Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 417: Foolish and greedy official, Akihara Kagura

Office of the Admiral.

Sengoku had to mobilize Akihara Kagura in advance and ordered him to rush to the Capital of Seven Waters immediately to cooperate with the CP9 department to capture Nico Robin of the Straw Hat Pirates.

This kind of thing…

It’s quite suitable for Akihara Kagura to do.

Because when Akihara Kagura was in Alabasta, she and Aokiji spared the Straw Hats to avoid causing the fate of Garp, an old friend of the Warring States Period, who lost his grandson in his later years.

"This mission is extremely important."

When Warring States issued the order, he specifically mentioned the matter of the Five Old Stars: "This is what the Five Old Stars told us. We must capture Nicole Robin alive, because the Five Old Stars intend to use the remaining archeology of Nicole Robin O'Hara." As a scholar, overthrow the pseudo-history of Alabasta..."


Akihara Kagura frowned.

The development of these things is often unexpected.

This was something Akihara Kagura didn't know. He didn't expect that the World Government had declined to this point. His ability to do things was even worse than that of his old boss Danzo!

Akihara Kagura himself has personally created three major events against the Tianlong people. Three of the five old stars have died under his control. As a result, the remaining two began to deal with the first one. The aftermath of the events in Alabasta...


"What should I do during this mission?"

Akihara Kagura looked at Buddha's Warring States Period and had to remind the navy marshal: "We colluded with the Konoha Pirates in order to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people..."


What a great question!

Sengoku was silent for a while and couldn't answer. Sometimes he couldn't tell whether he was a naval marshal under the World Government or a rebel who colluded with the Konoha Pirates. This was why he felt that his mind was getting more and more confused. The reason why it’s not enough…

after all…

Nowadays, every naval order issued by the Warring States Period requires a lot of consideration, including how to fend off the Five Old Stars, how to preserve naval strength, and how not to hinder the gradual collapse of the Tianlong people...


Warring States closed his palms, put down the documents in his hands, and whispered: "The original O'Hara incident was done by the navy..."

"Even today, I think it was a necessary price to pay to maintain world stability. A group of scholars ignored the overall situation in order to explore the truth..."


“Some mistakes are just mistakes.”

"Whether this mission is to make up for past mistakes or to eliminate the Navy's omissions, you have to decide what to do. Just treat it as your graduation assessment..."

Warring States raised his eyes and directly handed over this difficult task to Akihara Kagura, saying in a deep voice: "I have only two requirements. One, I must not live up to the name of justice I carry; second, I must We have to take the overall situation into consideration..."

"Are these the only two requirements?"

Akihara Kagura moved her fingers.

"There are only two requirements."

Sengoku nodded seriously and solemnly.

This kind of thing…

Often you can't have both.

Generally speaking, some small people must be sacrificed for the sake of the overall situation.

Sengoku already knew everything in his heart. He knew that Nicole Robin was innocently implicated in the O'Hara incident, but she would still become a victim for the sake of the overall situation.


Akihara Kagura nodded slowly.

Compared with the bosses in the past who expected him to implement the will of fire and the will of roots, Sengoku's boss's requirements are actually very simple...

that is…

A little strange...

After others were promoted, they went to deal with powerful pirates.

Akihara Kagura recalled how she joined the Navy. She became a third-class Marine and wore a straw hat in the East China Sea. She was promoted to an ensign and still wore a straw hat. Now that she has become a vice admiral, why is she still wearing a straw hat?

never mind…

It's normal to hit a dozen straw hats.

Akihara Kagura left Marinevando and rushed to Judiciary Island on a warship through the ocean currents of the Gate of Justice. He planned to get information from Judiciary Island and then rush to the Seven Waters Capital.

The capital of seven waters.

This is a city built on water.

Because this floating city has established sea trains connecting many other islands, it is located at a transportation hub, and commercial trade is extremely prosperous.

Other than that…

The shipbuilding industry of the Seven Waters Capital is also one of the reasons for its prosperity.

