Two days passed in a flash.

At Bogota International Airport, a passenger plane from the United States landed quietly.

Several Dragon-looking people got off the plane with their luggage and were stopped by someone.

"Hello, are you Mr. Wang Yaohuang from Taiwan?"

""What did the eldest and second son say?"

Wang Yaohuang and his wife did not speak English, so they naturally could not understand each other.

The eldest son did not reply to his father, but spoke to the customs officer in front of him in English:"Hello, this is my father, Wang Yaohuang, may I ask you something?"

The second son explained to Wang Yaohuang what the customs officer said.

He acted as a translator.

"Hello Mr. Wang, someone wants to see you, please follow me.

The customs officer smiled and then extended his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

"Dad, he said someone wants to see us and asked us to go with him."The eldest brother Wang Zuan said

"Brother, I heard that customs officers in Europe and America like to collect tips, just like in Annan and other Southeast Asian countries, they call people to a small room and deliberately make things difficult for them, asking for tips. If you don't give them, you will often be beaten up."

The second brother Wang Zuquan whispered


After hearing what Wang Zuquan said, the four of them became a little nervous.

"Let's go. It's a blessing or a curse. We can't avoid it. At most, we can just take some money and be done with it."

Wang Yaohuang gritted his teeth and said.

The three of them agreed.

Since they were already here, what else could they do ? The four of them followed the customs officers.

Just when they thought they were going to be taken to a small room, they found that they were not.

Instead, they walked to a place that seemed to be a parking lot.

There were dozens of soldiers in military uniforms and holding weapons.

They found that Wang Zuxian was standing in front of several military vehicles and waving at them.

There was also a man standing next to him, a man in military uniform.

Since entering the military system, the security forces around Louis have been upgraded to a higher level.

In addition to plainclothes bodyguards such as Elro, a company of special forces bodyguards has been added, and the personnel were transferred from the special service regiment.

Although his body has been strengthened, whether it is agility, speed, ears, or body His qualities have been greatly improved, and he is wearing a nano-bionic suit, but it is better to be careful than to be cautious.

Of course, if you want to kill him, you can't rely on a sniper rifle, unless there is a rocket, and it explodes within one meter, otherwise you will be injured at most.

Thanks to the genetic medicine, as long as he doesn't die on the spot, the cells will automatically repair and recover after being injured.

Therefore, ordinary assassinations have no effect on him.

Unless you use powerful precision-guided rockets and missiles, you can't do anything to him.

Even if you are within one meter, there is still a nano-bionic suit that can resist the energy generated by the explosion, and then it is his own body.

Now, in Columbia, where guns are banned everywhere, it is almost impossible to pull out an RPG rocket launcher to attack in the city.



""Big brother, second brother, you are finally here."

Before he even got closer, Wang Zuxian ran up and greeted his family with a happy face.

Louis did not go up.

They haven't seen each other for a long time and have a lot to say, so he should not disturb them.

The Wang family was relieved to see that Wang Zuxian was fine.

Seeing a large group of soldiers with live ammunition outside, and a general with a gold star on his shoulder looking at him, Wang Yaohuang hurriedly asked:"Xiaoxian, who are these people? What are they doing?"

Louis, whose hearing was greatly enhanced, could hear the voices of several people chatting from a distance.

Seeing the Wang family looking at him, Louis smiled and walked up.

Just as he was about to introduce, Wang Zuxian saw Louis coming over, so he said happily:"Dad, Mom, big brother, second brother, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend Louis"

"Louis, this is my parents and my oldest and second oldest brothers."

"Hello, uncle, aunt, eldest brother, and second brother."

Louis smiled and stretched out his hand to greet the Wang family.

Several people were a little flattered. After all, Louis was wearing a military uniform and had a gold star on his shoulder. He was a general. For ordinary people like them, he was undoubtedly a big shot.

What's more, Louis was still so young. It was self-evident what a general in his 20s meant.

After shaking hands, Louis smiled and said to the Wang family:"Uncle and aunt, get in the car first, and we'll talk when we get home."

This is a public area and not very safe.

Wang Zuxian also said:"Yes, Mom and Dad, eldest brother, and second brother get in the car first, and we'll talk when we get back."

The Wang family nodded, and under the guidance of the two, they got into two Toyota SUVs respectively. Louis got into his special version of the bulletproof Hummer.

Wang Zuxian also sat next to them.

Soon, the convoy left the airport and headed towards the city center.

At this moment, sitting in a Toyota SUV, he was looking at the exotic scenery outside the window while chatting with his wife.

"Aren't you Xiaoxian's boyfriend a businessman? How come you suddenly became a soldier, and a major general?"

"I don't know anymore, she told me this last time, it's been a year, maybe something has changed."The Queen Mother also looked suspicious.

