"Prime Minister, we should order a counterattack right now. There are many countries participating in the war this time, and we must defeat them as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the longer it takes, the more disadvantageous it will be for us."

Shamil looked at the person who was speaking:"General Danshomron, what's a good plan?"

Danshomron stood up when he heard the voice, walked quickly to the battle command map on the wall of the conference room, and analyzed:"The Arab coalition army may seem powerful this time, but in fact we only need to defeat Syria, the Camel of Shabab and the Pharaohs. The armies of other countries are not to be feared."

Shamil knew all this. As an Israeli, he didn't know the situation in the Middle East.

"How to defeat these three countries?"

"I think we can send the air force to attack Pharaoh first. For them, this war is just out of face, or they want to wash away the shame of being defeated by us several times before. But since they took back the Sinai Peninsula, their intention to fight is not strong.

Take the intelligence we got this time, the Pharaoh’s troops are less than one-third of ours.

So we should attack Pharaoh first.

Once they are hit hard, they will retreat.

After all, there is no benefit for them to win."

After a pause, Dan Shomron raised his hand and pointed at Sand Camel:"The second goal is to counterattack Sand Camel. Everyone knows that Sand Camel is not strong in combat, but they have advanced weapons. I believe it will not be difficult for the brave soldiers on the front line to defeat them."

"I think the most difficult part of this war is Syria. We have been fighting with them for many years. Their soldiers are the strongest in the Arab world. Now they have a lot of equipment and they have a deadly enemy. So they are the most difficult to pit. My suggestion is to leave them for the last."

"What about the Ik army in Yolot? There is an army of 30,000 people here!" Shamil asked.

Dan Shomron said:"Ik is not adjacent to us, which means they are not so willing to fight us to the death. This time they sent troops just for the sake of face. After all, Ik is also a strong country in Arabia."

"General Danshomron is right, that's the intelligence we got." Mossad Intelligence Director Yorkman stood up and said,"Before, the Iraqi army only planned to send 1,000 people to participate in the war."

"How did it become 30,000 people?"

"To answer the Prime Minister, it is said that Galaxy Trading Company met with Sadam. It is not clear what the two sides discussed, but the next day after the conversation, Sadam formed an army of 30,000 people and marched to Youluotuo."

"Galaxy Trade again."

Shamir's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said,"This company must be destroyed, otherwise it will cause a major threat to the security of our country of Israel.""


Shamir looked around the meeting room and said in a deep voice,"Everyone, this moment of life and death for our country of Israel has come, please go all out."

After that, he issued a counterattack order.

The entire Israeli military combat system started to operate at high speed.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The remaining Israeli artillery and the cruise missiles on the naval ships opened fire.

At the same time, after emergency repairs at the major Israeli military airports, some fighter planes were able to take off urgently.

The Arab coalition forces were not idle either. They had already timed it well.

Just when the Israeli army launched a counterattack. In the second round of coalition bombardment, tens of thousands of rockets and shells once again attacked Israeli airports, oil depots, ports, anti-aircraft missiles, artillery and other military targets.

Among them, no less than 5,000 rockets and shells hit Israeli airports.

The purpose is to slow down the combat strength of the Israeli Air Force.

After launching the second round of bombardment, a formation composed of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Sand Camel, the Pharaoh and the Tanzania Air Force also carried air-to-ground guided bombs according to the previous combat plan. Missiles.

In order to have the ability to counterattack in air combat, each fighter plane carries several air-to-air missiles.

In addition, the Camel also dispatched a bomber formation and an A-10 formation, which flew towards the country of Israel under the escort of more than a dozen F16 fighters.

Radar, in the entire Middle East, there is no doubt that the country of Israel is the strongest.

The Camel and Syrian fighter planes took off intensively here, and the radar of the country of Israel detected it and reported to the headquarters as soon as possible.

Upon learning that hundreds of fighter planes from the two countries took off, the Israeli army looked solemn.

In addition to ordering the ground forces to urgently repair the airport, how many fighter planes can take off.

The Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Shomron urgently asked:"Order, air defense forces in all places, intercept with all your strength"

"Report, Southern Military District reports, anti-aircraft missiles are gone"

"Report, the Northern Military District called and they also said the anti-aircraft missiles were gone、"

"What?"Dan Shomron's eyes widened and he asked hurriedly,"What's going on? Didn't we buy thousands of anti-aircraft missiles from the United States? Why, are they all used up?"

"Yes, General. They said that the enemy used up all their artillery fire in the first two attacks to intercept these shells."


Danshomron couldn't help but curse:"Damn these Arabs, this is a conspiracy, their purpose is to use artillery fire to consume our anti-aircraft missiles."

Michelle would never admit that it was a conspiracy.

It was an open conspiracy.

Tens of thousands of rockets and shells.

If you don't intercept them, airports, ports, oil depots and other areas will be destroyed, and the power system of the whole city will also be destroyed, and a large number of people will die.

Interception must consume a large number of anti-aircraft missiles.

Although anti-aircraft machine guns and machine guns can intercept some, the hit rate is too low. Moreover

, this time there are tens of thousands of rockets and shells.

With the accuracy of anti-aircraft machine guns, it is enough to intercept a few. No matter how angry you are, it is useless. You can only order the air defense command to intercept with all your strength, and at the same time contact the United States and European countries for emergency assistance of anti-aircraft missiles.

But distant water cannot quench immediate thirst. Even if European countries and the United States urgently approve the assistance of Israel's anti-aircraft missiles, it will take at least a few hours or a day.

For the battlefield, ten minutes may change the situation. Moreover, it is still a few hours, or even a day.

The Israeli-Syrian border.

More than 20 Xiaolong fighters formed the vanguard and crossed the border into the territory of Israel.

As the focus of the Syrian artillery, the main radar stations in the cities around Haifa have been destroyed, including some airports, and even civilian airports have been hit.

Although there is no early warning aircraft for coordinated operations, more than 20 fighters, according to the three-three system, are divided into different groups for joint operations.

"Call, radar detected a target, detected a fighter jet attacking, should we lock and fire immediately?"

At this time, the fighter jet in front had seven or eight targets on its radar.

"Free fire..."

The effective detection range of the Xiaolong radar is 170 kilometers, and the F16 fighter jets sold to Israel by the Americans use AN/APG-66 pulse Doppler radar is only a few dozen kilometers.

Without the help of early warning aircraft, the combat capability will be greatly reduced.

However, two Israeli E2 early warning aircraft were destroyed in the last air battle.

This artillery attack hit the hangar again and destroyed two aircraft.

Although the other one was not blown up, the wing was damaged and it could not be restored in a short time.

For the Israeli Air Force, which already had few early warning aircraft, it was undoubtedly a double whammy.

Without the early warning aircraft, the radar scanning range of the Israeli F16 fighter is half that of the Xiaolong.

This is equivalent to a myopic person compared to a normal person. Myopic people need to walk close to see what people look like, while normal people can see from a long distance.

Under the premise of modern beyond-visual-range air combat, whoever can find the target first and whose air-to-air missile has a longer range will have a greater advantage in winning.

Therefore, when the Xiaolong discovered the Israeli F16 fighter formation, the Israeli army had not yet discovered it, or to be more precise, the fire control radar had not yet detected it.

Xiaolong launched a large number of air-to-air missiles.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!!!"

One after another, air-to-air missiles fell from the wings, and then quickly flew towards the target, trailing white smoke.

"Beep, beep..."

Soon, the radar of Israeli fighter planes started to alert people frantically.


Seeing more than a dozen targets on the radar, the Israeli pilots were so scared that they didn't care why their radar didn't detect the enemy fighters. They wanted to turn around and release jamming bombs. The

AIM-54 Death Bird air-to-air missile equipped by Syria has a speed of Mach 5 and a range of 135 kilometers.

The AN/APG-The maximum detection range of the 66 pulse Doppler radar is only more than 80 kilometers, while the Xiaolong can be launched at 170 kilometers. By the time the Israeli pilots discovered the attack, the AIM-54 Death Bird air-to-air missile was only a few dozen kilometers away.

A few dozen kilometers for a Mach 5 missile is only 40 seconds.

