On the set, the crew stopped filming.

"Boss Zhou"

"Boss He"


Hong Jingbao, who was acting as the producer on the scene, came over and greeted Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang enthusiastically.

Although Hong Jingbao and Mr. Dickson had jointly established D&B Film Company, the cooperation with Golden Harvest had not been interrupted.

D&B was a satellite company under Golden Harvest.

Unlike other film companies that were afraid that actors would go out to work on their own, Golden Harvest had taken the route of a satellite company from the beginning.

The so-called satellite company was similar to the later mainland actor studios, with both parties in a cooperative relationship, and Golden Harvest did a better job by participating in the shares and investing in projects together..

Although Hong Jingbao was greeting several people, he was secretly looking at Louis from the corner of his eyes. He was not a brainless person. He could let Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang, who rarely appeared on the set, accompany him personally. It was obvious that the foreigner in front of him was of extraordinary status.

Could he be someone from Hollywood?

Hong Jingbao thought secretly.

Louis didn't pay attention to Hong Jingbao's gaze. At this time, he was looking at a woman on the set.

Wang Zuxian.

As a Hong Kong movie lover, he watched a lot of Hong Kong movies in the 1980s and 1990s, and he also recognized He knows many Hong Kong stars, and he knows the female stars of that era like the back of his hand. Wang Zuxian is one of them.

This woman with thick makeup is indeed beautiful, and she is much more beautiful in real life than on the screen.

Especially now that she has put on makeup and costumes, she looks quite pitiful.

But her bones are really big, and she is not a slender woman. She is a bit like a Latin American woman, with a sturdy body.

As if noticing his gaze, Wang Zuxian looked at Louis.

Seeing that it was a foreigner looking at him, his eyes were slightly stunned, and he nodded slightly, and his gaze turned away. to the side.

If any other man looked at her like this, she would definitely get angry and curse.

But this is definitely not the case in this situation. She is not stupid. How can someone who can have the boss of Jiahe personally accompany him be a small figure?

And now she is just an actor from Taiwan.

Although she made her mark in Hong Kong with the role of Nie Xiaoqian, the heroine in the play"A Chinese Ghost Story", she has only been in Hong Kong for a short time and is not considered a big star.

Louis smiled indifferently, retracted his gaze, and looked at Hong Jingbao in front of him:"What kind of play are you filming?"

Hearing Louis speaking Mandarin, Hong Jingbao's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he replied:"A fantasy comedy called"The Fairy in the Painting""

The Fairy in the Painting?"

Louis had some impression in his mind, but it had been so long that he could no longer remember the plot.

Here, Zhou Wenhuai had already seen that Louis seemed to be interested in Wang Zuxian, and was secretly thinking about whether to give him a push behind the scenes.

After all, Louis is the boss of Blue Ocean Electronics.

And Blue Ocean Electronics is not only financially strong, but also has cooperative relations with several major Hollywood film companies.

Golden Harvest has always wanted to penetrate the Hollywood market. This idea is not only what Cheng Long wants to enter Hollywood, but Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang also want.

The Hong Kong film market is still too small.

Where can they make US dollars? One dollar can be equivalent to more than 7 dollars in Hong Kong.

And the market is large enough. If they can deepen their relationship with Louis, there is no doubt that It is suspected to help Golden Harvest enter Hollywood.

Thinking of this, Zhou Wenhuai made up his mind.

He made up his mind to talk to Wang Zuxian after sending Louis away.

As for the fact that Wang Zuxian has a boyfriend, Zhou Wenhuai disagrees. No one in this circle understands it better than him. These women will do anything to get to the top.

Otherwise, how can you stand out from the crowd, and why would the film company support you?

Unless they are already popular actresses, like Lin Qingxia and Zhong Chuhong, who are already very famous, they themselves are the focus of traffic and media, and they do not have fans.

But even so, you have to have a good relationship with the movie boss.

There is another kind of person who does not need to socialize, that is, the one from the He family, who is capital in itself, does not need to socialize, and looks at people's faces.

As for the innocence of Hong Kong actresses, it is completely false.

In the 1980s and 1990s The Hong Kong entertainment industry was at its most chaotic at that time.

A large number of societies entered the industry.

As a result, there were incidents such as King Liu being pointed at with a gun while filming, Li Lianjie's agent being killed, Liu Jialing being tied up, and Mei Yanfang being slapped. Do you think there is still innocence in this social environment?

It is better to believe that a sow can climb a tree.

As long as the benefits are big enough, there is no actress's legs that cannot be smashed.

Louis has a deep understanding of this.

At this time, Louis did not know that Zhou Wenhuai was going to pimp for him. Under the leadership of Hong Jingbao, he watched the filming process of the movie, but he liked to watch beautiful women more than movies.

In addition to Wang Zuxian, he also found a beautiful woman at the scene.

Li Meifeng.

