That evening, the official news television station broadcast a video of the rocket launching a satellite.

"Our station reports that today in southwest my country, my country's aerospace department successfully launched a carrier rocket carrying a communications satellite developed by my country's scientific research department....It is understood that only eight countries in the world can independently launch satellites...."

Thousands of Colombians were sitting in front of their televisions watching the news, and were all stunned.

"Isn't today April Fool's Day?"

"April Fools' Day has long passed"

"Hiss, why are you pinching me?"

"Does it hurt?"

"What do you think?"

Seeing his friend's painful and speechless expression, the man said happily:"So this is true? My God, when did Columbia become so awesome that it can launch a satellite?"

There was still a hint of lack of confidence in his words.

Not to mention him, countless Colombian people sitting in front of the TV couldn't believe it at this moment. This was true.

After all, for a poor country in South America, launching rockets and satellites is very far away from them, and it is completely inconsistent with the actual situation in Colombia.

A country struggling on the line of food and clothing now announces that it has the ability to launch rockets and satellites. How many people believe it?

Although many people can't believe it, this is a good thing after all.

Especially some nationalists, who happily pulled their friends to celebrate.

After the experience of a successful launch, the subsequent launches were relatively less hectic.

Next, this satellite launch base launched a narrowband communication satellite every once in a while.

By mid-June, all five satellites had been launched into the predetermined orbit, and the rest was networking.

The communication and networking systems are all ready-made, directly exchanged from the mall and run on the computer.

After three days of preliminary testing , the entire Columbia is covered.

No need to go through the satellite of the United States, you can make calls through satellite phones anywhere in Columbia.

And you can make calls through satellites all over the world, but you need a base station, but this base station is different from ordinary base stations. Only 4-5 base stations are needed to achieve global communication.

But that is a matter for the future. With the base station in Columbia, you can make satellite calls within three or four thousand kilometers.

Of course, this is for military use. There is no need for satellites for civilian calls. Just build 2G base stations.

After launching the narrowband communication satellite, the launch base immediately launched the"AEHF Satellite" launch plan.

For example, Longguo launches at a specific time mainly to reduce the failure rate, but for Louis, what he wants is time.

What's more, a launch failure is nothing more than a loss of tens of millions of dollars, and this amount of money is nothing to him. Since they don't care about the launch failure, they launch every three or four days. Such intensive satellite launches have made the United States look sideways and observe intensively.

By mid-August

"Six"AEHF satellites" have been successfully launched, achieving preliminary networking. Except for high-latitude areas, they can basically cover the global mid-latitude and low-latitude areas.

Once the AEHF satellite is successfully networked and applied, the transmission time of UAV and cruise missile commands will be less than 1 second.

Especially for reconnaissance and strike integrated UAVs, with the help of navigation satellites, they can hit wherever they are pointed with minimal error.

In addition, WGS satellites, that is, broadband communication satellites, are mainly used for data link transmission in military operations.

For example, early warning aircraft transmit battlefield situation awareness to dozens of fighter jets.

And it also provides Internet communication services for the military.

A total of 12 satellites were launched, and they were not all launched until September.

As for when it will be completed He had already successfully built a network and delivered it to the troops for use, but he had no idea when the troops would be able to use this advanced system to form combat effectiveness.

However, he recruited professional and technical personnel from the system and established a military communications department.

The recruited talents were also targeted from the system, so it would not take long.

In addition, in order to speed up satellite launches, Louis asked Ottonil to build a new satellite launch site.

Otherwise, at the current launch speed, especially for the launch of navigation satellites, it would take two to three years.

Of course, this speed is several times faster than other countries in the world, but it is still a bit slow for Louis.

If possible, he would like to complete the launch in one month.

Obviously this... It is impossible.

But there is no need to be so anxious.

After all, the GPS navigation system of the United States has not yet officially launched a satellite.

But the navigation system plays a huge role in the precision guidance of missiles.

And in people's livelihood, such as shipping.

Just as Louis was launching the satellite step by step, the US presidential election entered the warm-up stage.

Because of the zipper gate incident, the Republican Party did not nominate Reagan as a candidate, but chose Bush.

The Democratic candidate is Michael Dukakis.

Louis doesn't know many names of US presidents, but he has heard of the Bushes.

After all, the Gulf War was launched by this person.

He is a hardliner and a warmonger.

He advocates the interests of the United States above all else.

And Su Xiong will soon It's going to disintegrate again.

