"Convene a board meeting?"

After receiving Ma Shimin's call, Li Jiacheng was a little confused.

"Yes, Mr. Li."

Li Jiacheng suddenly had a bad feeling.

After hanging up the phone, he immediately contacted Huo Jianlin and asked about the transaction status of Hutchison Whampoa in the past two days.

Huo Jianlin called him back soon.

"Mr. Li, I checked and found that the trading volume of Hutchison Whampoa shares has increased significantly today. Someone must have bought a lot of shares."

Li Jiacheng took a deep breath.

"OK, I got it."

Then he hung up the phone.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind.

He felt a little anxious.

If the other party was really just bluffing and the real target was Hutchison,

Li Jiacheng couldn't believe it.

Or he didn't want to believe this fact.

Now he hoped that the other party had just entered the market and didn't acquire many shares.

That night, Li Jiacheng couldn't sleep.

The next day, he came to the company with tired eyes.

Seeing the few people in the meeting room, Li Jiacheng frowned and looked at Ma Shimin:"Isn't it a board meeting? Why didn't so many people come?"

"I don't know. I called them yesterday.

Ma Shimin shook his head. He was also a little confused.

"What's going on?"

Just when Li Jiacheng was about to get up and leave with an unhappy look on his face, there were a lot of footsteps outside, and then a group of people rushed in.

The leader was Louis.

Louis also saw Li Huanggua.

The latter looked unhappy.

"Mr. Li Jiacheng, right? Hello, I am the boss of Zhonghai Investment, my name is Louis"


Li Jiacheng replied coldly.

Louis didn't care.

He looked around the conference room, then sat directly in the main seat, smiled at Li Huanggua, who looked ugly, and then waved his hand. Lin Tianhong, who was standing behind him, walked forward with a document in his hand.

"Mr. Li, according to the Securities Law, holds 17.51% of the shares, which is considered a controlling stake and has the right to replace the chairman of the company. Currently, China Overseas holds 53.4% of Hutchison Whampoa's shares."

"Impossible, you...How can you have so much? Even if you absorb a large amount in a short period of time, it is impossible to have so much."

"There aren't that many, but I bought their shares, so I have that much."Louis pointed to the empty seat and said with a smile.

Li Jiacheng stomped his tongue and his face turned much paler.

"you...Your purpose in releasing the news is to make me let down my guard and mistakenly think that your target is Cheung Kong?"

"Yes, actually, I could have forcefully acquired it before this, but to be on the safe side and save myself the trouble, I used a trick. I didn’t expect you to really take the bait."

Li Jiacheng smiled brightly, and his expression suddenly fell.

Losing control of Hutchison is not just about one company.

It is also related to Hong Kong Electric.

"Okay, I'll leave the things here to you."

Seeing that the matter was almost settled, Louis also planned to leave.

After all, the purpose of coming here today had been achieved.

Well, seeing Li Huanggua's lonely and sad look, Louis felt indescribably happy.


Looking at the four women in front of him.

Louis took out the checkbook of Xinghai Bank and quickly wrote a string of numbers on it, one million Hong Kong dollars

"This is yours."

Hearing this, Ye Zimei took the check and was delighted when he saw the number on it.

""Thank you, Louis!"

After saying that, she stood up and gave Louis a passionate kiss on the face.

Then she left happily.

She was smart, she knew that she had no chance, and it was useless to stay here, so she might as well leave freely.

"Okay, the three of you come with me to Columbia. Of course, this is my idea. If you really don't want to go, I won't force you. Let's part ways in peace. Also, don't worry about your family. When you settle down there, you can take them over. I can arrange decent jobs for them, even local officials.

So, what is your choice?"

After saying that, Louis looked at the three people, or more precisely, at Qiu Suzhen and Wang Zuxian.

As for Li Meifeng, she was just a by-product, but this woman was given to him for the first time, and she was indeed beautiful, especially the black mole, which added a lot of charm.

