The next day, the two parties signed a share transfer contract.

At the same time, Hysan Properties also had a result. Under coercion, the old lady of the Li family decisively chose to take the money and leave. If she took the money, she could still survive.

If she insisted on holding on, she would lose her life. What was the point of the money?

Louis was surprised to learn that the Li family was so aware of the current situation. He wanted to raise the butcher knife, but he took it back.

However, sooner or later, he would have to deal with it.

His money is not easy to take.

Especially this kind of traitor.

After dealing with the Kadoorie family, the Keswick family, the Bao family, and the Li family, only Li Jiacheng is left.


What Li Jiacheng.

He should be called Li Huanggua.

"How many shares of Cheung Kong Holdings does Li Jiacheng hold now?"

"Back to the boss, less than 35%"


Louis tapped his fingers lightly on the table, his mind racing.

With the shares he now controls, he can go public and compete for Hutchison Whampoa in the stock market.

However, for Li Jiacheng, doing so would mean losing the company, which would not be a big loss.

Louis was not thinking about letting him go so easily.

Got it!

Louis thought of a simple solution.



"Spread the news that we are acquiring Wharf Holdings, Hysan Holdings and Sun Fund, and also announce that China Overseas will invest 10 billion to acquire Cheung Kong Holdings and Ching Chau Cement. Remember, it is just a rumor, not a real acquisition."

Lin Tianhong said:"Boss, do you want Li Jiacheng to buy back the shares?"

"That's right!"

Louis smiled and said,"Cheung Kong Industries is his base, and it is impossible to lose it. He will definitely do his best to buy back the stocks and increase his holdings to 51%. When I release the news, after seeing the strength of our China Overseas, the shareholders will definitely believe it and trust that we have the ability to acquire Cheung Kong Industries. After all, we have acquired so many companies.

In this way, shareholders will raise the share price of Cheung Kong Industries, and the"June 13" incident will increase the difficulty for Li Jiacheng to buy back the stocks. He will increase his holdings of Cheung Kong Industries, and we will secretly absorb the Hutchison Whampoa and Hong Kong Electric stocks sold by retail investors.

It can not only disgust Li Jiacheng, but also take advantage of the retail investors' selling to absorb the shares of Hutchison Whampoa and other companies at a low price."

Lin Tianhong's eyes lit up, and he said happily,"Boss, this trick is high. It is real but fake, and fake but real, so that Li Jiacheng can't judge our real purpose."

Louis smiled and said,"If you want to successfully implement this plan, you must first shock Li Jiacheng. After he sees our financial strength, he will be fooled."

"So, you arrange it, I want to hold a press conference in the hotel."

The Peninsula Hotel where he is now settled is his own property.

There is no need to go to the company, just hold it directly in the hotel.

"Yes, I will arrange it right away."

That afternoon, the Peninsula Hotel conference room was filled with reporters from dozens of newspapers and two TV stations in Hong Kong.

"Hey, what do you think China Shipping Company wants to do by inviting us here?"

"What else can I do? There must be something important to announce."

"I think so too"

"China Overseas Land & Investment is really amazing. It actually acquired the Hong Kong Land and Mandarin Oriental Hotel from Jardine Matheson."

"Nonsense, if Bu Niu can defeat Jardine Matheson?"

Just as the reporters were whispering and discussing China Shipping, the door of the conference hall was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then a tall and muscular man in a suit came in, surrounded the presidium, and looked at the reporters.

Then, everyone saw a young foreigner, surrounded by several people, walked in.

"Isn't that Lin Tianhong from China Overseas?"

A reporter recognized Lin Tianhong.

When Lin Tianhong was in the land purchase, the media had photographed him.

"you sure?"

"Sure, it's him."

"Who is the young man in front of him? Why does he seem to be very respectful to that young man?"

"Hey, do you feel the same way? I thought I was the only one feeling this way"

"You said that, it seems to be true"

"Do you think that young man could be the boss of the legendary China Overseas Company?"

"I think it's possible, otherwise why would Lin Tianhong be so humble?"

"Tsk tsk, that guy is too young, he looks only about 24 or 25, but he is already worth hundreds of billions of Hong Kong dollars?

"Compared to him, I feel like I've been living on shit all my life."

"Calling it shit is a compliment"

"Fuck you...."

While everyone was playing and whispering, Lin Tianhong walked to the center of the podium, took the microphone, cleared his throat, and said,"Everyone, be quiet."

