
Yold was very satisfied with Charles's suggestion.

"You go down first and write a feasible plan"

"OK, Chief."

After watching his men leave, Yoeld picked up the phone in front of him and quickly dialed a number to connect me to the President's Office....

White House

"Mr. President, Deputy Director Yoeld of the CIA Intelligence Agency has important matters to report to you."


The then President Reagan was slightly stunned, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

After a moment's silence, he said to his subordinates in front of him:"Please ask him to come in."


The female assistant nodded, then turned around, opened the door, and walked in with Yord.

"Mr. President."

Yord looked respectful.

"Sit down."

Regan raised his hand to signal him to take a seat.

"I heard you have something important to report? What is it?" Upon hearing this, Joel immediately sat up straight and said,"Mr. President, our overseas intelligence department has just received intelligence that a large number of Suxiong armed helicopters have appeared in Colombia. The model is the Mi-24 armed helicopter."

"Su Xiong's armed helicopters are in Columbus? Shit, what's going on?"

Reagan couldn't help but swear, and his expression immediately became serious. This is not a small matter. Now the relationship between NATO and Su Xiong is very tense.

Now, a large number of Su Xiong's armed helicopters appeared in the back garden. Could it be another Havana crisis?

"According to the intelligence, there are currently 10 Mi-24 armed helicopters in the hands of the Colombian drug dealer Pablo. According to the news from Colombia, they massacred the DEA police in a region, causing a large number of casualties."

"Drug lord? Pablo?"

This name seemed familiar to Reagan, as if he had heard it before.

Seeing this, Yoeld quickly talked about Pablo's"fierce record".

Hearing that this man was the largest drug lord in South America, who squeezed billions of dollars from the United States every year, and that he had sent planes to suppress them before, Reagan suddenly remembered that the last time fighter planes were sent to attack, it happened when he was in office, and he personally authorized it.

Last time, he heard that he had fled in a panic, but now he has made a comeback and even has armed helicopters.

"The damned Su Xiong people immediately protested to Su Xiong and strongly condemned Su Xiong for selling weapons and equipment to drug dealers. For such behavior, I want people all over the world to condemn Su Xiong."

Reagan said angrily.

After venting his anger, he looked at Joel:"What suggestions do you have?"

Joel said:"Mr. President, condemnation is necessary, but the most urgent task is that I think we should do our best to help Colombia to encircle and suppress Pablo. This person threatens the lives and safety of the American people. If he is not eliminated, more American people will go to the road of crime."

God damn life safety, just want to eradicate Pablo.

Want to make US dollars?

You can.

But you can't take it away, you can only spend it in the United States


Reagan nodded, agreeing with Yoeld's opinion.

"In addition, we need to investigate how this batch of equipment was transported to Colombia."

Hearing this, Reagan frowned slightly.

He had forgotten about this matter.

Compared with the equipment, he is more concerned about how the things were transported. If they were able to transport Mi-24 armed helicopters this time, will they be able to transport fighter jets, or nuclear bombs and missiles next time?

Thinking of this, Reagan's expression became serious.

He raised his hand, picked up the phone on the table, and quickly dialed a number:"Hello, put me in the Pentagon"......

On that day, all the major TV stations in the United States reported a piece of news.

They reported that hundreds of police officers from the Medellin Drug Enforcement Bureau in Colombia were killed, and pointed the finger at Su Xiong, strongly condemning Su Xiong for selling weapons to drug dealers, aiding and abetting the evil, and causing the tragedy.

After the news came out, it caused an uproar.

The public immediately condemned Su Xiong.

For a time, some American people cursed Su Xiong.

It was originally an ideological confrontation, and now the government said that it was Su Xiong who supported drug dealers. Such behavior, as a righteous American, must naturally be condemned.

Soon, the news fermented and caused criticism from the entire Western media.

It was believed that Su Xiong was an accomplice.

In order to make money, he openly sold weapons and equipment to drug dealers.

The news reached Su Xiong's palace. It immediately attracted attention and sent people to investigate whether a large number of Mi-24 armed helicopters had really flowed out.

After a few days of investigation, it turned out that the accounts were clear and they had not been sold at all.

Moreover, the member states and even the Warsaw Pact had not sold them.

Since they had not been sold, it was slander by the United States, so the two sides started to fight.

The instigator was lying on the beach of Miami's Gold Coast, enjoying the sunshine.

"Boss, they are back."

Elro came over and said respectfully to Louis who was lying on the beach chair.


Lewis slowly opened his eyes, looked around, and said in a light tone:"How is it?"

"Several gangs are already interested in our weapons and equipment."

"What about the bank?"

"We have already figured it out. We have selected three banks."

After hearing that the target has been selected, Louis stood up from the lounge chair, took a look at the spectacular beach in front of him, turned around and walked towards the hotel.......


Seeing Louis coming back, the assassins who stayed in the hotel greeted him respectfully.

He nodded and sat on the sofa.

A assassin named Bretton took out a list and handed it to him.

Louis took it and looked at the list. They were all buying pistols, or bullets, and there were also people buying AKs, but they were relatively few. After a glance, he lost interest.

Compared to selling weapons to gangs, he was more interested in robbing banks. Although it was more dangerous, the rewards were greater.

Robbing a larger bank could easily make thousands of dollars.���Dollars are like drinking water.

If you want to sell weapons and equipment for tens of millions of dollars, and they are individual weapons, you have to sell tens of thousands.


As for the weapons , you guys can handle it. Remember not to reveal your appearance. It’s best to disguise yourself before making the deal.


"What about the banks? Which three did you choose? Do you have a clear understanding of their situation?"

"I have figured it out." A soldier took out a map of downtown Miami, circled three places on it, and began to explain why he chose these three banks and the conditions nearby.

(Ps: The author of the plop street is asking for data, collections, monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation tickets. I beg you.!!!)

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