When the new Attorney General arrived at the scene and saw the tragic scene, he felt a tightness in his chest, his eyes turned white, and he fainted.

Not to mention the turmoil caused by the bloody massacre at the Medellin Drug Enforcement Bureau, Pablo has already returned to the Mutata Valley.

Looking at the large amount of arms and equipment in front of him, his face showed excitement. If Luis had not been at the scene, he would have thanked him.

If he was satisfied with the weapons, the rest would be easy.

Pablo readily paid the balance of $189 million.

After receiving the money, Ottonil did not stay. Following Luis' instructions, he immediately drove away from the Mutata Valley.

"Pablo, do you want to send someone to get the money back?"

A leader thought he was smart, and stepped forward a few steps to Pablo's side and whispered.

Just when the leader thought he would be praised, a very loud slap sounded, which made his head buzz. He looked at his boss in confusion.

Pablo said angrily:"Fuck, is your brain shit? If you go to rob his money, do you believe that he will fight you to the death? Do you think we don't have enough enemies?" The leader was speechless and lowered his head with an apologetic look.

"Fuck!"After saying that, Pablo kicked the leader hard.

Then he ignored the fool and ordered others to transport the weapons and equipment back to their nest.

However, what Pablo didn't know was that the leader he kicked had a flash of resentment in his eyes.

On the way back to Cartagena, Luis received a call from Ottonil. After learning that he had received the balance, he was relieved.

"Leave now, don't stay, return to Cartagena"

""Okay, boss!"

After hanging up the phone,

Luis looked much more relaxed.

But when he thought of Pablo, that madman, who actually flew three helicopters over the Medellin Drug Enforcement Bureau and opened fire directly, bloodbathing the Drug Enforcement Bureau, he felt a headache.

Such a cruel act will inevitably usher in a strong counterattack from the Colombian government. Even if the Colombian government army is weak, they have the support of the United States behind them, and can even get support from American fighter jets.

It can be predicted that in the next period of time, Colombia will be in chaos.

"No, I have to go out and avoid the limelight for a while."

Luis thought secretly in his heart.

He was not worried about the Colombian government army, but he was afraid of the CIA Intelligence Agency of the United States. His current strength was not enough for him to confront the United States, and he had to develop slowly.

The convoy arrived at his estate in Cartagena that night.

The next morning, he asked someone to go to the airport to book a plane ticket to Miami, the United States.

He planned to go to the United States first.

Isn't the United States known for gun battles every day? He decided to add some spice.

What's the point of playing with pistols? Wouldn't it be more fun to have some AK47s and RPGs?

As for the identity and passport issues, it is easier to solve. You can have as many as you want. These days, criminals and spies, who doesn't have a few passports? Or aliases?

In addition, he has some business that needs to be carried out in the United States.

And choosing Miami is also very simple. This coastal city is basically a place for Latin Americans to settle down when they go north to the United States.

Of course, some people choose to enter from Moshi

"Ottonil, I leave the house to you."

He planned to let Ottonil stay and take charge of the affairs of Colombia, while he would take Elro and a 20-member elite special forces team to the United States.

In addition, he also stayed with Moros and his people to coordinate the actions of Ottonil.

Ottonil's face was solemn, and he said solemnly:"Please rest assured, boss, there will be no trouble."

"Very good!"

Louis showed a satisfied look.

Although they were dead soldiers, it did not mean that they did not have their own thoughts. In fact, they were no different from normal people. They also needed to eat and had seven emotions and six desires. The only difference was that they had a deep-rooted loyalty to him in their minds.

Apart from that, they were no different from ordinary people.

That day, Louis took a plane with Elro and others to Miami.

Just as they were leaving.

United States.

CIA Intelligence Agency Headquarters.

Operations Department.

The CIA has four important departments, among which the Operations Department is one of the core departments, with departments such as counterintelligence, foreign intelligence, and covert operations, with a total of more than 20,000 people.

At this time, the boss of the Operations Department, Yoeld, is also one of the deputy directors of the CIA Intelligence Bureau.

He looked very unhappy at the moment.

Because his subordinates just reported to him that there were 10 Mi-24 armed helicopters and dozens of Hummer armored vehicles in Colombia.

This is not a small matter.

Latin America is the back garden of the American empire.

Now, there are so many Mi-24 armed helicopters from the Suxiong country, and they are controlled by a big drug lord. Do you think this matter can be a small matter?

The first impression in my mind is whether the Suxiong country intends to disrupt the situation in Colombia, and then plant a nail in Latin America like the Havana country did before.

"What do you think about this matter?"

Yold put down the intelligence file in his hand and looked at his confidant in front of him.

Charles is the head of the Foreign Intelligence Section of the Operations Department. Hearing his boss's question, he hesitated and said,"Director, I think we must protest to Su Xiong about this matter and rebuke them for supporting the drug lord.

In addition, we must intensify the attack on Pablo and send fighter jets into Colombia to support their government forces in further attacking Pablo. Otherwise, when Pablo becomes bigger, it will be even more difficult for us to encircle and suppress him."

(Ps: Please collect, give flowers, comment and vote for the new book, and vote for the monthly ticket! Don't let it get cold, I still want to keep writing, please give me some data support.)

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