With such a person as the president of the United States, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be detrimental to Colombia.

Therefore, active preparations for war are necessary. Moreover, even if Bush does not use force against Colombia, Louis will intervene in the situation in Panama. If Colombia can annex Panama, it will not only achieve the strategic containment of the US Navy, but also be beneficial to the development of the Colombian Navy.

The canal can enable naval exchanges between the two oceans.

Secondly, the canal can also bring in a lot of income.

After launching the communication satellite, the launch base did not stop, and was intensively preparing to launch the navigation satellite.

The launch altitude of the navigation satellite does not need to reach the geostationary orbit, but only the medium earth orbit.

On this day.

Louis received a call from Michel

"Boss, do you want to deliver a batch of weapons first? Some buyers are urging us."

"Yes."The weapons have already been purchased and can be delivered at any time.

"How is the progress of the African base?"

During this period, he has been busy with the construction of the navigation system and has no idea how things are going over there.

"That's good. They have already taken control of several surrounding towns and built two airports."

Hearing about the airport, Louis asked again:"Which countries are they going to deliver to this time?"

"The main three countries are Pharaoh, Husky (Ottoman) and Arya."

Two North African countries, one across the Eurasian continent

"After thinking for a while, Louis said,"I will deploy the weapons and equipment of Arya to the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Pharaoh and Osman's bases in Syria."

"Boss, I suggest that the Pharaoh and Ottoman weapons and equipment should be deployed to the base of Shaluotu." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh? Why? Isn't Syria closer to the Ottoman Empire?"Louis wondered.

He remembered that the Ottoman Empire and Syria were neighboring countries, and if they were dropped into Syria, they would not need to cross the airspace of a third party.

"Boss, you don’t know that the Ottoman Empire has border conflicts with Syria. The Ottoman Hatay Province was once the territory of Syria. The two countries have had many conflicts over this issue. Although there have been no major conflicts in the past ten years, the relationship is not good.

If Ottoman weapons are sent to Syria, I am afraid it will cause disputes."

Louis suddenly realized:"In this case, then send them to Sand Camel."

Selling weapons to enemies will make them unhappy.

You also want to use the bases in the country to send weapons to the enemy, which is not a deadly offense.

"Please notify the next two bases that the goods will arrive at 10 pm."


The two chatted about the situation in the Middle East for a while and learned that the Iran-Iraq War had stopped.

However, the situation was a bit delicate.

Camel of Iraq and Camel of Saudi Arabia were asking Iraq to pay their debts.

The two countries provided Iraq with a large amount of low-interest loans in US dollars during the Iran-Iraq War.

Camel of Iraq alone provided 14 billion US dollars.[]

There are even more in Shaluotu, after all, it is a famous dog owner in the Middle East.

During the Iran-Iraq War, Shaluotu provided Iraq with a total of more than 26 billion US dollars in low-interest loans.

Now the war is over.

Iraq has gained nothing and owes a lot of money. Now people come to collect debts. Sadam, who can't pay the money, probably wants to cheat and invade Koluotu. He has heard a lot about the Gulf War in his previous life.

It is said that in this war, the three-dimensional tactics of the United States shocked the military of Longguo. Since then, the military of Longguo has abandoned the previous continental army thinking from top to bottom and began to develop in the direction of modern and strong army.

After all, during the Gulf War, Iraq was known as the third most powerful military in the world.

As a result, it was defeated by the United States and NATO in just one and a half months.

Would it be the same for Longguo?

In fact, the Gulf War not only woke up Longguo, but also the whole world.

Now, this world.

According to the current situation, Sadam is likely to move Koluotu.

At that time, the US military will inevitably take the opportunity to intervene in the Middle East.

Killing the chicken to scare the monkey, using Saddam as a target to shock the Middle Eastern countries.

Louis does not want to intervene.

He is an arms dealer.

Making money is the goal.

Unless Saddam is rich, he will provide a large number of weapons to help Saddam.

Otherwise, forget it.

Saddam can die, but the Iraqi regime cannot be left to the United States.

Iraq is a major oil-producing country.

The underground oil is worth trillions of dollars.

That can be cheap for the United States.

It is determined that after the Gulf War starts, it is necessary to recruit death squads and seize the opportunity to seize power.

At that time, the concept of oil peso is proposed.

Once the Colombian peso is tied to oil, the peso can become the currency of the system, and then lottery tickets can be printed crazily and weapons can be bought from the system.

(Ps: Please provide data and support! For a long time).

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