After taking away the 26% stake in Hong Kong Land held by Jardine Matheson from Simon Keswick, and adding the 31% stake it had already acquired in the stock market, China Overseas Investment has already held an astonishing 57% of Hong Kong Land shares, firmly controlling the real estate giant Hong Kong Land.

Jardine Matheson holds 35% of Mandarin Oriental Hotel, and China Overseas acquired 27.9% from small shareholders in the stock market, adding up to a 62.9% stake, making it a stable controlling shareholder.

Although it did not reach the 67% absolute controlling line, it was not difficult for Louis.

Besides, he had a lot of money in his hands.

Hong Kong Land shares, calculated at 6 yuan per share, Simon Keswick's 26% stake would require a payment of 3.9 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Mandarin Oriental Hotel would need to pay less than 600 million Hong Kong dollars.

In other words, the shares held by the two companies only require 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is a small amount of money for him.

It just so happens that the 3 billion paid to Michael can be transferred to Jardine Matheson before, and then a subsidy of 1.5 billion Hong Kong dollars will be enough.

Speaking of Michael, he is now in a pile of dirt.

But he was not alone. He had his wife, children, and father with him. It was much better than some people.

The day after the contract was signed, the money was transferred to Jardine's account.

The next day, as the chairman of Jardine Group, Simon Keswick convened a shareholders' meeting and announced that Jardine's shares in Hong Kong Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel were transferred to China Overseas Investment Company.

The announcement of the news immediately caused an uproar in the board of directors.

Everyone looked at Simon Keswick in disbelief.

Even Bao Weishi was stunned.

I don't understand why Simon Keswick suddenly sold the shares of Hong Kong Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

And at such a low price.

Simon Keswick did not say much about the doubts of the crowd, but explained that Jardine's business was too broad and needed a contraction strategy.

Although other shareholders of Jardine were dissatisfied with this, they had to agree in the face of the strong Simon Keswick.

On the same day, Lin Tianhong led the people of China Overseas Investment to enter the two companies, Hong Kong Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel, and announced the shares they held. They also submitted a request for privatization of the two companies to the Securities Commission at a 20% premium.

This news was quickly exposed and then reported by the media.

For a time, it caused an uproar in Hong Kong.

"Shock! Central's largest real estate company, Hong Kong's largest real estate company, was acquired by the mysterious China Overseas Land & Investment"

"While the snipe and the clam quarrel, the fisherman gains. It is said that Li Jiacheng and other Chinese financial groups wanted to acquire Hong Kong Holdings, but were intercepted by China Overseas Land & Investment. It is said that the acquisition price was only 6 yuan per share."

"A stunning success, the background of China Overseas Company revealed!"

"Last year it was not sold at 16 yuan, but this year it was sold at 6 yuan. Why did the Jardine Matheson Group make such a choice? Let's take a look at the story behind it"

"The most valuable deal in history, China Overseas took control of the largest real estate company in Hong Kong with only HK$3.9 billion."

Countless people who read the newspaper news and TV news were dumbfounded.

A few months ago, it was rumored that Li Jiacheng would acquire Hong Kong Holdings. What happened to China Overseas now?

Was it really intercepted by someone as the newspaper said?

"Awesome! China Overseas is so powerful that it managed to snatch the company away and acquire the Hong Kong Land Development."

"Li Jiacheng must be furious. He had been preparing for so long and was about to win, but he was snatched away."

"To be honest, what is the background of this China Shipping Company? How can it come up with so much money? 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars, this is not a small number."

"It is more than HK$4.5 billion. You can see from the news that they are going to privatize two companies. Even though the stock market is down and the share price of Hong Kong Land is very low, the total share capital is high. This privatization will cost at least HK$15 billion to complete the privatization of the two companies."

"15 billion? My god, this company is so rich."

"666, this mysterious company is too powerful, but I don’t know who is the boss behind this company?"The fact that Hong Kong

Holdings was acquired by someone, and it was not the Chinese-funded consortium headed by Li Jiacheng, undoubtedly made the people of Hong Kong dumbfounded and unbelievable.

As a result, the share prices of four listed companies under Li Jiacheng, including Cheung Kong Holdings, Hutchison Whampoa, and Hong Kong Electric, fell.

The reason for this was mainly because the media had previously hyped up the idea that Li Jiacheng was going to acquire Hong Kong Holdings. When investors saw this, they bought shares of Li Jiacheng’s listed companies, and then the share prices of these companies rose.

Now that they have been intercepted and have lost hope, the share prices have naturally collapsed. They have sold off their shares to cash in.

However, doing so undoubtedly benefited Lin Tianhong and others who secretly absorbed Hutchison Whampoa shares.


Cheung Kong Building.

Chairman’s office.

