Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 416 World Situation: I haven’t caused any trouble, can something happen on the sea?

King of the world!

How important is this name!

There used to be some powerful pirates on the sea who wanted to be the king of the world, but they eventually disappeared with the decline of the times. Now this title falls on the heads of the Konoha Pirates and others, but it also makes many ordinary people... Heartfelt recognition of it.

Kill the five old stars...

Defeat three of the Four Emperors...

The marshal and admiral fled in panic...

All of these have become footnotes to the powerful strength of the Konoha Pirates!

Aboard Moby Dick.

Whitebeard flipped through the latest issue of the newspaper in his hand, looking at the three five old stars who were killed in the newspaper, his eyes became particularly complicated: "The King of the World?"

The Konoha Pirates appeared on the sea, as hot as the summer sun, making people afraid to look directly at it. Now he is the only one left in the entire sea who has not been defeated...


Whitebeard knew the outcome very well.

Once he goes to war with the Konoha Pirates, none of the sons on this ship will survive, and his own ending will no longer matter at that time...

"Dad? What's wrong?"

Diamond Jozi stood next to Whitebeard, perhaps feeling Whitebeard's mood, and quickly comforted his father: "We will not admit that they are the strongest! When they enter the new world, we will drive them away go out!"

"Gu la la la... What a silly son I am!"

Whitebeard looked at Diamond Jozi and couldn't help but shook his head slowly and laughed. It's just that the loneliness of the times is inevitably growing...

These stupid sons...

I don’t understand the situation at all!

Whitebeard missed Marco a little at this moment. It would be great if Marco were here. At least he still had a son who could talk about the future.

"When will Marco and Ace come back?"

Whitebeard asked about Marco and Fire Fist Ace.


Diamond Jozi hesitated for a while, then said: "Ace still wants to capture Tikki, and Marco is trying to persuade him to come back..."

"Have them come right back."

Whitebeard didn't want to waste any more time on Teach.

Now, the Konoha Pirates are ambitious to enter the new world and will definitely challenge the Whitebeard Pirates. They must arrange everything before the war begins.


It may also be his own funeral.

If he wanted to save these sons during the war, he would have to pay the price with his life in the war with the Konoha Pirates.

"Tell Ace."

Whitebeard looked at the newspaper in his hand, and his voice became more severe than ever before: "This is an order from the captain of the Moby Dick!"


Diamond Jozi nodded quickly.

The sea area of ​​​​BIG·MOM.


The Charlotte family gathered here.

All of these people are the children of Charlotte Lingling. Among them, the four dessert generals are the most outstanding, and Charlotte Lingling's second son Katakuri is the strongest.

Charlotte Katakuri is the strongest superman with the Nuo Nuo Fruit ability. She is good at three-color Haki, especially the Haki of Knowledge, and is second only to Charlotte Lingling.


This meeting was chaired by Katakuri.

Katakuri likes to wear a scarf all year round, hiding the lower half of his face under the scarf, making the only half of his face exposed look particularly aloof.

"Mom is still in their hands..."

Charlotte Lingling's eldest son Charlotte Perospero took the initiative to speak: "Many people already know about mom's defeat. We must find a way to find out mom's whereabouts as soon as possible. Otherwise, we may soon be There are countless challenges to face…”

"Brother Katakuri is here!"

Charlotte Lingling's seventy-seventh child, Charlotte Flampe, has always admired her powerful brother Katakuri. She even established a fan group for Katakuri, praising her words and not caring. He said: "As long as Brother Katakuri is still here, those people will not dare to offend all nations. Brother Katakuri is an invincible man!"


Everyone else suddenly fell silent.

Because Katakuri is indeed a very strong man...

However, those present did not believe that Katakuri could defeat all enemies. The strong men in the new world were like crucian carp crossing the river, and overbearing and domineering pirates were not uncommon...

"Don't worry."

Katakuri seemed to understand the worries of these brothers and sisters, Wengsheng said: "The most that can cause us trouble now is a group of small pirates. Everything that happens to the world is still under my control, and it is impossible What kind of threat could someone pose to us..."

"The biggest threat..."

"Still the Konoha Pirates."

Katakuri held the newspaper in his hand, pressed it on the table, and said calmly: "The Konoha Pirates have defeated all the forces in the first half, and even defeated our mother and Kaido of the Hundred Beasts. , and Red-haired Shanks, they will enter the new world in a month, how should we go in the future..."


Everyone in the Charlotte family was silent again.

Because this problem is far more serious than any problem they have encountered. In their eyes, the invincible mother has failed, so what can they do?

