
Wan Chai, Johnston Road.

Fook Lam Moon Restaurant

"Mr. Louis, let me introduce you, this is Ho Kuan-chang, my good friend, we founded Golden Harvest Film Company together.

Zhou Wenhuai introduced the old man next to him, who was a little tall and wore a pair of glasses.

"Hello Mr. Louis, I am He Guanchang, welcome to Hong Kong."

Seeing Louis looking at him, He Guanchang took the initiative to extend his hand and greeted with a smile.

Looking at the godfather of the big-nosed dragon in front of him, Louis smiled and extended his hand:"Hello Mr. He, I heard that you are Cheng Long's godfather?"

""Huh? It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, A-Long and I are just good friends."

He Guanchang smiled awkwardly, waved his hand, and said with a smile that the rumors should not be taken seriously.

After all, Cheng Long has made a name for himself in Hollywood now, and he is no longer the unknown actor ten years ago.

Although Cheng Long did call him godfather before, that was all in the past.

"Mr. Louis also knows A-Long?"

Seeing his friend's embarrassment, Zhou Wenhuai said.


How could Jackie Chan not know him?

Louis nodded:"I have seen a few of his movies, such as A-Slice and Drunken Master, and he acted well."

Not to mention these few movies, he has seen all of Jackie Chan's movies.

But that was in his previous life.

"Really? I never thought that Mr. Louis had also seen Aaron's movies.

Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang were both surprised.

But considering that Louis' father was Chinese, it was not outrageous for him to watch Aaron's movies.

"Don't just chat, come and eat. The barbecued pork crisps here are especially good, and the bird's nest stewed in coconut milk is very tender. Mr. Louis, try it and see if it suits your taste."

Zhou Wenhuai smiled and introduced the dishes on the table.

"Not bad."

Louis picked up two chopsticks, tasted the barbecued pork crisps, and nodded in praise.

Chinese food is completely crushed compared to those foods in Columbia. Although Columbia also has Chinese food, what he wants to say is that the taste is not to his taste, and it is not as good as his own home-cooked dishes.

"Just make sure it suits your taste. I was worried that you might be used to Chinese food."

"Fortunately, I often eat Chinese food in Columbus."

"Really? Then it seems that I made the right choice today. You should eat more."

"Thank you!"

Louis really thought the Chinese food here tasted good.

After eating for a while, Louis wiped his mouth with a tissue, waved his hand, and said to Elro who was walking towards him:"Go find the waiter."


Elro nodded and turned to find the waiter.

Seeing this, Zhou Wenhuai couldn't help but ask:"Mr. Louis, is there any problem? Is there something wrong with this dish?"


Louis shook his head:"This dish is very good and suits my taste very well."


Zhou Wenhuai was about to ask why he called the waiter over when the door of the private room opened.

"Hello sir, how can I help you?"

"Well, please ask your chef to come over."


The waiter thought there was something wrong with the dish:"Sir, do you think there is something wrong with this dish?"

"There is nothing wrong with the dishes. I just want to meet your chef and ask him something."

Hearing this, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief.

He also saw that the people in this box were not simple.

Can they be ordinary people who come out to eat with a dozen bodyguards?

Even though they often receive wealthy people like Huo Yingdong and Li Jiacheng, it is still rare for them to travel like Louis.

""Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The waiter nodded and quickly left the box.

Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang looked at each other, somewhat confused by Louis's actions.

Soon, a man wearing a white hat walked in, followed by the waitress just now.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?"

Louis looked at him and said,"Are you the chef here?"


"Did you make all this?"

The man looked at the dishes on the table and nodded,"Yes, sir."

"So how much is your monthly salary?"


"What? It's inconvenient to say?"

"this...It is indeed inconvenient to say, the company has regulations"

"I see. The dishes you cook are very suitable for my taste. Are you interested in being my private chef with an annual salary of $200,000?"


The chef's eyes widened in astonishment.

Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang were also surprised. After all the relationship, they were trying to poach someone.

However, this was indeed a big deal.

An annual salary of 200,000 US dollars, converted into Hong Kong dollars, is more than 1.5 million.

For a chef, this is definitely a top salary.

In Hong Kong, the salary of a normal chef is about 200,000 Hong Kong dollars per year.

Even a chef in a five-star hotel does not exceed 1 million Hong Kong dollars at most.

You know, the average salary in Hong Kong at that time was 6,000 Hong Kong dollars.

But Louis offered an annual salary of more than 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars, which is undoubtedly a sky-high price.

"Sir, did I hear you correctly? You mean an annual salary of 200,000 US dollars?"

""Yes!" Hiss!

The chef gasped.

He has worked at Fortune for a long time, almost 20 years.

The boss treats him well.

His annual salary is now about 600,000 Hong Kong dollars.

With this salary, one can live comfortably in Hong Kong and buy a house in a year.

But compared with the annual salary of 200,000 US dollars, it is not worth mentioning.

He was a little tempted, after all, his salary increased by 1.5 times.

But when he thought about the boss of Fortune, he was really good to him.

On one hand, there is a higher salary, and on the other hand, there is friendship. For a while, he was a little undecided.

Louis saw his confusion and smiled and said,"You don't have to reply in a hurry. Think about it carefully. If you are sure you want to talk to me, just go to the front desk of the Peninsula Hotel and say you are looking for Louis.

In addition, I live in Colombia in South America. If you want to go there, it means you will settle down there. Well, it's up to you. I won't force you."

The man nodded, then turned and left the box

"Mr. Louis is really generous. He hired a private chef and offered an annual salary of 200,000 US dollars."Zhou Wenhuai said.

