"The boss wants us to send some people to infiltrate Panama?"

Louis shook his head:"Don't bother with that. We don't need to intervene in this matter for the time being. The intelligence department can just keep an eye on it. Gavin, Bosney, our first task is to step up the training of troops and the preparation of supplies." As for

Panama, he plans to recruit directly from the system.

Unknown faces will not arouse suspicion from Columbia.

Of course, the weapons can be pushed to the Galaxy Trading Company.

This is much better than sending active Columbian soldiers.

When everyone heard Louis say this, they stopped discussing this issue.

"Gavin, what is the current situation of our army? How many armies are there?"

We are about to go to war, and there is a possibility of a confrontation with the United States, so we need to know our situation.

"As for the Army, there are still 9 corps and 32 brigades, with a total of 210,000 people, including 11 armored brigades.

The reserve, that is, the National Guard, has been expanded to 35 regiments with a total of more than 60,000 people. Most of these trained veterans have participated in wars and can quickly fill the gap as a supplementary force."

"In terms of the air force, there are currently 3 Xiaolong fighter squadrons (36 aircraft), 2 J-16 fighter squadrons (24), 1 J-16D electronic warfare squadron (12 aircraft), 3 KJ-500 early warning aircraft, 1 Globemaster transport aircraft squadron (9 aircraft), 1 mixed transport aircraft formation (5 C-212 transport aircraft and 2 C-130 Hercules transport aircraft), 1 Platypus light attack aircraft squadron (11 aircraft), and 2 17th Army Aviation Brigades (48 Apaches, 48 Z-10s, 96 Black Hawks, 24 Super Stallions), with a total of more than 15,000 personnel.


"The situation on the navy side is more complicated, but the overall combat capability mainly relies on 12 submarines."

I had no idea before, but after Gavin said this, Louis suddenly realized that the strength of the Air Force is already very strong.

Especially the two aviation brigades.

More than 200 armed helicopters, which has surpassed a big country like Longguo.

It is estimated that among the five permanent members, only the United States and Su Xiong are stronger than him.

In terms of fighter jets, there are also 72 fourth-generation fighter jets, which was definitely considered a lot before, but with the situation in the Middle East and the Galaxy Trade selling weapons, 72 can only be regarded as the top.

And the transport aircraft formation is still a bit weak, with a total of only 16 transport aircraft.

As for the army, there is no need to add more.

32 brigades, nearly 210,000 fully armed professional troops, and an army equipped with a large number of advanced weapons.

Just one armored brigade can wipe out a small country.

What's more, there are 11 armored brigades.

With thousands of Type 15 tanks, Louis believes that even compared with the US military, it is not much different. The key is the fire control system and automatic loader. Ask the US military, what does MlA1 have now?

So the army is strong enough.

No matter how many there are, it is not very useful. Modern warfare emphasizes air supremacy.

Like the Gulf War, Saddam's steel torrent had as many as 6,000 vehicles, more than 3,000 artillery pieces, 16,000 aerial bombs, more than 3,000 armored vehicles of various types, and more than 700 aircraft of various types. Isn't this strong enough?

If you lose air supremacy, you will be beaten into a pile of shit.

So in war, the first thing is to seize air supremacy.

72 fourth-generation aircraft (Russian standard) may seem like a lot, but facing the world's number one military power, it is undoubtedly not enough.

And according to the latest news, the US military's stealth fighter F117 has more than 30 in service, and 50 are expected to be delivered next year.

So the gap is still quite large.

The Air Force must also have stealth fighters.

The fourth-generation fighters must also be expanded.

The Navy's 12 submarines are enough to guard the home.

If there is a real need, it is okay to let the fighters carry deep-sea bombs, or directly purchase anti-submarine helicopters.

After dispelling the thoughts in his mind, Louis looked at everyone:"The Air Force still needs to be strengthened. I will let Xinghai Bank provide a loan of 4 billion US dollars to the government to purchase stealth fighters and expand the number of Xiaolong and J-16."

Everyone was delighted when they heard this.

They were soldiers, not concerned with economic matters.

They hoped that the army would be as strong as possible.

Otto Neil, who was sitting on one side, had a bitter face.

With a loan of 4 billion US dollars, based on Colombia's fiscal revenue and annual expenditures, including military expenditures, the surplus would only be 2 billion US dollars.

4 billion is undoubtedly a surplus of 2 years of fiscal revenue.

This is also because Blue Mountain Electronics and Xinghai have made efforts overseas, especially Xinghai Pharmaceutical, which pays more than 200 million US dollars in taxes each year.

Blue Mountain Electronics also has more than 100 million US dollars.

"Okay, that's all for the meeting. As for domestic airports, we need to increase our efforts. I heard that there are currently 17 military airports, which is not enough. We need to increase the number to at least 25 before October."

"So does this expenditure go into military funds or government accounts?"

