As long as the conflict between these countries in the Middle East and the State of Israel continues to break out, a wave of harvest can be harvested every once in a while.

Not only can you make money by selling weapons, but you can also strengthen the relationship between the two sides and pull these countries in the Middle East, such as Iraq, Shaluo, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, onto the Columbian chariot.

The position of the United States and the Jewish capital behind it are destined for the United States to stand on the side of the State of Israel.

Although Jordan stands on the side of the United States, that was before.

Now that it has swallowed up the territory occupied by the State of Israel, it will definitely not want to spit it out. It will inevitably advance and retreat together with Syria, Shaluo, etc., and fight the State of Israel to the death.

Therefore, if the United States continues to favor the State of Israel after the war, then Jordan is likely to change its camp and choose to join the Arab countries.

These are all potential customers for galactic trade.

Especially oil giants like Iraq and Shaluo.

Just wanting the State of Israel to cede territory is not an ordinary difficulty.

Unless it really hits the city of Tel Aviv, and the five great good men join forces to put pressure, but that is not something Michelle can intervene.

The desire has been thrown out. This time, all countries sent so many troops, fired tens of thousands of shells, and lost a large number of tanks, armored vehicles and fighter planes. It is impossible to withdraw without gaining any benefits. This is impossible.

In short, this negotiation is not a short-term thing. It is also possible that the Snake Country will use this negotiation time to take a breath and pull arms from the United States and even European countries, just like the third Middle East war, to launch a counterattack.

Hong Kong.

Peninsula Hotel


"Yes, it is reported that the five great benefactors joined forces to mediate."17

"What is the current war situation?"

"The Israeli army has been defeated on the front battlefield. If it didn't have nuclear weapons, it would definitely be destroyed."

"Yeah!" Louis nodded. It is too difficult to destroy a country in modern society, especially one with nuclear weapons.

"If we can't destroy the Snake State, we must weaken it as much as possible."

From the perspective of an arms dealer, he actually hopes that the Israeli army will crush the Arab countries in the Middle East, so that the Arab countries will have a sense of urgency and will buy a large number of weapons.

On the contrary, after the Snake State is weakened and no longer such a big threat, the urgency of buying weapons will be reduced a lot.

But from the perspective of a president, Louis hopes that the Arabs can join forces to suppress and weaken the Snake State, so that the United States and even European countries will continue to provide blood transfusions, which is a good thing for Columbia.

From a personal perspective, he also doesn't like the arrogant Snake State.

Especially in his previous life, he saw what the Snake State did to the Gaza Strip and threatened the Dragon State, which made him very disgusted with this country.

"After the war, you should use your influence to get them to buy more weapons. For example, if the Camel Kingdom really annexed the land of the Snake Kingdom, they would definitely be most wary of the Snake Kingdom and would definitely buy weapons and equipment.

And the Pharaoh Kingdom, they were tricked by the Americans this time and lost so many fighter planes. They will definitely ask you to buy new fighter planes. Don't miss these."

Louis thought for a while and reminded Michelle on the other end of the phone.

"The boss forgot one."

Michelle smiled and said,"This time, Shaluotuo suffered a lot of losses in F16 fighters. On the first day of the war, after learning that the Syrian-Asian Xiaolong fighter fleet had no casualties, Prince Sultan came to me privately, hoping to buy Xiaolong 3 fighters."


Louis was surprised.

In the Middle East, the richest man is Shaluo, a dog owner.

"In fact, it is not only that. This war has once again proved the excellence of the Xiaolong fighter. I believe that after the war, many countries will come to buy it."

Michelle said happily.

Now we don't need to develop the market by ourselves like before. Now we just need to wait for buyers to come.

Louis was also happy when he heard this.

"By the way, next time you collect money, you don’t have to accept dollars, you can also accept gold."

As he has more and more dollars in his hands, there will be less circulating in the outside market. Of course, his dollars account for less than 1% of the issued currency.

There are fewer dollars in the outside market, so in order to increase customers, gold settlement can also be used.

"In addition, your personal safety needs to be strengthened. Let me transfer a company of special forces from the special service regiment to take charge of your security."

With Michel commanding two battles and winning both, there is no doubt that his influence in the Middle East has skyrocketed, and he is no longer an insignificant assassin under his command.

Last time, Mossad and the CIA had cooperated to attack him.

This time, the Israeli army was defeated, and the major intelligence agencies are afraid that they will target Michel even more. Perhaps he has been included in the must-kill list of intelligence agencies of various countries.

Although he gave Michel and the special forces team around him 20 sets of nano-bionic clothes last time, which can effectively protect against bullet attacks, there are still too few people around him.

As for the local Arab soldiers , their combat skills must not be very good, otherwise they would not have been suppressed for so many years.

So a company of the Special Service Regiment was dispatched, which has hundreds of people, all of whom are special forces. Even if they encounter several US Navy SEAL teams, they can fight hard.

The reason for choosing the Special Service Regiment instead of recruiting from the system and deploying them to Damascus is very simple.