This is equipped with the latest AN/APG-66 pulse Doppler radar, if using APG-66, the maximum detection range is only 46 kilometers.(V)Type 1 is 74 miles, APG-66(V)The maximum detection range of the 2 model is only 89 kilometers.

After the radar detects it, it responds, and then pulls up the nose, etc., it takes at least ten seconds.���

The maximum speed of the F16 fighter is only Mach 2, so it is definitely not going to win in terms of speed.

It is also impossible to get rid of it by increasing the altitude.

AIM-The 54 dead bird can reach a combat altitude of 30 kilometers, or 30,000 meters.

The F16 cannot fly that high. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

So the only solution is to release tin foil jammers.

But facing dense air-to-air missiles, if you want to use this method, even if a few missiles hit the jammers, there are still more than ten missiles.

The ending is fixed.

This Israeli formation threw jammers in a panic, like a fairy scattering flowers.

".Boom! Boom!"

One after another, the air-to-air missiles collided with the jammers, making violent explosions, which were particularly beautiful under the dawn sky.

However, not every plane was so lucky.

For example, a pilot was too nervous and released the jammer too early, causing the Phoenix air-to-air missile to avoid the jammer and hit the target.


There was a violent explosion, and it instantly turned into a fireball. Black smoke billowed out, and the fighter plane fell rapidly towards the ground like it had fallen head over heels.

In the first wave of attacks, three planes were shot down.

Before the Israeli pilots could celebrate, the second wave of Syrian fighter formations also fired more than a dozen air-to-air missiles.

"Beep, beep..."

The pilots of the few remaining Israeli fighter planes once again saw the target displayed on the radar[]

I was desperate.

I was like a fairy scattering flowers again.

It was just too fast. I dodged it the last time, but I was not so lucky this time.

On average, each fighter had at least 4 air-to-air missiles locking on it.

So, even if you dodge two, can you still fire jammers infinitely?

This is obviously impossible.

Fighter jets have very few jammers, usually only a few dozen, at most a hundred, and they are basically used up twice.




Soon, the remaining Israeli fighter formations were bitten by AIM-54 Death Bird missiles, and exploded directly in the air, turning into fireballs.

They fell to the ground.

After eliminating the wave of Israeli fighters at the cost of 30 air-to-air missiles, the Syrian Armed Forces' Xiaolong fighter formation, each carrying two air-to-ground Paveway bombs, headed directly for ground targets.

Such as Haifa Air Force Base, civil airports, and ports, they bombed.

The ground anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were firing at full power.

A small number of naval air defense missiles and machine guns also opened fire.

"Da da da...(The sound of bullets continued, and the machine guns were all red.

Especially the naval multi-barrel machine guns.

Not to mention, the multi-barrel machine guns on naval warships are really powerful in short-range air defense.

But the airports on land are not so lucky.


A Paveway 2 guided bomb successfully hit an oil depot at an air force base near Haifa.

The oil depot exploded instantly.

The explosion produced a very high flame, several dozen meters high. The thick burning flame could be seen from a distance of several thousand meters.

The explosion of the oil depot produced huge energy, which instantly razed the area to the ground.

3 kilometers away from the explosion airport.

Some Israeli citizens in Haifa saw the place that looked like a burning cloud, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed!

"Oh my god! Was the oil depot hit?"

"Fuck! What about air defense? What is the air defense force for? Why don't they intercept the enemy's bombs?"

A retired Israeli veteran shouted angrily.

However, no one could answer him.

The Israeli army, which had lost air superiority, fell into a passive state.

Bombs were dropped on the territory of the State of Israel.

A large number of military facilities, airports, and power plants were destroyed, especially ground artillery and armored forces, which received special attention.

Compared with the smooth sailing of the Syrian army, the air force of the Sand Camel in the southern part of the State of Israel was not very ideal.

Both sides used F16 fighters, and the models were the same batch, which meant that the performance of the fighters was similar.

The Sand Camel AIM-54 Phoenix missile, because of the radar and the lack of early warning aircraft, only played half of its combat power.

Fortunately, the number of Sand Camels was overwhelming.

If 1V1 can't win, then 3V1 can always win, right?

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