This woman, who is known as the beauty with electric eyes, is indeed charming, especially her eyes, which are indeed a bit charming. As for her figure, it is very average and not tall. , the capital is still quite good.

If you have to make a comparison, her face shape is a bit similar to the one he remembered from Zhong Chuhong.

They came and went in a hurry. After staying for more than ten minutes, the group left.

This time, Cheng Long did not keep up. At this time, he was chatting with Wang Zuxian.

Cheng Long stared at this woman for a long time.

He always wanted to get her, but Wang Zuxian was having a hot relationship with a singer from Taiwan at the moment, so he naturally looked down on Big Nose Long.

Although Wang Zuxian ignored him, Big Nose Long was not the kind of person who would be discouraged.

He had a lot of love history and rich experience, so he knew that good women were afraid of being pestered.

He was confident that he could get this Taiwanese beauty.

Besides, he was a popular superstar in Hong Kong. He had fame and money.

Hong Jingbao knew the nature of his junior brother Cheng Long very well, and pulled him aside:"Along, who was that foreigner just now? Why did Boss He and the others come to accompany him in person?.?"

Hong Jingbao's voice was not small, and almost everyone around could hear it.

Wang Zuxian and everyone else pricked up their ears.

"I don't know the details, but my godfather said he was the boss of Blue Ocean Electronics and had a cooperative relationship with Golden Harvest."

"Blue Ocean Electronics? Is that the company that sells DVDs?"Hong Jingbao was shocked.

"Yeah, it seems to be this one"

"Is this company famous?"Wang Zuxian asked curiously.

Seeing Wang Zuxian asking this question, Big Nose Dragon felt that this was his chance to show off.

"More than just famous, this company has been established for a year and has now become a world-renowned electronics company. It is said that it earns billions of Hong Kong dollars a year."

Billions of Hong Kong dollars?

When this was said, everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

For those of them who were paid 10,000 or 20,000 yuan for a film, billions were simply unimaginable. Wang Zuxian's salary is now tens of thousands of yuan for a film, but he was still shocked, not to mention that it was only a year.

No wonder the two bosses of Jiahe accompanied him in person, it turned out that his status was really awesome.

On this side, Louis came to the Jiahe office building, visited the Jiahe film history, and planned to leave.

Zhou Wenhuai and the others said to stay for dinner, but Louis declined. He had business to do and saw Louis was determined, and the two men saw this without saying anything more, and personally sent Louis to the car.

After watching the convoy leave, Zhou and He returned to the office.

Zhou Wenhuai told his old friend about his previous thoughts.

He was not surprised to hear Zhou Wenhuai say that Louis was interested in Wang Zuxian. It was normal for young people to like beautiful women.

Wasn't he the same when he was young, he liked beautiful women.

But Zhou Wenhuai's next words, about matching Louis and Wang Zuxian, made him frown, because he knew that his godson Cheng Long had been eyeing that woman from Taiwan.

"Old Zhou, I heard that Wang Zuxian has a boyfriend. I'm afraid she won't agree, right?"

Zhou Wenhuai disagreed:"So what if she has a boyfriend? Besides, is her boyfriend as good as Louis in singing? If she is really pretentious, at most I can promise her and give her two film contracts as the female lead!" With a cold snort, Zhou Wenhuai said:"You know, without our Golden Harvest, she would be unemployed now."

Wang Zuxian was discovered by Shaw Brothers and then brought to Hong Kong. But Shaw Brothers closed down last year. Wang Zuxian, who had an eight-year contract, was faced with a lack of films to shoot. At that time, Wang Zuxian was not famous either. It was later when he was seconded to Cinema City and Golden Harvest that he became famous.

Seeing his old friend's attitude, he really wanted to bring the matter together.

He Guanchang was thinking in his mind. (To read the novel of Baoshuang, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

He understood his old friend's idea. He wanted to build a good relationship with Louis and then help Golden Harvest break into the Hollywood circle.

Once they can break into the Hollywood circle, it will undoubtedly be beneficial to Golden Harvest and Jackie Chan.

Thinking of this, He Guanchang also decided to stand on the side of his old friend.

As for his godson's love affair, in his opinion, Jackie Chan is energetic, young and ambitious, and just wants to have fun. He is not a person who can settle down, and there is also Lin Fengjiao.

After being open-minded, He Guanchang expressed his support.

"Then who will tell her?"

"I'll go." Zhou Wenhuai thought about it and decided to go himself.

He wanted Ho Kuan-chang to go, but after thinking about Cheng Long pursuing Wang Zuxian, he decided that it would be better for him to go.

Even if Cheng Long knew about it, he would just be dissatisfied with him and would not fall out with Ho Kuan-chang.

As long as he did not fall out with Ho Kuan-chang, he would not leave Golden Harvest.

He made up his mind to find a chance to keep Wang Zuxian after the filming was finished.

