Looking at the approaching Elro,

Lin Jianyue's calves were shaking.

"you...Don't mess around. If you dare to touch me, my dad will never forgive you."

"Your father's name is Lin Baixin, right? I want to see how he won't let me go if I touch you."

He sneered and turned his eyes to the side:"Elro, what are you still standing there for? Do it!"

""Yes, boss!"

Elro didn't waste any words and went straight to grab Lin Jianyue. This second-generation rich man who was addicted to alcohol and sex had long been physically drained. He was no match for Elro. He grabbed Lin Jianyue, who was trying to escape, and slapped him in the face. The slaps were very loud.

Many diners were shocked.

The hotel staff wanted to stop him, but were stopped by the bodyguards brought by Louis.

They could only watch.

Soon, twenty slaps were over, and Lin Jianyue's face was swollen. You have to know that Elro was a special forces soldier, and the strength in his hands was not ordinary. The power of the slap was extraordinary.

The twenty slaps made Lin Jianyue spit blood and almost fainted. His head was dizzy and he had no resistance at all. He was dragged out by Elro like a dead dog.

Such a brutal scene scared the diners and they fled the western restaurant in panic.

Wang Zuxian and Ye Zimei swallowed their saliva, and a trace of fear appeared in their expressions.

They looked at Louis with fear in their eyes.

Obviously, Louis's method made the two women a little scared.

Louis had a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.

"Well, the annoying flies have gone, no one will bother you, you came late, see what you like to eat."

After saying that, he handed over the menu in his hand.

Wang Zuxian opened his mouth and said,"Whatever, I can do anything. 17"

Louis did not force it, waved his hand, and handed the menu to the waiter who came over.

"Do as it is written, and as fast as possible."

Hearing this, the waitress nodded quickly, with fear in her eyes. After taking the menu, she left quickly, fearing that someone would catch her.

The atmosphere during the meal was a little tense, and Louis did not comfort the two women.

In addition to being unhappy with Lin Jianyue, he may have also meant to warn the two women.

Soon, Louis had almost finished eating.

He looked at the two women:"How is it? Are you full?"

"ah...I'm full!"

Seeing the two women nodding, they looked full.

Louis nodded, stood up and said,"Since you are full, let's go."

Hearing this, the two women also stood up.

Ye Zimei made way and Louis walked out.

He put his hands directly on the waists of the two women, and regardless of their reactions, he hugged them and walked out of the restaurant.

He took the elevator directly to the presidential room.

It was not the room Louis had stayed in before.

Instead, he changed the room.

He opened the door.

"With a"click!", the lights in the room came on.

Turning around, he looked at the two women at the door and said coldly:"What are you standing there for? Come in!"

The two women looked at each other, and Ye Zimei walked in decisively, forcing a signature smile on his face, and put his hands on Louis' shoulders:"Mr. Louis..."

Wang Zuxian looked at Louis who was looking at her coldly, and her heart was a little nervous.

Somehow, she always felt that her little tricks seemed to be seen through by Louis.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Zuxian gritted his teeth and walked in.

Seeing Wang Zuxian coming in, Louis's mouth corners slightly raised

"With a"bang", the door was closed.

Without waiting for Wang Zuxian to react, Louis hugged her waist from behind.

Wang Zuxian, who was suddenly attacked, struggled subconsciously:"Mr. Louis, don't do this, you...Please let me go. I have a boyfriend and I can't let him down."

Louis pushed her to the sofa roughly, held her down, and tore her clothes.

After hearing what Wang Zuxian said on the phone, he said coldly:"Woman, do you really think I'm stupid? You want to use Lin Jianyue, that waste, to put pressure on me. You underestimate me too much. You must pay the price for your actions today."

"That's not the case. You misunderstood. I didn't invite Lin Shao here!"Louis doesn't care whether it is


Seeing Wang Zuxian suddenly screaming, Ye Zimei swallowed her saliva, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes. She subconsciously stepped back and wanted to leave.

But after taking a few steps back, she stopped again when she thought of what Zhou Wenhuai said to her. She stood quietly in front of the door and watched...

She didn't know how long it had been, but she felt it was quite long.


Louis loosened his hand, stood up and glanced at Wang Zuxian who was lying still.

He waved to Ye Zimei at the door. The latter hesitated, but still walked over, but his face was a little scared.

Reaching out and hugging Ye Zimei in his arms, he raised her chin with his hand, Louis smiled evilly, and then hugged Ye Zimei and went straight into the bathroom.

Kowloon, a hospital

""Son, what happened to you? Who did this? Damn it, I'm going to kill him."

Yu Baozhu rushed to the hospital and burst into tears when she saw her son on the hospital bed.

When Lin Baixin saw his youngest son, who was beaten into a pig's head on the hospital bed, he was furious. His eldest son was a failure, and his youngest son was his hope and the future heir to the Lin family.

Although Lin Jianyue was lame, he was much better than Lin Jianming in pleasing his father and in academic performance.

In addition, his mother, Yu Baozhu, was the woman Lin Baixin married later, and men like the new and dislike the old.

Who doesn't like young What 's more, She Baozhu is not a simple person, she is good at scheming and scheming.

Not only did she squeeze out the principal wife, she also became the principal wife.

And she also successfully made Lin Baixin hate the eldest son, and then placed the inheritance on the youngest son, that is, the son she gave birth to, Lin Jianyue.

In short, in Lin Baixin's eyes, although Lin Jianyue is not very talented, he can still protect the family assets. In addition, he is personally in the ear and the youngest son, so Lin Baixin naturally values the youngest son.

Now, seeing the youngest son being beaten like this, how can Lin Baixin not be angry?

"Who beat him up?"

The two bodyguards following Lin Jianyue heard the sound and hurriedly said,"Master, we were beaten up by a foreigner at the Peninsula Hotel."


