In October, the situation in Panama became increasingly tense.

Small-scale conflicts broke out in the capital Panama City. Some radical people threw eggs at the US military camps and embassy to protest against the US military and demanded that the US military get out of Panama.

Although Noriega is a soldier, he is very flexible. Faced with the outbreak of domestic conflicts under increasing sanctions, he successfully shifted the spearhead to the US military.

After all, the US military controls the Panama Canal.

It is said to be a permanent lease, but it prevents Panamanians from entering the canal.

Although a new"Panama Canal Treaty" was signed in 1977, it stipulates that the treaty shall be jointly managed by a management committee composed of officials from both countries.

The new treaty expires in 1999, after which it will be managed solely by Panamanians.

However, after the signing of the treaty, most of the money earned went into the hands of pro-American officials.

Now Noriega has publicly exposed this matter and tried many officials, which undoubtedly won the support of many young people.

And pointed the contradiction to the United States.

It is claimed that the United States earns more than one billion US dollars from the Panama Canal every year.

For a country with a GDP of less than 4 billion US dollars, more than a billion US dollars is undoubtedly a heavy figure.

Many young people think that if these billions of dollars were not earned by the United States, it would undoubtedly improve people's living standards.

Under sanctions, the economy deteriorated and conflicts increased. Under Noriega's guidance, Panama set off an anti-American wave.

Faced with the deteriorating situation, the United States also formally issued a war warning to Panama, demanding that the Panamanian military punish Noriega.

It is undoubtedly a joke to ask the Panamanian military to punish the head of the military.

So in the face of the United States, the Panamanian military ignored it.

In October, Panama's newly formed National Congress announced the abolition of parliament, entered the"State of War Law", and ordered the country to enter war preparedness.

And announced Noriega as the head of government.

At the same time, it also announced that Panama and the United States were in a state of war.

This undoubtedly made the situation more tense.

In December, the Panamanian government announced that four U.S. soldiers fired at the headquarters of the Panamanian Defense Forces. The two sides fought, resulting in one U.S. soldier dead and one injured. The government announced that it would expel the U.S. troops and mobilize the army.

On the U.S. side, seeing that it could not control the Panama Canal without overthrowing Noriega, it decided to take this opportunity to attack Panama and overthrow Noriega's regime.

The two sides mobilized, and the war seemed to be imminent.

As a neighboring country, the Colombian military was not idle either, in addition to stockpiling supplies.

The National Guard was also expanded again, upgrading the original regiment to a brigade, and reorganizing it into 11 brigades, totaling more than 60,000 people, as a reserve.

In terms of the regular army, the Air Force increased its training, and the Army deployed an army on the border with Panama.

You know, there was only one brigade before that.

Moreover, there is another army around that can support here in a short time.

There are 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Panama. In order to quickly take Panama, the U.S. military decided to dispatch the 1st Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division, the 16th Military Police Brigade, a brigade of the 7th Infantry Division, and the 4th Infantry Division of the 5th Division.

In addition, the Air Force mobilized a large number of transport aircraft to send troops by air transport, and took out the F117A stealth fighter-bomber to practice.

The Marine Corps dispatched a company of the 2nd Armored Infantry Battalion and a company of the 3rd Battalion of the 6th Regiment.

A total of 27,000 people, of which 15,000 were new.

Determined to use superior forces to launch an attack on 27 military target strongholds of the National Defense Force of the Noriega regime at the same time.

The defending Panamanian army has only 11,000 National Guards, 1 airborne detachment, 8 light infantry companies, and a large number of militias, with a total force of 1.54 million.

In fact, there are less than 6,000 people who can really fight.

The rest are police, militia, and soy sauce.

Moreover, of these 6,000, more than 2,000 are scattered in the northern region, and there are only more than 4000 troops left in Panama City.

After intensively formulating strategies, the US military launched an attack at 1 a.m. on the 20th. It attacked the town of Rio Hato, southwest of Panama City, where the 6th and 7th Infantry Companies of the PAN Defense Force are stationed.

The F117 stealth fighter-bomber bombed the town, destroying the barracks and anti-aircraft artillery bases, and many PAN Defense Force soldiers were killed in their sleep.

At the same time, a"Navy SEAL" special commando destroyed Noriega's private yacht, cutting off Noriega's escape route from the air and sea.

The US Task Force 5 launched an attack on the remaining 27 military bases.

A day later, in Panama City, the PAN Defense Force had stopped resisting.

But the most elite"Dignity Camp" militia, which was also composed of young people, resisted and attacked the US Southern Command, and was caught off guard. Fortunately, the surrounding troops provided timely support and repelled the attack.

Colombia, Bogota.

Ministry of National Defense

"According to reconnaissance, the Pakistani National Defense Force has given up resistance and surrendered to the US military. Currently, only a small number of militia organizations are still resisting, but they are facing a net-like encirclement and suppression by the US military, and failure is inevitable."

Ed preached while holding an intelligence document

""Where is Noriega? Where is he?" Louis asked.

Hearing this, Ed said,"According to our investigation, he is seeking political asylum, but the roads to the embassies in Nicaragua, Hawana, Miru, and Bahama are all blocked by the US military. Now it seems that he is heading to the Vatican Embassy."

