Tel Aviv.

As the situation on the front line became increasingly unfavorable, in order to avoid the command center being wiped out, the Israeli military's combat command moved into an underground bunker

"Report, the source of the artillery attack has been found out, it is located in the southern region, and a group of armed elements have infiltrated. Judging from their flags and clothes, they are the Gaza Jihad armed forces."

Hearing that the people who attacked the capital Tel Aviv with artillery fire turned out to be the lambs in the Gaza Strip.

Dan Shomron's face turned ugly.

It was as if he had eaten a piece of shit, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Bastards, even this bunch of rubbish dared to attack us." Deputy Chief of Staff Barak was furious

"Dan, we must eliminate these damn rats, otherwise people will panic and affect the stability of the capital."

Barak looked at Dan Shomron with sharp eyes.

The latter stood up and moved his eyes from the map to the signalman on the side:"Pass my order, call the capital garrison headquarters and ask them to send troops to kill the rats in the south for me."

Although the Israeli army lost a large number of air defense, fighter planes, artillery and armored forces, the army was dead.���Not much.

Especially as the battle line advanced, after the urban battle, the Israeli infantry used a large number of MK153 single-soldier shoulder-fired rocket launchers to attack, destroying many tanks and armored vehicles in Jordan, Iraq, Syria and other countries.

But this often led to artillery fire.

"Barak, the situation on the front line is unfavorable. We must seek external assistance. Most of the northern region has been lost."

Dan Shomron's brows were full of worry. Compared with the harassment of Jihad and Fatah, he was more worried about the front battlefield.

The defeat on the front battlefield and the advanced level of enemy weapons were completely beyond his expectations.

The Merkava main battle tank, which he was so proud of, was completely powerless in front of the Sand Camel tank and was easily destroyed by the enemy.

The fighter planes were no match for the opponent.

It can be said that all the previous winning magic weapons are useless.

In terms of manpower, even if their Israeli army is stronger, it is impossible to fight 1 against 5. What's more, modern warfare is fought on the system.

It is not a simple competition of people.

Otherwise, they would not have won the previous Middle East wars.

Barak knew what Dan Shomron said.

But he didn't have so many worries. He snorted coldly and made a tough statement:"Dan, we can't hesitate now. We must take out our trump card and release a nuclear bomb in Syria. Only in this way will they be afraid and alleviate the current crisis."

Dan Shomron frowned.

He did not answer.

He had thought about this question.

Not to mention using it, just showing it could deter the opponent.

But the consequences were also serious.

First of all, it would increase the unity of Arab countries. After all, with such a time bomb around, no one would sleep uneasy.

Not only Arab countries, but also Persia, the Ottoman Empire, and even the countries along the Mediterranean coast would be hostile to Israel, and the international community would sanction Israel.

After all, Israel openly developed nuclear weapons, which violated international conventions.

Secondly, it would also It touches the sensitive nerves of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Pharaoh, and Syria.

It prompts them to develop or purchase nuclear weapons.

If the country has a vast territory and strategic depth, there is no need to worry.

Just like the vast land of the Soviet Union and the United States, even if there are 1,000 nuclear bombs, they will not cover it all.

They can't do this in Israel. The country has a small land area and will be completely destroyed by a few nuclear bombs.

Once nuclear bombs are used or acknowledged, it will certainly intensify the tension in the surrounding situation.

Even enter the development of nuclear weapons.

This is definitely not good for Israel with a small land area.

"Barak, forget about the nuclear bomb. Even if I agree, the president and the prime minister will not agree."

Dan Shomron looked at Barak with a serious face:"The most urgent thing is to urgently seek military assistance from the United States. As for the use of nuclear bombs, no one will agree to use them unless the country is really destroyed."

At the same time,

Shamil was also meeting with the US ambassador and military representatives. The topic was the same, seeking support.

In particular, he hoped that US soldiers could go down to fight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have seen the current situation. This time the Arab coalition is coming with great force. If we continue to fight, we will be in danger of extinction. If that day really comes, then the whole world will be destroyed."

Shamir spoke coldly, with a threat in his words.

In a word, if you don't support it, then let's go back to primitive society together.

Faced with the arrogance and arrogance of the State of Israel, the US ambassador and military representatives were very dissatisfied. They didn't understand why the previous presidents had been kicked in the head by a donkey and stood on the side of the State of Israel. Wouldn't it be better to stand on the side of the Middle East Arab world?

The two were just complaining in their hearts.

Today, the influence of Jewish capital in the United States is getting deeper and deeper. With them around, it is impossible to break away from the State of Israel.

The domestic pressure alone forced the two to choose to support the Israeli army.

"Ahem!"The US military representative coughed twice and looked at Shamir with a serious face:"Mr. Prime Minister, our president deeply sympathizes with your country's current situation. In response to your country's request, Congress has agreed to export $500 million worth of arms."

"This is not enough."

Shamir interrupted coldly:"This support is just a drop in the bucket.

In addition to the weapons, I need your aircraft carrier fleet to join the war."