Li Jiacheng looked at the newspaper in his hand, as well as his confidants Ma Shimin and Huo Jianlin and the other two were there too.

All three looked unhappy.

Previously, they had planned to acquire the Hong Kong Holdings. But now, it had been snatched away by someone else.

Moreover, they had forcibly launched a privatization invitation, and the price offered was a 20% premium on the stock price!

Now the stock price is only 6 yuan after the suspension, even if it is 20% premium, it is only 7.2 yuan. The price at which they had built their positions before the stock market exploded was more than 10 yuan.

Later, when the stock market plummeted, they secretly bought more.

On average, the purchase price was more than 9 yuan.

Now the purchase price offered for privatization is only 7.2 yuan.

In other words, not only did they not get the space to acquire the shares, but they suffered a huge loss.

And this huge loss would be at least 300 to 400 million Hong Kong dollars.

Thinking of this, Li Jiacheng felt like he had eaten a fly and was extremely uncomfortable.

"Do you know the background of this Zhonghai Company? Did Simon Keswick get kicked in the head by a donkey? He actually sold it for 6 yuan."

Li Jiacheng was so angry that his liver hurt.

Huo Jianlin said:"We have checked it out. The person in charge of this company is Lin Tianhong, and the actual boss is a foreigner named Louis."


Li Jiacheng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Then his brows knitted tightly.

"The Sun Fund that acquired Zhongkai Power and Peninsula Hotel seems to be a foreign company as well?"


"What a coincidence?"

Li Jiacheng became suspicious.

"It's a bit put together indeed"

"Do you think these two things were done by the same family?"

Li Jiacheng raised his doubts.

"One company? That shouldn't be the case. If they are one company, how rich must the boss behind it be? I'm afraid it must be 40 to 50 billion Hong Kong dollars. With such a large cash flow, even HSBC can't come up with so much money, right?"

After hesitating for a moment, Huo Jianlin shook his head and denied it.

He thought Li Jiacheng was overly sensitive.

(Bank savings money is not the bank's assets. The so-called bank assets refer to the bank's own money.)

Li Jiacheng nodded and thought so.

If these two companies are one company, then the boss behind it is too scary. I'm afraid it will be ranked in the top 20 on the world's rich list.

Shouldn't such a super rich man invest in the United States?

How could he invest in Hong Kong?

Li Jiacheng felt that he was overthinking.

He looked at the newspaper unwillingly.

The prey that had been planned for a long time was actually intercepted by someone.

The feeling in his heart...

Bao's family.

Bao Yugang's health is not very good. Since he was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago, his health has been getting worse. He needs to go to the United States for treatment every three months.

Even if he spends a lot of money, he can only keep his condition from getting worse, but the medicine will become resistant after a long time.

It's less than half a month before he returns to Hong Kong.

Listening to his son-in-law's narration and the reports in the newspaper, he, who is almost 70 years old, is a little tired. He leans on the bedding and sighs:"I didn't expect that after so long of planning, it was intercepted by someone. This Zhonghai Company is not simple. It can make Simon Keswick sell the shares of the Landmark Company at a price of 6 yuan. The things behind this are definitely not simple.

In the future, you should try to stay away from the people of this company."

Intuition tells him that the power behind this Zhonghai Company is not ordinary. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Think about it, it can overpower Simon Keswick, the former overlord of Hong Kong, and you can imagine the strength behind it.

Wu Kuangzhen nodded. This matter is indeed a bit strange.

While all parties were inquiring about the details of China Overseas Company, the instigator was also listening to Lin Tianhong's report on the acquisition of Hutchison Whampoa.

"...In the past two days, the share prices of Hutchison Whampoa and Hong Kong Electric have plummeted after we intercepted Hong Kong Land. We have contacted the small shareholders of these two companies privately. They are very satisfied with the price we offered and are willing to transfer their shares.

At present, our shareholding in Hutchison Whampoa has reached 45.9%, and there is only one step away from 51%.

Hong Kong Electric has also absorbed 18.3%. As long as we acquire Hutchison Whampoa, together with Hutchison Whampoa's 34.6% holding, we will be able to achieve a controlling stake in Hong Kong Electric."

"What about Wharf Holdings and Hysan Property?"

"Wharf Holdings holds 31.6% and Hysan Holdings holds 38.7%. The shares of these two companies are not easy to absorb as the major shareholders are in control.���There are too many, and the other shareholders are all local wealthy people in Hong Kong and are unwilling to sell."

"Don't want to sell it?"

Lewis raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"As for Wharf Holdings, I will go to see Pao Yu-kang in person. I believe he will know when to sell it to me."

"As for Hysan Properties, you go find Elro and bring some people to visit them. Use some tricks."

Bao Yugang is different from the Hysan Li family.

