In the center of the Hollywood block is a roundabout with various flower beds planted in the middle, which has been turned into a park.

The roundabout connects eight roads, six of which are main roads.

Wells Fargo Bank is located on the north side, close to the main road in the middle.

The bank building is a residential building, and the shops on the street are below.

Ed and others had been here several times before, and they were very familiar with the terrain, road conditions and the nearest police station.

His team, including him, had twelve people, divided into four groups: the action group, the observation group, the transfer station group and the support group.

At this time, Ed was leading the action group, sitting in a van fifty meters away from Wells Fargo Bank, watching the time on the watch, passing by minute by minute.

Soon it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

Five minutes ago, a police car passed by on time.

Seeing that it was time, Ed pulled down the black scarf on his head so that it could cover his face, revealing his mouth and eyes, and the others followed suit.


As soon as the words fell, the driver stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly towards Wells Fargo Bank.


The van braked suddenly and stopped in front of the bank.

Then Ed pushed open the door and walked out, holding an HK416 assault rifle in his hand and a Beretta 92F pistol on his waist. The five companions behind him also rushed to Wells Fargo with real weapons.

A bank security guard subconsciously took out his gun when he saw Ed and others rushing in, but before he could escape,

""Bang!" The gun went off.

A bullet flew into his forehead, a flower of blood appeared, and the whole person was stunned for a moment, and then fell to the ground with a"thump". The sudden gunshot immediately made everyone in the bank panic.

They dodged everywhere, trying to escape the scene.

""Da da da!!"

A burst of gunfire rang out.

In the confusion, the crowd subconsciously fell to the ground, trying to avoid the bullets.

"Be quiet, anyone who moves will be sent to see God." As soon as the words fell, the people who came to handle business lay on the ground, not daring to breathe.

Looking at the black security guard who was also squatting on the ground with his hands on his head, Ed raised his hand and shot him without saying a word.

The black security guard stopped breathing instantly.

This scared the people lying on the ground.

Ed ignored them and waved his hand. His companions who received the instructions immediately rushed into the counter. One of them pointed a gun at the bank employees and signaled them not to move, while the other two filled sacks with money.

Ed took another companion and found the bank manager hiding in the office and pointed a gun at him:"Go, open the safe, or I will shoot you."

The manager, who had already been scared to death, dared not disobey the order and quickly took out the key he was wearing and opened the vault.

Although the money would be sent to the vault by the armored car at 5 pm every day, each bank still had a small vault to store money.

When the vault was opened and he saw the pile of US dollars inside, Ed's eyes lit up.

""Pack the money."

After signaling his companions to pack the money, Ed pointed a gun at the bank manager and said,"You also pack the money, and be quick. If I find out that you are deliberately packing slowly, I will shoot you."

As soon as these words came out, the white manager was so scared that he rolled over and crawled, picked up the black bag and quickly packed the money.

At the same time, a police station within five kilometers nearby.

At this time, it had received a warning from the bank.

In fact, under the counter of each bank, where the salesperson sits, there is an alarm button. Once a robbery is discovered, the red alarm button can be pressed, and the police station will get the news that someone has robbed the bank.

Therefore, when Ed just broke into the bank, a bank counter employee pressed the red alarm button

"Attention, a bank robbery has occurred in the Hollywood district. A group of criminals are robbing Wells Fargo Bank. Please ask nearby police officers to rush to the scene immediately...."

Because it was close to the end of the work day, there were not many people in the police station, only seven or eight people.

After receiving the notification, three police cars immediately went out and drove towards the Wells Fargo Bank in the Hollywood district.

"Woo-la, woo-la..."

The alarm, sometimes low and sometimes piercing, sounded instantly, immediately attracting the attention of pedestrians on the roadside and car drivers on the road, who all wondered if something big had happened.

At the same time, patrol police on duty near the Hollywood block also received the alarm from the main station and rushed to the direction of Wells Fargo Bank.

In the rooftop of a house, a member of the observation team was staring at the surrounding situation with a telescope. When he saw a police car coming in front, he quickly picked up the radio to notify;"Bee calling tiger, a police car is coming."

Wells Fargo Bank.

Hearing the voice from the radio, Ed raised his hand to check the time on his watch, then looked at his companion who was still packing money, and finally decided to wait a little longer.

"Tiger calls wolf spider, please answer."

A burst of electric sound rang out

"Wolf spider received, repeat, Wolf spider received."

Ed said:"Stop and delay for three minutes, repeat, stop and delay for three minutes, Wolf spider received?"

Ding Di

"Wolf spider received, wolf spider received..."

Ed breathed a sigh of relief, put down the radio, and shouted to his companion who was still packing money:"Hurry up, hurry up."

Claude is a police officer. Today he and his companion are on duty on the road. He just received a police alert. At this time, he and his companion took a police car and rushed to Wells Fargo Bank quickly.

"Hey, Claude, who is so bold as to rob a bank?"

Dean, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said.

Claude shook his head:"How would I know? But they must be a bunch of lunatics."


That 's right, only a madman would do such a thing.


A loud bang sounded, and before they could react, the two people were hit by the huge blast and felt dizzy. The whole car crashed directly into the parked car on the side of the road, creaking a few times, and fell on the road with a"bang", and the whole car was turned over. The sudden explosion scared the pedestrians on both sides of the road.


Screams rang out immediately.

Pedestrians fled in all directions.

(Ps: Please add to favorites, monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation tickets...The author of the flop is asking for data support.)

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