""Captain, look, there's a helicopter."

Hearing this, Luke looked up and saw a helicopter coming from Panama City.

Obviously, it was here to provide military reconnaissance for the ground troops.

""What should we do now, Captain? We'll be exposed when that helicopter comes over," said Deputy Captain Short.

Luke put down the binoculars and turned his head to say,"Don't we have 12 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles? We can use this AH-1 attack helicopter to practice."

"Yes, I almost forgot that we also have Stinger anti-aircraft missiles."

The deputy battalion commander patted his hands, looking surprised, and immediately asked his people to quickly get the Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.

At this time, the AH-1 armed helicopter in the sky was flying at a low altitude.

He did not notice the danger at all.

After all, in their opinion, the Panamanian Defense Forces were very weak. What kind of weapons could these armed forces have in the poor mountainous areas in the south?

As for the four cruise missiles before, the Colombian military also had them, and they thought the Youth Army got them from the Defense Forces.

"Hey, Raleigh, look at those guys in the Army, it's terrible marching in this weather."The driver said to his companion sitting in the back

"Hughes, do you think those bastards in the headquarters have nothing better to do than to have us come to scout for them? It's just a group of rebels. Is it necessary to take them so seriously? Isn't it better to just stay in the building and watch basketball?"

"Raleigh, you're right, those guys..."Beep, beep."

The sudden alarm interrupted their conversation.

"Shit, it's an anti-aircraft missile."

Seeing an anti-aircraft missile with a white tail flying towards them from a distant mountain, the two were frightened and panicked, mainly because they had never expected to encounter an anti-aircraft missile.

As they said that, they turned around and prepared to release a jamming bomb, but they were still a little slow. At the moment the jamming bomb was released, the Stinger anti-aircraft missile hit them accurately.


The tail of the AH-1 helicopter, which had been in service for seven or eight years, was hit instantly, and the explosion produced a flame.

"Damn, we got hit."

""Fuck!" Seeing the loss of balance and the rapid drop in oil pressure, Hughes said,"Raleigh, this damn helicopter is going to crash."

Just as the two were in a panic, they were planning to make a hard landing.

The main reason was that this armed reconnaissance helicopter was not equipped with an ejection button.

And the helicopter is likely to be hit by the upper wing at that moment of ejection.

Life can be lost in an instant.

So many times, when a helicopter is hit, most of them make a hard landing.

At the same time, the ground troops below also discovered that the armed reconnaissance helicopter was hit.

They immediately panicked.

Because this means that there are enemies nearby.

After dealing with the armed helicopter in the sky, Luke was relieved.

Seeing the panicked American machine gunners below constantly shooting at the surrounding hills, the enemy tanks and armored vehicles were all turning around, facing the hill on the left, obviously intending to use tanks to kill them.

"Tell the firepower squad to kill those ten or so tanks first." Luke said seriously.

"Listen up, the battalion commander said, let's go after the tanks first."

Upon hearing this, the firepower squad members all carried RPG rocket launchers and aimed at several M551 Sheridan tanks at the foot of the mountain.



Rockets flew towards the M551 Sheridan tanks at the foot of the mountain with their tails.

The American battalion commander's face changed drastically as he looked at the RPGs flying down from the top of the mountain.

"It's an RPG!! Hide quickly!!"

A few seconds after the words fell


""Boom boom!"

Although it was launched from a long distance, the M551 Sheridan tank is an airborne light tank with extremely poor armor protection.

Several M551 Sheridan light tanks were hit instantly, bursting into flames and lying on the ground unable to move.

"Da da da!!"

The machine gunner on the armored vehicle fired at the place where the RPG was fired.

However, after firing the RPG rocket, the firepower squad predicted the US military's actions and immediately slid down the reverse slope to avoid the US machine gun fire.

At the same time, the main force of the ambushed Youth Army also quickly fired back.

However, they were suppressed by the enemy's armored vehicle machine gun fire.

Fortunately, they brought enough RPG rockets this time.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh~~"After strategically shifting and avoiding the enemy's machine gun fire, the firepower squad fired a shell at the US M113 armored vehicle below.

There was no need for precise aiming, as the thin skin could penetrate it anyway.


An M113 armored vehicle was hit and instantly went silent.

In addition to killing the machine gunner, soldiers nearby were also injured by the energy generated by the explosion.


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!"



The American battalion commander was furious as he watched his own troops being hit by enemy RPG rockets one after another.

"Damn it, the intelligence was wrong. This group of militants actually had so many RPGs and anti-aircraft missiles. Retreat, retreat quickly!!!"

The U.S. military did not have the spirit of fighting to the death. Seeing that their side was in a feint attack and the enemy had so many RPG rockets, destroying many of their tanks and several armored personnel carriers, they decisively chose to retreat.


Seeing the US troops retreat, Luke decisively ordered an evacuation.

In fact, if the US troops below did not retreat, he would also be ready to evacuate.

Once the exchange of fire lasted for a long time, the US troops in Panama would inevitably send fighter planes to bomb, so they had to retreat.

Ten minutes later, Luke and others who were evacuating heard an explosion from behind, and saw a fighter plane bombarding the place where they had just ambushed.

"Luke, luckily we evacuated in time, otherwise we would have suffered heavy casualties."

Luke smiled and said,"Let's go, go back!"

At this time, they were all camouflaged, with leaves all over their bodies and hats made of branches on their heads. They could not be found in the dense forest.

Unless they lowered their altitude and did low-altitude reconnaissance, they would not be able to find them.

However, the American pilots obviously did not have the courage.

The US Southern Command was shocked to learn that the vanguard had been attacked.

Several tanks, more than a dozen armored vehicles, and an armed helicopter were lost.

