《After the signing of the Rome Agreement, it was exposed by the news media on the second day after the Arab coalition forces withdrew.

The news immediately spread all over the world.

It caused an uproar.

No one expected that Israel would agree to cede land and pay compensation.

Although these territories were previously occupied by Palestine, Israel was greedy and crazy, and should not let go like this.

Moreover, it agreed to the establishment of Palestine and agreed to restore the border between the two countries to 1947.

Although the 1947 border was also advantageous to Israel, occupying 56% of the entire region, it was much less than the territory controlled by Israel before the war. The

Shamir government of Israel did not want to agree, but there was no way because the coalition forces had reached the capital.

Moreover, the five great good men joined forces to put pressure on not to start a nuclear war. Faced with this situation, the Shamir government of Israel could only temporarily sign a contract and accumulate strength to wait for the next counterattack.

West Bank of the Jordan River.


The citizens of Palestine took to the streets happily, crying with joy, celebrating the arrival of this day

"Thank Allah, Jerusalem has finally returned to our country, and we can finally establish our country."

"We won. The damned Israelites finally left this place. Long live Allah."

According to the 1947 border division, Jerusalem will belong to the city on the territory of Palestine, but the Israelites can also come to this holy city, and half of the city belongs to Judaism. In comparison, before this, the Israelites dominated the holy city.

During prayers, they even sent out military police to forcibly drive away Muslims.

Now according to the agreement, although the Israelites occupy half of the holy city, they are not allowed to send troops, and can only send police to maintain security.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the people of Palestine.

And according to the 1947 border division, the Israelites are not allowed to send troops, and can only send police to maintain security.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the people of Palestine.

And according to the 1947 border division , the Israelites are not allowed to send troops, and can only send police to maintain security.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the people of Palestine.

The border is divided.

Beit Shemesh, a city that was only built in the 1950s, will belong to Palestine.

Jerusalem is behind Beit Shemesh. As long as the Palestine military controls the city of Beit Shemesh, the Israeli army will not be able to enter Jerusalem behind it.

For the suffering people of Palestine, this is a matter of tears of joy.

At the same time, the people in the Gaza Strip also rushed to tell each other and celebrate the victory.

This group of young people who grew up in the war are in a hurry, with smiles on their faces.

When they meet people, they have to express their happiness and get news.

"You know what? The Snake Kingdom was defeated. They were defeated."

"Haha, the Snake Kingdom was defeated, and we have returned to the 1947 borders"

"Victory, we won"

"The holy city belongs to us now. Long live Allah!"

As these young men spread the news throughout the Gaza Strip, countless Palestinian people living in this place shed tears of joy.

""Laq, my child, Israel lost, we won, the holy city finally returned to our arms, you can rest in peace." An old man with a full beard, holding a posthumous photo, shed tears, happily stroked the photo in his hand, and murmured softly.

His child had participated in the resistance organization, but was killed by the Israeli army.

There are many similar cases.

From 1947 to now, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian people have died at the hands of Israel. It can be said that there is a blood feud.

Just as the Palestinian people were crying with joy and welcoming the victory. While

Arabs all over the world were singing and cheering, a wave of protests broke out in major cities such as Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel, and Haifa. They believed that the Shamir government had betrayed the interests of Israel and demanded that the Shamir government step down.

Regarding the Rome Agreement, the angry young people and democrats in Israel believe that this is a naked agreement of selling out the country for glory, which is a slap in the face of the Israelis.

Moreover, Cede territory.

This undoubtedly made the arrogant Israeli nationalists very dissatisfied.

Protesting and demanding the Shamir government to step down became their urgent place to vent.

In addition, the upper-class elites of Israeli Snake also expressed their dissatisfaction with Shamir, believing that he was too weak.

In the face of this surging protest, Shamir delivered a national speech on TV, explaining why the contract should be signed.

The meaning is that Israeli Snake is already facing the danger of national extinction, and claims that showing weakness and ceding territory now does not mean that it will never be taken back.

However, the nationalists who have been overwhelmed by anger did not buy into Shamir's remarks.


Demand that Shamir step down.

Shamir was naturally unwilling to step down. The government he led was defeated. If he stepped down and lost the protection of power, Needless to say, the outcome was unspeakable.

Faced with protesters who had been preaching to no avail, Shamil also ordered the military and police to go out and arrest the protesters, but this only made the country of Israel even more chaotic. With the help of Jewish capital from the United States and European countries and the World Monetary Fund, the war reparations of 7.5 billion US dollars were quickly transferred to the accounts of various countries.

