Louis did not buy the communication satellite. After all, he was not a professional. He could only list the communication satellites in the system and exchange the relevant information. Then he asked the recruited technical experts to screen and see who met the needs.

For more than a month, Louis stayed at the launch base, repeatedly communicating and discussing with technical experts headed by Pokner.

Finally, it was decided that the orbit for the communication satellite launch would be the GEO orbit, that is, the geostationary orbit. The reason for choosing this orbit is that it is located 35,800 kilometers above the equator, which is high enough that ordinary missiles cannot reach it at all.

Secondly, the coverage area is wide enough. One satellite can observe about 1/3 of the earth's mid- and low-latitude areas, and has strong maneuverability.

It can conduct minute-level high-repetition observations of specific areas.

Only a small number of satellites need to be launched to form a network.

The WGS satellite communication system developed by the United States in 2015 was selected.

According to Pokner and others, only 12 satellites need to be launched to achieve networking.

The launch platform is the Boeing 702HP satellite platform, which can last for 14 years. The broadband transmission capacity of a single WGS satellite can reach 11Gbps.

Such a system, in Louis's previous life, was also the world's top broadband military communication satellite.

It can not only meet the battlefield data link transmission, but also provide remote conferencing, video calls and high-resolution imaging services.

Especially in the field of drones, it can be said to be like adding wings to a tiger.

It can greatly improve the application of drones in the battlefield.

Of course, this is only a broadband global satellite communication system.

Satellite communication systems are divided into special satellite systems such as broadband, narrowband, protection, and relay, and each category has different uses.

Narrowband mainly provides communication services, such as battlefield satellite phones, and then remotely implements combat orders.

To put it bluntly, it is a mobile phone system.

It is just communicating through satellites, which is often called satellite phones.

The MUOS system is selected, which is also a new generation of communication system developed by the Americans.

In addition, there are relay satellites, which have anti-interference tactical communication capabilities and can also transmit data.

Even in the Far North.

The third-generation"AEHF satellite" of the US military is selected, which has a long life of up to years.

The transmission rate of AEHF allows tactical communication systems to transmit quasi-real-time video, battlefield maps and target data.

After all AEHF satellites are launched and put into use, the ultra-high frequency communication rate will reach 1Gbps.

This is like taking a visible light image with a reconnaissance satellite, which is about 24mb.

The first generation of military communications takes 22.2 hours to transmit.

The second generation also takes a few seconds.

However, the third generation only takes a few tenths of a second, supporting real-time return of radar images, such as radar images taken by the"Global Hawk" unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. The

Americans are still using the first generation of military communications.

And this satellite system only needs 14 satellites to form a network. For the United States, the cost of a satellite is two or three hundred million US dollars.

However, for Louis, the price of a communication satellite in the system is not very high.

There are prices ranging from several million US dollars to more than 10 million US dollars. The cost is 20 to 30 times less than that of the United States.

So even if one hundred communication satellites are launched, the cost is only more than a billion US dollars at most, or even less.

But Louis does not plan to pay for this money himself.

After all, this is national defense, and the government has to pay for it.

If the government has no money, it can borrow from him, or more precisely, borrow from Xinghai Bank under Xinghai Group. It can borrow money in the same way as commercial banks and just pay the interest.

Louis is not worried that Columbia has no money. After all, with so many mineral resources, it is easy money if they are sold.

If there is really no money, then use the mineral resources to offset it.

For him, it is just a matter of transferring money from one hand to the other.

After some discussion, it was finally decided to launch the MUOS narrowband communication satellite first to meet global communication needs.

To achieve global communication, 5 satellites need to be launched, 1 of which is used as a backup to complete the networking.

The price of each system is only 6.5 million US dollars.

The time came to early May.

After more than a month of preparation, the launch device has been successfully put in place. The carrier rocket is also in place. Due to the weight of the satellite, it needs to be recovered, and it is still in geostationary orbit, so only one satellite can be carried.

""Boss, it's time, shall we ignite it?"

Pokner looked at Louis excitedly.

Louis was also very excited when he saw the carrier rocket on the launch pad in the distance. This was different from watching others launch satellites on TV, and it was on the spot. After taking a deep breath, Louis nodded:"Launch!"

Once it is ignited and launched, it is estimated that the whole world, such as the United States and the Soviet Union, will be able to detect it. Louis does not care. With a large amount of funds in his hands, he can mobilize troops at any time.

Moreover, the current Colombian Air Force is not weak.