Charlotte Lingling's thirty-fifth child, Charlotte Smoothie, is one of the Four Dessert Stars and has always been loyal to the Charlotte family. She frowned for a while and put forward her own diplomatic suggestions: "If there is a war, our chances of winning are very slim. It is better to talk to the other party. After all, my mother is also in their hands..."


No one else could express any opinions.

Because they all know that their side is definitely not the opponent of the Konoha Pirates. Rather than negotiating with the other party, it is better to propose surrender conditions to the other party...


Let a group of always proud people surrender...

This kind of thing is a bit unacceptable to them!

"We must not surrender!"

Charlotte Flampe was very dissatisfied and rebuked loudly: "We also have brother Katakuri, brother Katakuri can definitely defeat them!"


Katakuri frowned and said nothing.

For a moment, Katakuri couldn't tell whether the sister who had always admired him was his fan or his negative fan...

Katakuri himself also knows how strong he is. His special super-human fruit, the Nuo Nuo Fruit, allows him to become elemental like a natural fruit. It can also deform his body and add armed domineering to perform many methods...


Take your own head and fight the Konoha Pirates!

The Konoha Pirates are simply monsters. One deputy captain, Uchiha Madara, almost crushed the two Yonkos in a crushing manner, and he could only die heroically...

Fortunately, other members of the Charlotte family also understand this. It is not okay to think like a crazy fan like Charlotte Flampe who blindly worships Katakuri. Don't end up killing everyone together...

"That's all."

"Whatever we do..."

"The most important thing now is still to rescue mom..."

Katakuri's fingers tapped on his arm, his head dropped slightly, and he softly mentioned some of his recent thoughts: "Based on my current observations of the Konoha Pirates, I think the other party may not be willing to release mom. And may ask my mother to join the Konoha Pirates, and ask us to become their affiliates..."

"If the other party puts forward these conditions, I can't agree to it no matter what!"

Someone in the Charlotte family immediately raised objections: "If it doesn't work, we will fight hard and gather together to rescue mom!"

"This won't work..."

"It can't be like this..."

A group of people from the Charlotte family made a noise.

While this group of people were making noise, Charlotte Lingling's seventy-sixth child, Charlotte Breen, a user with the memory fruit ability, quietly looked at Katakuri's face.


Katakuri interrupted everyone, looked at a group of noisy brothers and sisters, and said solemnly: "Let's adjourn the meeting temporarily. I want to eat the dessert for afternoon tea first."

Katakuri frowned tightly, temporarily suspending the family meeting in the name of having afternoon tea.


When Katakuri walked into his rice cake house, a figure appeared next to him, it was Charlotte Brynn who had been observing him during the meeting.

"Brother Katakuri."

Charlotte Bryn looked at the tall brother and revealed the truth directly: "What you said at the meeting were actually the conditions you proposed when you wanted to negotiate with the Konoha Pirates, right? You I want to surrender to the Konoha Pirates and let my mother become a member of the Konoha Pirates, and I don’t want her to continue to appear and stay with us..."


Katakuri's figure appeared next to Brynn in an instant. He lowered his gaze and stared coldly at the girl who had seen through his thoughts.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Charlotte Brynn shook her head and continued: "Mom's heart is like a child. As long as she gets angry, she will take away the lives of other brothers and sisters..."

"Brynn, you are only fourteen years old, what do you know?"

Katakuri interrupted her words with a gloomy face and waved his palm: "Don't delay my afternoon tea time, leave here immediately..."


Charlotte Brynn could only turn around and leave.


Katakuri watched her leaving back, shook his head slowly, and planned to go into the rice cake house he made to enjoy afternoon tea and relax.

Only at this time…

Only then can you relax a little.


Charlotte Breen guessed it right.

Katakuri felt a little uneasy and nervous because he didn't know whether what he was doing was right or wrong. Their mother, Charlotte Lingling, was getting worse and worse with her esophagus. Once she had an attack, she didn't recognize her at all. Whoever is in front of her will use the power of the soul fruit to deprive people of their lifespan, and her children will be no exception...

If this continues...

Sooner or later, one day, the people of the Charlotte family will be gradually killed by Charlotte Lingling, and even these people living on Totland Island of All Nations are inevitable...


Katakuri couldn't do anything.

All this time, Katakuri only wanted to avoid all of this happening as much as possible and prevent his brothers and sisters from dying in the hands of their mother, so he cultivated his cognition and color haki to the top level of predicting the future, so that he could do so. Prevent mom Charlotte Lingling from having a seizure beforehand…


This is an excellent opportunity.

