Compared to ordinary people who pay attention to the stock market situation.

The wealthy people in Hong Kong are speculating about the origin of the Sun Fund. It has quietly acquired the shares of the Peninsula Hotel and the Zhonghai Power Company held by the Kadoorie family.

The former is a business card of Hong Kong, a landmark building and a benchmark enterprise in the hotel industry in Hong Kong.

Moreover, the location of the Peninsula Hotel is in the core area of Tsim Sha Tsui, with a very advantageous geographical location.

Zhonghai Power also has the power franchise in Kowloon and the New Territories.

With the continuous development of Kowloon and the New Territories, the increasing population, and the relocation of Hong Kong Island enterprises to Kowloon and the New Territories, it is foreseeable that this company has great growth potential and will far exceed its peer Hong Kong Electric Company.

In addition, Zhonghai Power has also built the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station in a joint venture with the mainland, which will supply electricity to Guangdong. Who among the wealthy people in Hong Kong would not be jealous of such a power company with huge potential? However

, the Kadoorie family is very strong and does not sell shares, leaving them no chance to take advantage.

Unexpectedly, the Kadoorie family has now sold the Zhonghai Power Company and the Peninsula Hotel to a company called the Sun Fund.

It was a big surprise.

Taiping Mountain, a villa on the mountainside

"Jianning, send someone to investigate the details and contact information of this Sun Fund immediately, and do it quickly."

Li Jiacheng called his confidant.

Compared with Hong Kong Land, he wanted Zhongkai Electric Power more.

After all, electricity is a franchise.

Hong Kong Land's 11 office buildings in Central are profitable and have great value, but that can't compare to the potential of Zhongkai Electric Power, the electricity monopoly in the entire Kowloon and New Territories.

In addition, he also has the Hong Kong Electric Company, which has the electricity monopoly in Hong Kong Island and outlying islands.

Once he takes over Zhongkai Electric Power Company, he will be the king of Hong Kong electricity.

Millions of people in Hong Kong and hundreds of thousands of companies rely on him for electricity.

Moreover, electricity is not like real estate, which has ups and downs. Electricity belongs to The livelihood industry is used by every household and enterprise. It can be said to be the most stable investment project. Once China Power and Hong Kong Electric are acquired, billions of Hong Kong dollars can be earned every year.

Not only Li Jiacheng has set his sights on the Sun Fund, but also the wealthy and powerful people in Hong Kong, such as the Huo family, the Bao family, and even the wealthy Chinese in Southeast Asia, are investigating the details of the Sun Fund.

However, this company is originally a shell company and its registered place is in Colombia. No matter how you check, you can't find any useful information.

After dealing with the Kadoorie family, news came from London that the situation of the Keswick family has been figured out.

"The old rules are tied!"

"Also, send someone to tie up Simon Keswick for me tonight."

Louis said coldly.

He wanted to take over the land through business means, but unfortunately, he had to use means. If he doesn't accept the toast, don't blame him for being cruel.

Late at night.

Ma Jixian Gorge Road.

Two small cars were driving on the road.

Simon Keswick sat in the leading Rolls-Royce with his eyes slightly closed to rest.

Suddenly, a strong light shone in front of him.


The driver was blinded by the bright light and temporarily lost his sight, but he stepped on the brakes subconsciously. With an emergency brake, Simon Keswick's body leaned forward under the influence of inertia, and his head hit the front seat hard.

"What's going on?"

Simon Keswick asked angrily, enduring a headache.

"Boss, there is a car blocking the road ahead!" said the driver.

Hearing this, Simon Keswick lowered his head and looked out the front windshield. Sure enough, a car blocked the road ahead and stopped in the middle of the road.

Simon Keswick frowned:"Go, let them go over and take a look."


The bodyguard on the passenger seat opened the door and walked down. He turned around and waved to the car behind him. Three people got out of the car behind him.

After giving instructions, two bodyguards immediately walked towards the car blocking the road.

His hands were on his waist, ready to draw his gun at any time.

"Bang Bang!!"

Before they could get close, two gunshots rang out.

The two men were shot in the head and fell to the ground dead.

""Hurry up and protect the boss!"

