It is obviously impossible to just wait for the US military to conduct a sweep to find the gunman.

"Boss, the target person has been killed."

Ed called to report.

Upon hearing this, Louis made a prompt decision:"Spread the news immediately. Remember, don't let our Colombian newspapers report it. Spread the news to the Middle East, South America and other countries. We will report it after overseas reports."

At this time, if Colombia reported the news that Noriega was shot by the US military first, the Americans would probably suspect that it was Colombia who did it.

This is different from the character he created for Colombia.

Moreover, he does not want to see a premature confrontation.

If Colombia reports it after other countries report it, the Americans will not suspect that it was Colombia who did it secretly.

They will only suspect whether it was done by Ha Wana or Su Xiong's agents.


Ed immediately mobilized people in South America to spread the news.

Soon a Brazilian newspaper reported the news of Noriega's murder.

The report pointed out that the U.S. military deliberately killed Noriega in order to prevent Noriega from seeking political asylum from the Vatican Embassy in order to facilitate control of Panama.

Although this news report was quickly dealt with, the"507" news had already been reported. Once the news is out, it is impossible to take it back.

Soon, it was reported by the world media in Venezuela, Havana, Sudan and other countries.

For a time, the news that the U.S. military shot the head of a country spread all over the world.

It caused an uproar, and anti-American forces protested and accused the U.S. military of brutality.

Some neutral countries , and also thought that the US military's behavior was inappropriate. How could they break the rules and shoot the president of a country?

The news fermented overseas, and then Colombia quickly followed up with reports.

At the same time, they secretly asked spies and intelligence personnel to spread the news that Noriega was shot by the US military to Panama City and even the entire Panama.

After a brief silence, Panama City took the lead in protests.

After all, their leader was shot, even if this leader did not do a good job, but he was still a Panamanian.

Now that he was shot by the US military, it is inevitable that people are a little sad.

At the same time, some militia organizations and the National Defense Force led by Noriega, some of the confidants who escaped, also joined the counterattack against the US military after learning about the incident.

On the east bank of the Chepo River, the town of Vacamonte.

This is the Youth Military Control The most forward stronghold of the system.

At this moment, a piece of land outside the town has been leveled into a simple temporary airport.

In order to ensure that the drone can take off smoothly, the ground was compacted with stones, a horizontal line was drawn, and water was poured to ensure that the ground was flat.

A TB-2 reconnaissance and strike drone is being assisted by several staff members, carrying 4 specially made small intelligent air-to-ground cruise missiles.

With a roar, the drone moved.

It moved slowly at the beginning, and then it got faster and faster.

Under the control of the ground control station, it quickly climbed to a height of hundreds of meters.

And climbed rapidly to an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

Then, after the Columbia remote sensing military satellite provided precise coordinates, the drone quickly launched two cruise missiles at the target..

Immediately, it changed another coordinate, launched two cruise missiles at Howard Air Force Base, turned around and left decisively, and ran to the rear.

The former is Quarry Heights, which is the US Southern Command, and the latter is the largest US military base in Panama.

After flying a certain distance, the cruise missile quickly lowered its flight and flew along the terrain at 50 meters above the ground.

Its purpose is to increase the low-altitude assault capability and reduce the probability of being discovered by radar.

Radar has weak reconnaissance capabilities for low-altitude targets, especially cruise missiles with reduced reflection surfaces, which are also in the radar blind spot.

At this time, on a high ground outside the Southern Command, two soldiers were looking at the opposite Panama City.

Suddenly, a black object was flying in the sky.

"Look, what is that?"


"Where is it?"

Following the direction pointed by his companion, the soldier also saw the black object.

"It’s so fast, what is that?"

"A bit like an eagle"

"How big is an eagle?"

"What is that? Is it a missile?"


Suddenly he thought of something and started to panic.

"Shit, that's a low-flying cruise missile."

"What, cruise missiles?"



Two cruise missiles flew quickly over them.

As they ran down the hill

"Boom boom!"

Two cruise missiles successfully hit the target.

""Oh, it!"

Both of them were dumbfounded when they saw the headquarters building of the base being attacked.

At the same time, Howard Air Force Base was also attacked by two cruise missiles.

One F15 fighter was blown up.

One missed and hit the hangar, blowing up several engineers who were doing maintenance inside, along with an F16, and a raging fire broke out. Admiral

Kurt, who heard the news, rushed to the headquarters and saw the headquarters building turned into a pile of ruins. He was scared.