The Konoha Pirates are very powerful. They defeated their mother Charlotte Lingling. I have a chat with the Konoha Pirates and hope that they can bring Charlotte Lingling on board, just like when I was a child. Didn't mom join an organization called the Rocks Pirates?

Katakuri is forty-six years old this year. When he was a child, he knew that his mother had joined the Rocks Pirates. During that time, his home was very safe...


I hope the Konoha Pirates can agree with my idea.

In this way, he and his brothers and sisters can logically become an affiliated pirate group of the Konoha Pirates as the children of Charlotte Lingling, thus preventing the Konoha Pirates from starting a war with each other after they enter the new world in the future. …


Under the guise of analyzing the Konoha Pirates, I wanted to test everyone's opinions, but these brothers and sisters seemed unwilling to pass this proposal.

Katakuri could only think of a way. He planned to take advantage of the slave auction held by the Konoha Pirates to go to the Shampoo Islands and have a good chat with the Konoha Pirates, hoping that the other party would agree to him. proposal…

As long as the Konoha Pirates propose...

I can use my mother's safety as an excuse to order these brothers and sisters to enforce it, so that the family can be preserved...

Compared to the Big Mom Pirates, Katakuri relied on his personal strength and long-standing prestige to keep the pirate group unchanged. The Beasts Pirates are undoubtedly in chaos, because this pirate group The strongest have always been respected...

The waters of Wano Country.

Kaido's defeat and capture undoubtedly caused this pirate group to fall into turmoil.

The Beasts Pirates' Plague Quinn and Flame Ember had to use violent means to suppress all those who tried to rebel and rebel, and threw all those who wanted to defect into the mines of Tudon Prison for mining, and also solved the problem by the way. A group of guys who rebelled against the country of Wano...


The two of them worked hard to resolve the unstable situation within the Beast Pirates, but as a result, a bolt from the blue came. Drought Jack left the country of Wano...


Jack is not defecting.

Drought Jack wanted to fight with the Konoha Pirates and rescue Kaido from the hands of the Konoha Pirates. This made Plague Quinn feel that his eyes were darkened after hearing the news...


What kind of teammates are these!

Why does that guy think he can save Brother Kaido?

"Let me go."

Yan Liangjin had a pair of wings growing on his back. He was also very helpless and sighed: "I'll leave the affairs of Wano to you first, and wait for the results from my side. If I can save Brother Kaido, It's best to come out, if Brother Kaido can't save him..."

"Then there's no way…"

Plague Quinn directly acted like everyone was dividing their luggage and dispersing: "I'll pack up the things in the laboratory. We don't have to look for the Onepiece. Anyway, I heard that there is a sealed Goddess of Mao..."

"You trash..."

Yan Liangjin couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

"You're not a good guy either!"

Plague Quinn was also unequivocal and started yelling at his companions on the spot.


Jhin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly spread his wings and flew into the air.

Fortunately, the Yonko Pirates were in trouble one after another during this period, and the old guy Whitebeard had no intention of expanding, so they didn't encounter so much trouble...

Compared to these pirates in the new world...

The situation encountered by the Navy is undoubtedly more troublesome.


Meetings in the Navy's war room are becoming more frequent.

With the announcement of the new issue of the World Economic News Agency, photos of the three five old stars who died tragically at the hands of the Konoha Pirates were spread around the world.

There are more and more revolutionary uprisings breaking out among the participating countries of the World Government, and more and more joining countries are difficult to control. There are also more and more new pirates emerging, which makes the navy's manpower immediately seem a little stretched. .

If you use the word "devastated" to describe the Navy's actions during this period, it is simply appropriate. What's more, the Navy is also full of internal problems, because more and more Navy members are unwilling to serve the World Government and the Celestial Dragons.

If the prospect of destroying the rule of the Celestial Dragons and ending the era of great pirates was not too promising, Navy Marshal Buddha of Warring States would really want to resign directly...

The only good thing…

At least the navy no longer has to dispatch generals to protect the Celestial Dragons.

Moreover, the two remaining Five Old Stars have summoned all the Celestial Dragons to return to Marijoa to rebuild the Holy Land and do not allow any Celestial Dragons to stay anywhere in the world.

Office of the Admiral.

Just when Warring States was lamenting that the Five Old Stars finally started to grow brains, one of the two remaining Five Old Stars, the Scientific Defense Martial God Satan Sheng, called him, which immediately made Warring States feel bad.