Besides, the expenses of multiple women were too easy for him.

"Louis, I am willing to go to Columbia with you."

After the voice fell, Li Meifeng took the lead in expressing her opinion.

This man was generous and could live a good life there, so he naturally did not want to stay in Hong Kong to live a hard life. As for his family, Louis had said that he could arrange work for them, so what did she need to worry about?


"Ah Feng, go back and pack your things first. We will meet at the airport at 2pm."

"Okay, Louis.

Li Meifeng agreed obediently, looked at Qiu Suzhen and Wang Zuxian, and then left quickly.

"What about you?"

Louis looked at the two women in front of him.

"I do."

Seeing Louis looking at her, Wang Zuxian bit her red lips lightly, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

After seeing Louis' power, she knew that she and Qi Qin had no chance at all.

In this case, it would be better to go far away, give up the idea, and let the past be the past.

Seeing that Wang Zuxian also agreed to go, Louis was very happy.

He stood up, walked to the two women, put his arms around their waists, and said to the two women seriously:"Don't worry, I will treat you two well."

"Well~~Louis, I believe you."

Qiu Suzhen nodded and leaned into his arms.

At this moment, she was completely sedated by Louis.

Wang Zuxian might not have had a good experience for the first time, so he was a little traumatized and silent.

Louis secretly made up his mind that when he got there, he would ask Qiu Suzhen and Li Meifeng to give him more guidance.

At 2 pm that day.

Kai Tak Airport.

In front of the Gulfstream 700 private jet

"Louis, is this the private jet you were talking about?"

"Well, how's it going? Pretty?"

"Beautiful! I never thought that one day I would���And you can take a private plane."

Li Meifeng and Qiu Suzhen seemed very excited. They ran up excitedly.

Looking at the elegant and quiet Wang Zuxian, Louis put his arms around her waist and let her head face him. Louis said solemnly:"I know you have a shadow in your heart, but I hope you can get out of it. Let the past be the past. For the rest of your life, I hope you can be happy instead of living in the past."

Wang Zuxian's body trembled slightly, pursed his lips, and then nodded and said:"I know."

Seeing this, Louis kissed her forehead happily, and then hugged Wang Zuxian on the plane.

Two days later. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A Gulfstream 700 landed at Bogota International Airport in Colombia.

The three women got off the plane with curiosity, and looked around curiously.

"Is this Columbus?"

"It looks pretty good."

At this time, a convoy drove over, with two Hummers at the head and two machine guns mounted on them.

After that, there were several Toyota SUVs, and at the end were two Hummer military vehicles.

Seeing the convoy parked in front of them, the three women subconsciously moved closer to Louis, looking at the soldiers getting off the car with some fear.

"Don't be afraid, it's my man."

Louis comforted.

After hearing that it was their man's man, the three women relaxed a lot.

Then they widened their eyes and looked at him curiously.

Because there were other people at the airport, they didn't talk too much. They got in the car quickly and drove away from the airport.

Half an hour later, the convoy drove into Mingyue Manor.

When the three women learned that this manor belonged to Louis, they were shocked and excited, playing happily on the lawn.[]

They walked around and discussed living here in the future.

Louis asked Elro to arrange for the servants to take the three girls around and arrange the rooms, while he went to the study and closed the door.

He called Michelle who was far away in the Middle East.


"Yes, it's me"

"Boss, are you back to Columbus?"

"Hmm! How about the statistics of weapons and equipment that various countries want to buy?"

"It has been calculated that the total amount of orders has reached 17.5 billion US dollars, of which 3.2 billion US dollars are paid in gold."

When Louis heard that there were orders of 27.5 billion US dollars, he was overjoyed.

Sure enough, he still made money by selling arms to the government.

"OK, you fax the list over."

"As for gold, you can arrange for someone to charter a special plane to transport it back to Columbia."

Gold is different from banknotes. You need to be on site to top up.