She clearly remembered that a few months ago, when she communicated with her daughter, she clearly said that she was doing business.

How come it changed in the blink of an eye? (bhcc)

"Husband, what do you think of my boyfriend?"

"Very good, speaks fluent Mandarin, and has a very friendly attitude."

Wang Yaohuang thought about the meeting just now and gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"I think it's pretty good, too." The Queen Mother was also very satisfied.

Women, whether they are sons-in-law or daughters-in-law, are always the first to observe and size up.

There is no doubt that Louis's performance made her very satisfied.

Although he is a foreigner, he can speak Mandarin, which means there is no communication barrier between husband and wife.

What's more, he is so handsome, tall, full of energy, and a perfect match for her daughter.

But thinking of the gold star on Louis' shoulder, she was a little worried:"Do you think this Louis family is particularly noble in this country?"

"Well, I guess so." Wang Yaohuang nodded:"Think about it, how many people in the world have been promoted to generals in their 20s?"

"This Louis family is definitely extraordinary, and it is very likely to be a top family in the Colombian military."

As a man, Wang Yaohuang, who had served in the military, obviously knew better than his wife how important it was to be a general.

In Taiwan, the youngest person who can become a general must be in his forties, and that is when his career is going smoothly.

The vast majority of people only end up as colonels at the end of the year.

It is absolutely rare to be promoted to general.

What's more, he is a young man in his twenties.

Hearing her husband say this, Wang's mother became more worried.

The family is too prominent, while their Wang family is just an ordinary family in Taiwan. The gap is not ordinary.

Seeing the worry in his wife's eyes, Wang Yaohuang patted her shoulder and comforted her:"Don't worry, Xiaoxian will handle these things. Besides, there is no point in you worrying"

"That's true, I'm just worried about the child."

The worry in the eyes of the Queen Mother did not dissipate.

Daughters are the apple of the mother's eye. After all, they are all women. If they want to marry out, they will naturally have more worries.

After hearing what his wife said, Wang Yaohuang was also a little worried.

At this moment, the Wang brothers sitting in another car were also discussing Louis

"Brother, Xiaoxian's boyfriend is very unusual. He is a general at such a young age. This is a bit......"

""Okay, second brother, stop talking."

Wang Zuan interrupted his brother and signaled to the driver in front with his eyes. Wang Zuquan said nothing more after hearing that, and just talked about the scenery outside.

Twenty minutes later, the convoy drove into a hotel in the city center.

It is called a hotel, but it is actually a mansion built by the government, mainly to receive distinguished guests. It is generally not open to the public.

But when Louis came, it was naturally different.

The reason why he did not bring the Wang family back to Mingyue Manor was mainly because there were two goblins in the house, and there were also a few ghost women. It was really inconvenient to take them, so as not to embarrass the Wang family.

So he deliberately brought them to this place called"Davidson Mansion"

"What a big lawn."

After getting off the car, Queen Mother's eyes lit up when she saw the thousands of square meters of lawn in front of her.

""Mom, this is nothing. There is a bigger lawn in the back, at least tens of thousands of square meters, and a special horse farm and golf course. I will take you around after the arrangements are made."

Hearing that there was a horse farm and a golf course, Wang's mother wanted to ask her daughter if she lived in such a place on weekdays.

However, because Louis was next to her, she couldn't ask.

Soon, with the help of the servants of the mansion, the Wang family moved in.

While Louis was on the phone, Wang's mother took her daughter's���, went to the side and asked:"Xiaoxian, where is this?"

"Oh, this is Louis's property, which is usually used to receive some VIPs and dignitaries."

"Oh." The Queen Mother showed a look of realization:"Then where do you live?"

"He and I live in Mingyue Manor, about four or five kilometers away from here."

Knowing what the Queen Mother was thinking, Wang Zuxian comforted her:"Mom, it's not convenient to take you there, but don't worry, the environment there is better than here."

Wang Zuxian also wanted to take her family over to have a look, but when she thought of Louis's large group of women, if her parents knew about it, they would probably worry about her again, so she supported Louis' arrangement here.

Hearing that it was inconvenient to take her there, the Queen Mother was a little disappointed, but when she heard that it was better than here, she felt much more relieved. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Afraid that her daughter would misunderstand that she was thinking too much, the Queen Mother clapped her hands gently and said:"It's okay, if it's not convenient, don't go. Dad, I and your older brother and second brother came here mainly to see you. Now that we see that there is no problem with you, we are relieved."

Wang Zuxian said:"Mom, don't worry, I live very well here. There are special people to serve me. I have everything I need for food and clothing. I can buy whatever I want."

