhanced by the strength of the ancestor of Chakra. The essence of any technique will be penetrated by the eyes of the ancestor of Chakra! )】

[System prompt]: [The host awakens a new characteristic, corpse bone veins! 】

[System prompt]: [The host awakens a new characteristic, white eyes! 】

[System Prompt]: [The resurgence of the Ten-Tails body in the host body has been detected. The Ten-Tails will bear chakra fruit, and at the same time, new characteristics will be added, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki! 】

[Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (the legendary ancestor of chakra and the sacred tree merged into one to form the Ten-Tails). The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki possesses unpredictable power. The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki possesses the ultimate power to master the six paths of reincarnation and can release Powerful enough to destroy the ninja world, becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can unlock the ultimate six-path mode of the ninja!)]

[System prompt]: [It has been detected that the host has eaten Chakra fruit, the chakra in the body has been strengthened, and the blood in the body has been improved! 】

[System prompt]: [The Byakugan evolves into the Tenseigan! 】

[The Reincarnation Eye (the legendary power that can keep pace with the Sage of Six Paths), the ultimate pupil technique evolved by the Byakugan Blood Successor, possesses the mysterious and unpredictable power of creation and destruction!

According to the legend, those who possess the Reincarnation Eye will be able to use the Six Paths Senjutsu like the Sage of Six Paths. They can condense the Chakra of the Reincarnation Eye to perform magic spells that are beyond the reach of ordinary people! )】

[System prompt]: [The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan and the Six Magatama Samsara Sharingan fuse and evolve into the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan. All eye skills of the host are greatly enhanced. The duration of the limited underworld is thirty minutes. It is limited to Tsukuyomi and The limited-time air seal consumes less chakra, and the host awakens a new Samsara Sharingan Eye Technique, Takamagahara! 】

[Takamagahara (the legendary place where gods live, an independent space that can be freely controlled by the caster). You can appear directly in Takamagahara with just a thought! Everything in Takamamahara will be controlled by the caster, and the residents of Takamamahara will He is the real god!)]

[System Prompt]: [The Corpse Bone Vein evolves into the Killing Ash Bones! 】

[Killing Ash Bones (one of the legendary Blood Succession Snares) condenses the bones in the body and shoots them out of the body. One blow is enough to annihilate the enemy's vitality and turn the enemy's body into ashes in a few seconds. Even the treatment of Yin Yang Escape To no avail!)]

[System Prompt]: [Ice Escape Characteristics, Melt Escape Characteristics, Magnetic Escape Characteristics... merge and evolve into nature! 】

[Nature (the legendary Blood Snare can control changes in the natural environment, like a god, thundering in winter and turning into ice in summer!)]

In just a few seconds…

Akihara Kagura's body has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Just the appearance of [Chakra Ancestor], [Tsanseigan], [Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki], and [Nine Magatama Samsara Eye] directly made Akihara Kagura understand how much power he had gained, and the chakra in his body was almost infinite. Infinite, even leaked!

At least for this moment…

Akihara Kagura received three states of power.

[Ancestor Mode], [Six Paths Mode] and [Tsensei Eye Mode].

"I'm a little sorry..."

Akihara Kagura took a deep breath, and the aura in his body suddenly increased, and the tangible chakra quickly condensed behind him!

"my power…"

Akihara Kagura's fingers were tightly clasped on the ice chair, and five big holes were dug out of the hard ice armrests by his fingers in an instant: "Maybe I can't suppress it anymore..."

Within the same time…

Akihara Kagura received too much power in a row.

Perhaps this power should have been obtained in batches, but it was opened by Akihara Kagura at the same moment. He quickly felt the rapid qualitative change of chakra in his body!

Whether it is the ancestor of Chakra, the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki or the Chakra Fruit, any kind of power is enough to make Akihara Kagura's power undergo a qualitative change. When the three powers are superimposed at the same time, his body can almost bear it. Can't stop!

Akihara Kagura's black hair slowly turned into long snow-white hair, falling elegantly on his shoulders, and chakra crystals kept falling from her hair!

In Akihara Kagura's pupils, different top pupil skills continued to appear and disappear in his eyes, until they completely settled into a pair of scarlet nine magatama reincarnation sharingan eyes!

A black seeking jade appeared next to Akihara Kagura!

However, this seeking jade was rapidly expanding and turned into the size of a black jade plate, floating behind Akihara Kagura's head like a black moon!

The entire sea surface was stirred by the energy emitted by his chakra, and a huge wave rolled back toward Akihara Kagura, but it turned into ice in an instant, and stood in Akihara like a huge crystal wave screen. Kagura's Ice Chair!

A pair of scarlet eyes…

A head of long white hair flowing down...

A black jade-seeking moon suspended behind his head...

A screen of waves stagnating and rolling up behind him...

this moment…

Akihara Kagura looks like a world-destroying god!

Whether it was his image or his terrifying chakra, it made people feel a frightening power. Everyone present could not believe what they saw!

What kind of person is this!

What kind of power was this man suppressing before!

Until this moment, they had never seen Akihara Kagura display such an image. In their eyes, Akihara Kagura now is even more terrifying than when the door to death is opened!

"Is it my imagination?"

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't believe what he saw Akihara Kagura, but the aura from his chakra couldn't be faked. He had never seen such terrifying chakra, and his teeth couldn't help but want to chatter: "Why do I It feels like... Kagura is stronger than Kaguya..."


"It's not your imagination..."

Senju Tobirama's perception ability is very strong, and cold sweats are constantly breaking out on his body: "This kid's chakra... is somewhat... terrifying... that we can't understand..."

