Knowing that Pablo wanted to personally ride the Mi-24 helicopter to experience its charm,

Ottonil hesitated, but still called his own people.

There was no other way, as there were only a few people on Pablo's side who could fly helicopters.

Moreover, they had previously flown civilian helicopters, and many of Ottonil's people could fly helicopters.

Soon, three Mi-24 helicopters on the flat ground turned their wings and slowly took off.

They formed a queue in the air.

"Go, fly to Medellin."

Sitting in one of the armed helicopters, Pablo ordered excitedly.

The pilot did not obey the order immediately, but contacted Ottonil.

Ottonil frowned, and immediately contacted Luis and told him about the matter.

Luis thought for a while and said,"Listen to him for now."

He was not worried that Pablo would dare to steal his money.

After all, he could now produce so much equipment, and Pablo obviously realized that he was by no means an ordinary arms dealer.

Unless he was willing to offend a powerful arms dealer.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to steal his money.

Especially when he was surrounded by enemies, Pablo needed a powerful partner who could provide weapons and equipment.

Three Mi-24 armed helicopters flew low along the mountains towards Medellin.

Although the Colombian military had radar, its search range was relatively limited.

And due to economic constraints, most of Colombia's weapons and equipment were from the 1950s and 1960s.

Low-flying armed helicopters were almost impossible to detect.

After a while, the three Mi-24 armed helicopters arrived over Medellin.

"What is that helicopter?"

"It looks very impressive!"

In the city, many people heard the sound of the Mi-24 flying, looked up, and began to talk among themselves.

"Mr. Pablo, if we fly over Medellin like this, the military will get the news soon."Carlos whispered to the boss beside him.

Pablo didn't care at all, and ordered the crew members in a deep voice to fly towards the Drug Enforcement Bureau.

At the same time,

Luis also got the news that Pablo was flying towards Medellin in three Mi-24 armed helicopters, and he couldn't help but frowned.

"What is this madman planning to do? Is he going to seek revenge on the DEA?"

An idea popped up in his mind.

Thinking carefully about the crazy things Pablo had done, the more Luis felt that this was possible. That madman could send someone to shoot the Minister of Justice on the street, and he really could do it.

Thinking of this, he regretted asking Ottonil to agree.

He should have sold the equipment to the other party, took the money and left.

As for how to transport the weapons and equipment, it was their business, what did it have to do with him?

Now, Pablo is going to make trouble.

It is estimated that it won't be long before the CIA of the United States will come.

In South America, there are three Mi-24 armed helicopters in a regime supported by the United States. This will inevitably attract the attention of the US Intelligence Agency.

Someone must be sent to investigate.

He regretted it in his heart, but it was too late because it had already happened.

"Damn lunatic."

After cursing, Luis told Ottoniel to collect the final payment, and then he left the valley under the escort of Elro and 10 other special forces.

As for Moros and others, they continued to ambush and retreat after Ottoniel got the money.

Medellin City.

Drug Enforcement Bureau.


The sound of the huge propellers turning attracted the drug enforcement police who were working. Soon someone came out of the house and saw three armed helicopters above.

"What is the military doing?"

"Why did they fly a helicopter to our police station?"

"Go, inform Director Milch immediately."

Soon, Milch got the news and ran out of the room, then looked up and saw three Mi-24 armed helicopters in the sky.

Because he was a soldier and served in the army for many years.

Later, when the country established the Anti-Drug Bureau to combat drugs, he was transferred to the director of the Medellin Anti-Drug Bureau.

"This is not a military helicopter."

Milch frowned and looked at the three helicopters in the sky.

However, he did not think of Pablo. This is a helicopter, and Pablo can't get it even if he has money.

"Go ask the military what's going on, why are there 3 armed helicopters overhead"


A subordinate nodded in agreement, and before he had taken a few steps, suddenly, a fire appeared from an armed helicopter, and then something with white smoke flew towards them.

Milch's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted:"Hide!"

After saying that, he hadn't run two steps.

A rocket directly hit a building of the police station.


A huge explosion sounded, and a big hole was blown out of the building, and the debris flew everywhere.


"Ahhh...My legs, my legs..."

The incident happened suddenly, and at a low altitude and close distance, there was no time to dodge, and many people were injured.

However, the incident was not over yet.

Three armed helicopters were seen firing machine guns.

"Da da da..."

Like three fire snakes, bullets immediately poured over.

Like cutting wheat, some people who were originally lightly injured fell to the ground at this moment. The powerful firepower killed some people on the spot.

Some people's bodies were directly broken.

After a while, the police station was turned into a hornet's nest.

After a while, the police station was stained red with blood.

Seeing the masterpiece in front of him.

Pablo showed a satisfied look on his face.

"Let's go, go back!"

They came and went in a hurry.

Not long after Pablo and others left, a large number of police cars appeared, and some military vehicles rushed to the Drug Enforcement Bureau.

Looking at the scene of blood flowing like a river and broken limbs in front of them, their faces turned pale, and some timid ones couldn't help but vomit on the spot.

(Ps: Please collect, flowers, comment votes, and monthly votes for my new book! Don't let it get cold, I still want to continue writing, please give me some data support.)

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