After dinner, Louis suggested going shopping in Harbour City.

The two girls agreed with both hands.

He spent more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars again to dress the two girls from head to toe. After putting on some makeup, they looked completely different. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the daughters of wealthy families.

Of course, their temperament is still a little lacking.

Money is a person's courage. With money, things like manners can be trained through acquired methods.

After buying bags, clothes and jewelry.

The two girls naturally did not object to Louis's suggestion to rest in the hotel and go to the movies together in the evening. It was a tacit agreement.

When they arrived at the hotel room, the moment the door was closed, Louis stopped pretending.

Looking at Qiu Suzhen who was curiously looking at the house, Louis went straight up and hugged Qiu Suzhen from behind.

Qiu Suzhen was startled and subconsciously struggled, looking at Li Meifeng.

Li Meifeng rolled her eyes, without looking at the two of them, and put the shopping bag in her hand on the sofa

"I'm going to take a shower first."

Then he walked towards the bathroom.

"Look, I said she���What will you say?"

Qiu Suzhen breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and looked at the handsome Louis in front of her.

Just as she was about to say something, she was hugged by Louis"170"

"you...Put me down quickly."

Being carried on Louis' shoulders, Qiu Suzhen, who was a little afraid of heights, subconsciously grabbed his clothes tightly.

Louis carried Qiu Suzhen directly to the bathroom and opened the bathroom door. Li Meifeng, who was taking a shower, was startled.

"Why are you here?"

"You want to take a shower, don't you? I think we should take a shower together, so it saves time."

Then he took the initiative to help Qiu Suzhen undress.

Qiu Suzhen was shy, she had never seen such a scene before, she struggled, but with her little strength, her body was scratched in a short while.

It was late at night.

There was no more movement. The two women had their meals in the hotel suite. As for someone saying that they were going to the movies, that was all nonsense.

This time, Louis was very attentive, working hard and using his unique skills.

But it was hard for the two women. They were numb and couldn't think at all.

In the next few days, Louis was immersed in the gentle countryside.

It was early December. After a month of preparation, the coalition forces had assembled.

The headquarters was located in Damascus.

Military representatives from various countries were sent to the scene.

The camel of sand was naturally Prince Sultan. The deputy chief of staff of Iraq was Ahab. The Pharaoh also sent someone named Andyeb, who was also the deputy chief of staff of the Pharaoh.

With the arrival of these people, Damascus also entered martial law.

A large number of police and soldiers were armed with live ammunition to prevent foreign spies and agents from harassing.

At this time, in the basement of an office building, in a solid fortress, various instruments were densely packed, and a large number of soldiers were busy.

Meeting room.

Michel had already informed Louis of the time of war.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the previous failed wars in the Middle East were bloody lessons that must have been vividly remembered by everyone. I don't want you to repeat the same mistakes this time, so the armies of your countries must follow my orders.

After a pause, Michel looked at everyone and said,"If you don't want to be commanded, leave as soon as possible.

This will be good for both parties and avoid wasting everyone's time. So if you don't want to stay and obey orders, you can leave. I won't force you."

Michel looked at everyone with a serious face.

"I have no objection. Since you are the commander-in-chief, I, Sha Luotuo, will naturally obey your orders."As a friend of Michel, Sha Luotuo Prince Sultan took the lead in expressing his support for Michel's decision. The

Syrian Arab Republic followed closely and expressed its support. Seeing this, the others also knew that the general trend was irreversible and expressed their support.

After unanimous approval, he explained the strategic deployment to everyone.

This time there was no active direction, and the attack was all-out.

The participating flying troops included the Syrian Arab Republic, Sha Luotuo, Pharaoh, Tan Hippo and Yo Camel.

"This time, the combat deployment will first be covered by artillery firepower, directly covering the major military bases of the Israeli army, the purpose is to lure the enemy's air defense firepower network to open fire, and then consume their air defense missiles."

Michal held the command stick and pointed directly to the major military bases on the territory of the Israeli Snake Country on the map.

Both sides are prepared this time, so they have to change their tactics. They can't use the previous tactics. What air force fighters go to sneak attack, it's completely meaningless.

People are prepared, there is no way to sneak attack.

And if you sneak attack and get a fighter shot down, the loss will be great.

It's better to use cheaper artillery shells to cover the firepower, and only after consuming a large number of air defense missiles, the fighters will be dispatched. Even if it's a battle of the number of fighters, they will win air supremacy.

Once the air supremacy is won, the enemy's air defense missiles will be consumed again, and it's not enough to rely on anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, etc. At this time, the coalition bombers should appear.

Attack major military targets.

