"Sanctions must be imposed on Panama."

The White House in the United States.

After learning that the spokesperson they supported was elected president, he was controlled by the Panamanian military and the election was declared invalid. President Bush, who had just taken office for half a year, shouted hysterically.

As the spokesperson of Anza, he was a military man and was known for his tough style.

A small Central American country actually disobeyed the United States. In his opinion, this was seeking death.

"Mr. President, we should quickly mobilize our troops in Panama to protect the interests of our country. Otherwise, if we continue to be manipulated by this dictator, our interests will suffer serious losses."The new four-star general of the United States, Secretary of Defense Milley, said righteously.

The military is the spokesperson of Angsa. As the only country in the world with a military-industrial complex, every war in the United States is driven by Angsa's military-industrial complex.

As long as the war breaks out, a steady supply of weapons and ammunition is needed, and these military-industrial enterprises make a lot of money by relying on war orders.���

The United States also relies on wars and strong military and industrial strength to maintain its status as a hegemon.

Therefore, the United States is a country kidnapped by arms dealers. In this case, as long as there is a sign

, the arms dealers will instruct their own interest representatives to put pressure on them, whether it is members of Congress or powerful military officials.

Even the president of the United States was paid by Angsana.

Bush Sr. naturally knew what the military meant, but he felt that things had not come to this point. Unlike the military's thinking, as a president he had to consider many factors, and once a war broke out, he had to consider the attitudes of other Latin American countries, especially the increasingly powerful Colombia, which had a large number of advanced weapons and equipment.

You know, at the beginning of the century.

Panama was the country that the United States forcibly split from Colombia.

After thinking for a moment, he said:"The interests of the United States must be maintained. There is no doubt about this. We must put pressure on the Panamanian military to make it give up its wrong decision and return to the path of justice as soon as possible. So I propose to announce a full range of sanctions against Panama to force the Panamanian military to hand over power to the new president."

Panama is a small country with no oil and mineral resources in the country and a population of more than 2.3 million. If it were not for the Panama Canal, it would be able to collect a lot of tolls, which is similar to many poor countries.

The main ships passing through this canal are basically heading to the east coast of the United States.

Therefore, this waterway is particularly important for the United States to connect the east and west coasts, so the Southern Command is established here, with 13,000 garrisons stationed.

The current military is obviously an anti-American element. In this case, the military must be forced to hand over to the United States to support the spokesperson.

Hearing Bush Sr. say sanctions first, Milley was a little regretful, but he did not object.

In his opinion, it is nothing more than waiting a little longer.

Noriega, the real power holder of the Panamanian military, will definitely not hand over power. If he wanted to, he would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?

So the war will have to be fought sooner or later.

The next day, the United States announced economic sanctions against Panama.

The situation between the United States and Panama suddenly became tense.

As a neighbor of Panama, Colombia was not idle either. The intelligence department further infiltrated, including sending Wing Loong 2 drones to conduct reconnaissance on the US military stationed in Panama, and at the same time infiltrating the Panamanian military.

Knowing yourself and the enemy will win every battle. You must first understand the situation of the US military stationed in Panama before you can take the initiative in the subsequent war.

Faced with pressure from the US government, Noriega also made a tough statement, demanding that the US military withdraw its troops from Panama.

And threatened that if the United States interfered in Panama's internal affairs again, the canal would be closed.

Ships heading to the east coast of the United States are not allowed to pass through here.

This threat is undoubtedly a bad move.

It is like killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of your own.

Faced with the threat from the Panamanian military, the US government used strong words and warned again that the consequences of shaking the US interests would be very serious.

The situation suddenly became much more tense.

In order to seek support, Noriega visited Havana, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Venezuela.

These countries are now anti-American, and the regimes are controlled by people supported by the Soviet Union.

To be precise, after the awakening of nationalists in various countries, they did not want their countries to act as lackeys of the United States, so they made friends with the Soviet Union.

And the Soviet Union also wanted to create trouble for the United States, so it supported these countries.

Send them weapons.

Train the army, etc.

In fact, what they do is no different from the United States.

These anti-American countries are naturally very happy to have one more camp in their camp. They have expressed their support for Noriega and denounced the US government for interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

And Noriega's visit to several other countries and his instigation undoubtedly angered the US government, and further decided to send troops to overthrow Noriega.

Just when the situation was tense.

In the southern part of Panama, an organization called the Youth Army quietly emerged and quickly controlled the southern Darien Province and the Embera-Vonean Autonomous Region, covering nearly 16,800 square kilometers.

It seems incredible, but it is true.

Half of the 2.3 million Panamanians live in Panama City, and 90% of the remaining population live in the northern region.

In the southern region, except for Panama City, there are less than 20,000 people in several provinces combined.

It can be said that Panama is a highly centralized country. It is precisely because of this that the Youth Army was able to seize two southern provinces (autonomous regions) and control several towns in less than two months. They also raised a banner and announced their support for the military forces headed by Noriega and opposed the United States' interference in Panama's internal affairs.

Noriega wanted to send troops to wipe out this force. He thought it was secretly supported by the United States, but when he saw this force that suddenly emerged, he announced his support for himself.

In addition, since it was in the southern region where there were few people, Noriega did not send troops.

However, he still sent people to contact the Youth Army.

After all, they support themselves and are against the United States, which is more or less a help.

