
Seeing the Israeli army retreat, the commander of the Sand Camel Armored Division naturally did not want to let them go so easily, and quickly ordered a pursuit.

He also contacted the Air Force.

The five A10 attack aircraft that had been ready at the border took off immediately.

The machine guns were used to deal with fragile armored vehicles, and they penetrated them one by one.

In less than ten minutes, they arrived at the battlefield.

"Oh no, it's an enemy attack plane."

The fleeing Israeli armored brigade commander, sitting in an armored vehicle, saw the attack plane flying in the distance and his face changed drastically.

As a senior general in the Israeli army, he naturally knew about this thing.

The Israeli army also used this thing to deal with the Arab coalition forces in the past, but time has changed. He didn't expect that one day he would encounter this killer weapon. At this time, the brigade commander sold the US government to the ground. In his opinion, this must have been sold by the US government, otherwise where did the sand camel come from?

"Pass my order, anti-aircraft guns fire at the enemy planes."

Without his order, the Israeli soldiers also spotted the enemy planes in the sky.

The machine guns and cannons on the top of the armored vehicles were all raised at this moment. They could not shoot at high-flying fighters, but anti-aircraft guns and machine guns were a great threat to attack aircraft.

After all, the main firepower of attack aircraft was still machine guns, which meant flying at low altitudes.

"Da da da..."

Bullets were fired from the cannon of the A-10 attack aircraft. The large-caliber bullets fired, and the armored vehicles on the ground were instantly blown up like paper, burning and turning into a pile of scrap metal.

A troop carrier was directly blown up with the people and vehicles, and more than a dozen Israeli soldiers inside died before they could react.

Seeing the fierce attack aircraft in the sky, the Israeli soldiers jumped directly from the armored vehicles and planned to run on foot. After all, the armored vehicles were too conspicuous, and the enemy's attack aircraft would definitely attack the armored vehicles and transport vehicles first.

""Boom boom!"

A fuel truck was hit by a machine gun bullet. In an instant, the transport vehicle was blown into pieces, and the fragments scattered and fell to the ground at random. If you are not careful, you may die.

It can be said that the Israeli army was completely defeated at this moment.

In the northern part of the country of Israel.

After losing the outer positions one after another, the remnants of the Israeli army retreated to the city, intending to fight street battles.

At this moment, they are surrounded by two divisions of Syria.

In addition, another part of the Syrian army is advancing along the road to the heart of the country of Israel, intending to besiege the capital of the Israeli army. It is also the fastest advancing army at present.

Of course, in addition to Syria taking the lead in gaining air supremacy, Syria is not far from the heart of the country of Israel, only a hundred kilometers away.

At this time, the two armored forces besieging Haifa are the 3rd Armored Division and the 5th Motorized Infantry Division, and the commander is Lieutenant General Maslov, the commander of the 3rd Armored Division.

"Maslov, the enemy hid in the city and fought with us in the streets. If we attack, the losses in the street fighting will be great. They are very familiar with the terrain."

Lionle, the commander of the 5th Motorized Infantry Division, frowned, looked at the city of Haifa in the distance through a telescope, and said in a deep voice

"Street fighting?"

Maslov shook his head and said with a smile:"There is no need to fight street fighting. We are not here to occupy this area. We are here to destroy the Israeli Snake Country. If they want to fight street fighting, let them do it. Anyway, we can just deal with them with firepower."

Then he walked to the signalman on the side and said in a deep voice:"Contact the general command immediately and report our situation to them. Just ask for fighter planes to reinforce as soon as possible. Remember to ask for white phosphorus bombs."


Hearing that Maslov was going to use white phosphorus bombs, Leonlai hurriedly called a halt, walked quickly to Maslov, and said with a worried look:"Maslov, the use of white phosphorus bombs in war is not allowed by the international community. If you do this, you may be brought to a military court."

"Military court?"

Maslov looked contemptuous and said disapprovingly:"Even if we go to the military court, what can we do as long as we can destroy the Israeli Snake Country."

Turning around, he looked at the signalman and said viciously:"Contact the artillery position for me and bombard the city directly. Doesn't the Israeli army want to fight street battles? I won't fight street battles. Bombard hard for me. If anyone doesn't use up all the shells, I will shoot him."


The signalman swallowed his saliva and was scared.

He quickly contacted the artillery position in the rear.

Leonlai opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Maslov came over and patted his shoulder:"Leonlai, you have to remember that we have died enough. If we don't beat them down this time, it won't take many years for them to make a comeback with the support of the United States and other European countries.