For example, oil depots, ports, airports and the like, and destroy enemy armored forces.

For example, use A-10 attack aircraft, which is very comfortable to use to attack tanks.

Whether this action plan can succeed depends on whether the enemy's territory is small. However, the area controlled by the Snake Kingdom is less than 20,000 square kilometers.

In such a small area, there is no strategic depth. It is undoubtedly very effective to attack with tens of thousands of rockets and artillery shells, because the land area is small and there is nowhere to hide.

If the Snake Kingdom has 1 million square kilometers, it will be different.

There is strategic depth, and the military bases are distributed over a wide range, so it is not feasible to use artillery sea tactics.

Explain the combat ideas to everyone.

"If there is no objection, this action plan will be carried out according to this."

After saying this, he looked at the military representatives of various countries in the conference room.

"I have no objection. Michel, you said it very well. This way, using artillery fire to consume enemy anti-aircraft missiles can achieve the goal of destroying enemy anti-aircraft positions at the lowest cost."

Prince Sultan expressed his support. In his opinion, this opportunity is great.

How much does a shell cost? The cheapest shell costs only a few thousand dollars, and the more expensive ones cost only tens of thousands.

And an airplane costs 20 to 30 million dollars, which is enough to fire thousands of shells.

"I have no objection."

Syrian representative spoke

"I agree with this plan"

"I agree..."

A number of military representatives expressed their support for Michel's plan.

"That's confirmed. At 5 a.m. tomorrow, Syrian artillery will attack Israeli air force airports, oil depots, power plants, military camps and other military buildings along the Haifa, Nazareth, Afula and Beit She'an, including warships and radar stations in the Haifa port........."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The second route, from Jordan and Iraq, launched artillery attacks from the east bank of the Jordan River, attacking Israeli air force bases and radar stations along Beit Shemesh, Beersheba, and Dimona on the west bank of the Jordan River."

"The third route was launched by the Pharaohs from the border areas of the Sinai Peninsula, attacking Ofakim, Netivot, Lakht, and Ashdod."

"What about the military bases and air defense systems near Tel Aviv?"The Pharaoh military representative frowned when he heard that Michelle did not mention the core area of the Snake Kingdom.

Michelle smiled and said,"Don't worry about that. After the war, Fatah, Jihad and other military organizations will launch artillery attacks."

"Can they do it?"

The representative of Pharaoh showed doubt on his face.

Not only the representative of Pharaoh, but also the countries of Sand Camel and York Camel expressed doubt.

One is a resistance organization that has just been established for less than two years, and the other is an organization that has been defeated long ago.

How can these two military organizations that lack weapons and ammunition and even heavy weapons attack the military bases near the capital of the Snake Country?

"Don't worry, they can do it."

Louis smiled and said,"Of course, if you are willing to use short-range missiles for the attack, I have no objection."

Let Jihad and Fatah attack, there is no other way.

Now the artillery equipped by various countries has a relatively short range, only a few dozen kilometers, and the longest range is the BM270 rocket launcher sold before.

But to attack the heartland of the Israeli Snake Country, the range is still a bit difficult.

Unless Louis provides them with long-range rocket launchers now[]

For example, the PCH-191 rocket launcher of Longguo has a range that is enough to cover the entire territory of the Snake Country, but it is better to use guided missiles directly, and the price is about the same.

In addition, Louis does not want to provide them with weapons now. As for Jihad, it is very close to the hinterland of the Snake Country, and the BM270 rocket launcher is enough to cover it.

Moreover, he does not need to pay for the cost. Jihad directly took out 60 million US dollars, and Louis sold it to Jihad at a price of 1.5 million US dollars, which is almost half the price of selling it to Iraq.

After all, this is to deal with a common enemy.

A full 30 launchers and 500 rockets were sold.

Although it seems relatively small, the area hit by these 500 rockets is less than 300 square kilometers. If non-military buildings and no strategic targets are removed, an average military base, such as airports, oil depots, and air defense positions, is covered by at least 10 rockets.

This is just Jihad.

Fatah is richer than Jihad. After all, it is nominally a government and is also equipped with a large number of rocket launchers.

Using short-range missiles, let alone the fact that they don't have them, even if they do, they wouldn't be willing to use them.

"Since Michelle said it's okay, then it must be okay."

"Yes! We must trust Michelle's vision"

"Haha, Michel believes that Jihad and Fatah will work, so it must work."


Everyone smiled and didn't answer the question directly.

Michel laughed but didn't say anything.

"Okay, the meeting ends here. Everyone go down and contact your own troops first and inform them of the combat time."


(Ps: Please provide data, please subscribe!, uploaded a battle map)

I'm a sabmado

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