The Special Service Regiment has experienced many wars.

Especially in street fighting, they have rich combat experience.

They are definitely better than the special forces recruited by the system.

Hearing that Louis was going to assign him more guards, Michel was naturally happy. After all, the stronger the protection around him, the safer he would be.

"Thank you, boss. I was just worried about the lack of defense around me. Now that the special forces have come to support me, it couldn't be better."

Although Michelle has not returned to Columbia, he has heard of the name of the special forces.

They are the elite of the entire Columbia army.

Their combat effectiveness is not ordinary.

"Well, you should also pay attention to your own safety. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me."

Louis hung up the phone when he saw that he had almost finished talking about things.

Then he called Columbus and asked him to draw a company of soldiers from the special forces regiment, disguise them, and charter an intercontinental plane to Damascus.

Or disperse to Damascus. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The main thing is to avoid attracting attention and avoid being targeted.

Under the joint pressure of the five good men, the Arab coalition stopped the attack and sat down with the Kingdom of Israel for negotiations.

The place of negotiation was chosen in Rome, Italy.

The negotiations between the two sides were not ideal. The

Kingdom of Israel agreed to the coalition's proposal to restore the demarcation line in 1947.

Before coming , the State of Israel had already anticipated this.

After all, the banner of the coalition forces is revenge and justice for Palestinian Camel.

The State of Israel was unwilling to agree to the demands for compensation for losses made by Pharaoh, Saudi Camel, and Iraq, but finally agreed after the United States promised to provide financial support and actually launched an airstrike on Saudi Camel.

Compensate Pharaoh with 1 billion US dollars.

Compensate Saudi Camel with 1.2 billion US dollars.

Compensate Iraq with 500 million US dollars.

The three countries were naturally dissatisfied with this amount.

Especially Pharaoh, their losses this time can be said to be the largest in the coalition forces, with more than 40 fighter planes lost, as well as ground tanks and armor.

Even a lot of artillery was lost.

1 billion US dollars is not enough.[]

After a heated debate, the Snake Kingdom finally agreed to pay Pharaoh 2.5 billion US dollars, Shaluo 3 billion US dollars in war reparations, and Iraq 1.5 billion US dollars.

The three countries were satisfied with this amount.

Especially Iraq.

It dispatched 30,000 troops, lost thousands of people and dozens of tanks, and got 1.5 billion US dollars in war reparations. How could it not be satisfied?

Shaluo was also satisfied. With this 3 billion US dollars, it could buy 70 to 80 Xiaolongs.

Pharaoh, needless to say, although the losses were huge, most of them were old MiG-25s.、F-5 and other fighters, which can just be used to purchase new weapons with $2.5 billion.

In addition, Tanzania also received $500 million in war compensation as a participating country.

The compensation is easy to say, with the United States as the bottom line and the Jewish consortium generously donating. Just bear the humiliation once and extort it back next time.

And this idea, after Syria, Jordan and Lebanon put forward territorial demands, Israel turned the table and clamored to fight to the end.

So, this three-day negotiation fell into a deadlock.

Seeing that Israel refused to agree.

The Arab coalition forces were of the same spirit and learned to be smart, and were not divided by the Israeli army.

They all knew that if they gave up at this time and did not stand with Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, there would be no one to help Israel take revenge next time.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that all parties in the coalition have a common demand, which is to weaken the strength of the Israeli army.

A strong country is not in the interests of the Arab coalition.

No one can guarantee that the Israeli army will become strong again in the future and hit them hard.

In order to prevent this situation, the strength of Israel must be weakened.

After three days of fierce fighting, the coalition forces broke through the Israeli defense line and completely surrounded the Israeli capital Tel Aviv.

Seeing that Israel was about to go crazy, the five good men came forward to mediate again.

After many rounds of negotiations.

In the end, Israel agreed to cede the areas of Safed and Shemona near the Golan Heights to Syria.

The southern coastal city of Eilat and the Imbog area along the Dead Sea adjacent to Jordan were ceded to Jordan.

As for Lebanon, the request for the territory of Nahariya and Yarka was rejected by Israel, but it agreed to pay 3 billion US dollars in war reparations to pay for the military attacks on Lebanon in previous years, causing heavy casualties.

Lebanon chose to accept the compensation conditions.

There was no way to not accept it, and the other parties agreed.

In addition, there was joint pressure from the United States, Britain, and Gaul. Lebanon was just a small country and did not dare to resist these big countries.

With the signing of the names of all parties on the peace agreement, the Rome Agreement officially came into effect.

The content of the agreement was announced immediately.

It is bound to cause a global uproar.

Especially in Israel, there will definitely be riots.

Nationalists are definitely unwilling to let the Shamir government accept such an agreement.

However, this matter did not irritate the Arab coalition forces. With the signing of the agreement, the coalition forces withdrew from the territory of Israel in an orderly manner. Since then, Pakistan has also ushered in the dawn of peace.

As for how long this agreement can last, it depends on the subsequent developments of both parties.

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