The tires rubbed against the ground violently.


"Quick, save people!"

Three additional police cars rushed over from the police station. When they saw the police car in front of them being blown up, they were stunned and gasped. Then the sheriff who led the team, John Layden, shouted hurriedly and pushed open the car door to save people.

But before they got close, the burning police car exploded again due to oil leakage. With a deafening"boom", the fire instantly ignited the entire police car. The raging fire scared everyone silly.

Then, everyone was awakened by the wailing in the fire and wanted to rescue, but with such a raging fire, they could not save it at all.

Stamping his feet and looking at his subordinates who died tragically, the sheriff was furious:"Fake!"

He cursed angrily, leaving two people to deal with the scene, while he took the rest of the people and rushed to the bank, vowing to kill all those bastards.

Just as they passed an intersection, two SUVs parked on both sides of the road suddenly lowered their windows, and then a black pipe stretched out from it. John Layden was scared to death when he saw this scene.

"Hurry, go quickly, there is an ambush, gogogo!..."

Before he could finish and react, the support teams in the vans on both sides opened fire with HK416 assault rifles, firing a burst of bullets directly from the vans.

"Da da da..."

The bullets formed a firepower net in an instant, and the police cars that had not yet reacted were immediately shot into a hornet's nest.

The police in the car had no time to react or wail, and were instantly killed by bullets.

After losing control, the two police cars crashed into the car on the side of the road, making a"bang!

" sound, the hood of the whole car was smashed, and white smoke came out of the front of the car.

After seeing the target was killed, the dead soldiers ambushed in the vans on both sides immediately retreated and disappeared in the panicked crowd.

After a while, the blood flowing out of the police car flowed out along the door, and then fell to the ground, dyeing the ground red. The scarlet blood made the whole road chaotic.

Wells Fargo Bank.

Seeing that the three minutes were up, Ed immediately shouted to his companions:"Retreat!"

After that, he raised his hand without hesitation, pulled the trigger of the HK416 assault rifle in his hand, and shot the bank manager dead with one shot.

"With a"bang", a flower of blood appeared between the eyebrows of the bank manager. His eyes were wide open. He never understood until his death why he was killed despite his full cooperation.

After killing the bank manager, Ed turned around and shot at the panicked and pale female bank counter employees.

If it weren't for these gossips who pressed the alarm button, he could have robbed more money.

The bullets were fired like cutting wheat. The several female bank employees who had just been wailing fell in a pool of blood in an instant and never breathed again.

Soon, Ed and his men left the bank carrying bags full of US dollars.

Compared with Ed's robbery, the Goldman Sachs Bank robbery in the Hallandale district was much more explosive. More than a dozen police cars and dozens of police officers were suppressed by Victor's men at the intersection. They could not raise their heads. Not only did they use assault rifles and sniper rifles, but they also used grenades.


A grenade was thrown into the police car pile, and a huge explosion occurred. Several unlucky police officers were blown to pieces before they could dodge. Some of their arms and legs were broken, while others lost a part of their thighs. Those who were less lucky had their throats cut by the iron pieces produced by the explosion.

For a while, shrill wails rang out everywhere.

" hurts..."

"Fuck, I was shot, someone help me, it hurts..."

"My legs, help me..."

"Woohoo...I don't want to be a policeman anymore. I want to go home."

Some timid policemen, seeing the miserable state of their companions, felt sick to their stomachs and could not help but vomit with a"wow".

Obviously, this group of policemen had never seen such a bloody scene.

However, not all of them were policemen with poor mental quality. Some of them had been policemen for more than ten years and were experienced policemen. They still relied on cars as cover and then shot.

But the pistols in their hands were no match for the powerful firepower of the death soldiers.


Another grenade exploded.

A police car was blown up.

"Oh, God! How could someone of these damn robbers have such powerful firepower?"


Seeing his men being shot and injured by explosions, the sheriff couldn't help but curse.

"Contact headquarters quickly and request for urgent reinforcements!"

But when the police who were waiting for reinforcements arrived at the scene, there was no sign of the dead soldiers. There was only a group of police officers lying in a pool of blood, wailing in pain.

Three bank robberies occurred in one day, and at the same time. The criminals had heavy firepower. Such a large case can be said to be the largest case in the history of the city of Miami.

Dozens of police officers were injured, and as many as 10 police cars were blown up. The gunfight also indirectly caused nearly 100 people to be injured. Such a large case was instantly featured on American TV stations and newspapers.

It caused a huge sensation.....

"Our station reports that a major premeditated bank robbery occurred in Miami recently, causing heavy casualties. Now we will interview the Miami Police Chief."

On TV, a young and beautiful blonde female host held a microphone and interviewed a gloomy-looking, forty-year-old police chief in uniform:"Excuse me, Chief Mark, how will the police handle this matter?"

Mark's face suddenly became serious, and after a cold snort, he said in a deep voice:"...This is a blatant provocation to our police. Our police will do their best to crack down on this group of lunatics. Here, we solemnly warn those robbers that what follows will be your nightmare...."


Seeing the police chief shouting on TV, Louis raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of disdain.

The words are good, but they are useless.

Turning off the TV, Louis looked at Elro beside him:"Money, has the amount been counted?"

""Boss, we have counted the money. It is a total of 94.75 million US dollars."

Hearing that more than 90 million US dollars were robbed, Louis showed a happy smile on his face.

This number is better than he expected. This is not robbing a vault.

It is very rare to get so much money when robbing a bank.

"You arrange it, we'll go to New Yue!"

He planned to change to another place to rob.

(Ps: Please add to favorites, flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation tickets.)

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