United States.

The White House

"What do you think of Galaxy's announcement that it does not rule out a nuclear strike?"

Rigan sat in his seat and looked at everyone in the room, including the Secretary of State, the Vice President, and several military leaders.

"Do you think that Galaxy Company is just bluffing? How can a company have nuclear weapons?"The Secretary of State saw that no one spoke, so he took the initiative to speak.

"I don't think so. Look at the Xiaolong fighter jets sold by Galaxy. Our intelligence department checked and found that this type of fighter jet did not exist before and was not in service in any country."

"The fact that Galaxy Trading Company has such advanced fighters shows that their R&D and production capabilities are extremely strong.

Just like the photos taken this time, more than 70 fighters were delivered in less than half a year. You know what this means better than me."

"Moreover, as far as we know, the Columbia Apache and Black Hawk fighters are currently purchased from the Galaxy Trading Company."

"Although we don't know how Galaxy Company got it, this indirectly proves that the strength of Galaxy Trading Company is not as simple as we imagined. It is very likely to be a huge organization hidden all over the world."

"In addition, Shaluotuo obtained a batch of ballistic missiles, which were also said to be purchased from the Galaxy Trading Company. This kind of ballistic missile is only possessed by Dragon Country, the Russian Bear and my country, and these countries do not sell them."

"Now Galaxy Company has sold 30 of them to Sand Camel in one go!"

"Moreover, this missile can also carry nuclear warheads."

"Think about it, if they can get this, they may also get nuclear bombs."

CIA Director Hake spoke up and expressed a different opinion.

No one knows more about Galaxy Trading Company than he does.

The more he knows, the more shocked and scared he is.

It can't be compared with ordinary companies.

Seeing Hake say this, the atmosphere in the office became more solemn.

Yes. 380 people can even get ballistic missiles, and in large quantities, so they may get nuclear weapons from Su Xiong.

"I think we should not express our views on this matter first, but wait for the development of the situation."

Li Gen said.

Everyone also thought so, and planned to wait and see whether Galaxy Company had nuclear bombs. If not, they would definitely support the country of Snake.

If it did, they would express neutrality.

At the same time, they would investigate the source of the nuclear bombs.

Compared with the mentality of the United States, which could sit on the sidelines, the country of Snake was in a mess.

The statement made by the spokesperson of Galaxy Trading Company that it would not rule out a nuclear attack on the country of Snake undoubtedly hurt the sensitive nerves of the country of Snake.

The big countries might not worry about being attacked by nuclear bombs, after all, they have vast strategic depth.

As long as they don't If they launch hundreds of nuclear bombs at once, they will be able to fight back.

But the Snake Kingdom cannot do that.

The land area is small, and two or three nuclear bombs will be enough to kill them.

If they use the previous method, whoever dares to use nuclear weapons to threaten the Snake Kingdom, then they will fight back. But what bothers them now is that the nuclear threat is from a trading company.

They are just a company and can be opened anywhere in the world. It is not clear which country they are from, so there is no way to fight them.

Because you know where the target is.

Even if a nuclear strike is launched on the Sand Camel and the sand is destroyed, What if they have branches in other countries?

What if they launch a nuclear attack?

This is exactly why the whole country of Snake is so anxious.

After ordinary people learned the words of the spokesman of Galaxy Trading Company, Snake Country instantly fell into depression. A large number of people (baaf) planned to leave Snake Country. In addition, people from all over the world who went to Snake Country for tourism, business, and official business fled Snake Country after seeing the news reports, for fear of being late and being hit by a nuclear bomb.

The war has not yet started, and the The Snake Country has entered a state of depression.

Nuclear bomb.

These two words alone are enough to intimidate many people.

Faced with this situation, the Snake Country can only roar and clamor to the outside world.

It claims that if the countries in the Middle East dare to launch nuclear bombs from their countries to attack the Snake Country, then the Snake Country will not hesitate to fight back at all costs, and launch a nuclear strike against the country that launched the nuclear bomb. Needless to say, this sentence still stunned many people.

Faced with the arrogance of the Snake Country, the Galaxy Trading Company spoke again, without saying much nonsense, just wait and see.

Such a tough reply made many people dumbfounded.

"Wow, what is the background of this Galaxy Trading Company? It seems so awesome?"

"Do you think this company really has nuclear weapons? Otherwise, why is the Snake Country so nervous?"

"I think it's almost certain that this company must be very powerful"

"Nuclear strike? Forget it. I don't want to do this kind of thing where both sides will perish. I don't want to die."

"Yeah! I don't want to die either."

"It's all the fault of the Snake Country. They took the initiative to provoke and attack other people's bases. They must be angry."


Faced with the tough response from the Galaxy Trading Company, the entire country of Israel fell into a state of unrest, and the entire domestic situation was in chaos. Many people in Israel demanded that the Shamil government step down.