Louis was not clear about what Zhou and Ho were thinking.

After returning to the hotel, he asked someone to find a due diligence company.

The target of the investigation was a number of Hong Kong listed companies such as China Power, Hong Kong Electric, Hong Kong Land, Hysan Property, Wharf Holdings, and Cheung Kong.

He planned to see which companies could intercept him through capital.[]

At the same time, Louis also recruited a CEO talent who is proficient in corporate management from the system, named Lin Tianhong, and asked him to register an investment company called"Zhonghai Investment Company."

As an enterprise in East Asia and even Southeast Asia.

At this time, the Hong Kong stock market was affected by the Black Monday in the United States, and the market was in a downturn.

After the matter was handed over, the rest was to wait for the results before taking action.

When he was free, Louis couldn't help but think of meeting Wang Zuxian and Li Meifeng in the morning, and his heart was a little unbearable.

Louis, who had strengthened his body, was in a more vigorous spirit, and naturally had more needs.

Just when Louis was thinking about whether to call Zhou Wenhuai and ask for the phone numbers of the two women.

Zhou Wenhuai was also chatting with Wang Zuxian.

But the chat was not very pleasant.

After hearing Zhou Wenhuai asked her to accompany Louis, Wang Zuxian immediately changed her face and refused righteously, claiming that she had a boyfriend.

She turned her face away and left with her bag on her back.

This made Zhou Wenhuai, who was originally full of confidence and thought he could convince Wang Zuxian, look ugly.

In the next room, seeing Wang Zuxian leaving in a hurry, He Guanchang knew that things must be going wrong.

"..Otherwise, let's change someone else"

"Change player?"

"Yes, I think Louis is also interested in Li Meifeng."He Guanchang said:"On the set before, I saw him stay on Li Meifeng for more than ten seconds, he must be interested."

Hearing this, Zhou Wenhuai tapped the table lightly with his fingers and fell into deep thought.

He Guanchang glanced at his old friend and smiled,"I think it's pretty good."


Moreover, Li Meifeng is much easier to deal with than Wang Zuxian.

《The drama"The Fairy in the Painting" was her first drama.

Although she was the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong, it is not easy to make a name for herself in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, which is full of beauties.

Until now, TVB has not arranged any drama for her.

The aura of the runner-up of Miss Hong Kong only lasted for the time when she was selected.

Afterwards, as time went by, the popularity disappeared and fewer people paid attention to her.

If you are not famous, you will naturally not be so arrogant.

""Okay, it's her!"

After saying that, he picked up the phone on the table and started to make a call.

Li Meifeng, who was about to leave the set, was notified that Zhou Wenhuai wanted to see her.

Li Meifeng was a little flattered, as he was a big shot in the film industry.

Like Wang Zuxian, Zhou Wenhuai and Li Meifeng were the only two people left in the room.

With the previous incident with Wang Zuxian, Zhou Wenhuai did not speak so bluntly this time. He first told Li Meifeng about Louis' wealth and his status in Hollywood, and then said that Louis had a good impression of her. Then

, he said that Golden Harvest was preparing to enter Hollywood and was planning to promote an actor and an actress.

As a top student at the University of Toronto, Li Meifeng immediately understood what Zhou Wenhuai meant. Having spent several years abroad, she was well-informed and had a much more open mind than Hong Kong people in some aspects.

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Li Meifeng agreed.

Of course, there was another reason why she agreed so readily: Louis was handsome.

If it was an old man, he would naturally be unwilling.

After seeing Li Meifeng agreed, Zhou Wenhuai immediately told her the address of the hotel where Louis was staying.

After Li Meifeng left, Zhou Wenhuai called Louis again and said with a smile,"Mr. Louis, I have a gift for you. Please accept it later."


Louis was surprised

"Yes, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Hearing Zhou Wenhuai's words, Louis became curious about what gift Zhou Wenhuai was sure he would like.

Half an hour later,

Louis in the room was talking to Michelle in the Middle East on the phone.

""Knock, knock!"

There was a knock on the door.

Then he saw Elro walk in.

"What's up?"

"Boss, there is a lady named Li Meifeng who wants to see you outside. She said that Boss Zhou asked her to come."

Hearing this, Louis looked outside the door. Sure enough

, there was a beautiful figure standing at the door.

It was Li Meifeng.

Thinking of what Zhou Wenhuai said before, he instantly understood what was going on.

Good guy, Zhou Wenhuai actually pimped.

However, Louis said he liked it.

"You bring her in."


At the door

"Miss Li, the boss invites you in."

"Oh, oh."

Li Meifeng walked in nervously.


Elro closed the door considerately.

"You go take a shower first."

Louis turned and said to Li Meifeng, and continued to communicate with Michelle on the phone about the situation in the Middle East. (

Ps: I sent a picture of Li Meifeng.)

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