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

"Welcome everyone to today's press conference. Now, I would like to introduce someone to you. Mr. Louis, the founder and boss of China Shipping, is invited to come to the stage and say a few words."

""Pa pa pa!!"

Warm applause broke out from the audience.

All eyes were on Louis.

Many people were envious.

He was worth tens of billions at such a young age.

The female reporters at the scene looked at Louis with peach blossoms in their eyes.

Obviously, Louis had become the prince charming in their hearts.

Reaching out to take the microphone, standing in the middle of the podium, looking at the pairs of eyes in the audience, Louis smiled calmly and said,"Hello everyone, my name is Louis, I'm the boss of China Overseas Investment Company, and I'm very happy to see you here."

""Pa pa pa!"

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

When the applause stopped, Louis continued,"Today we are mainly announcing three things."

"These three things are all blockbuster news, everyone can listen to them."

Without waiting for everyone to respond, he continued:"Recently, our China Overseas Company has reached a cooperation agreement with Mr. Bao Yugang and Ms. Li of Hysan Property.

They sold the shares of Hutchison Whampoa and Hysan Property to our China Overseas Company, and the transaction has now been completed."


The visiting reporters were all shocked by Louis' words.

However, before everyone could react, Louis continued:"The second thing is that China Overseas Company has reached a cooperation with Sun Fund and successfully acquired the shares of Zhonghai Power and Peninsula Hotel held by Sun Fund."

As soon as these words came out, all the reporters present gasped, and their expressions showed horror.

You know, the market value of Zhonghai Power is not much different from that of Hutchison Whampoa.

Such a company was actually acquired by China Overseas. It's too powerful.

"The third thing is about Cheung Kong Holdings and Qingzhou Cement. The board of directors of the company unanimously believes that these two branches are high-quality real estate with great growth potential. The company decided to spend 10 billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire these two companies."

After the words fell, the scene was completely boiling.

"My god, China Overseas is also going to acquire Cheung Kong Holdings and Qingzhou Yingni, spending 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. China Overseas is really rich."

"Tsk tsk, I finally saw a truly wealthy person. Look at the hundreds of billions. In his eyes, there is no ripple at all."

"I thought China Oceanwide was awesome, but I didn't expect it to acquire two companies owned by Sun Fund."

"OK, now it's time for questions. Time is limited, so I will answer 3 questions."

"I...Mr. Louis, choose me."

After he finished speaking, the reporters at the scene stood up and raised their hands

"That handsome guy in blue and glasses, yes, that's you."

Louis pointed at someone at random.

The reporter was excited and asked questions under the envious eyes of his colleagues.

"Hello Mr. Louis, I would like to ask, is Zhonghai Investment your one-person company or does it have other shareholders?"

As soon as this was said, everyone looked at Louis.

The underlying meaning of the words was to understand Zhonghai's equity and then judge Louis' wealth.

"It's my one-person company."


The people at the scene were instantly excited.

Especially the female reporters, their eyes were shining, and they wanted to rush to the podium immediately, press Louise under them, pamper her, and then get pregnant and reach the peak of their lives.

"Okay, the second question is about the lady in red.

The lucky lady who was called stood up excitedly and said,"Mr. Louis, are you married? What kind of girls do you like?"

The male reporters rolled their eyes, while the women stared at Louis, obviously interested in this topic.

Louis laughed dumbly.

It turns out that women's brain circuits are different.

"I am still single at the moment. As for what kind of girl I like, well, first of all, she should have a good personality, be pretty, and have a good figure. Of course, the most important thing is to see if you like her."

Marriage, you'd have to be crazy to get married. Isn't it good to be single forever?

" When the female reporters heard Louis say that she wanted a good figure and pretty faces, many women compared themselves and became discouraged.

But when they heard Louis say that the most important thing was to see if you liked her, they instantly rekindled their fighting spirit.

"The last question is about the tall man with glasses. Yes, it's you."

"Mr. Louis, is your company sure to acquire the two companies, Cheung Kong Industries and Qingzhou Yingni?"The man with glasses stood up and asked

"Well, this is what I am thinking at the moment. My team told me that these two companies are very high-quality, so I hope to acquire them!"

"Okay, the three questions have been answered, so let’s stop here."

"Mr. Lewis..."

Without paying attention to the reporters' questions, Louis left the conference room under the escort of Elro and others.

Now everything is ready, it depends on whether Li Huanggua will be fooled.