Fortunately, he left because of something. If he hadn't left and was still inside, the result would be... While he was rejoicing, Admiral Kurt was really angry. He immediately found the rescue leader on the scene and asked about the situation.

"General, except for five slightly injured, the remaining thirteen were all killed."

After hearing that thirteen people had died, Kurt's face was as gloomy as charcoal. If nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely be dismissed.

After all, the people who died this time were not ordinary soldiers, most of them were high-ranking officials.

"Fuck!! Find out who did it!"

Just as Admiral Kurt was furious, a communications soldier ran over and said,"General, there's a call from Edwards Air Force Base. They were attacked by two cruise missiles, causing���A fighter plane was seriously destroyed."

Admiral Kurt: ????

At the same time, Columbus also quickly checked the changes in the target attack position through satellites and immediately informed the youth army. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The youth army was overjoyed.

"Great, attacking the US headquarters will also let the Americans see how powerful we are."

Four cruise missiles attacked the US military base, which greatly boosted the confidence of the Youth Army.

While the Youth Army soldiers were celebrating the victory of the attack, the Youth Army leader Laki was not so optimistic.

After the attack, they would inevitably be attacked more brutally by the US military.

"Notify the garrisons in all places to enter the first level of combat. Find another reporter. I want to interview him........."

As for what to interview, it was very simple.

The Youth Army declared war on the United States.

They took up the banner of resistance against the United States and called on all Panamanians to resist.

In this way, many young people with insight will inevitably join.

It is very beneficial for controlling Panama in the future.

Soon a reporter was brought over trembling.

Without any nonsense, he turned on the camera and said directly to the camera:"I am the commander-in-chief of the Youth Army. I call on the people of the country to wake up, oppose hegemony, and oppose the United States' interference in Colombia.

I demand that the United States withdraw its troops, otherwise, I will continue to attack the US military!"

Such a tough statement video was soon transmitted to the Pentagon of the United States. Seeing the camera, Laki clamored that he would not retreat and continued to attack the US military.

This is like an ant competing with a child. It is simply overestimating one's own ability.

The order was issued to the Southern Command, requiring Admiral Kurt to expand the scope of the attack.

Focus on the Youth Army and make sure to wipe out the Youth Army.

Admiral Kurt's face turned black when he learned that the people who bombed the Southern Command building were the Youth Army.

Immediately notify them to hold an emergency combat meeting.

Seeing the leaders of various units gathered in the meeting room, Admiral Kurt said in a deep voice:"Everyone, I just received news that the four cruise missiles were launched by the Youth Army, causing the death of more than a dozen of our soldiers.

The Pentagon called and asked us to deal with this armed force."

"Now, does anyone know the details of the Youth Army?"

After the words fell, no one said anything.

Obviously, no one knew about the Youth Army.

Maybe they had heard of the name, but that was all.

After all, they were all transferred here, and even the troops stationed in Panama had only heard of this organization.

And it was an anti-American force entrenched in the southern part of Panama.

As for how many people this force had and what weapons it had, no one knew.[]

Seeing that no one said anything, Admiral Kurt also had a gloomy face. He immediately ordered the intelligence department to scout the location of the Youth Army.

At the same time, he sent 5,000 army troops to the southern region.

He also applied to the Pentagon to dispatch more troops.

The total force is only more than 27,000 people, and it takes thousands of people to guard the canal.

Now in Panama City, Noriega's killing has led to dozens of conflicts in the city.

Militia organizations have also attacked many times.

Now they have to attack the Youth Army again, and it is obvious that this amount of troops is not enough.

After the Pentagon learned of the situation, it immediately sent a rapid reaction combat brigade from the country to Panama.

Two days later.

60 kilometers away from Panama City, a man named Uni.

The vanguard of the US Army, the 4th of the 5th Infantry Division, is marching.

Several M551 Sheridans and more than a dozen M113 light tanks took the lead, and more than 20 LAV-25 armored vehicles, more than a dozen Hummers and more than a dozen transport vehicles formed a long team and moved slowly forward.

The muddy road left deep tracks and tire marks on the armored vehicles.

At this time, on the hillside of the marching team

, a battalion of more than 400 young soldiers were lying in ambush, looking at the approaching U.S. troops.

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