The next day.

4:50 in the morning.

Golan Heights.

One BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher after another has been raised.

There are as many as 150 of them.

After seeing the benefits of the BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher in the last Syrian-Israeli war, Hafez gritted his teeth and squeezed out money to buy 50 more launchers and thousands of rockets, which made up 150 launchers. Tonight, they will launch two rounds, about 3,000 rockets.

In order to prevent Israeli air strikes, 5 SAM-11 missile companies and 200 Stinger missiles are also deployed here.

The BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher fired two rounds and ran away.

The rockets were gone. If you don't run, you will be beaten.

At the same time, 70 kilometers away, at the Damascus airport, more than a dozen Xiaolong fighters are also preparing to take off. After the artillery battle, they will gain air superiority and prevent the ground forces from being hit by enemy aircraft.

The air forces in Homs and Ham, Xiaolong fighters and bombers also refueled, mounted missiles, and made a series of preparations with the assistance of ground crews.

This scene was also launched at military bases such as Riyadh, Medina, Tabuk, and Sakakah in Shatuo.

The difference is that the Shatuo Air Force dispatched F16 fighters.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In a blink of an eye, it was 5 o'clock.

Golan Heights

"Time's up, battalions open fire!"

With the order issued

"call out!"

"" Swish , swish, swish!"

17 In an instant, hundreds of rockets broke through the dawn and quickly fired at important military targets in the Haifa area.


"Boom boom!"

More than 300 artillery pieces and dozens of rocket launchers opened fire.

In the Sinai Peninsula, less than 20 kilometers from the Gaza Strip.

Hundreds of howitzers, self-propelled artillery and hundreds of BM-27 rocket launchers.

With an order issued, this artillery unit that had only moved up late at night opened fire.


""Swish, swish, swish!"

In an instant, thousands of shells and rockets drew an arc in the sky and flew towards the target area.

In the southern part of Yolocamel, the artillery position of Shalocamel also fired thousands of rockets and hundreds of shells on time.

A military outpost on the high ground of the town of Safed.

Thanks to the terrain, from this high ground, you can see Mount Hermon, which is more than 30 kilometers away.

Originally, there was their military base on Mount Hermon, but since the end of the last Israeli-Syrian war, Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights was also captured by the Syrian army.

At this time, two Israeli soldiers were on duty at this military outpost. At dawn, people are sleepy, and they can only relieve their sleepiness by chatting.

"Porter, when did the Syrian runner-up become so powerful? Last time, the air force was completely defeated by them."

"Hey, I heard that the Syrian army bought a batch of advanced fighter planes, which are said to be the world's top fighter planes, and they are equipped with a large number of long-range air-to-air missiles. Our air force was careless, so they shot down so many of them."

"Really? I was wondering when did the Syrian army become so powerful? It's so abominable. Who sold weapons to Syria? I must kill him if I have a chance."

"Didn't you watch the news? It was sold to them by a company called Galaxy Trading."

"What? Trading company?"

"Hey, you should stop picking up girls and read more news. Last time, our air force wanted to attack an airport in the south of Shaluotuo. The reason they attacked this military base was because it was the base of the Galaxy Trading Company."

"What is the result?"

"As a result, I heard from the official news that several fighter planes were destroyed."

"Really? That's good. We should teach this Galaxy Trading Company a lesson. If they dare to support the stupid Arabs, we should teach them a lesson."

When he said this, he suddenly saw a lot of things in the sky, flying towards him.

"Hey, Potter, what do you see there?"

The man named Potter looked up at the sky.


I was so scared that my legs went limp and I almost fell to the ground.

My forehead was covered with cold sweat and I stammered,"It was a cannon....Shells...Run!"

The two of them rolled and crawled


Several rockets hit here.

There was a violent explosion. In an instant, this small outpost was blown to pieces. Many Israeli soldiers were killed in their sleep.

In the northern border area of Israel Snake Country, the alarm sounded at radar stations one by one. It was quickly transmitted to the northern regional command.


The whole city sounded a shrill alarm.

The air defense positions opened fire.

One by one, the surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles quickly rushed towards the shells flying at high speed, trying to intercept them.

In addition, anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns also opened fire


"Boom boom boom!"

One rocket after another was intercepted by the anti-aircraft missiles and exploded violently in the air.

"Da da da!"

The anti-aircraft guns opened fire at full power.

Sometimes, they could intercept and blow up the enemy.


A rocket was not intercepted and directly hit the air defense position.