"This is impossible."The US military representative denied it without hesitation.

If they joined the war, it would likely cause the Soviet Union to join the war.

The current domestic situation in the Soviet Union is turbulent, and it is a good time to split the Soviet Union.

The United States is unwilling to be dragged into the battlefield in the Middle East.

Moreover, the situation in the Sino-US region is also turbulent.

"Mr. Prime Minister, I emphasize again that our country will not participate in the war. In addition, I suggest that in the current situation, we should choose peace, so as to eliminate the war and reverse the situation in your country."

"If that's the case, then there's no need to talk about it anymore."

Shamil stood up, his eyes cold:"If the Snake Kingdom is gone, then there's no need for this world to exist."

After saying that, Shamil turned around and


"Fuck!! The Israelis are all crazy."

The US ambassador and the US military representative were also furious.

They wanted to punch Shamil in the face to relieve their anger.

"What should we do now? If this continues, Israel may really use nuclear weapons.

The US ambassador looked worried.

"Fuck! It would be a disaster if the nuclear bombs were in the hands of the crazy people in the Snake Country."

After complaining angrily, the US military representative said coldly:"In the current situation, we can only unite with Soviet Union to put pressure on the Arabs."

"That's the only way."

The US ambassador nodded.

The two countries jointly pressured the Arab countries to cease fire and then sit down for negotiations.

Otherwise, if they are pushed to the limit, Israel may really jump off the wall.

As for whether Su Xiong will join forces to put pressure on the Arab League, it is certain.

The United States cannot afford a nuclear war, and Su Xiong can't afford it either.

When the news was passed back to the White House, it was learned that the war situation had reached a critical point and Israel was about to launch a nuclear bomb, which scared Reagan.

It is a consensus among many people that Israel has a lot of nuclear weapons.........

The Snake Kingdom has never admitted it, but it has not denied it either, and it is ambiguous.

No one knows exactly how many nuclear bombs it has.

Especially the sentence, if the Snake Kingdom is gone, what is the use of this world.

Thinking of the madness of the Snake Kingdom, maybe it is really possible to launch nuclear bombs to the whole world.

"Damn the Jews, what a lunatic."

Riggen was so angry that he had to pick up the phone and call Su Xiong, Long Guo and other five permanent members, intending to join forces to put pressure on the Arab coalition.

Soon, the five permanent members reached an agreement. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although everyone hates being threatened, no one wants to see a nuclear war.

There are no winners or losers in a nuclear war.

The five good people who reached an agreement hurriedly called the presidents of the main coalition countries such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Pharaoh to seek a peaceful solution to the matter.

The five good people joined forces to put pressure, and the effect was still very significant.

Especially those who did not gain any benefits Pharaoh, Iraq, and Tanzania were only helping out in friendship to make their presence felt.

So these three countries quickly agreed to a truce with Israel.

Of course, this was a private agreement, and the details still need to be discussed within the coalition.


The coalition headquarters.

Military representatives of various countries received calls from home.

The news was reported to Michel.

Michel was not surprised.

It is impossible to destroy Israel in this war.

As long as Israel has nuclear weapons, it will not be destroyed by external forces.

Because when the day of destruction comes, they can completely perish together and take the surrounding countries to see God together.[]

It is not possible to destroy a country, but it is possible to ask for benefits and spit out the meat that the Snake Country swallowed before.

After everyone finished speaking, Michel said:"Stop.���Yes, but my suggestion is that Israel must abide by the 1947 demarcation of the border between Palestine and Israel, and cede Eilat and the Imbog region on the Jordanian-Israeli border to Jordan. The northern regions of Safed and Shemona will be ceded to Syria.

If Israel agrees to these two conditions, the war can be stopped.

Otherwise, there will be no benefits, and the cost of sending troops this time will be a loss."

The eyes of the Syrian and Jordanian representatives lit up.

Obviously, they agreed with what Michel said, ceding these areas

"Yes, 5.0 wants a ceasefire, but you must agree to these conditions, otherwise we will fight to the gates of Tel Aviv."

"Yes, if you don't agree, then keep fighting and see who can't hold on first."

Syria and Jordan expressed their opinions one after another.

The military representative of Pharaoh frowned and muttered,"We Pharaohs have suffered great losses this time, and we must get our fair share of the benefits."

Michel narrowed his eyes and smiled,"That's no problem. Negotiations? Raise the issues first, otherwise how can we talk? Don't you agree?"

As he spoke, he seemed to think of something and smiled at Sand Camel,"Sha Camel can also ask for compensation. If he doesn't want the territory, he can ask for war reparations."

Prince Sultan nodded and smiled,"Yes, we have made great efforts this time and spent a lot of military expenses, so Snake Country must compensate for the losses."

"Yes, and us..."

Seeing the representatives of various countries surging, Michel narrowed his eyes and smiled.

If these territories were ceded, he would definitely fight again, and it could be said that the war would not end until death, which was exactly what he wanted to see. As for the arms dealers, they would hope that wars would break out everywhere, so that they could sell arms and make money.

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