Provoking a war is a win-win situation for the Galaxy Trading Company.

It can not only strike a blow to the arrogance of the Snake Country, but also obtain a large number of military purchase orders. Once the war starts, weapons and ammunition will be greatly consumed, and new weapons and ammunition will inevitably be purchased, which means that taking advantage of this favorable wind, they can make a fortune.

For Louis, it is not just this.

After the war starts, it is bound to cause a sharp rise in international oil prices.

After all, the outbreak of a war will affect oil production capacity and export volume. The demand is high while the supply is low. When it is reflected in the international financial market, the price of crude oil will rise sharply.

Therefore, before leaving Columbia, Louis had already asked Smith of the Global Fund to pay attention to the international crude oil futures market.

This is equivalent to an open-book exam. When the war will start is just a matter of Louis's words.

After all, the driving force behind the Sixth Middle East War is the Galaxy Trading Company.

Just when the situation in the Middle East was turbulent, a Gulfstream 700 private jet landed at Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong.


The cabin door opened.

Elro and other bodyguards walked down first. After confirming that it was safe, they made way and accompanied Louis down the plane. Looking up at the scenery in front of him and the tall buildings across the sea, Louis smiled slightly.

"He had never been to Hong Kong in the 1980s, but had only seen it in Hong Kong movies.

After 2009, he had been there a few times, mainly for tourism.

But Hong Kong at that time was a little different from now. When he came, there were more high-rise buildings, and the airport was not at Kai Tak Airport.

Although it was his first time to visit Hong Kong in the 1980s, Louis still felt a sense of familiarity when he stood on the land under his feet.

Although he is now a Colombian, his"predecessor" father was a Dragon, with Dragon blood flowing in his body. He looks similar to many mixed-race people, and his skin is slightly whiter than that of the native Colombians.

Louis In the middle, with bodyguards in front, behind, and on both sides, surrounding him.

A group of more than a dozen people walked out of the airport.

Such a lineup, especially with foreigners, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Louis saw no less than twenty people looking at him.

A group of people came out of the exit.

They saw someone holding a sign with English written on it, which translated as Louis. There was also an old man in his sixties standing next to him.

Louis gave Elro a look, and the team walked towards the person holding the sign.

At this time, the man holding the sign and the old man also saw Louis and the others, and walked towards them.

He waved to Elro and others to let the other party come over.

"Hello, is this Mr. Louis? I am Zhou Wenhuai, the general manager of Golden Harvest."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Zhou Wenhuai's eyes were a little apprehensive.

Zhou Wenhuai?

Louis raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect the boss of Golden Harvest Film Company to come in person.

As for why the people from Golden Harvest came to greet him.

It's very simple. Golden Harvest is also a partner of Blue Ocean Electronics.

The movies produced by Golden Harvest are still very popular in Southeast Asia. Blue Ocean Electronics can't just cooperate with a few major Hollywood companies. The market in Asia also needs to be developed.

Right now, Hong Kong movies are booming. As one of the Hong Kong movie giants, Golden Harvest has naturally become the main partner.

Blue Ocean Electronics is responsible for DVD distribution, while Golden Harvest provides content. The cooperation model is the same as Hollywood.

Louis took off his sunglasses, smiled and stretched out his hand:"Hello, Mr. Zhou, please come and answer it."

Listening to Louis communicating in fluent Chinese, Zhou Wenhuai was slightly stunned.

Then he shook hands with Louis and asked curiously:"Mr. Louis, how come you speak Chinese so well?"

"My father is from Long Country."

Louis said calmly.

This is just one of the reasons. He was from Long Country in his previous life.

"So that's it."

Zhou Wenhuai showed a look of realization, looked at Louis, and said with a smile:"I didn't expect Mr. Louis to be Chinese. I'm really surprised."

Louis smiled calmly.

"Is this your first time in Hong Kong, Mr. Louis?"

"Well, I guess so."

Louis thought for a while and said.

It was indeed his first time here in this life.

Zhou Wenhuai did not pay attention to the meaning of Louis' words, and thought it was really his first time here, so he said enthusiastically:"Then you can have a good look around, you can find a lot of Dragon Country culture here."

Louis nodded, looked around, and said to Zhou Wenhuai:"Mr. Zhou, how about we get in the car and talk first?"

"Ah, sorry, I was too busy chatting. Sorry for being so rude!" Zhou Wenhuai reacted and saw many people looking at him. He looked apologetic and made a gesture of invitation:"Mr. Louis, please come this way.""


Louis politely returned the greeting.

The group walked out while chatting.

Seeing the group leaving, the people who had just looked at them began to whisper.

"The man just now seemed to be Mr. Zhou from Golden Harvest Films, right?"

"Yes, it’s him!"

"Who is that young man? It seems Mr. Zhou is very polite to him."