Lin Baixin frowned slightly.

"Yes, that foreigner should have some status, he has a bodyguard with him"

"Tell me what happened? Why did the young master have a conflict with the foreigners?"


The bodyguard looked hesitant


Lin Baixin was so imposing without being angry.

The majestic aura of a man who had been in a high position for a long time frightened the two men so much that they dared not hesitate and quickly told the story.

"Master...The man suddenly attacked and insulted the young master. The young master was so angry that he said he would not leave. Then the man asked his bodyguards to take action....We can't beat that guy...."

At this point, the two bodyguards lowered their heads in shame.

"Husband, I want to kill that foreigner to avenge my son."Yu Baozhu wiped her tears, stood up, and looked at her husband with a firm look.

Lin Baixin's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but frowned when he saw his wife's angry and cannibalistic eyes. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Baozhu, don't worry, I will make him pay the price"

"He who beat my son must pay with blood, no matter who he is or what his status is."

Lin Baixin gently patted his wife's shoulder and soothed her.

Hearing this, Yu Baozhu's face looked much better.

Turning her head to look at Lin Jianyue on the bed, tears flowed down her face again:"Husband, look at what Jianyue has been beaten into. From childhood to adulthood, I was reluctant to hit him, but now he has become like this...."

"Baozhu, don't cry, Jianyue will be fine.


A villa in Repulse Bay

"What? You said my brother was beaten into a pig's head?"

"Yes, the eldest master, the second master was beaten."

"Where is that person?"

"He is still in the hospital. Both the master and the lady have visited him."

"Haha, good, good, good fight."Lin Jianming laughed heartily, his eyes full of joy.

"Evil will be punished by evil, and the mother and son who were arrogant and domineering finally turned over."

"Why didn't that guy use a little more strength? It would be great if he was beaten to death."[]

The subordinate who reported the news was not surprised by Lin Jianming's reaction.

The Lin family's first and second branches were at odds with each other. This was already public knowledge, and everyone in Hong Kong knew about it.

"Young master, do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Go, of course." Lin Jianming said with a smile:"He was beaten to a pulp. It would be a pity if I didn't go to see such a good thing. Well, remember to bring a camera. Let's take a picture when we have the chance. I want to enjoy it every day.


The next day, the news that the eldest son of the Lin family was beaten into a pig's head appeared in the newspapers.

News about wealthy families is the most popular news for ordinary people.

Now, seeing that the famous playboy in Hong Kong was beaten, this kind of gossip naturally aroused the curiosity of many people.

When they saw a photo of Lin Jianyue being beaten into a pig's head published in the newspaper, they immediately gasped.

"My god, this person is so cruel."

"This might be a concussion."

"Look at how swollen the face is. I don't think it will heal in half a year."

"Who is so awesome that he could beat the second young master of the Lin family like this?"

"I read in the newspaper that a foreigner did it."

"White people? This matter is going to be troublesome. The police will definitely side with the white people."

This is the fact. After the Lin family called the police, the Hong Kong police came.

Elro was taken away, and then he was released as soon as he entered the police station. After paying the deposit, he was bailed out.

Lin Baixin was so angry when he heard the news that he smashed the house. Then he personally called a superintendent of the police department and got the answer that the other party had paid the deposit under the defense and guarantee of the lawyer, which was legal and compliant.

Seeing that the official 587 could not solve the problem, and his wife was crying and shouting that she would not live anymore, Lin Baixin, who was in a bad mood, immediately asked his confidant butler who had been with him for decades to find someone to teach the other party a lesson.

As for killing, it's not that he hadn't thought about it, but now the matter has been exposed.

To kill people at this time, wouldn't it be naming him as the one who did it?

If you can't kill people, asking someone to teach them a lesson has become an option.

After taking out a million Hong Kong dollars, a gangster took the order.

Peninsula Hotel.

Louise looked at Wang Zuxian, who had woken up and was hiding in the quilt, with a complicated look in her eyes.

She didn't expect Wang Zuxian to actually...

Well, it did surprise him.

He didn't expect that the singer from Taiwan didn't take it away. It was beyond his expectation.

As for Ye Zimei, it was not beyond his expectation.

A little gangster girl.

And she is in Hong Kong.

It is impossible....

"I was rude about what happened last night, but it has already happened. From today on, you are my woman."

"No one will dare to bully you except me."

After a pause, Louis looked at Wang Zuxian and said,"After a while, when I'm done with my work, you can go to Columbia with me."

"Don't worry about your brother and your family. I will help you with the loan sharking."

After saying that, Lewis walked out of the room.

You have to give people some space to digest these things.


Ye Zimei in the living room saw him coming and quickly stood up and shouted.

Louis stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Zimei in his arms, squeezed her hard, and said coldly:"Watch her carefully and don't let her commit suicide, understand?"

Ye Zimei moaned, her face flushed and nodded

"Try to persuade her and get this done. When I leave Hong Kong, I will give you a sum of money that is enough for you to buy a house in Hong Kong."

Ye Zimei, who already knew that Louis was a billionaire, was overjoyed and said quickly,"Louis, don't worry, I will help you persuade her."

Louis pinched her chin:"Be good, call me master."

Upon hearing this, Ye Zimei glanced at Louis with her charming eyes, opened her mouth slightly, and said softly,"Master!"

""So good!"

Louis showed a satisfied smile.

He patted Ye Zimei's perky butt and left with a big laugh.

He would not collect a little girl like Ye Zimei.

On the contrary, Wang Zuxian was different.

(Ps: Xiangjiang Volume is about to end....If you don't like it, don't leave!!! The author of this book is asking for more reading...The main plot is still arms and hegemony, and women are just a diversion)

I'm a sabmado

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