"Good boss!"

"Forget it, I'll send a military plane over."

Louis felt that using civilian aircraft was not safe, and it was inevitable that the news would leak out.

As for sending military planes, it could all be said to be a military exchange.

Twenty minutes later,

Louis received a list of arms faxed by Michel.

Sand Camel purchased $3.5 billion worth of arms.

All of them were Xiaolong fighters and air-to-air missiles.

Following closely was the Pharaohs. They received a lot of war reparations in this war.

They purchased $4.9 billion worth of arms.

They mainly purchased Xiaolong fighters and AIM-54 Death Bird missiles, as well as 10 A-10 ground attack aircraft.

Next was Turkey, that is, Ottoman.

They purchased $3.9 billion. US dollars.

They are also Xiaolong fighters.

Except for Al-Aria in North Africa, which purchased army equipment, the others are basically Xiaolong.

The total amount of Al-Aria's purchase orders is as high as 7.2 billion US dollars.

As one of the major countries in North Africa, Al-Aria's economy is not good, but it is not bad either. Its GDP is close to 70 billion US dollars, which can also be ranked in the top 30 in the world.

However, it still takes courage to come up with 7.2 billion US dollars.

Al-Aria mainly purchased 132 Xiaolong 3 fighters, 1,100 AIM-54 Death Bird air-to-air missiles, 2,300 Archer 4A air-to-air missiles and 123 MlA1 main battle tanks.

The MlA1 main battle tank system is priced at $800,000, and the external sale price is $4.6 million.

This is the first time he has sold a US tank.

The price is much cheaper than the Leopard 1902.

For the battlefield in Africa, the US military's MlA1 main battle tank will undoubtedly be able to achieve a crushing trend.

According to the list, Louis opened the system to purchase.

The system prompted that the funds were insufficient.

Louis had to recharge another 3 billion US dollars.

His personal treasury has shrunk seriously during this period.

Hong Kong spent almost 4.5 billion US dollars.

After recharging 3 billion US dollars, Louis still had 28.5 billion US dollars left in his small account.

However, he will soon be able to earn another 24.3 billion US dollars.

Speaking of which, in terms of reserves, I am afraid that Colombia's dollar reserves should be able to rank among the top ten in the world. After all, he alone (including the Colombian company) accounts for 60 to 70 billion US dollars, and the Colombian government itself has more.

After purchasing the weapons on the list, he looked at the consumption records and spent a full 1.8 billion US dollars.

The total order is 27.5 billion US dollars, which means that this business made a profit of 14.

With this 27.5 billion, he can Lend the money to the Colombian government, and then use it to build national defense.

It just so happens that Panama has been very anti-American recently, and it has mastered the world's major shipping routes. It is estimated that it will not be long before the US military will step down, kill the military strongman Noriega, and support the pro-American government.

He can take advantage of this turbulent situation to control Panama, or even annex it, which is equivalent to holding the throat of the US Navy.

However, this is all later. The most urgent thing is to deliver the weapons first.

For convenience, he plans to control a piece of land in Africa.

Middle East base.

Whether it is Shaluo or Syria, it may not be willing to send tens of thousands of troops to station.

After all, too many garrisons will make Shaluo and Syria worry about the regime.

Ten thousand people, if operated well, can overthrow a government.

Although the relationship between the two sides is good now and the cooperation is relatively pleasant, people are worried.

So to avoid this situation, he plans to use death soldiers to directly conquer a piece of land in Africa, station 20,000 to 30,000 people, and make it a permanent fortress, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by Europe, the United States and Israel in the future.

He has already chosen the location.

In the central region of Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has a large land area and is surrounded by chaotic countries.

This country is rich in mineral resources and its reserves of various resources are among the highest in the world. More importantly,���There is always chaos, wars between tribes, anti-government and government forces, it is a mess, and there are also foreign forces involved. In short, it is extremely chaotic..

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