That night, TVB and ATV broadcast this news during the news time.

"If possible, I hope to acquire Cheung Kong Industries and Qingzhou Cement because they are high-quality companies...."

In the video, Louis talked to dozens of reporters.

The eyes of countless Hong Kong people sitting in front of the TV were wide open.

It has been rumored that the boss of China Shipping Company is a foreigner, but he speaks Mandarin very fluently. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

"Wife, give me our savings."

"What can I do for you?"

"Stock trading"

"The stock market is in such a bad state, why are we still speculating?"

"Silly woman, you can't speculate in other stocks, but you can definitely speculate in Cheung Kong Industries"


"Didn't you see that foreign guy named Louis on TV? He said he wanted to acquire Cheung Kong Holdings........."

The woman finally reacted.

Similar scenes happened in thousands of households.

At the same time, they sighed that Louis was too rich.

Wharf, Zhongkai Power, Landmark, Peninsula Hotel, Mandarin Oriental Hotel...All of them are well-known companies in Hong Kong.

The largest power company in Hong Kong, the real estate company with the highest market value in Hong Kong, the two most famous hotel companies in Hong Kong, and the largest shopping mall company in Kowloon....

Now all of them have become this person's companies.

Someone calculated that the combined market value of these companies is more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars, and this is when the stock market was down. If it was before the stock market crash, the market value would be at least more than 70 billion Hong Kong dollars.[]

The Li family.

The father and son of the Li family were sitting in front of the TV.

The content on it was exactly Louis's announcement that he would acquire Cheung Kong and Qingni.

""Dad, the situation is not good, what should we do?"

Li Zeju looked worried.

Facing such a powerful hunter, how could he not be worried.

Li Jiacheng did not speak, but his eyes were fixed on Louis on TV. He seemed to be looking at Louis's real purpose.

However, after analyzing for a long time, he could not figure out anything.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and quickly dialed the number:"Jianlin, have the stock prices of several companies fluctuated significantly recently? Has anyone absorbed a large amount of money in the company?"

"Mr. Li, I heard about this two days ago. Everything has been normal these days. The stock trading volume has even dropped a lot."



"OK, I got it."

He hung up the phone

"Dad, what's wrong?��


Li Jiacheng said:"Go to sleep"

"That matter...Yes."

Li Zeju swallowed the words on his lips and stood up and left.

Li Jiacheng looked at Louis on TV again, thought for a while and dialed another number:"Hello, is this Baosheng? It's me. It's so late. I'm sorry to disturb your rest...."

Bao's house.

Seeing Bao Yugang hanging up the phone,

Wu Kuangzhen asked,"Dad, what does Li Jiacheng mean by calling so late?"

"What else could it mean? It's just to find out the truth."

"Real or fake?"

"Well, it was probably Louis' words that made him a little restless."

Hearing this, Wu Kuangzhen immediately showed a look of realization.

That night, the entire Taipingshan fell into a sleepless night.

Facing the powerful and aggressive China Overseas Company, they were all worried that their company would become the next target of hunting.

The next day.

Major newspapers reported the contents of yesterday's press conference one after another, and Louis was completely famous in Hong Kong.

Instead, the stocks of Cheung Kong and Qingzhou Yingni soared. Countless shareholders sold their stocks and then bought Cheung Kong's stocks with all their strength. After seeing the news, the original shareholders of Cheung Kong also knew that Cheung Kong's stock price would definitely rise sharply, and they all held on to their stocks.

As a result, Cheung Kong's stock price rose rapidly.

On the contrary, because a large number of retail investors went to buy Cheung Kong's stocks, Hutchison Whampoa's stock price plummeted.


Cheung Kong Group

"How about it? Has anyone bought a large number of Hutchison Whampoa and Hong Kong Electric?"

Li Jiacheng's 3.7 intuition told him that the other party might be bluffing, and the real purpose was not Cheung Kong and Qingzhou Cement, although these two companies were indeed excellent.

"Mr. Li, no one bought a lot of the two companies, they were basically selling"

"Am I overthinking it?"

Li Jiacheng asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Li, the share prices of Cheung Kong and Qingni are rising too fast now, what do you think?"

"How much has it increased?"

"Cheung Kong has already increased by 15%, and Qingni has also increased by 10%."

"Then buy these two."


As Li Jiacheng entered the market to buy shares,

Cheung Kong's share price was like taking off.

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