Seeing this, the bodyguard captain's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly opened the passenger seat and wanted to get in the car and leave.


Two more shots rang out.

One shot hit the bodyguard captain directly on the side of his head.

"There was a big hole in his head with a"pop". Blood flowed out of the hole. He went limp and his upper body collapsed on the passenger seat.


Simon Keswick, who saw this scene, screamed in fear.

Although he was in his forties and middle-aged, he had never seen such a bloody scene.

The driver reacted quickly, put the car in reverse gear, stepped on the accelerator and drove backwards.

After a few meters, the car crashed into the car behind it with a"bang".

"Fuck!! Bastard, move away!"

The driver cursed at his companion behind him.

Then the gunshots rang out again.


The bullet went through the windshield and hit the driver's forehead directly. The driver, who had just been insulting, was silent in an instant, his eyes wide open, obviously dying with his eyes open.

Blood splattered on the windshield.

Seeing the dead driver, Simon Keswick was so scared that his legs went weak


Another shot, after getting rid of the last bodyguard, the masked assassins below quickly ran towards the car where Simon Keswick was sitting.

At this point, the sniper hiding on the hillside also stood up, packed up his things and evacuated the scene urgently.

"Don't kill me, I have money, don't kill me."

Seeing the masked man holding a gun and pointing it at him, Simon Keswick quickly raised his hand

"Take him away."

As soon as the words fell, a soldier opened the car door, dragged Simon Keswick out of the car, and put him in his own car.


The leading man waved and immediately withdrew.

At the same time, a container truck and a sprinkler truck drove over from the back.

Four people got off the truck, carried the bodies one by one into the container truck, closed the door, and then left two people behind to quickly leave the scene.

The sprinkler truck used a large water gun to directly wash the blood on the ground and the car. Under the huge impact, the blood was quickly washed away and flowed into the mountains outside the road.

After the flushing, the sprinkler truck left quickly.

The two people left in the container truck also quickly drove away from the scene in two small cars.

It was as if nothing had happened.

If the scene was not cleaned up, the police would know that Simon Keswick had an accident the next day, and they would inevitably conduct a search and investigation throughout Hong Kong, which would be detrimental to what Louis wanted to do.

Half an hour later, Simon Keswick, who was blindfolded and had his hands tied together, was taken to an abandoned factory near Chai Wan.

A van was parked near the factory.

"Boss, the person has been brought here."

Elro raised his hand and knocked on the car window, saying to Louis who was sitting in the car.


Louis glanced at the car driving into the warehouse.

"Has the scene been cleaned up?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"It has been cleaned up. The bodies have been transported to the high seas, tied with stones and sunk to the bottom of the sea. A water truck was used to wash away the bloodstains at the scene to ensure that they cannot be found."


Louis nodded. He still trusted his subordinates' ability to do things.

"Let's go and meet him."

Louis got out of the car, stamped his feet, with a smile on his face, and walked towards the warehouse.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I have money, I have a lot of money, as long as you let me go, I will give you a lot of money."

Simon Keswick, who was forced to sit on a stool, his hands and feet were tied, and his eyes were covered with a black cloth, said with horror.

Sure enough, everyone is afraid of death.

Looking at Simon Keswick begging for mercy, Louis said lightly:"Take off the black cloth on his eyes." As soon as the voice fell, a soldier stepped forward and untied the black cloth tied on Simon Keswick's eyes.

Suddenly seeing the light, and it was a strong light, Simon Keswick subconsciously closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and closed his eyes again, repeating several times before it got much better. He was able to see things normally.

As a result, he saw at a glance that Louis standing right in front of him

"It's you!!"[]

Seeing that Simon Keswick recognized him, Louis smiled and said,"Not bad! Mr. Simon still remembers me."

"you...What do you want to do?

Simon Keswick trembled.

"What are you doing?"

Louis said with a smile,"Mr. Simon, can't you guess what I want to do?"

Hearing this, Simon Keswick instantly remembered the last time they met and what they talked about.

He widened his eyes and looked at Louis:"You....You want shares in Hong Kong Land?"

"That's right!"

Louis smiled and said,"I couldn't reach an agreement with Mr. Simon last time, and I couldn't sleep all night. So, I asked Mr. Simon to come to this place to talk again."