After receiving the money, Pharaoh, Camel and Iraq immediately approached Michel to discuss the purchase of weapons and ammunition.

In addition, Camel and Syria also joined in.

The latter two countries are the most active.

They have taken the land from the country of Israel. It can be said that the next time a war breaks out, their two countries will inevitably bear the brunt of it, and taking the land is equivalent to being mortal enemies with the country of Israel.

Faced with this situation, the two countries must purchase weapons to be courageous.

And at this The Xiaolong fighter jets that performed well in the first war have become popular.

As for the US military's F16 and the European Mirage 2000, whether they are good or not has been revealed in this war.

Not only these five countries, the Ottoman Empire, which is known as the dog of the NATO system, has also joined in the demand to purchase fighter jets, and the Arab world's Aman Camel and the Arab Emirates have also sent representatives. The

North African country of Arya, a traditional weapon purchasing powerhouse in the Soviet Union and Gaul, has also sent people to Damascus in the Middle East to seek to purchase Xiaolong fighter jets.

If they had some doubts about Xiaolong before, then in this war, Xiaolong has become the most popular fighter jet after it once again defeated the F15 and F16 fighter jets.

After all, the real fighter jets are there.

It also broke the myth of American fighter jets such as F16 and F15.

So these days, Damascus, the capital of Syria, is particularly lively.

For these representatives from various countries who came to purchase weapons and equipment, Michel did not choose to meet them together, but chose to meet them one by one.

First, it is convenient to sell weapons.

Just like the country of Alya, they not only want to buy Xiaolong, but also want to buy tanks, armed helicopters, etc.

For many non-Western countries, especially those that are not allies of the United States, the weapons provided by Galaxy Trade can enable them to spend money and buy the current advanced weapons.

Take Alya for example, they want Apache armed helicopters and MlA1 main battle tanks, but they won't sell them no matter how much money they give, thinking that you are not the same as them.

You can only buy weapons from Su Xiong and Gaul, although the two countries also export weapons to Alya.

Not only are the prices higher than others, but they only buy castrated versions when they spend money.

Now there are other channels to buy the most advanced weapons and equipment, and Alya naturally doesn't want to miss it.

Just as Michelle was doing well in the Middle East and negotiating arms business with representatives of various countries, Louis in Hong Kong was also having a good life.

Every day he was communicating with Li Meifeng and Qiu Suzhen about the origin of life.

Do you think it's uncomfortable?

Although he was surrounded by beautiful women, he did not forget the beautiful Wang. There was no movement on Jiahe's side, and Louis couldn't ask himself.

There is no movement now. It can only be said that Wang Damei is more difficult to deal with than Qiu Suzhen and Li Meifeng. (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise, Zhou Wenhuai and others would have sent him to his bed long ago. The Presidential Suite of the Peninsula Hotel. Louis was sitting on the sofa, listening to Lin Tianhong's report on the acquisition.


At present, we have absorbed a large number of shares from the stock market, among which Hutchison Whampoa has absorbed 23.

3%, Hongkong Land has absorbed 15.

9%, Hysan Property has absorbed 25.

6%, Wharf Holdings has absorbed 18.

9%, China Resources Power has absorbed 28.

55%, The Peninsula Hotels has absorbed 10.

5%, and Mandarin Oriental Hotels has absorbed 18.


As we have bought a large number of shares in the stock market, the downward trend of the Hong Kong stock market has slowed down, and the share prices of some companies have stabilized or even increased slightly.


Louis nodded. This was inevitable. After all, with so much money invested, the trading volume of the stock market would inevitably increase. As long as someone paid attention, they would know that someone was buying at the bottom.

Unless he stretched the time to three or four months.

Obviously, Louis did not have that much time.

Hong Kong was just one of his money bags, and Columbia was his base camp.

Investing in these companies was mainly because he was optimistic about their long-term development.

Another reason was that it was a clean business, and he did not have to worry about being sanctioned and affecting his ability to make money.

Looking at the list of shares in his hand, Louis was quite satisfied. He was able to acquire so many shares in such a short time, and from the market. It was conceivable how pessimistic the current Hong Kong stock market was.

But when he saw the Jardine Matheson, Louis frowned.

"Why is Landmark only 15.9%?"

He remembered that in the last corporate survey, Jardine Matheson only held 26% of Hutchison Whampoa’s shares. Even the major shareholder only held such a small number of shares. It should not be difficult to acquire the shares from the stock market, at least not this small!"[]

"Boss, the situation of Jardine Matheson is a little special"

"Oh?" Louis raised his eyebrows:"What's the special method?"

