Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 344 A hunter from outside the world, his prey is the ancestor of Chakra!

Akihara Kagura's voice is very gentle.

Even at this time, Hei Zetsu is almost going crazy, and Akihara Kagura is still like a parent who patiently coaxes his children, as if he is afraid that Hei Zetsu will go astray!


This is something that makes people feel a little abnormally scary!

What kind of person can use such a gentle tone, and even say gentle words in his mouth, but it makes people feel a little scared!


Uzumaki Naruto, a somewhat slow person, felt that what he heard might not be right: "There seems to be something wrong... Kagura has been taking care of Black Zetsu's feelings?"

"This is obviously a mockery..."

Senju Tobirama glared at Uzumaki Naruto, feeling that this kid was a bit too naive: "This guy Akihara Kagura has been playing with the entire ninja world and Black Zetsu, how could he be so kind to take care of his feelings? !”

What an innocent brat!

It's just that this little guy named Uzumaki Naruto, this son of the Fourth Generation, now seems to have become the strongest fighting force in Konoha of the new generation!

What happened to Konoha?

Or there will be a bastard with a heart like Akihara Kagura...

Or he's just a simple kid like Naruto Uzumaki...

These onlookers could hear Akihara Kagura's sarcasm. Black Zetsu, the person involved, felt like he was going to be blown away. He had been playing with the ninja world in the palm of his hand...

this world…

It’s a little too false!

Black is never willing to bear the pain of being deceived!

The false reality actually happened to me one day!

As the mastermind who has hidden the ninja world for thousands of years, Black Zetsu has always believed that the ninjas living in the ninja world are just living in a false reality. When Kaguya Otsutsuki comes back to life again, they will see the reality of this world. !

at this time…

It turned out to be a plaything in the palm of others!


"who is it?"

Veins appeared on Kaguya Otsutsuki's face, and her eyes were fixed on the chakra track in Akihara Kagura's body. She also saw the Ten Tails in Akihara Kagura's body!

this problem…

Not only is Otsutsuki Kaguya very curious...

Even all the ninjas present were curious.

If the wooden record of the Hyuga clan is false, and if Akihara Kagura is not a collateral descendant of Uchiha, but a legendary being from heaven, what is his purpose?

"Since when do you start talking?"

Akihara Kagura raised his forehead again, as if he was at a loss for words. His brows furrowed slightly: "When a creature appears, a creature that can influence its fate will also appear, even if it is a powerful one. Even gods still spy on her..."

Akihara Kagura's eyes fell on Kaguya Otsutsuki: "Some people are greedy for this world, trying to use the sacred tree to turn natural energy into chakra and steal it for themselves..."


Otsutsuki Kaguya raised her eyes.

"Naturally, her chakra will also become prey."

Akihara Kagura changed the topic and mentioned her origin: "Because there are people who can watch all of this happening and observe the operation of those worlds. By chance, an opportunity may arise to intervene and take away what belongs to you. My own prey..."


All eyes were turned to Kaguya Otsutsuki.


Only Otsutsuki Kaguya is the one who is sealed.

"Treat mom as prey..."

There was some anger and panic in Hei Jue's heart.

On the one hand, he is angry that Akihara Kagura is actually a hunter, a hunter who has been keeping a close eye on Kaguya Otsutsuki. His purpose of coming here is actually to hunt Kaguya Otsutsuki!

On the other hand, he was also panicked about the true purpose of Akihara Kagura. He used Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra as prey, and he brought huge trouble to his resurrected mother!


Otsutsuki Kaguya's forehead jumped!

The nine-magatama samsara eye on this woman's forehead trembled!


"Everything that happens in the ninja world..."

Hei Jue's body suddenly shrank, as if he imagined that when it was doing everything, there was a pair of terrifying eyes spying on it!

"Is everything under your observation?"


Akihara Kagura slowly shook her head and said sincerely: "I only saw some interesting stories, some stories worth observing..."

When he said this, Akihara Kagura smiled: "Mr. Black Zetsu, your story is undoubtedly the most interesting..."

"Quite cleverly."

"I also got an opportunity."

"An opportunity to come to this planet and intervene."

Akihara Kagura looked at Kaguya Otsutsuki in front of her, with a smile that seemed helpless and regretful: "It's a pity that the timing of my arrival is not very clever. The prey has been sealed. I can only find a way to solve it." Unsealing the cage that seals prey..."


Black Zetsu gritted his teeth and looked at Akihara Kagura!

that time…

He and Kaguya were targeted by Akihara Kagura!


Akihara Kagura ignored Black Zetsu, looked at Otsutsuki Kaguya's frown, and softly began to popularize the knowledge of hunting: "It was the way for humans to obtain food in the early days."

"It takes strength..."

"It's also a process that tests your skills more."

