Parallel world.

March 1986.

South America, Colombia.


A bar room

"Ahab, click on it."

"15 Colt 70 pistols, all new, never used"

"I also brought you the 500 rounds of ammunition you asked for. They are all in there. You can count them yourself."

Louis sat on the sofa and said to Ahab, the trading partner next to him. Then he reached out and picked up the unopened red wine on the table and poured himself a glass.

The man named Ahab grinned, put the cigarette in his hand on the table, stood up, stretched out his hand and unzipped the black canvas bag. More than a dozen pistols and several boxes of bullets appeared in front of him.

He reached out and picked up a Colt 70 pistol, pulled the bolt, and it made a loud sound.

""Yes, it's good stuff."

Ahab showed a satisfied look.

After carefully feeling the cold iron lump for a while, he lowered his head to count the amount in the bag. After confirming that there was no problem, Ahab gave a look to his confidant. The confidant who received the order immediately took out a thick stack of US dollars from his arms and put it in front of Louis.

Seeing the US dollars in front of him, Louis reached out and picked up the US dollars on the table and carefully counted the number of bills. There were a total of 82 US$100 bills, no more and no less.

"Happy cooperation."

Louis happily put a wad of money into his trouser pocket, stood up and smiled and stretched out his hand.

The two of them are old friends. Including this time, the two have traded four times in total.

"Louis, do you have any heavy weapons?"

Yahab asked with a smile, handing the black bag containing the pistol and bullets to his men.

"Heavy weapons? What heavy weapons do you want to buy?"

"AK、Or MP5 or other automatic rifles are also fine. I need something with more firepower."

"Yes, there are. How much do you want?"

"The more the better. Well, if possible, I need 40."

""Fuck, Ahab, are you going to rob? Why do you need so much?"

Ahab smiled and did not answer.

Louis was just joking, knowing that the other party wanted heavy weapons and it was impossible for him to rob a bank. In Colombia, banks are undoubtedly heavily guarded, and there must be police stations within a short distance around them.

It can be said that where there is a bank, there must be a police station nearby.

There is no way, who says Colombia is a place where criminals gather, and there are hundreds of thousands of drug dealers. Due to the government's control ability and internal corruption, the whole Colombia is rampant with gangs, gun battles every day, and tens of thousands of people die inexplicably every year.

Even if you are a policeman, you might be killed on the street. The degree of chaos is much greater than that of the United States.

In such a country, important places such as banks naturally become the main support places for police force.

After thinking for a moment, Louis said:"AK, this thing is easier to get. If you want, a brand new AK47 costs $1,000 each, equipped with 3 magazines and 300 rounds of bullets."

"So expensive?"

Ahab frowned and said,"Louis, your price is too high. If you add another 300 dollars to the price outside, you can buy two.""

"Ahab, you can't calculate the price like that!"

Louis looked at Ahab with a serious face:"The AK47s sold to you outside are second-hand goods. I don't know how many years they have been used, and they are also seriously worn out. The one I sell to you is guaranteed to be brand new. Moreover, I will give you 3 magazines and 300 rounds of bullets. The bullets alone cost 300 US dollars.

We have cooperated with each other for several times. I never sell at a high price to friends."

"Besides, this thing is priceless. If you have so much heavy firepower, are you still worried about not being able to make back the money for this batch of guns?"

After hearing what he said, Ahab thought about it and it was true. With such a batch of heavy firepower, he could just rob the goods of his competitors and make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Well, Louis, you are a cunning businessman."

"I want the guns. I want 40 AK47s. As for the bullets, I need an additional 5,000 rounds."

"No problem, but for such a large batch of goods, you need to pay a deposit"

"Deposit? Damn it, Louis, are you kidding? You didn't pay it before, why do you need it this time?"

Seeing Ahab frowning with an unhappy face, he comforted him,"Ahab, don't be angry, the main reason is that you want too much goods this time. What if I get them and you don't want them, where can I find a buyer in a short time?

Therefore, for the sake of friendly cooperation between us, it is reasonable to pay a deposit, not more than 10,000 US dollars."


Although Ahab was unwilling, he considered that the weapons provided by the other party were of high quality, all brand new, and not handmade, and were obviously produced by a military factory.

Not wanting to have a bad relationship with Louis, Ahab waved his hand, and the younger brother immediately took out a wad of money from the suitcase, counted out a hundred US dollars, and handed it to him.

"This is a deposit of ten thousand U.S. dollars, Louis, I hope the quality of this batch of goods can be the same as before, otherwise, I will be very angry."

Louis took the ten thousand U.S. dollars with a smile, and did not care about the threat in Ahab's words:"Don't worry, in terms of quality, there is no better product than mine in the whole of Columbia."

After that, he began to count the bills.

Soon he finished counting.

The number was right.

Louis smiled, put the money in his trouser pocket, stood up, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile:"Ahab, happy cooperation!"

Ahab put down the red wine glass in his hand, stood up staggeringly, shook hands and said:"Louis, I hope this batch of goods can be obtained as soon as possible"

"Don't worry, the goods will be delivered within three days."

Louis responded with a smile.

Hearing that the goods can be delivered within three days, Ahab smiled and looked at Louis with a more serious expression. It is not an easy task to get so many AK47s in three days, and they are of military quality.

Especially in Colombia.

But Louis said that he could get them in three days, which can only mean that the power behind the other party is much stronger than he imagined. How could he know that Louis had no background.

He just had a powerful"golden finger" system.

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