
Outside the door, seeing Louis coming out, Elro stepped forward quickly, his expression respectful:"There is news from London, they have succeeded."


Louis' eyes gleamed, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled:"In this case, then act according to the plan and send the photos to Michael Kadoorie. No, no need to send it, just fax the photos over, and I will arrange someone to meet Michael in the evening."

He originally planned to let the bodyguard go, but then he thought, if the bodyguard went, it would inevitably expose that the matter was related to him. It would be better to recruit people from the system and let them leave Hong Kong after the matter was done.

In this way, the matter was done and it had nothing to do with him. He did it right away. Louis found a deserted place and opened the system talent recruitment interface.

He spent 10,000 US dollars to recruit two special forces.

The white race was selected instead of Latin Americans and Chinese, which was misleading.

Of course, the Kadoorie family would definitely not need to exist in the end.

"Tonight, you two go to Michael's villa and give him the photo. If he doesn't believe it, call London and let him hear the voice. If he still doesn't want to sign the transfer contract, you two can find a way to get the share transfer contract and transfer it to the Sun Fund Company."

The so-called Sun Fund is a shell company established by the assassins in Colombia.

The purpose is to whitewash the kidnapping of Michael.

If it is directly transferred to Zhonghai Investment, if Michael dies, it will inevitably cause speculation from the outside world.

And if Michael doesn't die, there is no guarantee that he won't expose the forced sale.

What's more, Louis doesn't want to give Michael money at all. He just wants to take over the shares of Zhonghai Power and Peninsula Hotel held by the Kadoorie family without spending any money.

And the Kadoorie family must die.

Because he is a squid man.

In his early years, he also sold opium in Longguo.

If he doesn't die, Louis can't pass his own test.

Although he is a Colombian now But the Dragon Country gene in his bones cannot be changed. The hatred for opium trafficking and the devils is engraved in his soul, so Michael is doomed.

Late at night.

The Peak.

A villa.

American Kadoorie dragged his tired body back home.

Of course, he was not tired from work, but tired of women.

This man was a playboy in his early years. He didn't get married and have children until he was in his 30s. He was forced by his father Lawrence. Otherwise, according to Michael's idea, he would have been a playboy for a few more years.

His wife went to London to accompany the children. Michael was in charge of the family business in Hong Kong alone, but he did not treat himself badly. There were women around him every day.

Now, he just came back from his lover's house.


"What's going on?"

After getting out of the car, Mi Gao looked at the dark house and frowned.

There were nannies, servants, and his father at home.

""Is there a power outage?"

Michael thought.

The bodyguard took out the key and opened the door.


He pressed the door light and the hall lit up instantly.

"There is electricity, why don't you turn on the light?"

Seeing this, Michael was a little angry.

When he and his bodyguard walked into the hall, they saw a man sitting on the sofa.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the stranger on the sofa, Michael's eyelids jumped, and he suddenly felt uneasy.

The two bodyguards beside him also became alert.

Their intuition told them that the stranger was not a good person.

"Are you Mr. Michael? My name is Simon, nice to meet you. Also, I advise you two not to act rashly, bullets don't recognize people."

Simon took out a pistol and said to the three people with a smile. Pointing the pistol at the three people, his words revealed a strong sense of threat.

Signaling the bodyguards not to act rashly, Michael looked at Simon who was speaking:"What do you want to do?.?"

"What are you doing?"

Simon smiled and pointed at a pile of photos on the table:"I don't want to do anything, I just want you to see something."

Michael also saw the photos on the table at this time. Because of the angle, he didn't see clearly what the photos were. He walked forward with a puzzled look.

When he saw the photos on the table, his pupils shrank and he quickly picked up the photos and looked at them. However, his face was as black as charcoal.

"What on earth do you want to do? Why did you kidnap my child and wife?"

After seeing the photos, Michael couldn't help but ask angrily.

"Nothing, just a document for you to sign."

"what document?"

""No, you'll know when you read it."

Simon pursed his lips and pointed at the file bag on the table.

Michael snorted coldly and reached out angrily to pick up the documents on the table.

Equity transfer document?

He opened the file bag and took out the documents inside. Seeing the title content on the document, Michael's pupils shrank sharply and a bad premonition rose in his heart. Sure enough.

The contract required him to transfer the equity to a company called Sun Fund at a total price of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The transfer companies were Peninsula Hotel Company and Zhongkai Power Company.

As for the Magic Carpet Company owned by the Kadoorie family, Louis was not interested. He was not interested in a company that made Persian carpets.


Seeing that the transfer price was only 3 billion, Michael refused without hesitation and looked at Simon coldly:"I hold shares in these two companies. According to the current market value, it is at least more than 5 billion Hong Kong dollars. You want to buy it for 3 billion. This is absolutely impossible."


Simon smiled.

Then his face changed and he looked at Michael coldly."I think you got it wrong. This is not a discussion with you. This is a notification. You have to sign this contract, or you won't be able to see your wife and children."

"you...you...You dare."

Michael was furious, his chest heaving with anger.

"I have kidnapped your wife and children, and your father too. Do you think I would dare to do that?"

"you...You are breaking the law"

"Breaking the law?"Simon sneered:"So what if it's breaking the law"

"I can tell you clearly that if you don't sign this today, you can't leave. Well, I will send them down to accompany you."

After saying that, without saying anything, he raised his hand and"bang, bang" killed Michael's two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards didn't react and were shot in the chest.

"He fell to the ground with two"thumps", his eyes wide open, obviously he died with his eyes open.

Michael's eyes were terrified. He was shocked by Simon's cruel means. As a playboy since childhood, when had he ever seen such a scene?

