After listening to the action plan made by everyone,

Louis felt that it was highly feasible.

"Okay, just follow your plan."

"Boss, there is a problem at present." On one side, a soldier named Ed spoke.

Louis looked at him:"What's the problem?"

"Manpower problem."

Ed said:"In order to avoid alerting the enemy, it is best to rob these three banks together. If we rob one by one, it may arouse the vigilance of other banks. It is better to rob all three banks together, which can disrupt the police's sight, share the pressure of one party, and maximize the benefits.

To rob three banks together, a large number of people are needed.

At present, the people we have are enough to rob two banks at most."

Robbing a bank is not just about rushing into the bank to smash and rob. Some people have to be assigned to follow, observe the road conditions and provide support. Some even arrange snipers and other business groups. It is more complicated.

Just like their action plan this time, there is a process transfer station for changing buses.

And in case they are stuck on the road, the firepower diversion team will go up, so robbery is a systematic industry.


Louis raised his eyebrows. This is not a problem for him at all.

"How much more is left?"

"It would be best if 20 people came"

"no problem"

"Go down and get ready."


After a few people went down, Louis opened the system recruitment interface

"System, recruit 20 special forces soldiers, and buy 40 Beretta 92F pistols and 5,000 rounds of ammunition"

"5 more RPG-7 rockets and 5 M99 Barrett sniper rifles and 500 rounds of ammunition...."

"20 HK416 assault rifles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition"

"30 grenades too."

This time he came to Miami empty-handed, and all his weapons and equipment were left in Colombia.

The system has a bad problem, which is that it cannot put the materialized things back into the system warehouse, which often requires repeated purchases.

However, he did not plan to buy them this time, and would sell them to local gangs after use.

Anyway, these guys are hard currency, so there is no shortage of buyers.

"Ding, recruitment is successful"

"Ding, weapon resources purchased successfully"

"Ding, 153,000 US dollars were deducted. Do you want to cash it out immediately?"

"Yes!"Without hesitation, Louis immediately chose the place in front of him.

The next second, 20 strong men and several black bags full of weapons and ammunition suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Meet the boss."

After getting familiar with the environment, the twenty people looked at Louis respectfully.

""Hmm!" Louis looked at everyone, nodded slightly, and then told them what he was going to do next, and then asked people to call in Elro, Ed and others.

The personnel were redistributed, and the weapons were also divided.

Finally, three robbery teams were formed.

The person in charge of the first team was Ed, who was mainly responsible for robbing the Wells Fargo Bank in the Hollywood district.

Robert was the head of the second team, responsible for robbing the Chase Bank in the Dania district.

Victor was the head of the third team, robbing the Goldman Sachs Bank in the Hallandale district.

Several banks have one thing in common, they are located near the commercial CBD, and the banks selected are all large banks.

Since you want to rob, you must find a large bank. After all, large banks have many customers, high visibility, and naturally more money stored.

After determining the target and completing the personnel allocation, he will not get involved in the rest of the things.

And the order was issued that after the three teams completed any of their targets, don't rush to join him to avoid exposing him.

After the tasks were assigned, Louis began to enjoy the style of the tropical city of Miami.

Recently, he picked up a Latin beauty, a model named Salina. Under the money offensive, this With a pair of long legs and strong capital, the model became his woman before she was 20 years old.

During this time together, Salina, the temporary girlfriend, was particularly crazy, like a greedy beauty snake.

The time came to April 16.

After two days of preparation, the three teams finalized the time of action, which was 4 pm.

The bank's money was not kept overnight. The cash was transported to the bank in the morning. When the bank got off work in the afternoon, the cash escort vehicle would transport the bank's cash back to the vault. The next day, the cash escort vehicle would transport the money to the bank again, and it would repeat over and over again.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid problems within the bank and to prevent robbery. Once a robbery occurs, it will not lose too much money.

If this is not done, the money is kept in the bank's own basement, then once it is robbed, the loss will be great.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the bank will choose to use an armored car to transport the cash to the vault for storage every afternoon.

After all, the security of the vault is much stronger than that of the bank.

Choose 4 pm, this time period has enough time to rob.

Secondly, this time period is also the time when the bank's cash flow is almost the highest on that day.

After all, the bank will get off work in one or two hours.

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