""Boom boom!" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Coincidentally, the ammunition box was hit directly, and an explosion occurred instantly.

The explosion produced a strong heat wave, which directly lifted the dust.

The bodies of more than a dozen unlucky Israeli soldiers flew all over the place.

Like a parabola, they drew a line in the air and then fell to the ground.

Countless Israeli citizens were awakened by the loud explosion and the shrill alarm.

They ran outside in panic and looked up.

"Oh my god!"

All the Jews were terrified.

There were too many shells in the sky.

Besides, they had always bullied others with the Snake Country, and they had never experienced such bombings in many years.

Awakened in the middle of the night, the commander of the Northern Military Region, Chamo, rushed to the headquarters late at night.

"what happened?"

"Report to the commander, Syria has launched thousands of rockets to attack a large number of our military targets."

Upon hearing this, Chamo's face changed drastically.[]

"How is it going?"

"The attack was too sudden. Although some missiles were intercepted, hundreds of them were not intercepted and attacked some of our military bases."


Hearing that hundreds of rockets were not intercepted, Chamo couldn't help but swear. God knows how much damage these hundreds of rockets caused.

If it weren't for the powerful air force of the Snake State, there would be more than a hundred rockets.

"Order, air force fighters to attack, our artillery to launch a counterattack."

After saying that, Chamo quickly left the command room. He was going to report the situation here to Tel Aviv.

Tel Aviv.

Defense Building.

Operations Conference Room

"Report, the Southern Military Region reported that many places were bombarded by Pharaoh and Shaluotu. Some of the shells were intercepted, but a large number of shells still fell into our military bases. At present, the southern region has been severely damaged."

"Reporting a call from the Central Military Region, thousands of shells were fired from the direction of the Jordan River, most of them were intercepted..."

"Report: troops stationed in Ashkelon, Ashdod, Rehovot and other areas called in and were attacked by a large number of unknown artillery fire"

"...Ramla, Lud, Tirlong and the capital were all hit by artillery fire from the West Bank."

"Report: General Chamo of the Northern Military Region called and was bombarded by a large number of artillery shells from the Syrian Arab Republic, and most of them were intercepted...."


Hearing the bad news coming from the front, the senior Israeli military officials in the conference room all had dark faces.


Shamil was furious, staring fiercely at everyone in the conference room:"Assholes, the intelligence department is a bunch of assholes, why didn't they know about the enemy's artillery attack in advance?"

The director of Mossad also looked aggrieved.

Since the possibility of triggering the Sixth Middle East War, Mossad spies and intelligence agents have all been spread out.

And the US reconnaissance satellites have also illuminated the phenomenon that the Arab coalition forces are assembled by 363 artillery soldiers.

But that is still 70 or 80 kilometers away from the border area.

In fact, let alone the Israeli army.

Even the artillery of the Arab coalition countries did not receive the news until 2 a.m., and they had to maneuver and move the artillery positions forward.

And in order to prevent the leakage of intelligence, before the war, except for the communication soldiers, other soldiers were not allowed to wear any electronic equipment.

Mossad is powerful, but it is difficult to infiltrate the front-line combat troops.

The combat orders are not issued from the domestic countries of each country, but are issued uniformly by the combat command, so the probability of intelligence leakage is too low.

As for the US reconnaissance satellites, there are also Israeli drones in the dark night, which are just a ball of black.

Especially the Israeli drones, after being shot down by Stinger missiles, they only dare to patrol the border area.

And the Israeli drone technology is still very backward After that, they do not have night vision capabilities.

That is why Michel decided to launch the attack at 5 a.m., and then the coalition forces in various places were required to arrive at the designated time according to the distance.

For example, it only takes one hour for the Syrian artillery to maneuver to Damascus, so it will set off at more than 3 a.m. and arrive at the designated location at about half past midnight.

The purpose of doing this is to avoid being exposed too early.

After all, it takes more than 90 minutes for the American military satellite to orbit the earth. During this time, it moves to the designated location to launch an attack.

It can be said that Michel has taken all kinds of situations into consideration.

As for the lack of accuracy at dawn.

In this artillery attack, attacking the enemy base is secondary, and the important thing is to destroy the Israeli air defense missiles.

Therefore, under this goal, it is not important whether the target can be hit.

Soon, the second round of shelling began again.

It can be said that at this time, the entire territory of the Snake State was full of artillery fire.

One by one, the exploded shells fell into the city, attracting a lot of screams.

From time to time, unlucky people were hit..

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