"He must be an important person. You can see that he has a lot of bodyguards when he travels."

"Nonsense, I know it's a big shot, I asked who it was"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

After leaving the airport, the group took five cars, and three of them were taxis. Zhou Wenhuai didn't expect Louis to bring so many people. He thought there would be only three or four people.

Twenty minutes later, the convoy arrived at the Peninsula Hotel near Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Mr. Louis, this is the hotel you are staying in."

Louis looked at it and nodded slightly. It was no different from the Peninsula Hotel in his impression. It looked magnificent and high-end, but in his opinion it was a bit rustic and not as elegant as the simple black, white and gray style.

However, people these days like this magnificent decoration style and think it is upscale.

"This is the hotel housekeeper, she will take you to check in."

Zhou Wenhuai pointed to a beautiful, young and pretty hotel staff member next to him and said.

Seeing Louis looking at her, the woman smiled slightly and said in fluent English:"Hello sir, my name is Maggie, I am your housekeeper"

""Hello, Miss Maggie."

Louis extended his hand and shook hands with the other person politely. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The woman named Maggie was obviously surprised to hear Louis speak Mandarin.

There are not many foreigners who can speak Mandarin these days.

"This is my phone number, Mr. Louis can contact me at any time."

Zhou Wenhuai took out a business card and handed it to Louis with a smile:"You must be tired after taking a long flight, I won't disturb you to rest."

"Tonight, I held a welcoming banquet, and I would like to invite Mr. Louis to come."

Looking at the business card in his hand, and then looking at Zhou Wenhuai with a smile on his face, Louis put the business card away, smiled and nodded, saying:"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Zhou."

"Mr. Louis is polite.

Seeing that things were almost done, Zhou Wenhuai turned to Maggie and said,"Miss Maggie, I'll leave my distinguished guest to you."

Maggie was flattered to see Zhou Wenhuai being so friendly to her. The man in front of her was a Hong Kong movie tycoon and a billionaire.

"Mr. Zhou, please rest assured that Maggie will take good care of you."

Zhou Wenhuai was very satisfied with Maggie's attitude.

Turning around, he smiled and said,"Okay, Mr. Louis, I'll leave first. See you in the evening."


After watching Zhou Wenhuai leave, Louis turned around and saw the hotel staff named Maggie staring at him with curiosity.

Maggie blushed when she found Louis looking at her, and quickly turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation:"Sir, this way please"[]

Louis raised his eyebrows slightly.

He looked at Maggie with a lack of interest.

Perhaps he was used to seeing big breasts in Colombia, and suddenly came to Hong Kong, the difference was huge. He was a little uncomfortable.

Of course, the most important thing was her appearance, which was only slightly pretty.

Louis naturally had no interest in this kind of person.

Seeing Louis looking at her, Maggie's face and ears couldn't help but get hot.

"Let's go."

Then Louis walked towards the elevator.

Three minutes later

"Sir, this is your room."

Maggie opened the door and gestured for him to come in.

Louis walked in. The house was quite big, a suite, either a presidential suite or an executive suite.

He looked around and it was OK.

There was a swimming pool and a balcony, but unfortunately there was no independent gym.

However, it was not bad!

"Not bad!"

Seeing Louis's satisfied look, Maggie took two steps forward, smiled and introduced Louis, then pointed to the bedside phone:"Sir, this is the contact number, you can dial the number on the sign to contact our staff"

"Also, here is the room key, keep it safe."


Louis reached out and took it.

"Look, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Louis nodded.

Seeing this, Maggie bowed and then turned and left.


After closing the door, Maggie looked at Elro and others in the corridor, and did not dare to stay, so she left quickly.

But she couldn't help but be curious about Louis' identity. He must be an important figure.

Otherwise, Zhou Wenhuai would not have personally sent him to the hotel, and she also saw that Zhou Wenhuai was very respectful to Mr. Louis.

And the dozen or so burly men in suits were bodyguards at first glance. Traveling with so many bodyguards, how could his identity be simple?

Louis looked around, then walked to the door and said to Elro and others:"Go and have a rest. You've been on the plane for more than a day and you're tired."


Elro replied respectfully, turned around and waved. Most people left, but there were still four people who stayed outside to guard against harassment.

Opening the French window door and walking to the balcony, Louis looked out at Victoria Harbor and the Hong Kong Island opposite with tall buildings, and nodded secretly. Who would have thought that Hong Kong was so prosperous in the 1980s?

Thinking back to when he was a child in his previous life, there was not a single decent high-rise building in the entire county. Compared with Hong Kong, it was indeed much behind.

This foreigner is really good at economics.

(Ps: I came here to plan business and pick up girls.....If you don't like me, don't write in detail. If you like me, write at my own pace.)

I'm a sabmado

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