Later, when it was learned that the Youth Army actually had a large number of RPG rockets and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, the US military command immediately took it seriously.

First, it ordered the troops to suspend their actions.

An armed force that suddenly emerged actually had Stinger anti-aircraft missiles that the National Defense Force did not have.

It would be strange if there were no ghosts.

Obviously, this force is supported by other foreign forces.

The so-called foreign forces that can provide so many RPG rockets can only be countries, not private armed organizations.

After gradually eliminating these, the US military immediately locked the target.

It is either Venezuela or Colombia.

Havana has the strength, but it is too far away.

The biggest suspect is Colombia.

After all, Colombia borders Panama to the south, and this group of young soldiers that emerged appeared in the south.

If the two It doesn't matter.

Kurt will just bang his head against the wall.

Although he didn't understand why Colombia would do this, he understood that the strength of the young army in front of him was not as simple as he had thought before.

A report was quickly sent to the Pentagon.

After reading the report, the Pentagon was very angry.

It immediately issued a strong condemnation to Colombia.

(To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) It accused the Colombian government of interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and supporting local armed forces, attacking the US military, and strongly condemned it, demanding that Colombia must apologize and compensate, and guarantee that it would no longer interfere in Panama's affairs.

In response, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs completely denied it and refuted it, saying that the US government was framing and framing.

It wanted to throw dirty water on Colombia.

The United States was naturally very angry about the statement made by the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Without saying a word, it directly dispatched an aircraft carrier fleet, intending to exert military pressure on Colombia.

As a result, the atmosphere in the Caribbean region suddenly became tense.


Ministry of Defense.

Conference room.

On the projector, slides were playing one after another.

"According to our satellite reconnaissance, the US 2nd Fleet has dispatched a task force consisting of 10 warships, including an Eisenhower aircraft carrier, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, 2 Spruance-class guided missile destroyers, 3 Perry-class guided missile frigates and transport ships. It has already left its home port and is heading south, probably heading towards us."The atmosphere in the conference room was a bit solemn.

Any aircraft carrier battle group can crush the naval strength of a country.

Louis was not worried, and said with a smile:"The US military has no new tricks. It is a bit ridiculous to think that sending an aircraft carrier battle group can scare us."

"Boss, I suggest that the submarine force launch an anti-ship missile to respond to the enemy!"[]

The commander of the naval fleet spoke up.

Louis shook his head,"The submarine force is a powerful weapon. There is no need to show up at this time. There is no need to launch a submarine attack to deter the US military." The submarine force must not show up.

���Consider buying hundreds of Dongfeng 21D missiles from the system to deter the US military.

However, the naval power, especially the surface ships, is indeed somewhat weak.

"Ottonier, how are the renovations of the naval bases going?"

Last September, Louis asked Ottonier to repair and renovate the naval bases and build a new submarine base. The main content of the renovation, in addition to the docking pier, is to build a cave base (submarine) and a dock.

However, the dock here is very different from the general dock because it does not build ships.

He just wants to build a steel shed to prevent the warships inside from being detected by satellites.

"Two submarine bases have been completed and put into use. In addition, three naval bases have been completed and put into use at any time after adding several steel sheds as you said."


Louis showed a satisfied look.

Now that it has been built, it can be directly materialized when there is a need.

Then we can also catch the U.S. military by surprise.

Putting away his thoughts, he looked at everyone in the conference room:"The war is coming. Although the possibility of the U.S. military starting a war this time is not high, we still have to be prepared for a full-scale war. From now on, the entire army will enter the first level of combat readiness and be ready to respond to U.S. military attacks at any time."


Everyone answered in unison.

After everyone dispersed.

Louis returned to his office and skillfully opened the system mall.

He planned to buy some long-range strike weapons to deter the US military.

The first choice was Dongfeng 17, mainly a weapon. He had heard and seen too much about it in his previous life. It was known as an aircraft carrier killer.

It was said that this missile was designed by Qian Lao's ballistic design. In his previous life, he had seen many online articles about how awesome it was.


【introduce:...It uses a waverider, has a range of 2,500 kilometers, and a speed of Mach 10....】

【System price: 2.7 million US dollars per missile】

(Note, a launch vehicle is given for free when you buy a missile.)

Wow, it's only 2.7 million US dollars per missile.

Louis' eyes lit up when he saw the price.

And a launch vehicle is also given for free.

This thing is good.

Not only is it cheap, but it has a long range and a speed of up to Mach 10, which is a perfect cost-effective.

I looked at the Dongfeng 21D.

Well, the range is much longer, reaching 3,000 kilometers, and the price is also much more expensive, close to 4 million US dollars per missile.

It can form a medium-low combination.

A distance of 3,000 kilometers is undoubtedly enough to hit the US mainland.

According to the calculation of 6 launch vehicles per battalion, a Dongfeng 17 missile battalion is 16.2 million US dollars.

A Dongfeng 21D missile costs 24 million US dollars.

After thinking about it, Louis plans to build 3 missile brigades, which is enough. Too many are useless. The role of this thing is to deter.

Moreover, he plans to buy electromagnetic pulse bombs, which are used to destroy US aircraft carrier battle groups and burn electronic equipment, making the US fleet a sitting duck. For one missile brigade, he plans to have four battalions, or 24 launch vehicles.

Soon, he spent $129.6 million in the system to buy two Dongfeng 17 missile brigades.

He spent another $96 million to buy a Dongfeng 21D missile brigade.

Subsequently, targeted recruitment was used to add skilled soldiers to these missile brigades.

In this way, they can be proficient in firing and do not need to be adjusted.

(Ps: Please support with data!!! The subscription has dropped sharply!!).

Transcript: sabmado

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