"Warring States..."

"The CP department will launch a special operation. This special operation requires a vice-admiral to be in charge. Who else can you bring in?"

"I have sent all the lieutenant generals to various branch bases of the Grand Line. Three generals have been sent to patrol various places. I have even dispatched their lieutenant generals and deputies..."

Warring States rubbed his forehead with a headache and said in a deep voice: "Even now, there are still not enough manpower. Even maintaining mobile units is a bit troublesome. I still have to send people to find new candidates for the Shichibukai. This also requires the support of the Navy Headquarters. The general’s combat power…”

"no matter what…"

After listening to Sengoku's complaints, Satan Sheng firmly put forward his request: "The CP department must have a combat capability of a lieutenant general or above to ensure that this special operation can be completed. This operation is related to the credibility of the world government. …”


The Warring States Period was speechless.

The World Government still has a reputation as a hammer!

At this time, stop doing those messy chores!

And when did a dignified Five Stars, the highest authority in the world government, actually make this call for the combat power of a vice admiral...

What does this mean?

The world government's internal combat capabilities are also in danger!

In order to maintain the stability of the participating countries and to deal with the revolutionary armies that frequently revolted in various places, the manpower available to the World Government has been exhausted...

The Warring States Period sometimes really hopes that these Tianlong people will step down with dignity, dissolve the current world government as soon as possible, and then form a new world government by the participating countries...

"Execute the order, Sengoku."

Satan Sheng ignored Sengoku's helplessness and just insisted on him executing the order.


Warring States frowned and thought about it, and could only think of one backup candidate. He made a direct call to the naval training camp: "Zefa, are you free? Are you still training students? Is Lieutenant General Kagura here? Where is he practicing now? How is the progress of his practice?"


Akihara Kagura has been promoted.

After all, on Sky Island, Akihara Kagura's performance is obvious to all.

Doing several things at the same time...

Coupled with the background of the navy recruitment...

And he has the natural thunder fruit in his body...

Promoted from the second lieutenant of the headquarters to the vice admiral of the navy headquarters, Akihara Kagura has been promoted eight levels in a row and has become the hottest upstart at the naval base;

Based on his strength and military exploits, as well as the background of the general recruitment, he was directly promoted from the second lieutenant of the headquarters to the lieutenant general of the headquarters and became a new general candidate.

If there is a vacancy in the future general position...

Akihara Kagura should be the most promising to be promoted to general of the headquarters.


Akihara Kagura practices on an island specially designed for him to practice.

The young navy man stood on the seaside, holding a dilapidated huge warship in his hand. He slowly lifted the warship in his hand and suddenly threw the warship away.

next moment!

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and a huge burst of armed domineering energy spurted out, destroying the flying warship into a ball of air!

Whether it is Armed Haki or Knowledge Haki, Akihara Kagura can borrow chakra to practice, so he has been practicing it.

This period of training in the pirate world allowed him to catch up quickly, so that the system's rewards could not keep up with the progress of his domineering training.

[Second Lieutenant of Headquarters → Lieutenant of Headquarters → Captain of Headquarters → Major of Headquarters → Lieutenant Colonel of Headquarters → Colonel of Headquarters → Brigadier General of Headquarters → Major General of Headquarters → Lieutenant General of Headquarters]

[System prompt]: [The host has been promoted from Navy Headquarters Ensign to Navy Headquarters Lieutenant General, awakening new abilities and new characteristics in the body! 】

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Armed Color Dominance]! It is detected that the armed color Haki has been awakened in the host body, and the armed color Haki is enhanced to develop life energy!

[Armed Haki (can be awakened through practice. Armed Haki has various levels of abilities such as hardening, entangling, external release, and internal destruction. Armed Haki has extremely rich and exquisite usage skills due to its super fluidity. Abilities developed by users that are suitable for their own use.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Informed and Domineering]! It is detected that the knowledge and color haki has been awakened in the host, and the knowledge and color haqi is enhanced to predict the future!

[Seeing and hearing color haqi (can be awakened through practice. Seeing and hearing color haqi is an innate ability of human beings. It can strongly feel the opponent's breath, read the enemy's number and strength, predict the opponent's actions, and predict future developments. )]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Smoke Fruit]!

[Smoke Fruit (natural ability, you can turn yourself into smoke, or you can control the smoked body to fight. The host's natural characteristics will greatly enhance the smoke fruit ability.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Frozen Fruit]!

[Frozen Fruit (natural ability, you can turn into ice, or you can control ice to fight. The host's natural characteristics will greatly enhance the frozen fruit ability.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Rockberry Fruit]!

