Upon learning that the shares of Jardine Matheson have reached 31%,

Louis' eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said with a smile:"It's time to confront Jardine Matheson. Tianhong, help me make an appointment with Simon Keswick, I want to talk to him in person."

Simon Keswick is the boss of Jardine Matheson.

He is a member of the Keswick family, not a professional manager, and the largest shareholder behind the Jardine Matheson system is the Keswick family.

He owns 15% of Jardine Matheson Holdings.

Logically speaking, this share is not enough for the Keswick family to control the aircraft carrier of Jardine Matheson, but through the method of cross-holding of equity.

That is, Jardine Matheson Holdings holds 19% of Jardine Matheson Strategic, and Jardine Matheson Strategic controls 26% of Jardine Matheson Holdings. Jardine Matheson Holdings and Jardine Matheson Strategic hold 11% and 15% of Jardine Matheson's shares respectively, and hold 9% and 27% of Dairy Farm International respectively. Jardine Matheson Strategic holds 35% of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Company.

Through this cross-holding method, the Keswick family has achieved control of the Jardine Matheson system with the least money and shares.

However, for truly financially strong capital, as long as there is no controlling stake, everything is possible.

Lin Tianhong nodded and went to make arrangements.

Elro also went to prepare the car.


Jardine House.

Simon Keswick was talking to his confidant Bao Weishi about the recent stock market.

The share prices of Hong Kong Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel, these two listed companies, were obviously more active than before, and the downward trend of the share prices had also stabilized.

"Bao, do you think someone is buying up shares of Hutchison Whampoa and Mandarin Oriental Hotels in the stock market?"

"Yeah, it should be"

"Chinese financial group? Li Jiacheng?"

"It is probably him. He is the only wealthy person in Hong Kong who has this much money. After all, he raised 10 billion Hong Kong dollars before the stock market crash."

"Oh! Shit, he is really a businessman blessed by the goddess of luck."When talking about Li Jiacheng, Simon Keswick was full of envy. 047's timing was too accurate. He just raised 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, and then the stock market crash came a month later. It was as if he had eyes in the back and predicted the stock market crash.

"It seems that he really wants to take over the land this time."

Simon Keswick was not anxious after learning that the person who secretly absorbed the shares was Li Jiacheng.

Bao Weishi smiled and said,"Boss, this is a good thing for us. His acquisition of stocks in the stock market will greatly help us stabilize the stock price."

"Moreover, it is better to sell the land to Li Jiacheng than to Liu Luanxiong."

"Liu Luanxiong? He is a shameless villain."

When Simon Keswick heard Bao Weishi mention Liu Luanxiong, his face was full of anger and sarcasm.

Liu Luanxiong started out as a fan maker, and was also known as Fan Liu in the underworld. However, what really made him rich was not industry, but sniping listed companies. Therefore, Liu Luanxiong also has a title, that is,"stock market sniper".

Among Liu Luanxiong's achievements, he had sniped Jardine Matheson's listed companies, causing Jardine Matheson to lose hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

That's it.

Before the stock market crash, Liu Luanxiong had found him and expressed his desire to acquire Hong Kong Land.

He bought the shares held by Jardine Matheson at a price of 16 yuan per share.

This price is obviously much higher than the current price of more than 6 yuan per share.

But before the stock market crash, Hong Kong Land's share price was more than 11 yuan.

Hong Kong Land is also the land king of Central, with all high-quality assets in its hands, and is one of the companies whose market value is underestimated.

The price of 16 yuan was undoubtedly too low for Simon Keswick.

In addition to the previous incident of sniping at Jardine Matheson Group, Liu Luanxiong was notorious in Hong Kong, so Simon Keswick rejected Liu Luanxiong's offer without hesitation.


Just then, the phone on the table in front of them rang, interrupting their conversation.


"Boss, there is a Mr. Lin Tianhong who wants to visit you. He claims to be the general manager of China Overseas Investment Company and wants to talk to you about the land."

The secretary's voice came from the phone.

China Overseas Investment?

What kind of company is that? Why didn't he mention it?

Simon Keswick frowned.

He has been in Hong Kong for quite a while, two years in total, and he has heard of all the well-known listed companies in Hong Kong.

Moreover, there is no one named Lin Tianhong in the circle of wealthy people in Hong Kong.

However, he said he wanted to talk about the land. After thinking about it, he decided to meet this mysterious person.

"I met him at 2 p.m."


After hanging up the phone, Simon Keswick said to Bao Weishi in front of him:"The general manager of some China Overseas Investment Company wants to see me and talk to me about the land."

"Zhonghai Investment? The name sounds like Longguo Enterprise, what's its origin?"

Simon Keswick shook his head:"I don't know, I haven't heard of it before."

Bao Weishi nodded and said with a smile:"We will know after we meet in the afternoon."

"Yes, I thought so too."

As long as it was related to Landmark, Simon Keswick would like to meet him.


Central, Jardine House.

A fleet of 1 Rolls-Royce and 3 Mercedes-Benz cars slowly stopped in front of the building.

Then, a large group of people got out of the cars, most of them wearing black suits, leather shoes, and white shirts. Those who were not wearing suits also held briefcases in their hands, dressed like professional managers.


Seeing Louis coming down from the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, Elro, Lin Tianhong and others all bowed and shouted.

