Damascus, Joint Forces Headquarters

"Well, it is worthy of being the lion of the Middle East. The Syrian Air Force has shown its might!"

After learning that the Syrian Air Force fighter formation shot down eight F16 fighters of the Israeli Snake country with zero casualties, and advanced to the important northern town of the Israeli Snake country, bombarding the military base, airport, port, and ground artillery in Haifa, Michel praised excitedly.

The Syrian and Asian representatives present couldn't help showing a proud look on their faces.

Looking at the military representatives of other countries, the smugness in their eyes made everyone angry.

But no one said anything angrily. The Syrian and Asian Air Force did achieve results. This was the second time that they defeated Israeli fighters head-on. Who of them could do this?

"How is the situation in the South?" Michel asked

"According to reports, the Saudi Camel Air Force is fighting fiercely with the Israeli army. According to the news from the Saudi Camel Air Force Command, they have shot down 15 Israeli fighter jets and lost more than 20 F16 fighters."

"We are currently encircling and destroying the remaining enemy aircraft."

Hearing that Shaluotu had lost more than 20 F16 fighters, Michel was greatly surprised:"So many losses?"

Shaluotu military representative, Prince Sultan, could no longer sit still and stood up from his chair:"Are you mistaken? How could there be so many losses?"

"Report, the data is sent by the Saudi Camel Air Force!"


Prince Sultan sat back on his chair.

His face looked very bad.

If it was before, he would be happy if he could exchange more than 20 planes for 15 Israeli planes.

However, just now, the Syrian Air Force destroyed 8 Israeli F16 fighters with the advantage of zero casualties.

Compared with the two, it would be strange if Prince Sultan's face looked good.

More importantly, he had learned that the price of the Xiaolong fighter was less than two-thirds of the F16 fighter.

It was equivalent to spending a lot of money, but the performance of the fighter he bought was not as good as the Xiaolong fighter that others bought with a small amount of money.

And he was responsible for introducing this project.

For a while, Prince Sultan regretted it.

Why didn't he buy the Xiaolong in the first place?

However, he did not resent Louis. After all, Louis had also sold the Xiaolong to him in the first place, but he didn't like it. It was he who insisted on buying the F16 fighter..

It was determined that after the war was over, a batch of Xiaolong fighters must be purchased no matter what.

The Camel Air Force of Saudi Arabia could still achieve a ratio of 1.5 to 1, but the Pharaoh was out of luck, equipped with a large number of Mirage 2000, MiG-23, Mirage 5, and newly equipped F16 fighter formations.

This time, the Pharaoh dispatched nearly 50 fighter jets, including this year, the F16 fighter formation that was put into service in the middle of the year also took the field.

The result was that more than 20 of them were shot down by more than 20 F15 and F16 fighter jets of the Israeli army in one encounter, which was almost a massacre.

This situation was not caused by the rubbish of the Pharaoh's pilots, but the rubbish of the weapons.

Just like the F16 fighter jets that the Pharaoh bought from the United States, the model is the latest batch, but it is not equipped with long-range air-to-air missiles.

For example, the AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missile is not for sale.

Only The United States exports AIM-7 Sparrow and AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles to Pharaoh.

Moreover, the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles sold to Pharaoh are not the latest models, but the E2 model, with a maximum range of only 29 kilometers.

And what about the Israeli army on the opposite side?

They are all equipped with AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles.

Originally, the Israeli army was not equipped with so many, but after the last Syrian-Israeli air war (BHFA), Israel ordered thousands of missiles from the United States, and the AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missile production line that had been discontinued started running again.

In order to quickly arm Israel, the United States even pulled 500 missiles from its own warehouse and gave them to the Israeli army.

Therefore, even if it is the same aircraft, the weapons are short-legged and cannot reach others. But others can hit you, how can you win?

What's more, MiG-23 and Mirage 5 are all above... The first generation of fighter planes.

The only ones that were worth watching were the Pharaoh F16 and Mirage 2000, but because of their short legs, they were at a disadvantage in the battle.

They didn't fight you in close combat, but kept their distance.

You flee, he chases.

You chase, he flees.

Relying on the long range of their weapons, they slaughtered the Pharaoh Air Force.

In less than fifteen minutes, only 10 fighter planes of the Pharaoh Air Force finally escaped, and the rest were shot down.

This was under the cover of the ground short-range air defense system, otherwise these last 10 planes would not have been able to escape.

The tragic defeat of the air force also made the Pharaoh Air Force dare not act rashly.

When the news reached the Damascus command, everyone was stunned, and they all looked at the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Pharaoh.

What was revealed in his eyes, is the combat effectiveness of the Pharaoh so bad?

The once strongest combat power in Arabia is at this level?

Facing a pair of playful eyes, the face of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Pharaoh was as gloomy as ink, and his brain was like paste.

When he heard about the victory of Syria and Saudi Camel Air Force, he still thought that the performance of Pharaoh Air Force was definitely better than theirs, but it was completely defeated.

