The Peninsula Hotel.

Presidential Suite

"Boss, this is the information we collected."


Lewis didn't look through it, leaning back on the sofa, and said lightly:"Which company is the easiest to acquire?~?"

"Hong Kong Electric."

Lin Tianhong said

"Li Jiacheng’s company?"


Lin Tianhong explained:"Currently, Hutchison Whampoa and the others jointly hold 450 million shares of HK Electric, accounting for about 34.6% of the total share capital! It has not reached a 51% controlling stake.-"

"Could it be that Li Jiacheng still holds shares secretly, or arranges for someone to hold them on his behalf?"

Louis doesn't believe that Li Jiacheng, the old fox, will leave a loophole for acquisition.

"This is possible, but based on the information collected, even if Li Jiacheng secretly holds shares, the shares will not be too many. After all, the market value of HK Electric is here."

"How much is HK Electric's market value now?" Louis asked

"The market value is now more than 7 billion Hong Kong dollars, mainly due to the impact of the US stock market. The entire Hong Kong stock market is plummeting. Before October this year, the overall market value of Hong Kong Electric was around 10 billion."

More than 7 billion Hong Kong dollars is only 1 billion US dollars.

This number is not small.

"In addition, we found that more than a month before the stock market crash, four companies under Li Jiacheng, Hutchison Whampoa, Hong Kong Electric, Cheung Kong Holdings, and Jiahong International all announced fundraising plans, raising a full 10 billion Hong Kong dollars."


Louis' eyes flashed with surprise.

This old man's vision is really amazing. Could he also be a reborn person?

Otherwise, why is the time so accurate?

"Is Hutchison Whampoa the controlling stake of Hong Kong Electric?"


"So how many Hutchison Whampoa shares does Li Jiacheng hold?"

"On the surface, his shareholding ratio in these four companies does not exceed 35%, but I got the news that Li Jiacheng plans to spend 2 billion Hong Kong dollars to increase his shares in these four companies.

However, according to the regulations of the Hong Kong Merger and Acquisition Committee, any listed company whose shareholder holds more than 35% of the shares must be fully acquired.

Currently, Li Jiacheng is trying to persuade the China Securities Regulatory Commission to make an exception and use 2 billion Hong Kong dollars to boost the Hong Kong stock market.

According to the current information, the China Securities Regulatory Commission is still considering it."

Louis raised his eyebrows slightly. He is indeed an old fox. At this time, the stock market has plummeted, and he wants to use the money raised before to buy at the bottom. It is really a good calculation.

"In other words, as long as I control Hutchison Whampoa, it is equivalent to controlling Hong Kong Electric Company?"

"Yes, Hutchison Whampoa holds 34.6% of HK Electric shares"

"In that case, why not just buy Hutchison Whampoa directly?"It

's better to control a bigger company than to spend money. Wouldn't it help Li Jiacheng raise the price by buying HK Electric directly?

"Boss, Hutchison Whampoa's market value is relatively high. Even if it has fallen by 35% now, its market value is still around 10 billion."

"It's okay, it's only 10 billion, and you only need 51% to control the company, so it's just a small amount of money."Lewis said indifferently.

Not to mention 10 billion, even if it's 100 billion or 200 billion, he can take it out from his own private vault.

He still has more than 36 billion US dollars on hand, which is more than 280 billion Hong Kong dollars according to the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar.

Acquiring a listed company with a market value of 10 billion is just a small amount of money.

"What about other companies? Which ones are easy to acquire?"

"Can the four companies of Hong Kong Land, Wharf Holdings, Hysan Holdings and China Power be acquired?"

Of all the companies in Hong Kong, he only has his eyes on these few. Hong Kong

Land is known as the land king in Central.

Harbour City, built by Wharf Holdings on the land in Tsim Sha Tsui, is a golden treasure. When I went there to travel in my previous life, I was amazed by the flow of people here. The business is prosperous and it can be said to be the most prosperous shopping complex in Kowloon.

It is said that the son-in-law of the Bao family can collect 10 billion Hong Kong dollars in rent a year just by relying on Harbour City. Even if this number is a bit exaggerated, it should be several billion Hong Kong dollars.

Hysan Development is the property of the drug lord and opium dealer Li family, known as Causeway Bay The land king, it is said that half of the land in Causeway Bay belongs to Hysan's company.

Causeway Bay is currently in the stage of large-scale construction, but it has already begun to show signs of prosperity.

The Lee family sold a lot of land and only kept a few buildings. The annual rental income is still more than 10 or 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. If they did not sell them and built all by themselves, how much money would it cost?

Besides, he knew the place of Causeway Bay well, it was a landmark section of the Hong Kong commercial shopping street.

