After deciding to deploy in the Congo (Kinshasa), Louis directly opened the system talent recruitment interface

"System, recruit 10,000 ordinary soldiers and 500 special forces, and choose Gauls as the race."

The Congo (Kinshasa) country is located in the center of the African continent. The entire area belongs to the black race. From the perspective of better fit, it is more appropriate to choose black people, who can better integrate into the local area, but Louis does not like black people. It happens that the Gauls have a great influence in Africa, so he simply chooses the race as Gauls, which can also make the outside world mistakenly think that white people are interfering in African affairs.

Anyway, white people also like to do this, and using Gauls is not abrupt to the outside world. As for Gaul itself, even if it does not admit it, who will believe it?

"Ding, recruitment is successful, 22.5 million US dollars will be deducted, please choose the location of embodiment."

A virtual light screen map appeared in front of him. Zoom the map, then find the African continent, find the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and then zoom in on the map. The Democratic

Republic of the Congo is a sparsely populated country with an area of 2.34 million square kilometers and a population of only more than 30 million. The population is highly concentrated, mainly concentrated in major cities such as the capital Kinshasa. In the northern region, it is often hundreds of kilometers away to see a decent city.

Recruiting so many people, eating, drinking, defecating, and living supplies are relatively large, so the place to be found should preferably have towns around. After carefully observing the map, he finally chose the Virunga National Park near Lake Edward.

The reason for choosing this place is that there are sufficient fresh water resources, and secondly, Lake Edward is the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Uganda Kingdom.

There are only two large towns around, and there are many mountains nearby, which makes it easy to materialize the population.

It is manifested in a valley wasteland near the park

"Ding, the manifestation is successful."

People have gone, and weapons and ammunition must be matched.

Opening the system mall interface, the HK416 is not selected as a single-soldier weapon. This gun is currently equipped on a large scale in Colombia. If tens of thousands of them appear in Africa, it is hard to guarantee that others will not suspect that it is supported by Colombia. After a selection, the AK-203 assault rifle was finally selected as the standard weapon of this overseas force.

AK-The 203 assault rifle belongs to the AK family series. Its appearance is completely different from the HK416. Moreover, there are many AK series on the black market, so even if someone noticed it, they would not associate it with Columbia.

The bullet used is 7.62 mm.

The system sells rifle bullets and pistol bullets at the same price, 100 rounds for 10 dollars.

In this case, they are definitely unwilling to buy small-caliber bullets such as 5.56 mm, after all, the power is much smaller than 7.62 mm.

The price of an AK-203 is 100 US dollars.

21,000 rifles were bought in one go.

10 million rounds of bullets were bought.

With the rifle, the special forces must also be equipped with a pistol.

1,000 Beretta 92F pistols were bought, each for 100 US dollars.

Another 100,000 pistol bullets were bought.

Now that the gun is available, it is necessary to equip it with combat clothing and bulletproof vests, right?

Including military boots, tactical vests, etc., a set of individual equipment, the system price is also 200 US dollars, and this is just ordinary individual equipment.

The money had to be spent. 21,000 sets were bought at once, costing 4.2 million US dollars.

Now the soldiers have their individual weapons and equipment, but they still need some heavy weapons. Otherwise, how can they deal with the local government forces?

100,000 grenades were delivered directly. 1,000

RPG rocket launchers were delivered, equipped with 3,000 rockets.

200 sets of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles were also delivered, specifically to attack low-flying fighters and helicopters.

Machine guns were also a must.

MK-48 light machine gun, the system price is 180 US dollars per gun, and 1,200 guns were bought for use as squad machine guns.

The bullet is 7.62 mm caliber, which is larger than the caliber of the M249 machine gun, and the MK-48 light machine gun is very light and easy to carry.

There are 10 million rounds of bullets.

These weapons, placed in Africa, can be divided into kings without fighters.

He is not going to buy fighters for the time being. After the airport is built, he will buy a few.

However, armed helicopters can be bought.

The direct purchase is the Z-10. The main reason is that it is cheap, cheaper than the Apache. The system price of an Apache is 11.5 million US dollars, while the system price of the Z-10 is only 2.5 million US dollars. Moreover, this is Africa, and the Z-10 is enough to deal with African countries.

Five Z-10s were directly purchased.

Equipped with some ammunition.

Another issue is the issue of armored vehicles. The direct choice is the Hummer, but the number is not large. Only 50 vehicles were purchased, and 50 wheeled transport vehicles were purchased. Now that the vehicle is available, do we still need gasoline?

The gasoline provided in the system is 8 dollars per barrel, which is 3 times cheaper than in reality.

The current price of crude oil in the Middle East is about 15 dollars per barrel, but crude oil still needs to be refined, and only 60% of it can be obtained as finished gasoline. It is calculated that a barrel of gasoline in the Middle East costs a lot.

Moreover, it is urgently needed at the moment. He bought 2,000 barrels of gasoline and 200 barrels of aviation fuel in one go.

In addition, he bought 5 sets of FK-3 air defense systems and 2 sets of S-300 air defense missile systems, mainly to deal with attacks from Europe and the United States.

Once this place becomes an important stronghold of galactic trade and is known by European and American countries, especially the Snake Country and the United States, seeing that there is no air defense system, they will inevitably send fighter jets to bomb it. As the saying goes, prepare for a rainy day, and the air defense system must be prepared.

The 5 sets of FK-3 air defense systems are mainly used to deal with short-range air defense.

S-300 is a medium- and short-range air defense missile system, equipped with a missile range of 200 kilometers and a radar detection range of 300 kilometers, which is enough to deal with all current fighters.

After buying these, Louis did not buy any more. With these, the daily needs of the army were initially met.

Looking at the amount of consumption this time, it was $110 million.