Louis smiled and said,"I can't help it. I like Chinese food, and the Chinese food in Columbia is really not that good."

For him, spending 200,000 US dollars to hire someone as a private chef is nothing. After all, the business he is currently handling is calculated in billions, and the unit is still US dollars.

200,000 US dollars is just a drop in the bucket for him.

Besides, being able to satisfy the appetite will make you feel much better.

Outside the door.

The waitress began to ask:"Brother Fu, what do you think? Will you go?"

Li Chunfu shook his head:"I haven't thought about it yet!"

"What's there to think about? Just go there. The salary there is 200,000 US dollars. Working there for one year is equivalent to working here for three years."

"I know, but my boss is very good to me. If I leave now, it would be a bit unkind."

"Oh, you are just pedantic. The boss treats you well because he thinks you are capable. Look at us waiters. Do you see how well he treats us? If you follow that man, you will definitely be a rich man. You can work there for ten or twenty years, and you will become a rich man when you come back to Hong Kong."

Li Chunfu was tempted, but he didn't show it on his face.

"I'll think about it again..."

Let's go to the kitchen quickly.


The waitress stamped her feet and cursed the pig-head.

Her eyes rolled slightly, but she was thinking about how to seduce the chef. After all, with an annual salary of 200,000 US dollars, he was a potential stock.

She was still very satisfied with her appearance. (To read the exciting novel, just go to Fulu Novel Network!)

After all, there were many people pursuing her.

There were several people who liked her in Fulinmen Restaurant alone.

Although Li Chunfu had a wife and children, so what? She was young and beautiful, and men liked young and beautiful people. She made up her mind and then tried to seduce Li Chunfu.

Half an hour later.

The road downstairs of Fulinmen Restaurant

"Mr. Louis, I will ask A Xiang to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I will definitely be there tomorrow."

Zhou Wenhuai invited him to visit Jiahe tomorrow. Louis thought about it. Anyway, in the next few days, Elro and his friends need to collect information about Zhongkai Power, Landmark, Wharf Holdings and other companies.

It would be better to go and see Jiahe to make up for the regrets of the previous life.

That night, he returned to the hotel, washed up and went to bed.

The next day.

At 9 am.

In front of the Peninsula Hotel


Seeing Louis coming out, A Xiang quickly opened the back door to greet him.

"No need, I'll take the one behind, and they'll take yours."

Louis walked towards the Rolls-Royce behind Ah Xiang.

The car belonged to the hotel.

But for the hotel, Louis was the biggest VIP. After all, he had booked eight rooms at once, and the worst were all executive rooms. And those people were obviously bodyguards. For distinguished guests, the hotel would naturally try their best to please them. Not to mention using the car for one day, even using it for ten days would not be a problem.

Ah Xiang smacked his lips. He drove this Mercedes-Benz owned by Zhou Wenhuai, but compared with the little golden man, it was still far behind. He quickly got into his own car.

Several bodyguards got into his car. A group of three cars drove out of the hotel and headed towards Kai Tak.

Golden Harvest Company.

Cheng Long drove his very flashy red Porsche sports car to the company.

Seeing Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang standing at the gate, he quickly parked the car beside him.

Then he got out of the car and walked in front of the two men, asking curiously,"Boss, godfather, what are you doing?"

"Welcoming a guest"

"043 guests? What kind of guests do you two need to come and greet in person?" Cheng Long asked curiously.

"Aaron, you can come too. It just so happens that some of you have heard of your name and have seen your movies."


Seeing the two of them being so serious, Big Nose Long had to suppress his doubts and stood with them quietly waiting. After waiting for about ten minutes

, several cars drove over. Big Nose Long recognized the leading car, which was his boss Zhou's car.

Seeing the golden man behind, Cheng Long was surprised.

As a car collector, he was naturally familiar with Rolls-Royce. This car was not cheap, close to one million Hong Kong dollars.

Needless to say, the person sitting in this car must be the real owner. As expected, he saw that his godfather and Boss Zhou were obviously more energetic, with smiles on their faces.

"Is it a foreigner?"

Seeing Louis coming down from the car, the big-nosed dragon's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Mr. Louis, you are here."

Zhou Wenhuai and the other man came forward to greet him warmly, and waved to the dumbfounded Cheng Long:"Ah Long, come over and say hello to Mr. Louis."

The big-nosed Long hurried over:"Hello, Mr. Louis, I'm Cheng Long."

Louis looked at Cheng Long, who was in his prime, and nodded with a smile. This man actually didn't have any big problems. At least his political stance was still firm. He had never heard of any black material about him in his previous life, and the most he talked about was his gossip history.

When he was young, energetic, rich and famous, who wouldn't pick up girls?

Not to mention he was an international kung fu superstar.

He didn't have any big problems, but his son was a hopeless person and he even went in to operate a sewing machine.

It was a waste of his father's status

"I've seen you act in A-Zone and Food Truck, you acted well.

Big Nose Dragon smiled and said,"Thank you.~~"

"Come on, Mr. Louis, I'll show you around."

After seeing that he knew Jacky, Chow Wen-Hwai enthusiastically showed Louis around.

They went straight to the Golden Harvest Studios, which used to belong to Cathay.

There were people on the studio, filming was in progress.

Chow Wen-Hwai and Ho Kuan-Chang came with a foreigner, followed by Jacky and a large group of people, which immediately attracted a lot of attention. Golden Harvest doesn't just shoot Jacky's movies, it produces more than 20 movies a year, and only three or four of them are starring Jacky.

(Ps: If you don't like what you see in Hong Kong, I'll speed up the process!)

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