This guy Akihara Kagura...

There is such a powerful chakra hidden inside!

This chakra is like the blazing sun in the sky, which makes people dare not look directly at it, for fear that they will be afraid because of its power; this chakra is like the abyss of the seabed, which makes people dare not approach it, for fear that they will be too powerful. Get too close and get completely crushed!

This little devil…

This power has never been used...

It was not until this moment that the terrifying chakra truly contained in his body was revealed, a chakra that made people almost afraid to resist!

Whether it was Senju Tobirama, Tsunade or Haruno Sakura, they all felt the terrifying pressure brought by the deep sea!

Even Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, two people who received gifts from the Six Paths Sage, were shocked by the chakra that Akihara Kagura inadvertently radiated!

"The state of Eight Door Dunjia is not his peak..."

Senju Tobirama felt that the air around him was being compressed by Akihara Kagura's chakra, and he felt that he was even out of breath: "This kind of power... is not like the power that humans can possess at all..."

This is not a power that humans can possess!

Even a ninja should have his limits!

Perhaps Uchiha Madara's kind is already the limit of human beings!

Now Akihara Kagura is clearly on the same level as Otsutsuki Kaguya. How could this happen? How could Akihara Kagura be so powerful!

Everyone is fearful and thinking!

Even Otsutsuki Kaguya's white palms hidden in her sleeves trembled slightly. She can see through better than anyone how terrifying Akihara Kagura's chakra is!

The young man sitting on the ice chair...

The body contained terrifying power that she had never seen before!

The Black Zetsu in Kaguya Otsutsuki's sleeves was already trembling with fear. It just felt that it must have done something wrong. It should not have resurrected Kaguya with Akihara Kagura!

"This is a conspiracy...this is a conspiracy..."

Hei Jue's body was trembling, and there was a hint of panic in his usually hoarse voice: "This is your conspiracy... It's your conspiracy to resurrect mother!"

This is a conspiracy!

This is Akihara Kagura's conspiracy!

This bastard Akihara Kagura wants to use it to resurrect her mother!

Akihara Kagura, this bastard...

It's the enemy from outside that Otsutsuki Kaguya has been wary of!

"Akihara Kagura!"

The fear in Hei Jue's heart could no longer be suppressed, and he roared in panic: "You are an alien, you have never been a human on this land!"

Akihara Kagura is not a human in this land!

Akihara Kagura has never belonged to this ninja world. He has always been a person from outside the world. Only people from outside the world can have such a powerful and terrifying power!

Akihara Kagura…

It's an alien enemy in disguise!


All the ninjas present could not help but look shocked!

Senju Tobirama suddenly remembered something that Black Zetsu had mentioned when Konoha and Uchiha Madara fell out. It and Kaguya wanted to fight against the enemy from outside the world!

Akihara Kagura…

Is it the enemy from outside?

Everything this guy did was to deal with Kaguya Otsutsuki?

"I finally guessed it right..."

Akihara Kagura slowly sat upright, stretched out her hand to hold her forehead, and covered her face under her palm.


Everyone can see the weird smile on the corner of the mouth that cannot be hidden by the palm of your hand!

"The wooden sign of the Hyuga clan..."

Black Zetsu thought about why he believed in Akihara Kagura unswervingly, and why he never doubted that Akihara Kagura was a ninja in this land!

"is fake…"

Black Zetsu's voice suddenly became gloomy. It was hidden in Kaguya Otsutsuki's sleeve, and he gritted his teeth and said, "All the contents recorded on the wooden sticks of the Hyuga clan are false!"

It is impossible for a descendant of the Uchiha clan to have such power!

Because their bodies simply cannot withstand the suffocating amount of chakra in Akihara Kagura's body!

Not even Senju Hashirama can do it!

Even Otsutsuki Kaguya's son, Rokudo Sage, couldn't do it!

The wooden log records of the Hyuga clan are all fake. The content on them records that Akihara Kagura is a descendant of the collateral Uchiha clan. All of this is fake!

"all fake!"

Black Zetsu gritted his teeth and told the truth he had learned. His little eyes stared at Akihara Kagura, who was afraid to recognize him: "You forged the content above!"

That's fake!

That was forged!

Everything is Akihara Kagura's conspiracy!


A hint of scarlet appeared between Akihara Kagura's fingers!

These are the eyes that people dare not look into. The color of the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan, and even the slight hint of red it reveals makes people fearful!

Even Otsutsuki Kaguya, the ancestor of chakra, only has the Nine Magatama Rinnegan Sharingan on his forehead, but both eyes of Akihara Kagura are like this!

"But, didn't you know until this moment?"

Akihara Kagura's mouth was still smiling, ignoring Black Zetsu's anger and fear, and said slowly: "The bark of the Senju clan is forged, and the Sage of Six Paths did not leave any information about you at all, just to let me Reasonable knowledge of your existence…”

"I also forged the wooden sign of the Hyuga clan. The purpose is to make you believe that I am a descendant of Uchiha, to make you think that everything is still under control, so that you can safely resurrect Otsutsuki Kaguya at this moment... "

"I'm worried that you can't accept me at this moment..."

"For this reason, I have been working hard to prevent the Ten-Tails from resurrecting in my body..."

Akihara Kagura spread her palms and showed a warm smile towards Black Zetsu and Otsutsuki Kaguya: "If the Ten-Tails hadn't matured and bore fruit, maybe I would have thought that you and Kaguya should be reunited. Have fun for a while..."


"How good I am to you..."

Five thousand words!

I'll show you the coding calendar later...

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