However, in order to obtain a stable overseas base, and a base that he can decide on his own, without having to pay fees every year, this money is worth spending.

Moreover, investing more than 100 million US dollars can make him at least 20 to 30 billion US dollars a year.

All the purchased weapons were manifested in the Congo (Kinshasa), near the valley where the dead soldiers were located.

Afterwards, Louis called Michelle, who was far away in the Middle East, and asked him to arrange a confidant, a little more flexible, to go to this place and take over this armed force.

In the next few days, Louis took time to accompany the three women around Bogota. He took them to appreciate the different customs and practices.

It was March.

The climate became warmer.

When Louis was still in Hong Kong, the Colombian government issued a new currency, which was forcibly linked to the US dollar, that is, a fixed exchange rate was adopted. The new currency was still called the peso, 2 pesos equaled 1 US dollar, and the outside world called it the new peso.

In the early days of the issuance of the new currency, it caused a strong backlash from many people, and even caused riots at one time.

However, under the strong suppression of the military and police, the riots were quickly quelled.

Ordinary people don't care, anyway, they don't have much money.

Moreover, when the government issued the new currency, it stabilized the price. The purchasing power of 1 new peso is similar to that of 5,000 pesos before, so it did not affect the living standards of ordinary people.

On the contrary, you don't have to buy vegetables like before and take a large bundle of money.

Louis tried to recharge the system with the new peso, and the feedback he got was that the system only accepts the world's universal currency.

The so-called universal currency is gold and the US dollar. If the new peso wants to become the system currency, it needs to become the world's mainstream currency like the US dollar and can be circulated globally.

After the idea of card bug was shattered, Louis just honestly earned US dollars and sold arms to do business.

This day.

Luis and Ottonil came to a valley 40 kilometers away from Pitalito, Huila Province.

Military restricted areas were set up at the entrance and exit of the valley.

Soldiers with guns were seen guarding here. (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

When they saw Luis and others coming, the soldiers quickly moved the obstacles away to let the convoy pass.

The cement road extended all the way into the valley.

There were barracks built on both sides.

They arrived soon and he wanted to visit the place.

Luis asked the government to build an air launch base


After closing the car door, Louis walked to the launch pad.

The cement foundation was very thick, probably about 60 to 70 centimeters thick.

The surroundings were leveled.

The person in charge of the site introduced the construction of the on-site buildings, including the launch command center, as well as supporting electricity, water and other services.

It looked pretty good.

He was not a professional and had never been in contact with it before, so he didn't know whether it was good or not.

However, I think this is just a launch pad.

Whether it needs to be improved or not, we will know after he recruits professionals.

Louis did not leave here that day, but stayed here.[]

Satellites are the top priority right now.

Ottonius left, after all, he is now the president of a country.

In the evening,

Louis opened the system talent recruitment interface

".system, recruiting 1,000 technical talents in satellite and launch vehicle research and development and other related industries"

"Ding, recruitment is successful, 5 million US dollars will be deducted, do you want to cash it out immediately?"


After setting the location of the manifestation here, Louis immediately chose to confirm.

When Louis came outside, there was already a large group of people on the open space of the launch site.


Seeing Louis coming, all the newly recruited scientific research talents greeted him respectfully.

Louis nodded and glanced at everyone at the scene.

Then, he randomly pointed at one of them.

"Pokner, you will be the chief engineer of the base, responsible for the launch of carrier rockets and satellites."

The talents are all similar, all elite talents. They are just good at different things.

But there is no power competition or abuse of power for personal gain when recruiting death warriors, so just assign anyone.

In order to quickly establish Columbia's own satellite communication.

Therefore, in the early stage, he planned to buy carrier rockets and satellites directly from the system.

After thoroughly establishing satellite communication and satellite navigation, he would launch satellites again and develop them himself. In the early stage, he was in a hurry, so he used the system to quickly establish satellite communication and satellite navigation.

"It’s the boss!"


Louis said:"You go and contact the person in charge of base support first to arrange their accommodation, food, clothing and daily necessities.

The base support personnel are drawn from the regular army, and they are all dead soldiers recruited by the system.

(Wang Hao and Zhao went to meet with Bokner and arranged accommodation for everyone, while Louis returned to the room to study what satellite and launch vehicle to choose.

It must meet the needs of navigation, military communication and reconnaissance.

There are three types of satellites.

Navigation satellites, communication satellites, and remote sensing satellites.

As the name suggests, navigation satellites are used to build global navigation, such as GPS and later Beidou. They can not only meet commercial needs, but also provide accurate guidance services for satellite-guided weapons to reduce errors.

Communication satellites are mainly used to transmit data and communicate. For example, fighter jets need to transmit through data links, which requires the use of communication satellites. The same is true for commercial satellite phones. They are widely used.

Remote sensing satellites are mainly for monitoring, which can be used in meteorology and military affairs. In fact, they are military reconnaissance satellites. Among the three types of satellites, for Columbia, the most important one is still the communication satellite, followed by navigation, and finally reconnaissance.

The launch vehicle chose the later Musk SpaceX Eagle 9. The reason is very simple. It can be recovered and reused repeatedly, and it has a strong carrying capacity.

The launch capacity of the low-Earth orbit payload is 22.8 tons, and the launch capacity of the geosynchronous transfer orbit is 8.3 tons.

It is more cost-effective than many commercial launch vehicles.

It can also launch multiple satellites with one rocket.

The price is 23 million US dollars per rocket.

This is the price of the finished system.

Of course, after each launch, some parts need to be replaced.

For example, rocket boosters can only be reused up to 5 times.

Compared with other non-recyclable launch vehicles, SpaceX Eagle 9 is still the most cost-effective..

Transcript: sabmado

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