"If a hunter wants to catch prey that are as timid as rabbits, he must first let them slowly relax their vigilance and let them slowly step into the trap..."


Akihara Kagura's eyes fell on Orochimaru and talked about his own affairs: "I chose to integrate into this world and lower the vigilance of my prey..."


Everyone's eyes fell on Orochimaru.


Orochimaru's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't enter the Infinite Tsukuyomi. He didn't expect that he would be whipped to death by the conspiracy of this guy Akihara Kagura!

Orochimaru already knew this.

I have always been a pawn for this bastard Akihara Kagura.

It's just that Akihara Kagura's identity has just changed from a descendant of the Senju clan to a descendant of Uchiha, and now she has become an outsider...

No wonder this guy can master any technique with ease!

No wonder this guy has been constantly setting up various conspiracies, because everything in the ninja world is also under his surveillance!

"Lord Orochimaru."

Akihara Kagura looked at Orochimaru, chuckled and said, "I have to admit that even in the ninja world, there are geniuses who yearn for science like Orochimaru-sama..."

"Your science brings me a direction..."

"In order to be able to integrate into the ninja world reasonably..."

"In order to reasonably obtain powerful power..."

"I found you hiding in the darkness, and used some superficial means to gain your trust, and asked you to help me transplant the cells of the Ninja God Senju Hashirama, thereby unlocking the power of Wood Release, and also Having the power to use it reasonably in the ninja world..."


The corners of Orochimaru's mouth twitched.

Akihara Kagura was indeed not that perfect as an experimental assistant at the beginning, but he had just defected from Konoha, and the experimental subjects who were caught were not up to Akihara Kagura's level.

"At that time, I originally wanted to kill Lord Orochimaru..."

Akihara Kagura paused and continued with a chuckle: "But I find that Lord Orochimaru's identity is very useful. He can put me in touch with Konoha... because he is still colluding with the person I respect most in this ninja world. people."


Several people present had strange expressions.

Anyone who has been in the root knows who Akihara Kagura is talking about, and also knows the fate of the person Akihara Kagura is talking about...

should say…

He is worthy of being an extraterrestrial person...

Isn't this a shameful thing to say?

He could actually say that the old man with the most miserable fate was the person he respected the most!

"Who is the person that even Kagura respects?"

Naruto Uzumaki frowned and asked hesitantly.

"Shimura Danzo..."

Uchiha Sasuke had to answer for his friend, and by the way he added: "However, Kagura forced Danzo Shimura to defect to Konoha and become a rebel ninja, and then used Danzo as a sacrifice for the reincarnation of the third generation of Hokage. …”

This kind of thing…

Thinking about it makes me feel a little scared...

Danzo Shimura was very old and had been fighting for Konoha for almost his whole life. When he got old, he suddenly lost his life and lost his life and face...

"I am very grateful, Danzo-sama..."

Akihara Kagura spread her palms and slowly closed her eyes, seeming to miss Shimura Danzo's passing voice and angry appearance: "Because Danzo-sama wants to use me as a convenient killing weapon, Only then can I enter Konoha and enter the origin of everything..."


Senju Tobirama's cheeks twitched.

The long-dead Shimura Danzo doesn’t want the gratitude of you at all!

"Because of Danzo-sama, I came into contact with very interesting people..."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Hatake Kakashi lying on the sea, and said softly: "This ninja world is more interesting than I thought. In addition to killing, there are other interesting stories..."


"The key is…"

"I came into contact with the Moon Eye Project..."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and slowly spoke of her regrets: "I have always known that Mr. Black Zetsu is the real mastermind of the Eye of the Moon project. It is a pity that Mr. Black Zetsu has never been willing to expose it. My true identity…”

"Even if I resurrected Uchiha Madara, I still want to exist in the world with Uchiha Madara's will. I guessed that Mr. Black Zetsu wanted to use Uchiha Madara as a sacrifice to resurrect Otsutsuki Kaguya. This is consistent with My thoughts are exactly the same..."


Akihara Kagura's voice suddenly lowered, and a sinister smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Madara's personality is a bit too arrogant. He may think that I am irrelevant and kick me out of the Moon Eye Project. Let me The plan to resurrect the prey went out of control..."


Black Zetsu's voice became a little angry. It remembered the content recorded on the bark of the Senju clan. It gritted its teeth and said in a low voice: "You forged the bark of the Senju clan and forced Madara Uchiha and me to The break also makes me think that Hagoromo still has a backup plan..."


"You also wanted to make Madara a sacrifice..."

Black Zetsu's voice became hoarse again: "But you can't guarantee that your exposed power will defeat Madara who keeps getting stronger..."

"And once too much power is exposed, it will arouse my suspicion..."

"So you forged the Hyuga clan's wooden sign and made up a wonderful story in public, allowing you to reasonably use the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan..."

Even at this time...

