Konoha 42nd year, Konoha in the Land of Fire, the Uchiha clan's residence

"My head hurts! Hmm, who am I? Zhao Huanghuo? Uchiha Huanghuo?"

A six-year-old boy suddenly looked painful, with veins bulging and sweat all over his body. He looked like he would not survive in the next second.

However, he struggled hard but could not wake up.

He remained in this state for seven or eight minutes, and finally calmed down.

But he woke up and stood up immediately, with an incredible look on his face.

"I didn't expect that I would travel to this Naruto world."

"A member of the Uchiha clan? This identity is not bad at this time."

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo has awakened the memory of his previous life, but he can't remember how he died in his previous life.

Fortunately, Zhao Huanghuo in the previous life and Uchiha Huanghuo in this life are both orphans, and there are no one who cares about them. It's good to have a second life.

Uchiha Huanghuo knows from the short six years of memory in this life that he lost his parents at the age of one and was adopted by the family orphanage.

At the age of three, he joined the Uchiha clan to learn to read and write and learn ninja knowledge.

At the age of four, he began to practice basic ninja physical skills, using medicinal baths to help strengthen his physique.

At the age of five, he began to refine chakra, learn Uchiha throwing techniques and the most basic Uchiha swordsmanship.

At the age of six, he learned fire escape ninjutsu and three body techniques.

This is a necessary experience for the Uchiha clan. Of course, other ninja clans do the same, which gives them more advantages compared to civilian ninjas.

"So the family is really good to its members. Even those who can't refine chakra and don't have the aptitude to be ninjas will be taught other skills."

So the Uchiha clan is very united, and there is really no discrimination against those who can't refine chakra.

You have to know that there are many ordinary people in the Uchiha clan.

Not only the Uchiha, but also the ninja clans in the ninja world are not all ninjas. Even with the Byakugan pupil technique that is so easy to awaken like the Hyuga, there are many clan members who don't have the aptitude to be ninjas.

So Uchiha Huanghuo has never seen the Uchiha clan look down on ordinary clan members.

Of course, it is common for those with ninja talents to compete with each other and for the strong to mock the weak.

And those like Shisui and Itachi who are brainwashed by the will of fire look down on clan members who don't have the will of fire.

Relatively speaking, the atmosphere of the Uchiha clan is very good, and it belongs to the category of healthy competition.

"This body has a good foundation, mastering the three body techniques, Uchiha throwing, and Uchiha style swordsmanship"

"It's just that my use of the Great Fireball Technique is not satisfactory, and I need to continue practicing."

Uchiha Huanghuo was quite satisfied with this, and thought about the problem of the Sharingan, so he looked at the mirror in the room, but saw a magatama with blood-red eyes.

A magatama Sharingan!

"Is this the Sharingan?"

"The memories of this life do not mention awakening the Sharingan"

"So is this Sharingan just opened?"

You know, just now Uchiha Huanghuo awakened his past life memories, and his emotions did experience drastic fluctuations. It is reasonable for him to awaken the Sharingan in this way.

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo was even more satisfied. He awakened the Sharingan at the age of six. Looking at the Uchiha clan, this can be said to be a gifted talent.

It seems that Uchiha Shisui also opened his eyes at the age of six, and Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes at the age of eight.

With such a talent for Sharingan, he only needs to tell the family, and he will surely get the full support of the family.

Previously, he was distracted by the memories of his past life and didn't pay attention. At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo also found that he could see more clearly, as if the time of everything around him had slowed down.

This is the initial insight of the Sharingan.

"Then you can consider showing the Sharingan to gain resource support from your family."

Uchiha Huanghuo had such a plan in his heart. The current Konoha has not experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion, so Konoha did not suppress the Uchiha so severely.

Even Shimura Danzo knew that it was almost impossible to get an Uchiha who opened his eyes at the age of six.

In Uchiha Huanghuo's memory, looking through the Root Ninjas of the original drama, he did not see any ninjas from the Uchiha and Hyuga clans.

Shimura Danzo stubbornly believed that the Uchiha were born evil, and he also coveted the power of the Sharingan. If he had such an Uchiha ninja under his command, he might dig out his eyes directly.

Refer to Uchiha Shisui who had a Mangekyō Sharingan taken away.

The third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is likely to start talking, fooling with the righteousness of the village of the Will of Fire, and winning over by various means.

Therefore, Uchiha Huanghuo believes that if he is cautious in the early stage, he can grow steadily.

And after growing up, he can do whatever he wants.

Uchiha Huanghuo remembered the experience of many Uchiha predecessors who traveled through time, and he believed that the future is really stable.

"Then tomorrow I will go to the family training teacher to inform him about the opening of the Sharingan, and strive for more ninja resources."

"Hmm? What is this?"

At this moment, Uchiha Huanghuo noticed the unknown fruit on the bedside from the corner of his eye.

This fruit shape that has never appeared in the past and present life, isn't it the specialty devil fruit of the pirate world?

In order to confirm the authenticity of this devil fruit, he also used the power of the newly opened Sharingan.

He can clearly see the shape and appearance of this devil fruit.

"Is this supposed to be a parahuman devil fruit?"

"I don't see any trace of this devil fruit in my memory in this life."

"So this devil fruit is my golden finger?"

Uchiha Huanghuo can be sure that this devil fruit has never appeared before, and it must have appeared after awakening the memory of the previous life.

"I hope it's a powerful devil fruit!"

Thinking of this, Uchiha Huanghuo didn't hesitate much, picked up the devil fruit and bit it.

"Well, this indescribable taste is indeed a real devil fruit."

Although it was extremely disgusting, he still ate it for the power of the devil fruit.

In order to avoid the possibility of power loss, he ate the whole devil fruit.

After a hideous face and silent nausea, Uchiha Huanghuo also knew what kind of devil fruit this was.

"Superhuman Heat-Hot Fruit!"

"Or hot fruit without side effects"

"This is indeed much worse than the natural type Flame-Flame Fruit, or the Mythical Beast Devil Fruit."

"But I feel that this Heat-Hot Fruit and Fire-style Ninjutsu are surprisingly compatible!"

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