After receiving the order from Prince Sultan, the Shaluotuo Air Defense Command immediately ordered more than a dozen air defense bases in the northwest region to enter combat status.

After the radar detected an unidentified enemy aircraft, more than 20 anti-aircraft missiles were fired.

The Israeli fighter formation that escaped with the assistance of the early warning aircraft, after knowing that the Shaluotuo air defense base was fully fired, hurriedly climbed straight into the sky, trying to avoid pursuit by climbing altitude. This method of avoiding ordinary air defense missiles is indeed no problem.

Many air defense missiles have a range of only tens of kilometers and an altitude of 6 kilometers.

A few have reached more than 10 kilometers.

Just like the 9M38M1 missile used by the Beech-M1 air defense system that Su Xiong has just put into service, the firing height is 22,000 meters.

But Su Xiong himself lacks this thing, let alone takeaway.

What's more, the relationship between Shaluotuo and Su Xiong is very ordinary.

"Boom boom!"

After two planes were shot down, the remaining Israeli aircraft formation returned to Israeli airspace. With the help of Israel's ground air defense system, they escaped.

Otherwise, the Israeli formation that lost the tin foil jammers would have to be killed here.

Tel Aviv.

Defense Building.

All the people in charge of this operation in the Israeli military had gloomy faces.

The operation that was thought to be 100% successful turned out to be a complete failure.

According to the feedback from the reconnaissance satellite, although three missiles hit the base, they did not hit the fighter planes, but only hit the base facilities.

And this operation was full of Six fighter planes were lost, including five F15s and one F16.

It was really a case of losing more than gaining.

Moreover, going to Sand Camel to attack military bases on other countries' territories would inevitably lead to the wrath of Sand Camel, and even direct war.

Thinking of this, Shamil, the then Prime Minister of the Snake State, took a deep breath, his face serious, his eyes swept around the senior military officials in the combat command room, and he said in a solemn tone:"Things have come to this point, and there is no point in thinking about anything else. The most urgent task is to be fully alert and guard against Sand Camel attacks. The whole country has entered a combat state and all vacations have been cancelled."


Dan Shomron, Barak and other military leaders responded in unison.

When Louis in Columbia received the news, it was already several hours later, and it was late at night in Columbia.

After learning that the Israeli army had launched an air strike on the military base in Najran, his face instantly darkened. When he learned that the delivered fighters were fine and the missiles were intercepted by the air defense battalion of the base, his face was relieved a lot.

But the thought that the Israeli Snake Country actually crossed the border to attack the military base on the territory of another country was simply rampant.

Fortunately, he equipped the base with an air defense system last time, otherwise wouldn't those dozens of fighters be gone?

Thinking of this, Louis was completely furious.

Damn, he really thought he was good-tempered

"Four Things"

"First, deliver these fighters as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

"Second, negotiate with Syria and Jihad before, and tell them that as long as they go to war with Israel, we can sell them weapons at a price far below the market price."

"Third, we must give an explanation for the Sand Camel attack. Were they attacked by another country on their territory? Are the radars of the Sand Camel made of paper? Were they so easily penetrated into the airspace?"

"Fourth, didn’t you say last time that there is a resistance force called Hezbollah in Lebanon? We can provide them with weapons at a low price, but there is a prerequisite, they must attack the State of Israel."

Since the State of Israel has completely lost its shame, Louis also feels that this country has no need to exist, and it is time to eliminate it physically. It is so arrogant that he really thinks no one can control him.

Middle East.

Although it was already three o'clock in the morning.

But the Lebanese Camel Government still held an emergency negotiation meeting. The content was that the Israeli army crossed the border and attacked the base of the Galaxy Trading Company.

This is not a trivial matter. In a serious sense, this is an act of war.

And this is the fact. Going to the territory of another country and attacking targets, this is not a war.

"This time, we must strike back severely. They openly crossed the border and entered our airspace. This clearly shows that they do not take us seriously. If we do not respond, how can we survive in the future? How will other Arab countries see us?"