Zhongkai Power was owned by the Kadoorie family, including the Peninsula Hotel where he lived.

In the early years, he also made a living by selling opium, and it was a Jewish family.

"Zhongye Power is a little more troublesome, but the others can be acquired through normal means of the stock market."

When he heard that he could acquire through normal means of the stock market, Louis immediately said:"Then prepare a trading team, first secretly absorb the stocks of these companies, remember not to expose, and don't talk to the shareholders of these companies first, wait until you absorb a certain amount of shares from the retail market, and then talk to the small shareholders of these companies one by one.

I believe that in the current stock market crash, they should be happy to sell their shares."

Although he didn't know much about stock trading, he still knew some basic common sense.

"Good boss"

"However, acquiring so many companies may require 20 to 30 billion Hong Kong dollars."

"Don't worry about the money. I've asked someone to remit 5 billion US dollars to China Overseas Investment Corporation. I believe this amount is enough for the acquisition."

5 billion US dollars.

According to the current exchange rate, it is almost 40 billion Hong Kong dollars.

It is definitely not possible to acquire through privatization, but it is still possible to use it for controlling shares.

Lin Tianhong said happily:"With this 5 billion US dollars, there will be no problem at all"

"Go ahead, set up a trading team first, and the money will arrive in 2 days at most"


After Lin Tianhong left, Louis stood up from the sofa, stretched his body, and moved his stiff neck. Then he picked up the phone and quickly called Columbia Xinghai Bank to transfer 5 billion US dollars from his personal bank account to the account of Xiangjiang Zhonghai Investment Company.

After doing all this, he raised his hand to check the time on his watch. It was almost time for dinner.

Louis took people and planned to go to Fulinmen, where Zhou Wenhuai treated guests to dinner last time.

The taste of the Peninsula Hotel is still not as good as any other hotel.

""That's right!"

After leaving the hotel, Louis suddenly remembered something, turned to Elro and ordered:"Send someone to find out the situation of the Kadoorie family, including where they live."

Jewish family.

Now he and the Jews are mortal enemies. Since he has met them, and they have something he wants, he can only blame the Kadoorie family for their bad luck.

When dealing with the Kadoorie family, he did not feel guilty or embarrassed at all.

This family started out by selling opium in their early years. They have made so much money in the Dragon Kingdom for hundreds of years. It's time to atone for their sins.

Elro nodded, then waved and gave orders to two of his men.

After a moment, Elro came over, his face respectful:"Boss, it's been arranged."

"Well, let’s go!"


Just as he was about to get in the car and head to Wan Chai Fortune House, a shout came. He looked up and saw Li Meifeng and a woman running towards him.

"Louis, where are you going?"

"Let’s go eat." Louis looked at Qiu Suzhen next to her and pretended not to recognize her:"Who is this?"

"Oh, let me introduce you, this is my friend, Qiu Suzhen"

"Oh! Hello, Miss Qiu, I'm Louis."

Louis smiled and stretched out his hand, holding Qiu Suzhen's delicate little hand:"Miss Qiu is very beautiful."

Although she has a fierce and carefree personality, Qiu Suzhen was still embarrassed by Louis' compliments on their first meeting. She blushed and said,"Thank you!"

Li Meifeng on the side was a little unhappy.

Although she wanted to pull Qiu Suzhen together to take the lead, she didn't think so soon. Besides, praising another woman for her beauty in front of her would make anyone angry.

Ignoring Li Meifeng's displeasure, Louis looked at Qiu Suzhen's little face and asked with a smile:"Miss Qiu, have you eaten?"

"Huh? Not yet"

"That's just right, I haven't eaten yet."

After that, she said to Li Meifeng who looked unhappy:"Okay, don't be unhappy, we'll go to Fulinmen Restaurant for dinner today."

After that, Louise bent down and got into the Rolls-Royce.

Although she was unhappy, she was still quite happy to go to dinner in a Rolls-Royce.

Qiu Suzhen was a little embarrassed. She didn't know where to sit?

Elro, the co-pilot, had already sat in.

"Miss Qiu, come and sit here."

Seeing Qiu Suzhen's embarrassment, Louis spoke.

Qiu Suzhen wanted to sit in, but she was afraid that her best friend would be angry. She just saw Li Meifeng was unhappy.

"Look at what I am doing. If he tells you to sit, just sit down."

Li Meifeng, who was a little jealous, expressed her dissatisfaction with a little thorn in her words.

With her bestie's words, Qiu Suzhen no longer hesitated and went to the other side to sit in the back seat.

Rolls-Royce���It is said that this car costs millions.

She has never sat in such a good car.