"you...You actually killed someone"

""Are you an idiot?"

Simon seemed a little impatient:"My time is limited, I'll give you 3 minutes. If you don't sign, then go to see God."

Michael was silent.

In the current situation, the other party has kidnapped his children, father and wife.

Now his life is still in the hands of the other party. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although signing the contract will result in a loss of more than 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, it is still worth it.

More importantly, if he doesn't sign, he won't be able to live.

Looking at the two bodyguards lying in a pool of blood, Michael believed that if he didn't sign, the other party might really kill him, after all, they had killed two people.

Killing him, they could also threaten his wife to sign the share transfer contract, or let his father sign it.

Thinking of this, Michael gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

"If I sign the contract, how can you guarantee that you won't tear me apart and promise to give me 3 billion?"

"Please, we are here to make money. As long as you are willing to cooperate, we will not harm your wife and daughter. As for the 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, it is easy. You can go to Xinghai Bank to open a bank account tomorrow. Once the contract is signed, the money will be immediately transferred to your bank account."

Xinghai Bank's business has now expanded to Hong Kong.

Currently, it has bank branches in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tokyo, the Middle East, Britain, the United States and other regions.

After all, the arms business is done overseas. In order to facilitate transactions, banks are opened wherever the business is done.

Michael has also heard of Xinghai Bank.

It is said that it is a business of a giant company in Colombia, and it seems to be quite powerful.

On the day of its opening in Hong Kong, a grand opening ceremony was held, and it was reported in the newspapers.

"Okay, the three minutes are up. Have you made up your mind? Sign or not?"

Simon looked at the time on his watch, then looked up at Michael Kadoorie.[]


After taking a deep breath, Michael said nothing and directly picked up the pen, signed the equity transfer contract and put his fingerprints on it.

"Very good."

Simon smiled.

He picked up the contract, put it in his bag, and said to Michael with a smile:"The securities company will meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. As long as the equity is transferred, 3 billion will be immediately deposited into your bank account."

"Your children and wife will also be released.

As I said, we are here for money, not for killing people."

After saying that, he stood up, holding the file bag, not looking at the gloomy Mi Gao,���Go straight out

"That's right."

Simon walked to the door and suddenly seemed to think of something. He pointed at the two bodies on the ground and said,"I don't need to tell you how to deal with these two, right?"

"If you don't know, I can give you a suggestion. Well, buy some cement, make cement blocks, and throw them into the sea. No one will find them."

"Don't thank me, I'm always willing to help."

After saying that, Simon couldn't help laughing and left the villa quickly.

Only Michael, who clenched his fists and looked angry, was left behind.

"Sun Fund..."

Michael gnashed his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

Obviously, this matter was attributed to the Sun Fund coveting their Kadoorie family assets.

And this Simon was just a hired lackey.

The Peninsula Hotel

"Boss, Simon called and Michael has signed the contract.

Elro knocked on the door, walked into the presidential suite, and said to Louis


Louis' eyes flashed, and he said calmly:"We need to act quickly, transfer the equity to the Sun Fund, deal with Michael's affairs, and also deal with the Keswick family."


"Well, did Michael bring his wife and children to Columbia?"

"Already brought to Columbus"

"That's good."

Arriving in Columbia is like arriving in his territory.

It's normal for a few foreigners to die in Columbia.

According to his plan.

After Michael signed the contract, 3 billion was transferred to the Xinghai Bank account in the United States, and then Michael was asked to go to Columbia to find his wife and daughter.

When Michael arrived in Columbia, he would send him to see God.

The 3 billion funds in his bank were instantly frozen, and he just had to return the same way.

As for what to do if he transferred the 3 billion Hong Kong dollars to other banks after it was transferred to Michael's account, it was very simple. Just find an excuse to freeze the funds, so that it could not be transferred.

Anyway, Xinghai Bank is his personal bank, he is the boss, and he has the final say.

The next day.

Michael and Simon went to the Securities Regulatory Commission, took out the contract, and transferred the company's equity to the Sun Fund account.

Afterwards, Simon took Michael to Xinghai Bank (Zhao Zhao) to go through the account opening procedures.

And transferred the 3 billion Hong Kong dollars to Michael's bank account.

After seeing the balance of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars shown on the account, Michael breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the other party still has some credit.

"Now that the equity has been transferred, can you release my wife, children and father?"

"Of course!" Simon smiled and said,"Your wife, children and father are in Bogota, the capital of Colombia. Here is the address. You can find them yourself."


Michael frowned.

He thought his wife and children were in London.

He didn't expect to be in Colombia.

However, he didn't think much about it. After all, they gave him 3 billion Hong Kong dollars, so there was no need to kill them later.

With the address, Michael flew to Colombia that day.

At the same time, China Power and Peninsula Hotel announced that the company's major shareholders had changed. The Kadoorie family will transfer its shares to the Sun Fund Company for 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

For a time, it caused a sensation in Hong Kong.

People speculated about the origin of the Sun Fund.

It actually swallowed up the Kadoorie family in one breath. The shares held by the Kadoorie family.

Also, why did the Kadoorie family suddenly want to sell the shares of the two companies?

You know, before this, the Kadoorie family publicly announced that the two companies, China Power and Peninsula Hotel, would not be sold. Why did they suddenly sell all the stocks and run away?

Therefore, this abnormal image was immediately hyped by some unscrupulous media.

It is believed that the Kadoorie family, which has always been stable, chose to sell its ancestral business and leave Hong Kong at this time. It must be that they are not optimistic about the future of Hong Kong.

As soon as this article came out, let’s not talk about it for the time being. The Hong Kong stock market plummeted again.

It caused panic among investors..

Say it again:

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