The voice was loud, and the convoy was so conspicuous that it had already attracted many people's attention.

"Who is that person?"

"He was wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't see his face clearly, but he looked like a ghost."

"A foreigner? Could it be that the major shareholder of Jardine Matheson has arrived?"

"I don't know, he must be a big shot."

"Isn't this nonsense? How can he be a simple person if he has style?"

Several people who came here to do business were whispering about the origins of Louis and others.

Soon, Louis and his party took the elevator to the 17th floor.

A secretary came to greet them and took them to the conference room.

After serving coffee, the female secretary smiled and said,"Gentlemen, please wait a moment, I will go and inform the boss."

Louis nodded slightly and sat down on the stool....(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Boom boom!"

"Come in"

"BOSS(bhch), the people from China Overseas Investment have arrived at the conference room"

"Oh? Okay, I get it."

Simon Keswick stood up, gently pulled his suit, and smiled at Bao Weishi who also stood up:"Let's go, let's go meet this mysterious person." Bao Weishi smiled and followed behind.

Soon, the three of them came to the conference room.

When he saw Louis, Lin Tianhong, and Elro and others in the conference room, he was stunned for a moment.

In his opinion, this company called Zhonghai should be made up of Longguo people, how come it has become"the same kind", no, it should be people from Latin America

"Hello, which one is Mr. Lin Tianhong?"

"Hello, I am Lin Tianhong."

Lin Tianhong stood up and stretched out his hand with a smile, saying:"Are you Mr. Ximen?"

"Hello, Mr. Lin."Simon Keswick smiled and stretched out his hand to shake hands, but he did not forget to look at Louis.

His intuition told him that this silent man was the leader of this group of people.

"Who is this?"[]

"Oh, let me introduce you, this is my boss, Mr. Louis."

Hearing Lin Tianhong's introduction, Simon Keswick showed a look of"as expected".

"Hello, Mr. Simon, my name is Louis. I am here for one thing. I want to buy the Landmark and Mandarin Oriental Hotel held by Jardine Matheson."

Louis stood up without any nonsense and got straight to the point.

Hearing that Louis wanted to buy the Landmark and Mandarin Oriental Hotel,

Simon Keswick was surprised.

Very surprised.

If it was a British who came to buy, he would not be surprised.

A Latin American came to buy, which really surprised him.

"Mr. Louis is interested in these two companies?"


"Does the gentleman know about the two companies?"Simon Keswick asked with a smile.

The underlying meaning was that he doubted whether Louis had the ability.

Louis frowned slightly. He didn't want to beat around the bush here.

"Mr. Simon, since I want to buy, I naturally know these two companies. The current share price of Hong Kong Land is more than 6 yuan. I am willing to double it and acquire the shares of Hong Kong Land held by Jardine Matheson at a price of 13 yuan.

In addition, I am willing to acquire Mandarin Oriental Hotel Company at a price of 7 yuan per share."

Currently, the total share capital of Hong Kong Land is 2.5 billion shares, the share price is more than 6 yuan, and the market value is more than 15 billion Hong Kong dollars. In the real estate category of Hong Kong stocks, it is a unique one and the real estate company with the highest market value in Hong Kong stocks.

The share price of Mandarin Oriental Hotel is 4.1 cents, and the market value is 1.38 billion Hong Kong dollars. As a hotel, it is rare to have such a market value.

Of course, it can't be compared with the Peninsula Hotel Group.

Seeing Louis's serious look, Simon Keswick became serious

"The price of Mandarin Oriental is acceptable, but I won’t sell it at HK$13. I didn’t sell it even when Liu Luanxiong offered HK$16 per share.��"

Lewis frowned slightly.

A few dollars more per share may seem like a small amount of money, but you have to think about the total share capital. With a total share capital of 2.5 billion, an extra 3-4 dollars would be close to 10 billion Hong Kong dollars.

"Mr. Simon, when Liu Luanxiong made the offer, it was before the stock market crash. Now the price of Jardine Matheson is more than 6 yuan, I have doubled it. I believe you have seen my sincerity."

Louis' tone became heavier, looking directly at Simon Keswick.

Facing Louis' sharp gaze, Simon Keswick was a little scared for some reason, as if he was being stared at by a tiger or a lion, which made him shudder in his heart.

Restraining his panic, Simon Keswick shook his head:"16 yuan, this is the price you want to buy it at."



Louis nodded and said coldly:"In this case, there is nothing to talk about."

After that, Louis left the meeting room with a cold face.

Seeing this, Lin Tianhong, Elro and others hurriedly followed.

Looking at Louis and others who left in a hurry, Bao Weishi, who had been silent, said solemnly:"BOSS, this person may have bad intentions."


Simon Keswick nodded. He knew it.

His intuition told him that he seemed to have offended a ruthless person.

Especially the other party's cold eyes, which made him very uncomfortable.

This was completely different from when he saw Li Jiacheng.

The latter had sharp eyes.

But it was much worse than Louis. The Louis in front of him had a look of contempt that was not something that ordinary people could have.

Moreover, the other party brought so many bodyguards when he traveled, and his identity was definitely not ordinary.

"Boss, do you want to send someone to investigate their identities?" Bao

Weishi said.

Simon Keswick hesitated, but finally shook his head, unwilling to provoke such people.

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