[Rock Berry Fruit (Natural ability, it can turn itself into magma, and can release extremely terrifying lava as a means of attack. The host's natural characteristics will greatly enhance the Rock Berry Fruit ability.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Sensen Fruit]!

[Sensen Fruit (natural ability, you can turn yourself into a tree, and you can control the transformed forest to assist in combat. The host's natural characteristics will greatly strengthen the Sensen Fruit.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained a new characteristic [Gravity Fruit]!

[Gravity Fruit (superhuman ability, it can change the strength and direction of gravity, reduce the gravity of objects to make them float, use gravity to attract meteorites from outer space to attack, can manipulate gravity to form repulsive force to deflect attacks, and can be used for a long time Gravity’s blessing to the body can improve the host’s life energy development.)]

[System prompt]: The host has obtained new characteristics [Renren Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Buddha Form]!

[Renren Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Big Buddha Form (Legend has it that the phantom beast species fruit is rarer than natural fruits. It can be transformed into a huge golden Buddha. It possesses the power, wisdom and spirit of the Buddha, and will be even more... It is easy to integrate the body and spirit into one, and the life energy can be developed.)]

Many of these promotion rewards can be used by Akihara Kagura. Now they only strengthen some of his previous abilities, such as forest fruits, rock berries and frozen fruits. The abilities of the smoke fruits are not yet known. What's the use...

The ability to predict the future with the Haki of seeing and hearing and the improvement of the Haki of the Armed Color are better than nothing compared to Akihara Kagura's strength. Even though there are many strong people in this world who can predict the future, they still cannot change their endings.

In comparison…

This giant Buddha form is very interesting.

Akihara Kagura once developed a terrifying ninjutsu in the ninja world, which can create a giant Buddha with a body length of several thousand meters. It only requires extremely terrifying difficulty in forming seals...


Akihara Kagura can easily do all this using the form of the Great Buddha of the Phantom Beast Seed. His life energy far exceeds that of Buddha Sengoku, another user of this Phantom Beast Seed Fruit.

Among these rewards…

The most useful thing is probably the powerful cultivation effect brought by the gravity fruit.

Akihara Kagura can directly increase the gravity of his body without controlling his own strength, such as adding dozens or even a hundred times the gravity, which is equivalent to carrying several tons of objects all the time, and exercising himself all the time. body.

"Warring States called to inquire about your practice."

An old man with purple hair came over. His arm was a mechanical arm, with a kind and kind smile on his face: "It seems that you followed my advice and relied less on your natural Devil Fruit ability... "

It was Zefa, the navy training camp commander.

The former admiral of the Navy Headquarters is already old, and coupled with his arm disability, he has only been training the new generation of navy in training camps.

Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura is naturally different from the new generation navy. At least he does not need to go to a training camp and can even have his own training ground. If he wants to learn the Six Styles or practice domineering, he can get personal answers from Zefa.

"No matter how powerful the devil fruit is, it will eventually encounter its nemesis."

Akihara Kagura nodded, clenched his fists, and said calmly: "Besides, if I continue to develop my natural abilities, I may not be able to defeat the guys in the Konoha Pirates. Senior Zefa's teachings are already No mistakes…”

The most important thing…

That means that he is not a user with the thunder fruit ability at all.

"How is Xiang Phosphorus's training progress?"

Akihara Kagura asked his subordinates casually.

As a subordinate of Akihara Kagura, Kosovo has naturally been promoted, and her promotion speed is equally astonishing. She is currently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the Navy Headquarters.

"Lieutenant Colonel Xiang Phosphorus?"

Zefa couldn't help but chuckle and praised Xiang Phosphorus: "Neither Ain nor Xiuzi are her opponents. It's rare to reach this point at the age of seventeen..."


After Zefa finished talking about these gossips, he took the initiative to bring up the business: "Warring States called to ask about your current situation. I also heard some things about the headquarters. He should have no available people in his hands. He is even close to keeping an eye on you." Fuck me, a retired old man..."

"Did you encounter any problems?"

Akihara Kagura felt that there should be no problem.

The historical truth of the Alabasta incident has been recognized. Most of the Draco corpses from the Mariejoia incident have been buried. The aftermath of the Sky Island incident is still exploding. The Draco slave auction has not officially started yet. I have been immersed in cultivation here. , no orders were issued, what else could happen on this sea?

I couldn't sleep, so I got up and wrote for a while...

A big chapter with more than 7,000 words!

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