"Let's use the military budget, just deduct it from next year's military budget."

Louis thought for a while and said.

As long as there is no war, the National Defense Force does not need to update and buy weapons every year, so there will definitely be a surplus in the military budget.

Hearing Louis say that the military budget should be used, Ottoniel breathed a sigh of relief.

If the government account is used, the expansion of the eight airports will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Okay, today's meeting ends here, let's get busy."

Seeing that he had said almost everything, Louis waved his hand to signal everyone to disperse.

Everyone stood up and left the room.

Soon, Louis was the only one in the meeting room.

Without outsiders, Louis opened the system mall and selected the stealth fighter category.

【F-117 Stealth Fighter】

【Price: $8 million to $11 million. Compared to other properties, it is relatively low-priced.】

【F-22 Stealth Fighter】

【Price: $18 million to $23 million】

【F-35 Stealth Fighter】

【Price: $15 million to $19 million】

【J-20 Stealth Fighter】

【Price: $17 million to $21 million】

【J-35 stealth fighter】

【Price: $14 million to $20 million】

【Su-57 stealth fighter】

【Price: $13-17 million】

【Su-75 Stealth Fighter】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Price: $12 million. 】

In addition to these, there is also the South Korean K-21 fighter. This fighter does not use hidden ammunition bays, but is semi-buried, so it is not a fifth-generation stealth fighter in the strict sense. It does not have stealth combat capabilities at all.

It can be said to be a reduced version of the F22.

In addition, there is the Husky KAAN fighter, referred to as the"Khan" fighter, but as for the specifics, Louis expressed doubts based on the Husky's aviation capabilities.

After carefully comparing these fighters, the F117 and Su-75 fighters were first eliminated.

Then the Su-57 fighter was eliminated because of its backward avionics, radar, and stealth coating technology.

The rest are Longguo and the United States.

The F35 is a single-engine stealth fighter. From the perspective of engine and maintenance, Louis thinks it is more suitable for Colombia.

The J-35 is also OK, with a combat radius and flight speed that exceed the F35, but the thing is too strong, and it takes out the top one at once.

The United States, Su Xiong followed the research, and the leading advantage was only a few years.

It would be better to get a lower-level fighter first, and wait until the United States spends a lot of money to develop and equip the fighter, but the performance is lagging behind.

So after thinking about it, he thinks the F35 fighter is suitable.

The F35 has three models, namely ABC.[]

A is the land-based version, B is the short take-off and landing version, that is, the vertical take-off and landing version, and C is the naval carrier-based version.

Short-distance vertical take-off and landing is of little use to Columbia, after all, there is no aircraft carrier, and the vertical take-off and landing version has a mounting capacity and affects the fuel tank space, which in turn affects the combat radius.

And the F35B is expensive.

Just for that little vertical take-off and landing, it is not worth it at all.

Unless there is an aircraft carrier or an amphibious assault ship, in the case of a 353 with a short runway, you can consider the F35B.

Otherwise, there is no need to buy it.

The F35A system costs 15 million US dollars, and it is sold to Columbia for 50 million US dollars per aircraft. In the future, it will definitely be sold to the price of 100 million or 200 million US dollars.

It is planned to purchase 4 squadrons, that is, 48 F35A aircraft at a total price of 24 US dollars.

The remaining 600 million US dollars are intended to be used to purchase Xiaolong fighters.

Each aircraft in the system is 1.3 million US dollars (Xiaolong 3), and it is sold to Columbia. He plans to sell it at a price of 10 million US dollars, which is two or three times cheaper than exporting.

Purchase 4 squadrons (48 aircraft) and the rest will be all AIM-54 Deathbird air-to-air missiles.

In this way, the Air Force will have 7 Xiaolong squadrons, 4 F35A squadrons, 2 J-16 squadrons, and 1 J-16D squadron, a total of 8 fighters. It is twice as many as before.

And there are 48 F35 stealth fighters, which are not inferior to the US F117 stealth fighters.

After adding the purchase list to the shopping cart, Louis did not buy it immediately.

He waited for the money from Xinghai Bank to be loaned to the Colombian government, and then to his personal bank account.

Anyway, he was not in a hurry to use it.

Then, he opened the talent recruitment system

"System, recruit 2,000 special forces, choose the Indo-European race."

The so-called Indo-European race refers to the mixed-race offspring of Indians and European whites.

The reason for choosing the Indo-European race is mainly because the Panamanian group accounts for 70% of the population. If you want to control Panama and merge with Colombia, you must make the dead soldiers of different races.

"Ding, the recruitment is successful, 10 million US dollars will be deducted, do you want to cash it out immediately?"


Louis chose the location on the map as the southern region, near the direction of Columbia, a dense jungle, and no one was around.

Then he spent another $1 million to buy enough weapons and equipment for everyone.

(Ps: A little stuck, sorry!! Sorry for the plot later)

I'm a sabmado

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