Equipped with dozens of advanced fighter jets, even if it is the strength on the surface, the US military will have to think about it if it wants to use force against Colombia.

As for attacking this satellite base, don't joke about it.

A ground station radar has been built in the nearby valley.

It uses the Voronezh-DM radar developed by the Russians later, and its detection range can reach 4,800-6,000 kilometers for missiles, aircraft and other targets.

It can be said that except for Alaska, The United States and Hawaii cannot detect these two places, but the mainland areas of the United States can basically detect it.

When the United States launches a missile, Columbia can detect it immediately.

For this reason, this radar system cost him a full 80 million US dollars, which is the most expensive item he bought from the system.

Although it is expensive, the product is good.

The power consumption is two-thirds less than that of Su Xiong's"Dnieper" radar.

The detection distance is 500 kilometers more than the Pave Paws radar system currently used in the United States.

Therefore, as long as the missile, aircraft, drone, etc. launched at Columbia are within a range of 6,000 kilometers, it can be detected.

And this radar also uses���Phased array antenna technology can achieve high-resolution imaging.

At the same time, it can accurately measure important parameters such as the target's position, speed and heading.

It is much better than the"Pave Paws" currently used by the United States.

(bhbe) The American"Pave Paws" radar system was developed and put into service in the early 1970s.

It still uses mechanical scanning, which rotates the antenna at high speed. Not only is the speed slow, but the resolution is also low.

Comparing the technology of more than 20 years later with the technology of the 1970s, the gap is naturally obvious.

On the scene.

After receiving Louis' order, Pokner took the walkie-talkie and gave orders:"All personnel prepare to retreat and prepare to ignite." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Countdown begins...10."






Boom boom!!

A blazing flame instantly spurted out from the bottom of the carrier rocket, and the surrounding water guns and cooling systems immediately cooled it down, so a white mist appeared on the launch pad.

Nothing could be seen except the faint flame. Under the huge thrust, the carrier rocket carrying the satellite rose rapidly.

The surrounding air was filled with roaring sounds.

Buzz buzz buzz.

As if the air was torn apart, the deafening roar quickly flew towards the sky under the attention of everyone at the launch site.

And such a scene was quickly captured by the official TV station staff who were invited with a camera.

Such an exciting thing that can enhance national pride and unite people must be recorded. This is an excellent internal propaganda video.

It rose rapidly and soon disappeared from the naked eye.

The two hurried back to the command center

"How is it going?"

"Report, everything is normal."

Louis breathed a sigh of relief, everything is normal.

He stared at the screen.

Soon, the carrier rocket left the atmosphere.

Feedback to the command room was a green dot, which was flashing continuously, moving forward along the dotted line, and finally overlapped together.

"Success!! Boss, it's already been done. The satellite has reached the designated orbit."

Looking at the people in the command room cheering, Louis also showed a happy smile on his face. Columbia also has its own satellite, and military modernization has taken another step forward.

Just when Columbia launched the satellite, the US

CIA had already monitored the information.[]

At the moment of launch, the radar station frantically sounded the alarm.

The alarm bells rang loudly.

Then they checked the information and saw that it was Columbus who did it. The people at the radar station were dumbfounded.

It was the first time they reported to their superiors.

Soon the news spread to the CIA, and then to the Pentagon.

Reagan, who learned of the situation, also rushed to the scene.

"Is it confirmed that the launch site is in Columbia?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

"Damn it, how could Columbia have the ability to launch satellites?"

Riggen shouted with a gloomy face.

The launch vehicle can not only be used to launch satellites.

After modification, it can also launch missiles.

It means that it has the ability to launch ballistic missiles.���

The others were not happy either. Colombia was in the backyard of the United States, and the sudden appearance of a powerful country was not something the United States wanted to see.

In the past, they would have sent CIA spies there, but Colombia was very decisive in arresting spies.

Once they found one, they shot him directly.

Such a thunderbolt method made the spies in Colombia dare not show up.

""Could it be that the Galaxy Trading Company is behind this?" someone asked

"I think it is possible that many of Columbia's fighter jets and weapons and equipment are said to be purchased from Galaxy Trade. I think the satellite launch this time is likely to be technology or finished products provided by Galaxy Trade."

Riggen frowned.

Galaxy Trade is undoubtedly a headache for the United States.

After more than a year of investigation, the real nest has not been found.

"In any case, I think it is necessary to closely monitor Columbia."

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

Others nodded and agreed with this proposal.

Reagan is not in the mood to care about this now, because the presidential election will be held in the second half of the year.

He has only been president for one term and does not want to step down so soon.

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