The Americans don't care about this force.

The main target is still the Panamanian military.

At night.

Located in Ibague, Villatolima Province.

Air Force Base.

Luis, Air Force Commander Barrit, Air Force Chief of Staff Antonio, Air Force Deputy Commander Thomas and others came to this place more than 60 kilometers away from Bogota.

Originally this was just a simple base.

After a year of construction, it has become an important military base of the Colombian Air Force.

One runway has also been changed to 3 runways, which can take off and land aircraft at the same time.

At this time, under the lighting, the airport apron appeared very bright, and you could see fighter planes parked with the naked eye.、

""Boss, this is our new fighter plane?"

Barritt and the other two were surprised when they saw the new fighter plane.

They were dead soldiers, not reborn people.

Naturally, they would not be like Louis, who had seen the F35.

"Yes, this is the future main fighter of the Air Force. I call it the fifth-generation fighter, that is, a stealth fighter, which is similar to the F117 stealth fighter currently in service in the United States."

The US F117 stealth fighter was exposed last year, and Barritt and others have also seen the news reports.

"I think from the perspective of appearance, this fighter is much brighter than the US F117A." (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) After taking a closer look, Thomas, the deputy commander of the Air Force, said

"Thomas is right, this fighter is indeed much more beautiful than the American F117. The two comparisons, one is like a semi-finished product, and the other is a complete product. The old American F117 gives people a rough feeling."

Antonio echoed. Luis smiled and said,"Appearance is just a plus point, the main thing is performance. I brought you here today to see it, mainly to speed up the arrangement of pilots to run-in and form combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

"By then, it will be the main force against the US F117"

""Understood, boss, please rest assured that we will not embarrass you."

The three of them became serious after hearing this, and said to Louis with a serious look.

He waved his hand and accompanied the three of them to watch the F35 fighter. I have to admit that this American fighter is really beautiful.

"" By the way, boss, what's the code name of this model?"

Antonio suddenly asked.

Luis wanted to say F35, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

He planned to use the English name directly like Xiaolong.

Let's call it"Thunderbird".

F35 is nicknamed Lightning 2.

In order to match Xiaolong and unify the animal, it is called"Thunderbird".[]

As for the J-16, the original name"Qianlong" is still used."


The three of them looked at the F35 in front of them and thought that the name was quite fitting.

After staying at the base for more than an hour, Louis left. Before leaving, he tried his best to remind them not to expose themselves too early, but they still had to train. After all, they had to train. Only in this way could they form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

When he returned to Bogota, Mingyue Manor.

Seeing Wang Zuxian still watching TV in the living room, Louis walked over, put his arm around her waist, and asked,"It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I'll wait for you."

Wang Zuxian was delighted to see him coming back.

After a year in Columbia, their relationship quickly warmed up as they had to communicate in depth every day.

Over time, even if they had no feelings for each other before, they did now.

Hearing that he was waiting for him, Louis smiled and said,"Didn't I tell you, it's too late. If I'm not back, you should go to bed early. You don't have to not wait for me!"

"Well, Louis, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"My parents and my brother are coming to Columbus."

"Really? That's a good thing. When they come over, they can accompany you."

After hearing that Wang Zuxian's parents were from Colombia, Louise was very supportive. With his family here, Wang Zuxian can be more at ease and stay here.

After seeing that Louise didn't look unhappy, Wang Zuxian breathed a sigh of relief.

She had been in Colombia for a year, but she knew very well how powerful the man next to her was in Colombia. He had been promoted to major general less than a year after entering the army. What she didn't know was that Louise was also the boss behind the Colombian government, controlling this country with a population of 30 million.

"When will your parents and your brother arrive?"

"The day after tomorrow morning"

"OK, then you let me know the day after tomorrow, and I'll go with you then."

Louis thought about it, and since there was nothing important the day after tomorrow, she would go with Wang Zuxian.

Wang Zuxian was delighted when she heard this. She told Louis that she didn't want him to go, but just wanted Louis to know about this in advance to avoid him being unhappy. Unexpectedly, Louis was willing to go, which made Wang Zuxian very happy and felt valued.

"You are so busy, forget it, just let me pick them up myself."

Moved, Wang Zuxian was unwilling to delay Louis's business.

Even though she really wanted Louis to accompany her to the airport.

Louis reached out and touched Wang Zuxian's face, and smiled:"No matter how busy you are, you can still find time to take some time to meet your parents. Besides, they came from Taiwan, thousands of miles away. If I don't go, you may not be able to raise your head or speak in front of your parents."

"OK, it's decided. Remember to notify me when the time comes."


Wang Zuxian nodded heavily, and looked at Louis with a hint of love.

At this moment, her heart was deeply moved again.

Although the first time was not very good, after getting along with each other, her feelings for Louis gradually changed qualitatively.

A wealthy man with a net worth of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars, a powerful general, who can still take care of her meticulously, is much better than those wealthy and second-generation people in Hong Kong.

Maybe it was Louis' words that touched Wang Zuxian.

When turning off the lights to rest, Wang Zuxian seemed particularly proactive, insisting on not letting Louis waste until he was full, and then he let someone go.

Late at night, seeing Wang Zuxian sleeping soundly, Louis smiled.

Women, in fact, are not difficult to deal with if you use some heart. It depends on whether you have the intention.

Of course, the premise is that you have to be good enough..

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