Prince Sultan has a tough attitude. He is also one of the few military hardliners in Saudi Camel. He advocates that the Israeli army must be retaliated.

"Yes, the Israeli Snake Kingdom was too presumptuous this time. I agree to launch an attack on Israel."

Nayef, the deputy commander of the Royal Guard and the Minister of the Interior, made a strong statement.

As the two hardliners made their statements, the others also followed suit. They were all members of the royal family.

Although many people were unwilling to go to war with the Israeli Snake Kingdom, the Israeli Snake Kingdom did go too far this time.

If they did not fight back, they would completely lose face.

How could they convince the public in the future, and how could they make other Arab countries recognize the Saudi Camel as the boss?

""Knock, knock, knock!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

The heated meeting was interrupted.

Fahd frowned and asked someone to open the door.

There must be something important, otherwise the people outside would not dare to knock on the door.

The door was opened.

The person who came in was King Fahd's assistant.

"Your Majesty, a man named Michel called your private line and said he wanted to speak to you."


Fahd's face changed slightly.

"In addition, Prince Sultan, your servant has also come and said that Mr. Michelle also called you."

Prince Sultan's face turned unhappy when he heard this. He didn't need to guess that Michelle called him at this time because of the attack on the base.

"You all go down."

Fahd waved his hand and signaled everyone to leave.

"Sultan, you stay.

Seeing his brother leaving, Fahd asked him to stay.

After everyone left, he asked someone to get a satellite phone, and then quickly called Michelle.

He signaled Prince Sultan to come and talk to him.


"Hello Mr. Michel, I am Sultan"

"Oh, it's Prince, I just happened to be looking for you. Our company's military base in your country was attacked and almost lost billions of dollars. I wonder what your country is going to do about this matter?"

Sultan's face froze when he heard this, and he glanced at his brother. Seeing that Fahd didn't say anything, he had to speak according to his own ideas.

"We have heard about the incident. Don't worry, we at Shaluotuo will take it seriously and give your company an explanation. In addition, our country has shot down several enemy fighter planes....If our country wants to take military action against the Israeli army, I wonder if your company can support it."

Shaluotuo takes action against Israel?

What can those young soldiers do?

It's better to give weapons to those militants than to you.

At least they don't care about their lives.

Michelle, who complained about Shaluotuo in his heart, said in a deep voice:"Your country is an important partner of our company, and the attack this time was on our company's base. Our company is willing to increase cooperation with your country and fully support your military operations, including the delivery of weapons in a very short time and other support."(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Prince Sultan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Galaxy Trade was willing to support it.

With the support of Galaxy Trade, he would be more confident in fighting back against the Snake Kingdom.

After a few words, Michel hung up the phone. The purpose of his call was to put pressure on Sand Camel and force it to take action against the Snake Kingdom.


King Fahd, who listened to the whole process, made up his mind and looked at his brother:"Sultan, do as you think is right. You are the commander of the Royal Guard and you are responsible for this counterattack."

He is not a fool. If they, Sand Camel, do not fight back, then the relationship with the Galaxy Trading Company will undoubtedly fall into a trough.

This is not what he wants to see.

The emergence of the Galaxy Trading Company has allowed Sand Camel to buy many weapons that it cannot buy on weekdays.

Moreover, when they sell weapons, they never impose political demands.

Now that their base has been attacked, it is normal for them to express dissatisfaction.

In addition, Fahd was indeed very angry about the behavior of the Snake Kingdom. They wantonly crossed the border, entered their own country's airspace, attacked military bases, and ignored their Sand Camel royal family. Fahd was naturally angry.

So after considering many aspects, Fahd agreed with Sultan's proposal to counterattack Israel.

Prince Sultan was overjoyed when he heard this. He had long agreed to launch an attack on the heretical country of the Snake Kingdom.

"Your Majesty, to fight back against the Snake Kingdom, we need to find allies to share the pressure and strengthen our military strength."

"Do you mean Syria?"[]

King Fahd asked.

Syria can be said to be the anti-Israel front in the Middle East.