Black Zetsu also has to admit that the past fabricated by Akihara Kagura is extremely exciting...

Because the ninjas present at that time all believed the history recorded on the wooden sign of the Hyuga clan. The tiny flaws in it concealed the huge conspiracy of Akihara Kagura!

This man…

At that time, his Mangekyō Sharingan was revealed...

He even made up an almost flawless reason for the birth of his Mangekyo Sharingan. A pair of eternal Mangekyo Sharingan passed down from generation to generation, let everyone see how terrifying Akihara Kagura and his ancestors are!


That's all false!

"Mr. Black Zetsu, you guessed it right."

Akihara Kagura smiled while stroking her palms, praising Black Zetsu's wisdom: "The only purpose of that wooden sign is to help me forge an Uchiha life experience, so that I can reasonably use the pupil technique that limits Huangquan, so that you can trust me. It's a hidden Uchiha, not some so-called alien visitor..."

"Before that day..."

"The entire ninja world is afraid of my attempt to destroy the ninja world..."

"In order to prevent me from destroying the ninja world and re-creating it, all the ninjas gathered together, and their chakra became the nourishment for Kaguya's resurrection..."

"And after that day..."

Akihara Kagura's smile suddenly became brighter, and it seemed that she finally said what she was proud of: "The hunter holding a sharp blade finally had the opportunity to get close to his prey, and the prey even chose to believe in the hunter's will. With good intentions, he willingly sacrificed his prey..."


Uzumaki Naruto's teeth were trembling.

As for Haruno Sakura, not to mention, she looked trembling while standing next to Tsunade!

"What a seamless plan..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath. He was not as frightened as Hei Zetsu, but he could still feel his own heart palpitations: "Even if someone on the outside hears this story, it will make people feel a little... Chilling all over…”

"This guy…"

Senju Tobirama glanced at Kaguya Otsutsuki and the Black Zetsu in her sleeves: "Using more than ten years of planning, the plot is like a chain, using the ancestor of Chakra as his prey, quietly letting Black Zetsu Never step into a trap without realizing it..."

Akihara Kagura…

He is truly the most terrifying hunter in the world!

Even the hunter who is the best at hunting in the ninja world cannot have such an interlocking plot as Akihara Kagura!

to be honest…

Even if they were replaced by Black Zetsu...

Maybe he will also step into Akihara Kagura's trap like Black Zetsu...

Everyone's eyes turned to Akihara Kagura involuntarily!

Everyone present also felt the fear of approaching an abyss in their hearts!


Hei Jue is still regretting and angry about his short-sightedness!


No flaw was discovered at that time!

However, how could it be possible to discover any flaws at that time?

The ancestor fabricated by Akihara Kagura is not a powerful Uchiha, nor is it the reincarnation of Indra Chakra. How could it want to check those? Even it itself is shocked by the Uchiha of Akihara Kagura's line. What a terrifying forbearance Bo is!

that time…

It is also angry that Uchiha Madara, a chess piece, betrayed itself, and it is also happy that Akihara Kagura took the initiative to fill the position and became its own chess piece!


This chess piece…

He is the real chess player!

You are the pawn in the chess game who fell into the trap!

As for the rest of the story, there is no need to say more...

Because Black Zetsu trusted Akihara Kagura and did not doubt that Akihara Kagura was an enemy from outside the world, he entrusted the Eye of the Moon project to Akihara Kagura...


It's too late!

Everything in the ninja world has completely fallen into the control of Akihara Kagura!

In order to resist Akihara Kagura's destruction of the ninja world, Uchiha Madara absorbed the chakra of the ninja world and became a sacrifice for Kaguya's resurrection. Otsutsuki Kaguya, whom Akihara Kagura wanted to hunt, was successfully resurrected...

Kaguya Otsutsuki looked a little nervous. How could this man named Akihara Kagura be more terrifying than Otsutsuki!

Black Zetsu's heart was filled with fear. It didn't dare to talk to Kaguya Otsutsuki. It was all because it fell into a trap that led to the current situation!


"This long hunt has finally come to an end..."

Akihara Kagura's voice became gentler, and she softly lamented her hard work: "The prey escaped from the cage that imprisoned her but protected her, and the hunter finally reached the time of harvest..."

"He actually... treats me as prey..."

There was a hint of nervousness in Kaguya Otsutsuki's expression!

At this moment, Otsutsuki Kaguya didn't care and raised her hands directly towards Akihara Kagura!

Two gray bones flew out from her palms and suddenly flew towards Akihara Kagura!

At this tense moment, Kaguya Otsutsuki brazenly used his most terrifying Blood Successor Snare. This was a fatal blow from the ancestor of Chakra, killing Ash Bones together!


I write too much and I’m afraid of being scolded...

I have been deleting, deleting, and modifying things since night until this time...

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