Lin Tianhong said seriously:"When we were absorbing shares, we found that someone was also absorbing shares secretly. Later, we sent people to track and investigate. The person who competed with us was Li Jiacheng, a local rich man in Hong Kong."

"Li Jiacheng?"

This person is too familiar to Louis.

"Yes!" Lin Tianhong nodded:"and according to media rumors, Li Jiacheng raised 10 billion Hong Kong dollars before, it is very likely that he set his sights on China Land and wanted to swallow up this real estate company known as the king of land in Central."

Li Jiacheng wants to swallow up China Land?

Louis thought about it in his mind and remembered some news.

It seems that in the late 1980s, the Chinese financial groups in Hong Kong did join forces to fight against China Land. It is said that it took a year, but they still failed to take over China Land.

Louis did not know why they failed, after all, he was not the person involved.

But it didn't matter to him.

What Li Jiacheng and the Chinese financial groups could not do, he might not be unable to do.

".Do you know how many shares Li Jiacheng acquired?"

"This is not clear, but judging from their absorption speed, it should not be a lot. I guess they want to boil the frog in warm water and absorb it slowly, so that they can buy the shares of Hong Kong Land with the lowest amount of money."


Louis fell into deep thought, tapping the armrest of the sofa subconsciously.

Li Jiacheng doesn't have much in his hands. He holds 15.9% of the shares, which means that Jardine Matheson holds 26%, which means that nearly half of the shares are taken by the three companies.

Excluding the small shareholders on the board of directors of Hutchison Whampoa, it is estimated that there are at most 20% of the circulating shares in the market.

If you want to control Hutchison Whampoa, you must have 51% of the shares.

According to Hong Kong law, 35% is already the largest shareholder, but as long as it does not exceed 51%, the second largest shareholder and other shareholders on the board of directors may overthrow the largest shareholder and replace him with someone else as the chairman of the board of directors.

He cannot accept this result.

In the current situation, if you want to control 51%, the focus is still on small shareholders.

Once you get more than 10% or 20% from small shareholders, you can directly confront Jardine Matheson.

"We still need to continue to buy in the stock market. We can also talk to the small shareholders of Hutchison Whampoa, Hong Kong Land, and China Power. We need to move fast."

"If the speed is fast, the price may be much higher."Lin Tianhong said. Louis shook his head:"It doesn't matter if the price is a little higher, as long as it's not too outrageous, such as doubling the price."

He acquired these companies (Ma Li Zhao) with great potential for future growth.

The market value can be increased by more than ten or twenty times.

And it can generate income every year.

Whether it is a power company or a real estate company like Swire, they are all industrial.

Take over all these companies, and you can earn one or two billion Hong Kong dollars every year without developing them.

Lin Tianhong nodded to show that he understood.

In the next week, Lin Tianhong's team attacked everywhere and intensively interviewed small shareholders of listed companies such as Hutchison Whampoa, Swire, and Zhongkai Power.

The purchase price offered was 20% higher than the stock price.

At present, the Hong Kong stock market is sluggish, and some people are willing to buy their shares at a premium. These small shareholders are naturally happy to agree. They are not Jardine Matheson and can play a long-term role. The small shareholders' tolerance is far less than those of the major shareholders, so they will naturally not choose to fight to the death.

When the time came to mid-January 1988, Lin Tianhong Hong Zhonghai Investment.

It has already acquired 31.6% of Hong Kong Land, 32.55% of Hutchison Whampoa, 34.1% of Zhonghai Power, 26.8% of Wharf Holdings and 33.6% of Hysan Property.

Except for Wharf Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa, the rest are already the largest shareholders of their respective companies.

Of course, these shares have not been delivered, but the contract has been signed and the deposit has been paid.

In case of breach of contract, compensation will be paid at 5 times the purchase price.

The reason for non-delivery is also very simple, to avoid premature exposure and cause panic among the major shareholders of these listed companies, which will lead to an increase in their holdings of shares. This is very unfavorable for the acquisition of Zhonghai Investment. After all, the increase in shares by major shareholders will inevitably lead to an increase in stock prices.

An increase in stock prices also means that more money will be spent to buy Qing.

This is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, if the transaction is not completed, there is no need to worry about touching the regulations on raising placards if the acquisition of shares exceeds 5%.

(Ps: After returning to Colombia, we will officially enter the content of the South American Overlord...)

I'm a sabmado

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