"Ah That's good"

"That's right." The Queen Mother suddenly remembered something:"Didn't you tell me last time that Louis was doing business? How come when we met today, he became a soldier?"

"Oh, that was the case before. Recently, he handed over his business to a professional manager and joined the army."

"Why do you want to join the army? It would be so dangerous if a war breaks out."

"Mom, he is a staff officer. He is not leading troops on the front line. He is in the rear to make plans and command operations."

Hearing that he was not on the front line, the Queen Mother breathed a sigh of relief.

She wanted to ask something, but she saw Louis coming back, so she didn't ask any more.

"Uncle, aunt, it’s getting late, let’s go eat first. After we’re done, you’ll have some time to chat, how about that?"

"Thank you, Louis."

The Queen Mother stood up and said.

Louis smiled and said,"Auntie, you are too polite. You are Xiaoxian's mother. This is what I should do."

The Queen Mother heard this and smiled happily.

Wang Zuxian on the side also showed a happy smile on his face.[]

When the Wang family arrived at the restaurant downstairs and saw the table full of sumptuous lunch, they were obviously shocked again, especially the huge Australian lobsters, tuna, and king crabs. Their eyes were full of shock. After eating and drinking, Louis received a phone call and left for something.

Wang Zuxian stayed.

After all, he hadn't seen his family for more than a year, and he naturally missed them and wanted to stay together more.

The Wang family also wanted to talk to Wang Zuxian alone.

After closing the door, he began to ask about Louis' family background.

When they learned that Louis' parents were dead and he was an orphan, the Wang family was stunned and surprised.

This was obviously beyond their expectations.

Later they learned that Louis was a billionaire with a net worth of tens of billions. He had many companies in Hong Kong Island and also many companies in Columbia. They were shocked again.

Tens of billions.

At first, they thought that the rich man their daughter found was at most a billionaire.

Now it seems that they were wrong.

He is indeed a billionaire, but with a few words in front.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, if you like this place, you can stay."


"Yes, although there are many Latin Americans here, there are also many Dragon people. If you like it here, I can arrange a job for the eldest and second brothers. They can work in Louis' company. If the eldest and second brothers want to go into politics, Louis said he can also arrange it for them to be mayors."

Wang Zuxian said

"Besides, if you move here, our family can be together again."


The king's father and mother were somewhat moved

"Big brother, second brother, what do you think?"

Wang Yaohuang looked at his eldest and youngest sons.

"Sister, can I ask, I want to join the army, can he arrange it for me?"

The second brother, Wang Zuquan, asked first.

"Join the army?"

Wang Zuxian looked surprised

"Why are you going to be a soldier?"

The Queen Mother disagreed.

"Mom, I just want to be a soldier."

Wang Zuquan retorted

"Second brother, if you want to join the army, I can help you ask, but mom is right, you can't go to the front line."

Lewis hadn't said anything about joining the army before, and she couldn't say it was okay.

"Yes, let’s ask Louis about this matter first. The Queen Mother didn’t want her youngest son to join the army. In her opinion, it was too dangerous.

""Brother, what about you?"

Wang Zuxian looked at his eldest brother who didn't speak.

Wang Zuan shrugged:"I don't care, as long as the family is together, we can do anything."

As soon as these words came out, Wang's father and mother showed relieved eyes.

Wang Zuxian smiled and said:"Brother, you have to choose one."

"That...Then I will go to the company."

Wang Zuan hesitated and decided that it would be better to go to the company.

"OK, I'll go back and tell Louis tonight."

"Will this bother him?"

"No, for Louis, it was just a phone call.

That night,

Wang Zuxian returned home, lying in Louis' arms, and said these two things.

"You can join the army. Let your second brother join the National Guard. It is a second-line unit and is safer. Let him be an ordinary soldier first. When there is a chance, I will find someone to promote him."

"As for your eldest brother, it's easy. After they have rested for a few days, you take him to Xinghai Group to find Xavier, and he will solve it."

This matter is a small matter for him.

Hearing this, Wang Zuxian happily offered her red lips:"Thank you, Louis."

Louis hugged her plump waist and smiled:"What are you thanking me for? We are all family, no need to be so polite"


Wang Zuxian rested his head on his chest.

Suddenly, he noticed something strange about little Louis.

Wang Zuxian raised his eyes slightly, glanced at someone, and then slid down.


In the next few days.

Wang Zuxian accompanied the Wang family, and Louis would go over to have a meal and chat when he had time.

It was quite pleasant.

And after the Wang family came, Wang Zuxian smiled more often.

(Ps: This is a pit buried before the improvement...If you don't like it, just skip this kind of plot....I beg you to support and subscribe. I will still focus on arms and hegemony. This will not change. Occasionally I will write about life and pick up girls.)

I'm a sabmado

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