Louis frowned and said in a deep voice,"Noriega must not be caught by the US military. If he is caught by the US military, the US military will be able to quickly quell the Panamanian civil resistance organization."

"So, boss, do you need us to send troops to rescue him?" Ed asked.

Louis shook his head, his tone cold:"No, a dead Noriega is more important to us."

Although rescuing Noriega can gain the support of a group of his followers, Noriega is the head of a country after all, and he is certainly unwilling to be a puppet. It is better not to rescue a disobedient person than to kill him, and then frame the US military to provoke the anger of Panamanian nationalists and the people's determination to resist.

Even if Noriega is unpopular, he is the head of Panama after all. Being shot by the US military will inevitably make the Panamanian people more anti-American. In this way, it will destroy the US military's idea of quickly pacifying Panama.

"Do we have the manpower to snipe him before he enters the Vatican?"

"Yes, there are two intelligence agents following him."

"Then find an opportunity to kill him, and remember, don't let anyone recognize him.

If someone recognizes that the person who shot Noriega is not white, then he will not be able to frame the US military.

"Got it!"

Ed nodded, got up and left the room.

"What's going on with the Youth Army?"

Louis looked at Gavin.

He was communicating with the Youth Army leader, Laki.

Louis didn't intervene after recruiting them.

"They now have about 3,500 people, and have absorbed many Panamanian young people. They are not currently participating in the counterattack against the US military."

After a pause, Gavin looked at Louis and said,"Boss, with their weapons and equipment, it may be difficult for them to fight against the US military."


Louis certainly knew this. It was obviously unrealistic to defeat the U.S. military with a single weapon.

"So, I plan to support them with some heavy weapons, and send them a batch of RPG rocket launchers and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles."

"There are two things. Using tactics, it is no problem to destroy their armed helicopters and armor."

The southern part of Panama, near the Atlantic Ocean, is mountainous, very suitable for guerrilla warfare.

And the mountains extend all the way to 20 kilometers outside Panama City. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Although these mountains are not high in altitude, the mechanization of the US military cannot be used.

Let them hide in the mountains and occasionally launch rockets towards Panama City and the canal to disrupt the mentality of the US military.

"In addition, after Noriega is killed, let Laki raise the anti-American banner. The US military will surely attack, and we can use the border issue to intervene."

He planned to learn from the Dragon Kingdom's handling of the North Dynasty and Annan's affairs, prohibiting the US dollar from extending the war to the border. With the arrogance of the US military and the previous contradictions, it is bound to continue to provoke. As long as the provocation continues, he will take the opportunity to send troops to Panama and fight with it.

At that time, it is possible to declare that Panama has been the territory of Colombia since ancient times.

In fact, it was the same.

Before 1907, it had always belonged to Colombia.

After determining the action plan, Luis left the meeting room and returned to his own office.

He opened the system and directly purchased 500 RPGs and 15 00 rockets plus 200 sets of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

In addition, he also recruited 2,000 ordinary soldiers and equipped them with individual weapons and equipment.

Finally, in order to effectively strike the US military, the Youth Army was equipped with 3 TB-2 reconnaissance and strike drones and a dozen operators.

This Husky (Ottoman) country-made drone has poor performance, but it is still very advanced at the moment. Even if it is shot down, he will not feel bad and worry about leaking secrets.

He is unwilling to send advanced drones such as Wing Loong, Rainbow, and Attack. If they are shot down by the US military, he will pick up If it rises, wouldn't that be helping the enemy?

Therefore, it is enough to send the TB-2 reconnaissance and strike integrated drone with average performance.

The missile is also equipped with the Husky Archer small intelligent air-to-ground cruise missile.

This mini cruise missile weighs only 30 kilograms, can fly at a speed of 0.7 Mach, cruise at a speed of 0.3 Mach, and has a range of 200 kilometers. It can be guided by line-of-sight communication through the drone.

It can completely rely on Columbia's existing satellites to provide guidance, and the actual combat range should be larger when equipped with drones.

After all, the TB-2 reconnaissance and strike integrated drone can fly Traveled more than 200 kilometers.

Directly materialized this batch of weapons in the area near the town of Acandi controlled by the Youth Army.

Panama City.

A street near the Vatican Steel Embassy. At this time, two Colombian intelligence officers received instructions from the country through satellite communications.

They took out their sniper rifles and lay on the roof of a building, aiming at the street below.

This is the only way to go.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the target person to come here in disguise.

Although he was in disguise, the two confidants around Noriega were not.

It goes without saying who the disguised person they protected was.


After aiming at the opponent, the sniper fired decisively.[]

The bullet flew out of the barrel quickly.

In an instant,

Noriega, who was rushing to the Vatican Steel Embassy, had his head"popped" and blood splattered. Seeing the hole on Noriega's forehead, the two confidants panicked and looked around quickly, looking for a sniper.

The two intelligence officers retreated immediately after seeing the hit, and they didn't even need the sniper rifles in their hands.

They left here quickly.

Soon, the US Southern Command received the news that Noriega was killed.

But there was no joy at all.

"Fuck! Who the hell killed him?"

"Search the area thoroughly and find the person."

Admiral Kurt of the Southern Command slammed the table angrily and shouted.

The Pentagon's order was to capture him alive.

Now he is dead....

Doesn't this mean that someone wants to fish in troubled waters and blame the US military for Noret's death?

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