By then, our country will have sacrificed more people.

This time, it was not easy to form a multinational coalition. Such an opportunity must not be missed.

The Israeli Snake Country must be scared. Only in this way can we gain years of peace.

If they really want to send me to a military court afterwards, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I've made enough money."

Seeing his comrades who suddenly became heroic, Leonlai thought about the previous Middle East wars, where he sacrificed his comrades, relatives and friends, and the Israeli army had never been soft on them. How many families were broken at that time? Thinking of this, the hesitation in Leonlai's heart disappeared instantly. He looked at Maslov with a firm expression:"Maslov, you are right, we must defeat the Israeli Snake Country and let him know that the Middle East is our Arab territory.

As for international conventions, fuck that bullshit convention."

Seeing Leonlai suddenly change his mind, Maslov showed a happy smile:"Leonlai, you are right, fuck the international conventions, I will fight if I want to."


Joint Forces Headquarters

"What? Maslov asked the Air Force to drop white phosphorus bombs?"

Michelle looked at the report from his men, his brows furrowed.

This white phosphorus bomb is not simple. If it touches your body, it can directly"melt" you.

Moreover, the smoke produced by the burning of white phosphorus contains toxic substances such as phosphorus oxide.

Inhalation of these toxic substances may irritate and damage the respiratory system, causing symptoms such as difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest pain.

In addition, the phosphorus oxide compounds in white phosphorus can also have toxic effects on other organs and systems.

It can be said that this thing does not seem to be as deadly as a shell, but the flowers scattered by the goddess, whether it is smoke or the body is stained with white phosphorus, are well-known. It is a weapon of mass destruction and has been expressly prohibited by international conventions.

Of course, prohibition is one thing, and some countries take the ban as a fart.

Just like the State of Israel, when dealing with Hezbollah and Hamas, didn't it also use white phosphorus bombs? (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Therefore, international conventions are used to restrict small countries.

For the strong, there is no restriction at all.

"You are the Chief of Staff of Syria, you decide on this matter."

Michel decisively handed the decision to the Syrian military representative. The Syrian military representative was hesitant.

There is no doubt that the use of white phosphorus bombs will inevitably be strongly condemned by the international community.

By then, Syria will face pressure from the international community.

Whether it can withstand it is a question.

But fighting street battles is not what the Syrian army wants to see.

Looking at the hesitant Chief of Staff of Syria, Michel sighed:"My suggestion is not to use white phosphorus bombs, although they are very lethal and can help destroy the resistance forces in Haifa.

But once used, Syria will become the target of public criticism.

At that time, the United States and European countries will definitely take this opportunity to deal with Syria. By then, will the Arab countries work together to fight against Europe and the United States


You know this better than me"[]

After a pause, looking at the Syrian Chief of Staff with a grim expression, he continued:"Moreover, dropping white phosphorus bombs may cause Israel to take risks and directly drop nuclear bombs. At that time, Syria will be the first to bear the brunt.

Therefore, my suggestion is to forget about white phosphorus bombs.

You can consider dropping bombs, which are not restricted weapons under international conventions.

They can also cause heavy casualties to the Israeli army."


The Syrian Chief of Staff took a deep breath, looked up at Michel and said,"Sir, you are right, white phosphorus bombs cannot be used."

After that, he stood up and left the small room, and hurried to make a contact.


"Report, the headquarters has sent an order that the Air Force will not use white phosphorus bombs, but will bomb Haifa."

Maslov looked unhappy.



Maslov cursed twice, but he could do nothing about it.

The Air Force did not listen to his orders.

"Pass my order, in 10 minutes, artillery will attack Haifa"


Lionlai was relieved.

Although he looked determined just now, he was still unwilling to use this contraband in his heart.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

Hundreds of cannons in the rear had been raised high and aimed at Haifa.


An order was issued.

Hundreds of cannons made a"boom boom!" sound.

Hundreds of shells drew parabolas in the air and flew towards Haifa.


""Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the whole city of Haifa was filled with artillery fire.

Explosions rang out everywhere in the city.

A large number of buildings, cars, and streets were destroyed.

Hundreds of Israeli civilians were injured.

The remnants of the Israeli army hiding in the city heard the shelling outside and cursed angrily.

"Damn the Syrians, how dare they bombard the city!"

Chamo was furious.

These were all his compatriots, his countrymen.

"Contact Tel Aviv immediately, tell them what's going on here, and send emergency support." However

, he didn't know that the capital Tel Aviv was also caught in the war.

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