The ancient weapon Pluto was built in the Seven Waters City, and the ship of Pirate King Goldo Roger was also built by Tom, the world's best shipbuilder in the Seven Waters City.


Tom also paid the price with his life for building ships for the Pirate King.

However, Tom built the sea train, and his name still affects the Seven Waters Capital. Today's mayor of the Seven Waters Capital is Tom's former apprentice, Espagu. At the same time, Espagu is also the seventh in the Seven Waters Capital. The owner of Carrera, a shipyard.

Carrera Corporation.

The Straw Hat Pirates arrived.

The reason why this group of pirates came here is very simple. After their ship, the Golden Merry, passed by Sky Island and the group, the entire ship became tattered. In order to be able to sail further, the Straw Hat Pirates had to Come to the Capital of Seven Waters to repair the Golden Merli.

The price of repairing ships here is very high. Fortunately, the Straw Hats got 200 million beli worth of gold on the empty island, so they should be able to get the money...


Kaku, the repairman of Carrera Company, told them the bad news. The keel of the Golden Merli was fractured, and there was no way to repair it no matter how much money was spent...

This left the Straw Hats in a stalemate.

Because the Golden Merli was their partner, carrying them all the way from the East China Sea to this point, no one could give a reason to give up the Golden Merli and change to another ship.

at this time…

Luffy, the captain of the ship, took the initiative to assume this responsibility and asked his companions on the ship to change to another ship. Their voyage could not end here.

It’s obvious…

This immediately caused Usopp's dissatisfaction.

After all, this Golden Merli was given to them by the butler of Usopp's childhood sweetheart's family, and they don't want to give up this ship no matter what...


Usopp had no new plan and was just sulking on his own.

Just when the Straw Hats were at a stalemate here, no one noticed that there were a pair of eyes peering at them in the darkness, and someone was eyeing their group of pirates.


A secret service directly under the World Government.

This group of agents has been lurking in the Capital of Seven Waters, trying to find the blueprints of the ancient weapon Pluto for the world government, but they have never found anything...

When this group of agents planned to evacuate, the World Government gave them a new mission to capture Nico Robin of the Straw Hats alive.

Bruno's Bar.

This is the bar base opened by CP9 agent Bruno.

A group of Carrera Company employees gathered here, such as Carrera Company's boss secretary Kalifa, boatman Kaku, Rob Luqi, and perhaps the mayor of the Seven Waters City did not even think about his subordinates. There are many secret agents and spies of the World Government.

"Let us capture Nico Robin alive..."

Kalifa held up her glasses, her eyes were quite serious: "However, Nico Robin lives among the Straw Hats. The captain of the Straw Hats, Monkey D. Luffy, has a bounty of 230 million Baileys. , pirate hunter Sauron, with a bounty of 160 million beli, their strength is not simple..."

"I'll take care of Straw Hat."

A voice came from Rob Lucci's body, but his mouth was tightly closed. There was a dove standing on his shoulder, as if the dove on his shoulder was talking.

This man…

Have extreme confidence.

Because he is known as the strongest person in the history of the "Judiciary Island" CP9 department. He has mastered the Sixth Form of the Navy and thinks he can defeat Straw Hat Luffy, the pirate supernova.

"Actually, there's no need to worry."

Bruno, one of the CP9 agents, wiped the cup while talking about the intelligence he received: "New news came from Judiciary Island. The Navy will send a vice-admiral from the headquarters to the Seven Waters Capital. If the battle reaches a stalemate, he will Will take action..."

"That's fine."

Kaku felt relaxed immediately.

Because there are only four of them CP9 lurking in the Capital of Seven Waters. If he wants to fight against the Straw Hat Pirates, he will still be a little bit mentally stressed...

In the past, any pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions was not easy to mess with, especially a pirate who had just entered the sea and had a bounty of over 100 million in less than a year...

Although the pirate market has been somewhat inflated this year by the sudden emergence of the Konoha Pirates, the strength of the Straw Hats still cannot be treated as weak...

"There is no need for the Vice Admiral to take action."