The Bao family at least does not sell opium, and in terms of political stance, they are still very firm and have deep ties with the mainland.

The Li family is the traitors, the running dogs of the foreigners.[]

He started out by selling opium in his early years.

He had no resistance to using bloody means to deal with this kind of traitor.

If possible, Louis thought that the Li family could go to Columbia to keep Michael company, and the two families would have a secret marriage.

The next day,

Louis sent someone to pass on a message to the Bao family.

As the boss of Zhonghai Company.

Taiping Mountain.

Bao Family

"Are you sure the other party is talking about China Overseas Land & Investment?"

"Yes, father, I am sure it is China Overseas Company."

Wu Kuangzhen nodded firmly.

Bao Yugang, however, showed a worried look on his face. He sighed and said,"I am afraid that the visitor has ill intentions."

After saying that, he seemed to think of something and looked at his son-in-law:"Have the stock prices of the listed companies under our Bao family fluctuated significantly recently?"

"Big fluctuations? No, I have seen that the trading volume has been very stable in the past half month."

"you sure?"

"Father, I am sure"

"Am I overthinking it?" Bao Yugang thought to himself.

""Forget it, we'll know when we meet later."

Shaking his head, Bao Yugang stopped thinking about this tangled problem.

An hour later, a motorcade consisting of two Mercedes-Benz cars and a Rolls-Royce drove into the Bao family mansion.

Wu Kuangzhen, who got the news, accompanied Bao Yugang to greet them at the door.

Although Bao Yugang had lung cancer, he was still able to move freely at this time.

Seeing Louis getting out of the car, Bao Yugang and Wu Kuangzhen were a little surprised.

They were not surprised that Louis was a foreigner, but they were surprised at Louis' age. In their minds, the boss who could come up with so much money to acquire the Jardine Matheson and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel should be a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. They never thought that he was just a young man in his early twenties.

Louis also saw the two of them.

"Mr. Bao, please forgive me for coming to visit you without permission."

Seeing this foreigner speaking fluent Mandarin, Bao Yugang was surprised again, and then smiled and shook his hand:"It is my honor to have Mr. Louis come to my humble home."

After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation.

"Please come in"


"Look at the tea!"

Bao Yugang smiled and raised his hand:"Mr. Lewis, try it. If you don't like it, I'll ask someone to make coffee."

""Thank you!"

Louis took a sip of the teacup, said"good tea", and put it down.

Wu Guanzhen poured another cup.

"Mr. Bao, I came here this time to talk to you about something."

Bao Yugang smiled and said,"Mr. Louis, please go ahead."

"I currently hold 31.6% of Wharf Holdings. I want to buy your Wharf Holdings. The price is fair, you can rest assured!"After a pause, Louis looked at Bao Yugang, whose face changed color, and Wu Kuangzhen, whose face was angry, and smiled:"Also, I heard that you have lung cancer. Unfortunately, I have a medical company that is researching a new therapy that can cure lung cancer."

A flash of surprise flashed across Bao Yugang's eyes. Although it was only a momentary thing, it was still seen by the sharp-eyed Louis.

He secretly said.

Rich people are also afraid of death

"Mr. Lewis, are you serious about what you said about curing lung cancer?"

"Of course!" Louis was confident:"Even if it can't be completely cured, it will definitely be no problem to live a dozen more years."

Before he traveled through time, there were various immunotherapies that could treat cancer.

What's more, there is a system now. If it doesn't work, diluting the gene drug will surely promote cell regeneration and enhance immunity.

"I'm already satisfied if I can live another ten years"

"Mr. Louis, I spent HK$2.2 billion to buy Wharf Holdings. If you want to buy it, just pay HK$2.5 billion."


Louis was a little surprised.

Even if the stock market is currently undervalued, Bao Yugang's shares in Wharf Holdings are worth at least HK$3.5 billion.

"Mr. Bao, do you really believe that I can cure your lung cancer? Aren't you afraid that I'm lying?"

Bao Yugang smiled and said in a relaxed tone:"Mr. Louis, there is no need to lie to me, an old man who is about to die."

Louis looked at him deeply, smiled and stood up:"Don't worry, if I dare to say this, I can do it."

"Mr. Bao, I won't bother you any more. After the matter is done, I will arrange for someone to contact you and go to Columbia for treatment."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"Ah Zhen, go see Mr. Louis off.

Wu Guanzhen nodded and stood up to see him off.

Five minutes later, he returned.

"Father, do you really believe him?"

Bao Yugang said calmly:"His eyes are sincere, he doesn't seem to be lying."

"But...Even the experts in the US can't solve this problem, how can he solve it?"

Bao Yugang didn't say anything. For him, as long as there is a hope, he will try it.

If you lose money, you can earn it again, but if you lose your life, you will lose everything.

Besides, this deal is not a loss.

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