"I believe that in this environment, Mr. Simon can make the right choice, don't you think?"

Simon Keswick's face changed again and again.

At this moment, he knew that he was already the meat on Louis' chopping board.

It seemed that if he didn't agree, he would not be able to leave.

As for whether he dared to kill, he had already told him with practical actions.

He didn't want to sell it last time, not because he didn't want to sell it, but because he felt that Louis���The price is lower

"you...How do you want to talk?"

Simon Keswick suppressed his fear and said to Louis

"It's very simple. Sell me the shares of Etch Land and Mandarin Oriental.

The price of each share of Etch Land is 6 yuan, and the price of each share of Mandarin Oriental is 3.5 yuan."

"What? You...You are stealing"

"Yes, you are right, I just robbed him." Louis looked at Simon Keswick with a smile on his face and said,"What do you think? Do you choose to agree or object?"

Then he took a pistol from Elro, pulled the bolt in front of Simon Keswick, and pointed the gun at Simon Keswick.

"Don't...I agreed.

Seeing Louis pointing a gun at him, Simon Keswick was so frightened that his soul was about to die, and cold sweat broke out on his back. He said quickly


"I just like people who know the times."

Satisfied, Louis put away the gun and handed it to Elro.

"What are you all standing there for? Quickly release Mr. Simon's hands, and bring the contract over so that Mr. Simon can sign it."

Upon hearing this, the assassins quickly brought the contract to Simon Keswick, and one of them untied the ropes that bound his hands.

When he was about to untie the ropes on his feet, Louis said,"There's no need to untie the feet. After Mr. Simon signs the contract, he can untie it himself. This way it will have a sense of ceremony."

Upon hearing this, the assassins stood up.

Simon Keswick was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Looking at the equity transfer form in front of him and the price filled in on it, Simon Keswick had to pick up a pen, sign his name on it, and put his fingerprints on it no matter how aggrieved or unwilling he felt.

The assassins quickly handed the contract to Louis.

After looking at the signatures and fingerprints on it, Louis showed a satisfied smile.

He handed the contract to Elro.

Looking at Simon Keswick, who looked like he had lost his parents, he smiled and said,"It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Simon. The money will be transferred to your account tomorrow."

"Besides, I don’t want outsiders to know about what happened today. You should understand what I mean, right? I don’t want to come to you again."

As he said this, Louis clapped his hands as if he thought of something. A soldier handed a stack of photos to Simon Keswick. Looking at Simon Keswick whose face changed drastically, Louis smiled and said,"Your daughter is very beautiful, and your wife is also very beautiful. If you are beautiful, you should not go out to hang out. What if you meet bad guys? Fortunately, this is my person. If you are kidnapped by bad guys and sold to Africa, it will be miserable. Who are you?"

Simon Keswick tightly grasped the photo in his hand and said nothing.

If looks could kill, Louis would have been cut into pieces by him by now.

"Well, I have said what I need to say. You should understand what I mean. I have already had your family released. If you dare to call the police and tell this story, I promise that even if you hide in Downing Street, I will kill you."

"So, you'd better not provoke me, let alone question my strength, otherwise, your whole family will die."

"Okay, let's go."

Louis waved his hand without paying any attention to Simon Keswick's angry face.���He left in a hurry with his people.

"" Boss, why don't you kill him?"

Elro couldn't help asking on the way back.

In his opinion, there was no need to pay money. Just kill Simon Keswick directly, just like killing the Kadoorie family.

Louis shook his head:"Keswick is different from Kadoorie, and the strength is also different. Killing him will be troublesome and not conducive to our management of the land."

Keswick is a British family, which is different from the Kadoorie family from the Middle East. Moreover, the Keswick family has a great influence in Britain. Killing him directly and managing the land will inevitably attract external attention.

On the contrary, don't kill him.

As long as Simon Keswick doesn't say it, there will be no problem with this matter.

Besides, even if it is said, as long as he doesn't admit it, who can be convinced by Simon Keswick's words alone.

He could just say that Simon Keswick was slandering him.

(Ps: I'm going to deal with Lao Li soon...

After that , I will go back to Cologne and start my journey to hegemony! ).

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