A strange voice came from Rob Lucci again, and his expression was very serious: "Our goal is only for Nico Robin, the son of the devil. As long as we act fast enough, nothing serious will happen. conflict…"

"Let's start tonight."

Rob Lucci was very clear-headed and put forward his own battle plan: "We will directly capture Nicole Robin secretly and take the sea train back to Judiciary Island. The Straw Hat Pirates' pirate ship is damaged and they cannot pursue her." It’s up to us…”

to be honest.

This plan is serious.

The implementation success rate is even very high.

Now the Straw Hats are still scattered in the Capital of Seven Waters. If they move fast enough, the Straw Hats will not even have time to find the enemy, and they will take Nico Robin away...


While they were discussing here, the voice of the phone bug came out, and Bruno quickly answered the phone bug, because this phone bug usually called from Judiciary Island.

"I am Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura of the Navy Headquarters."

A young man's voice came from the other end of the phone bug. His attitude towards the CP9 agents seemed to be extremely arrogant: "I was ordered to arrest Nico Robin, the son of the devil. Where are you now? I found Nico Robin. Are Bin and the Straw Hats whereabouts?"

"Found it."

Bruno felt a little uncomfortable, but he still had to say: "The Straw Hats are in the Capital of Seven Waters, and we have learned their whereabouts."

Rob Lucci directly took Bruno's phone bug, and his muffled voice echoed in the phone bug: "We will start taking action tonight, directly and secretly arrest Nicole Robin, and then immediately take the sea train back to Judicial Island."

"What about my credit?"

When the Vice Admiral on the other side of the phone spoke, he seemed to become a little playful: "You guys, these secret agents hiding in the gutter, have done everything. Did I, the person in charge of the mission, go all the way in vain? "



What is this guy talking about!

How dare you want to take credit so blatantly!

This hateful bureaucrat!

The four agents present immediately looked ugly.

All this time, if it weren't for the bureaucracy within the World Government, they wouldn't have been suppressed, and even fell into traps many times. I didn't expect that this kind of atmosphere also exists within the Navy...


Rob Lucci held the phone tightly in his hand, and a flash of disdain flashed across his face. His mouth was still closed, but his voice was strangely conveyed: "The CP department is directly under the World Government, and the Navy is also an affiliate of the World Government... "

The two departments are theoretically equal!

What the hell is this Vice Admiral talking about?


Kalifa quickly tried to stop Lu Qi, and whispered the information she knew: "The other party is Vice Admiral Kagura, currently the most popular in the Navy, a natural thunder fruit user, and even participated in the attack on Mu in the Sky Island Incident. The battle of the Ye Pirates..."

this person…

Don't offend casually!

A heart-stopping voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Spandam."

The Vice Admiral named Akihara Kagura seemed to be calling Spangdam, the direct commander of CP9: "Your subordinates don't seem to be very obedient..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Spandam's screams came from the other end of the phone, as if he was undergoing some kind of torture. He roared at the other end: "You all obey the orders of Lieutenant General Kagura, and all actions will be waited until Kagura." We will rush to the Capital of Seven Waters and start execution again!"


Rob Lucci had no choice but to obey the order.

Because Spangdam is their direct commander, and his father Spangdam is the old boss of CP9. The family are all senior officials of the World Government. In addition, according to the internal rules of the CP department, agents must not disobey orders.

"That's right..."

Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura on the other end of the phone obviously softened his attitude, and comforted everyone with a kindness that was inappropriate for his age: "I'm going to defeat the Straw Hats and arrest Nico Robin. You guys can Everyone is escorted back. This operation was ordered by Wulaoxing himself, and you must have a share of the credit."


A group of CP agents hung up the phone dejectedly.

The mood of these agents was extremely low.

"This Vice Admiral..."

Kalifa sighed and said quietly: "Why does it sound even more stupid than our direct commander Spandam..."

"It's too difficult to do something seriously..."

Bruno wiped the wine glass again, and his mentality was a little unstable. He murmured to himself: "The world government in the news is about to collapse. The world's nobles are being massacred by pirates. We are still being punished by these people when we are performing tasks here." This kind of official control..."

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