Syria has participated in almost all Middle Eastern wars, and in many cases has been the leading force.���

"Not only Syria, but also the entire Arab world, those who have money can contribute money, those who have strength can contribute strength, and we can strengthen the alliance. Of course, the main battles will still be between us and Syria and Lebanon."

Fahd thought about it and felt that what Sultan said was right. He wanted to form an alliance, even if he didn't send troops, he could just contribute money.

With money, he could share the cost of military operations. Killing two birds with one stone, why not do it?

"Okay, let's do as you say. Contact the Arab countries. We are going to launch the sixth Middle East war. This time we are determined to defeat Israel."

"Yes, Your Majesty, but before that, we need to announce the crimes of the Snake Kingdom to the outside world, so that our actions will get more support from people."

Nodding, Fahd looked at the Sultan in front of him with a smile:"Sultan, my brother, you are right, just do it according to your idea, I will support you from behind."

Prince Sultan stood up after hearing this, walked with his old body, and looked at King Fahd respectfully:"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Michelle did not rest either. After talking to Prince Sultan on the phone, he personally talked with Syrian President Hafez for 40 minutes.

No one knows what the two talked about.

But when Michelle left, Hafez personally sent him to the door with a smile on his face.

The reason is that Michelle just told him that Galaxy Trading Company can provide an interest-free loan and military aid worth 5 billion US dollars for Syrian military operations against Israel. It is said to be 5 billion US dollars, but in fact, it only takes a few hundred million US dollars to purchase from Louis.

But Louis is willing to spend this money to completely defeat Israel in one war.

What's more, this is just a loan, not free aid.

The next day.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Shaluotu held a press conference and announced at the meeting that Israel had launched an air strike on a military base in the southwest of Shaluotu last night, causing heavy casualties. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Shaluotu expressed strong protest to this behavior of Israel.

Claiming that sovereignty was affected, Shaluotu would never tolerate this matter.

At the same time, Shaluotu Defense Minister, Crown Prince, and First Prime Minister Prince Sultan also made strong remarks.

"...Our country will resolutely fight back against such behavior of Israel, and all the consequences will be borne by Israel."

The statements of the two people were no less than an earthquake, which shocked all the reporters attending the meeting.

They took a breath of cold air.

From the statement just now, Sand Camel was undoubtedly furious, and it is very likely to launch a military strike against Israel.

However, think about what others said, Israel did violate their sovereignty in this matter.

It is really outrageous to go to their territory and attack their military bases.

Yan (Qian Qian Zhao) The key point is that it is an undeclared war.

Soon, the tough statements of the Sand Camel government and the military quickly spread to all parts of the world.

It caused an uproar for a while.

Some news media even wrote a headline.

Will the sixth Middle East war start?

Regarding Sand Camel's tough statement, Israel did not defend itself, but ordered the whole country to enter a state of war.���A large number of reservists entered the army.

At the same time, the Israeli Empire also called on Jews around the world to return to their country to join the war.

In addition, the Israeli Empire also urgently contacted the United States, Britain and other Western countries to seek their military support.

Just as the smoke filled the air.

The Galaxy Trading Company also appeared.

A spokesperson who claimed to be the Galaxy Trading Company made a speech, saying that the company’s military base in Sand Camel was attacked by the Israeli Empire, expressed strong dissatisfaction, and decided to launch a counterattack against the Israeli Empire, including but not limited to nuclear strikes.

Nuclear strike!

A few words instantly detonated all over the world.

Everyone was stunned.

Many people who did not know the situation of the Galaxy Trading Company were discussing it.

"What is the origin of this Galaxy Trading Company? I have never heard of it before."

"Is this person mentally ill? A trading company wants a nuclear strike? They probably don't even know what a nuclear bomb is?"

"Tsk tsk, is this April Fools' Day? Nuclear strike! Too funny"


People who don't know the inside story think this is funny and nonsense.

But the governments of the countries that know about the Galaxy Trading Company are solemn, especially the United States, Britain and Israel.

The Galaxy Trading Company can produce so many advanced weapons and equipment, there is no guarantee that they don't have nuclear weapons.

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