"Well, the time is not up yet, let's wait two more days."

Pablo made the final decision.

He didn't believe that Luis would dare to run away with his money.

After all, he was a South American drug lord with a great reputation, and the other party would not be stupid enough to anger him.

And his intuition also told him that Luis could not be a liar.

Just as Pablo was about to say goodbye, a maid ran over.

"Mr. Pablo, a man named Luis called and he's looking for you."


Pablo was startled.

Is there a result? Or did he say something wrong?

"You guys chat first, I'm going to answer the phone."

After saying that, Pablo stood up and left.

He came to the telephone in the living room and reached out to pick up the phone:"Hello? Is this Mr. Luis?"

Mutata Valley.

Hearing the voice coming from the car phone, Luis smiled and said,"Mr. Pablo, it's me. Your weapons and equipment have been delivered. When will you send someone to receive them?"

"What? You...You said the weapons and equipment have been delivered?" Pablo was shocked.

"Yes! It has been transported to the Mutata Valley, which is 150 kilometers away from Medellin."


Pablo took a breath of cold air.

He had never heard of the Mutata Valley, but according to Luis, it was only more than 100 kilometers away from Medellin, which meant it was in the hinterland. How did the other party avoid the border checkpoints and customs?

This is not drug trafficking, which can't be stuffed anywhere casually. This time there are so many weapons and equipment, and big guys like anti-aircraft missiles.

Also, can he use this smuggling route to transport the things out?

In just ten seconds, several ideas came to Pablo's mind.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing the thoughts in his mind, Pablo said:"I'll send someone over right away."

"OK, I hope you can hurry up, you know, these things are not allowed to be seen in public."

"Got it. I'll arrange for someone to come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Pablo walked out of the living room with a solemn expression, and waved to several trusted subordinates not far away.

Seeing his wave, they also walked over quickly.

Without waiting for them to ask questions, he said directly:"Luis just called and said that the equipment has arrived. You should gather people immediately and rush to Mutata Valley."

Hearing that the equipment had arrived, the leaders were all surprised.


One of them wanted to say something, but Pablo raised his hand to interrupt him before he finished speaking:"Okay, don't say anything now, quickly gather people."

After hearing this, the leaders stopped talking nonsense and immediately made a phone call to gather their people.......

Mutata Valley.

Louis was giving instructions to a leader of his death squad.

The leader of the death squad was named Moros.

He was one of the newly found special forces soldiers, and he had the ability to manage and lead troops, so he appointed Moros as the reserve ambush force, and took the other 69 newly recruited death squads with their weapons to ambush around the valley.

In case they were caught breaking their promises and trying to rob their fellow thieves, they would not be completely helpless in their fight back.

The people who were sent out to keep watch were also replaced.

When doing business, one has to keep a hand.

Moreover, he did not plan to participate in the transaction in person.

He asked someone to find Ottoniel.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something for you to do." Louis immediately expressed his thoughts.

After listening, Ottonier nodded and said,"I understand, boss, don't worry, I will do it."


Louis patted Ottoniel's shoulder with a satisfied look on his face.

The death squad is good. Even if they know there is danger, they will execute it 100%.

After handing over the scene to Ottoniel, he followed Moros to the dense forest on one side of the valley, where he could clearly observe the situation at the bottom of the mountain.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, the death squad guarding the entrance of the valley sent back a message via radio that a large number of cars were heading towards the valley.

"Let your people lie in ambush. Unless something happens below, your people should not move."

Luis thought about it and guessed that it was probably Pablo's people.

He told Moros beside him to tell his men not to act rashly.

Ten minutes later.

Standing in the dense forest, Luis, holding a telescope in his hand, saw a long convoy coming into the valley, about dozens of cars. The convoy drove into the valley flat. There was some vacant space, but now it was all full.

Through the telescope, he also spotted Pablo getting off the car.

Luis was very surprised to see Pablo coming too.

You know, Pablo is now wanted by the Colombian government.

It's okay to stay in Medellin, but leaving that place is undoubtedly very dangerous.

This also indirectly shows that Pablo attaches great importance to this arms deal.

At the foot of the mountain

"Where is your boss?"

Seeing that Luis was not there, Pablo frowned.

Ottonier smiled and explained:"The boss left first because of something urgent. He left the things here to me. Mr. Pablo, please count the weapons and equipment."

Hearing that Luis was not here, Pablo was a little disappointed. He also wanted to discuss the issue of smuggling channels.

Now it seems that it has failed.

But seeing a large area of weapons and equipment in front of him, especially the 10 Mi-24 armed helicopters, he felt much better.

The next step is the delivery link and verifying the weapons.

The main thing is to teach how to use them.

(Ps: Asking for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and collections!!)

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