The three of them sat in the back seat, Louis sat in the middle, and on both sides were soft and fragrant jade.

""Let's drive!"

Louis said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, the convoy began to move. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Several cars drove out of the Peninsula Hotel and headed towards Hong Kong Island.

"Mr. Louis.

A waitress was delighted when she saw Louis.

She was the waitress Louis met last time.

"It's you."

The waitress was very happy to see Louis recognize her.

Asking for flowers

But her eyes soon noticed that Louis was hugging a beautiful woman, and there was another one behind him. Her face paused for a moment, then returned to normal, and she asked with a smile:"

Mr. Louis, are you here to see Brother Fu? I'll call him for you."

"No, I'm here to eat."


The waitress hurriedly said,"Mr. Louis, please follow me."

Soon, a group of people came to the box.

There were more than ten people, and one box was definitely not enough to accommodate them.[]

Louis, Li Meifeng and Qiu Suzhen were in a private room, while Elro and other bodyguards were outside.

"Take a look and order what you like."

Taking the menu, Louis ordered a few dishes he liked, and handed the menu to the two women opposite.

"Wow, this is so expensive"

"A serving of soft-boiled abalone costs 199"

"A serving of barbecued goose costs more than 200 yuan, it's a steal."

Seeing the price, the two women were shocked.

Louis didn't think it was expensive.

However, for ordinary people in Hong Kong, this place is indeed expensive.

Only those with a monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan can afford it.

After all, this is a famous restaurant for the rich.

"Order whatever you like and don't worry about the price."

Louis said so, and the two girls stopped worrying about the price and ordered some food they had never eaten before.

After handing the menu to the waiter, the three of them started chatting, and soon the dishes were served.

Looking at the table full of food, Louis picked up the chopsticks and asked with a smile,"Would you like something to drink?"

"I want some juice."

Li Meifeng said


He wanted to order some wine, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

Although alcohol makes people braver and more likely to succeed, it's no fun to play when you're drunk, so he asked someone to bring two large bottles of orange juice.

The three of them ate and talked.

Through the conversation, Louis learned that Qiu Suzhen hadn't made her debut yet, but had only signed a contract with TVB.

Louis was too familiar with Qiu Suzhen, a hottie.

Soon, the two of them became much closer.

"No, I'm too full, I have to go to the bathroom."

Li Meifeng put down her chopsticks, patted her belly, stood up and walked out

"No one is competing with you for it."

Louis said.

There were two people left in the room.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Mr. Louis, are you and Sister Feng in love?" Qiu Suzhen carefully selected her words and asked.

Louis looked at her with amusement. He saw through what this woman was thinking at a glance. He stood up with a smile and sat down next to Qiu Suzhen. He stretched out his hand and hugged her.

"Mr. Lewis...You can't do this, it's not good to be seen by Sister Feng."

Qiu Suzhen was also frightened by Louis's boldness and struggled in his arms.

Louis stretched out his hand to hold Qiu Suzhen's chin, looked into those fox-like eyes, and said with a smile:"I'll listen to you, as long as she's not around, it's fine?"

Qiu Suzhen struggled shyly:"I...That was not what I meant"

"what does that mean"

"I...Anyway, we can't do this. I can't do anything to let her down."

"Haha, actually you think too much, I am not in a relationship with her"


Qiu Suzhen stopped struggling and stared at Louis with wide eyes:"So what are you doing now?"

"On the relationship between men and women"

"Male-female relationship?"

Qiu Suzhen was stunned for a moment, then reacted, staring at Louis with wide eyes.

"To be honest, you look quite in line with my aesthetic standards. Why don't you come with me? I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life, and live the life of a rich wife. Well, that's what you call a wealthy life here, 300,000 Hong Kong dollars a month."

The word love is too far away for him.

He still prefers to be direct.

300,000 Hong Kong dollars a month?

Qiu Suzhen's eyes lit up.

Wouldn't it be 3.6 million Hong Kong dollars in a year?

According to the current housing prices, you can buy 3 houses a year.

It's really tempting.

Looking at Qiu Suzhen who was somewhat tempted and pretended to be stubborn, Louis took action directly. As long as she didn't resist, it meant that she agreed.

"Louis...Can't be here..."

Qiu Suzhen came back to her senses, her face flushed as she held down Louis's mischievous hand.

""Okay, let's go back to the hotel later."

Louis let go.

Qiu Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

When Li Meifeng came back, she saw the two of them sitting together, talking and laughing. She felt very jealous, but she didn't show it.

Louis' face was not good when she was jealous in the hotel before, and she didn't want to repeat the same mistake. Besides

, Qiu Suzhen was the one she called.

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