They believed that it was he who brought Israel into a dangerous situation. If he had not attacked other people's military bases, this situation would not have happened.

It's just that the power of the people, although powerful, how many people are not afraid of death when facing the barrel of a gun?

In short, the entire country of Israel fell into chaos.

Middle East, Sand Camel.


After delivering the batch of Xiaolong fighter jets in the territory of Syria to the White Elephant Country, he took a military aircraft to Sand Camel, met with the military representatives of Tanhema and Babayang, and then delivered the weapons.

Prince Sultan was also present.

Seeing Michelle's presence, Prince Sultan's eyes lit up, and he quickly stepped forward to talk.

"Mr. Michel, may I ask, is what your company's spokesperson said true?"

"What really?"

"It’s about nuclear strike. Does your company really have nuclear weapons?"

"Oh, about this matter! How should I put it, he has it when he needs it, and he doesn't have it when he doesn't need it."


What do you mean?

Michelle just smiled and didn't explain.

Nuclear bombs have too much impact, so they will definitely not be sold if they can. However, if they are pressed for small warheads, they may be sold.

But this thing is really too harmful to the harmony of nature.

And it is easy to cause a chain reaction.

He could guess what Prince Sultan was thinking about when he asked.

It's nothing more than wanting to get a nuclear bomb. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

In this way, there is no need to worry about military threats from other countries.

However, Prince Sultan's idea is obviously unrealistic.

The military representative sent by Baba Yang this time is also Michelle's old acquaintance Salah

"General Salah, this batch of weapons almost couldn't be delivered to your country."

Salah heard this and naturally understood what Michelle meant.

He immediately showed his indignation and said angrily:"The Snake Kingdom is indeed too arrogant and has seriously trampled on the sovereignty of a country. It must be strongly condemned."

Although Baba Yang is a Muslim and hates the Snake Kingdom, they are far away.

Moreover, there is a great enemy, the White Elephant Kingdom, around them, and they can't help.

Michelle nodded when he heard this, knowing that Baba Yang would not send troops to support, and he said no more.

After a few polite words, Michelle talked to Prince Sultan alone about the counterattack against the Snake Kingdom.

"Mr. Prince, what is your country's plan now? Are you going to launch an attack on the Snake Country?"

Michel was very straightforward and went straight to the point without any politeness.

Prince Sultan said:"Mr. Michel, I can be sure that our country will definitely launch a counterattack this time, and we have contacted Syria, Pharaoh and other Arab countries in the Middle East. They all support us launching a counterattack."


Michelle became interested:"Which countries have sent troops?"[]

"Our country, Syria, Pharaoh, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon will send troops, and other Middle Eastern countries will also send small forces to participate?"

"Oh? The Jokul River is also sending troops?"

Michel was a little surprised. Having stayed in the Middle East for a year, he had a relatively good understanding of the situation in the region.

After the west bank of the Jokul River was seized by the Israeli army after the Third Middle East War, the Jokul River has been a bystander in the next two Middle East wars.

Why did they suddenly change their minds and want to join the coalition forces?

As if seeing Michel's doubts, Prince Sultan said:"They want to take back the west bank of the Jokul River"


Michelle understood instantly.

It is estimated that after seeing Syria regain the Golan Heights, the Camel of Israel also wanted to take back the territory on the west bank of the Yodan River.

War is fought for interests.

In the coalition, it is estimated that the only two countries that are truly powerful are Syria and Pharaoh.

As for the Camel of Sand, it seems powerful, but these young soldiers do not have the fighting spirit. However, the Camel of Sand Air Force is still strong.

Last time, it purchased 75 F16 fighters from the Galaxy Trading Company.

And it also has 200 advanced Leopard 2 tanks to deal with the Magach and Merkava tanks of the Snake State, which is a complete crushing situation.

What's more, there are 29 ballistic missiles. Even if the army is not deployed, the fighters and missiles are enough to defeat the Snake State. It just depends on how much courage the Camel of Sand can show.

""Will Iraq not join the war?" Michel asked.

He hoped that Iraq would join the war.

After years of fighting in the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's military strength and combat capability were undoubtedly the strongest in the Middle East.

Even Syria and Asia were far inferior.

"We contacted Saddam, and he said he would do his best to deal with Persia, so he could only send a ground force of 1,000 people to participate in the war."

"Thousands of people?"

Michel rolled his eyes.

What's the use of this number of people?

Compared to the excuse of joining the war with Persia.

Michel thought that it was because of Saddam's ambiguous relationship with Israel.

After the Fourth Middle East War, the relationship between Iraq and Syria was broken because Syria supported Persia, which angered Iraq.

Israel saw the relationship between the two countries, so in the Iran-Iraq War, Israel chose to support Iraq.

It is probably for this reason that Saddam was unwilling to send troops to help. (Ps: Please subscribe!! Begging for subscription


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