More than 50 fighter planes went there, but only 10 escaped.

According to intelligence, only 2 of them were shot down.

With such a performance, let alone the military representatives of other countries. Even he himself did not understand how the air force fought and how it became like this.

Sitting in the main seat, Michel's eyes flashed with sarcasm.

You were asked to break the contract and choose American fighter planes. You are so cheated now.

You are given the most advanced fighter planes, but if you don't give you the most advanced weapons, it is still useless.

You are dreaming, your Pharaoh country is in a hostile relationship with Israel.

How can they sell you the latest ones?

You are a complete leek.

Michel was a little happy about the defeat of Pharaoh Air Force, which also indirectly proved that Xiaolong is better than F16 fighter.

It can also be regarded as an advertisement for Xiaolong.

As for whether the defeat of Pharaoh Air Force will affect the war situation, he does not have to worry at all.

Not to mention that the Syrian and Shah Camel air forces can crush the Israeli snake country. The

North African Tan Hippo Air Force also participated in the war, and they also dispatched a large number of���Fighter support, this time 15 Xiaolong fighters were dispatched, equipped with Bow and Arrow 2 air-to-air missiles. Although the range is only 80 kilometers, it is no problem to fight against F16.

Xiaolong 3 has excellent phased array radar and can detect targets at 170 kilometers.

Although the Israeli F16 is equipped with AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles, its radar is poor and it still uses pulse Doppler radar with a search distance of only tens of kilometers.

In this way, the two sides are on the same horizontal line and need to be within 80 kilometers to lock the target.

It did a good job and shot down several Israeli F-5 fighters.、F-4 fighter jets.

But after the Israeli army shot down the Pharaoh fighter formation, the situation was not so good.

After all, Tan Hippo was not proficient enough in the Xiaolong fighter.

The pilots of the Israeli Air Force have been conducting air strikes and fighting all year round, and they use aircraft that they often practice. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two sides fought, and each had its own wins and losses.

The Israeli army had a slight advantage, but the victory in the local war could not change the situation.

With the Syrian Arab Republic and the Camel and Camel Air Force bomber formations joining the air battle against Israel.

From north to south, the entire Israel was caught in a bombing situation.

Moreover, the ground forces of the coalition forces also advanced towards Israel under the command of the headquarters.

Israel, which had lost air superiority and a large amount of artillery fire, seemed to be in a precarious situation.

In the southern part of Israel, hundreds of Leopard 2 tanks entered Israel from the Camel border.

An Israeli armored brigade stationed here looked at the Sand Camel Army armored forces blowing in the face with yellow sand all over the ground. The Israeli brigade commander took a deep breath and immediately issued an order via radio:"Attack!"

Immediately, nearly a hundred Israeli Merkava tanks and M60A1 Magach tanks rushed towards the enemy.


"Boom boom!"

In the vast desert, nearly 300 tanks from both sides were caught in a melee.

Both sides fired.

The armor protection of one tank was less than 400 mm, and this was the most iron turret. The skirt armor protection capability was more than 300 mm at most. The main gun was still a 105 mm rifled gun, which was typical of thin skin. Even the T72 was choked against it, not to mention the Leopard 2 main battle tank.[]

The Leopard 2 sold to Shaluotu was not a complete version, but it was a German tank that focused on defense, with a penetration resistance of 500 mm and was equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun.

It can be said that it can easily penetrate the Israeli Merkava tank.

Even the later Merkava 4 tank could be penetrated by Hamas with RPG, so you can imagine how poor the Merkava armor is.

In the engine area, the armor protection capability is only 60 mm.

This is indeed the case.

At a glance, a large number of Israeli Merkava tanks fell directly to the ground.

Even the turret was blown away.

It flew in the air and then fell heavily.

The Israeli artillery shells fell on the Leopard 2, just like tickling, and did not penetrate the protection.

The commander of the Shaluotu Armored Division, who saw this scene, was overjoyed.

He ordered the destruction and killing of the Israeli armored forces.

At the same time, the commander of the Israeli armored brigade also found something wrong. The proud Merkava tank was not the enemy's opponent.

Dozens were destroyed in a single encounter.���

How to fight this?

"Quick, tell them not to fight head-on, but to attack the enemy's side and rear armor with flexibility."

He didn't need to remind them. The Israeli tanks on the front line changed their tactics immediately after they found that they couldn't penetrate the enemy's thick front armor.

It was almost impossible to penetrate the side armor.

The only weakness was the rear, where the armor was much weaker.

However, the Israeli army had no chance at all.

The number was small to begin with, and now after dozens of them were destroyed, there were even fewer.



Soon, several more tanks were destroyed and burned fiercely. The tank soldiers inside had no time to take out their weapons and were killed.

What's more, the tank ammunition depot was hit by armor-piercing shells and then exploded.

Seeing that his tanks were constantly paralyzed and not moving, the Israeli brigade commander showed despair.

He quickly ordered the remaining armored vehicles to retreat.

There was no way to fight this battle. ( Ps

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